Chapter 1095
"Big, big brother..."

chug chug...

"Just, just now... what is that..."

chug chug...

Xiao Zhao's face was pale, and his teeth chattered as he asked.

Su Yi looked at her with a blank expression on purpose, and said in a ghostly manner: "Little girl, I won't let you come, you insist, you have seen my secret, in order to keep the secret, I can only... Humph, you understand!"

Xiao Zhao was stunned for a moment, then suddenly he started laughing, hugged Su Yi's arm and swayed coquettishly, "Brother, I asked you very seriously, so don't make jokes with him!"

She didn't believe that Su Yi would harm her at all.

Su Yi said helplessly: "You are so easy to trust others, you will suffer a lot in the future, what if I am a bad person? What if I tricked you here just to get the soul of a virgin, what should you do?"

"I don't trust others, I only trust big brother!" Xiao Zhao laughed, "Brother, are you... a god?"

In fact, she was still terrified in her heart, but she just tried to calm herself down. She didn't want Su Yi to feel that she was afraid of him, so she treated Su Yi as usual.

This "considerateness" made Su Yi a little dumbfounded, but also a little warm.

"Immortal? I'm still far away." Su Yi took Xiao Zhao's hand and led her out, saying, "I'm just a practitioner who knows how to catch and control ghosts. Xiao Zhao, this time Don't let this matter out to the outside world, otherwise, your elder brother, I will be the target of public criticism in the future, just like Xie Xun with the Dragon Slaying Saber, I'm afraid everyone will want to kill me and then hurry up."

"Since it's a secret that concerns the life of eldest brother, how can you reveal it to Xiao Zhao?" Xiao Zhao held Su Yi's hand tightly, "Brother, it is Xiao Zhao who is ignorant and insists on pestering you..."

"I don't care, I believe you." Su Yi said lightly.

Xiao Zhao's hands tightened again, and after a slight silence, he raised one palm and swore: "Xiao Zhao swears here, if the elder brother reveals this secret from me in the future, teach me..."

Before she finished speaking, Su Yi had already covered her mouth.

"Okay, I am a flying dragon with a jade face, and I still need you, a little girl, to swear by me?" Su Yi said, "If I don't believe you, why don't I bring you here?"

Su Yi didn't show his ability to Xiao Zhao just to pretend to be a chick.

Xiao Zhao is so caring, this girl Su Yi intends to keep it with her all the time, I believe she will also be willing to follow him.With such a close person, Su Yi must give her more trust and let her know some of his secrets.

Xiao Zhao was full of doubts and wanted to ask Su Yi, but Su Yi took her hand and turned to the entrance of the secret road leading down the mountain.

Xiao Zhao saw Cheng Kun at a glance, who was sneaking forward with a stone in his arms.The distance between the two sides was only tens of meters away, and Su Yi was still carrying an oil lamp. Under normal circumstances, Cheng Kun would definitely have seen the two of them here.

"Brother!" Xiao Zhao also realized this problem, and hurriedly and nervously reminded Su Yi.

"It doesn't matter, he can't see us." Su Yi did not rush, holding Xiao Zhao's hand and continuing to walk forward.

Xiao Zhao didn't believe it at first, but since he was so close, even if the man was blind, he could still hear the voice from here.

Unless he's deaf and blind.

But if he was deaf and blind, he would not be able to come to this secret path.

Just full of doubts, Xiao Zhao suddenly noticed that Cheng Kun was walking, suddenly turned around and walked back.

Walked back a few steps, and turned back.

He hugged the stone back and forth like this and circled around in place, but his expression was always very nervous, looking around vigilantly.

Looking at his eyes, he could be regarded as vigilant, but he still couldn't see that two people as old as Su Yi and Xiao Zhao walked in front of him.

Xiao Zhao grew up so big, where did he see such a weird thing?

She was so frightened that she tightened Su Yi's hand, not daring to say a word, for fear of waking up the person in front of her and causing trouble for Su Yi.

However, Su Yi took the initiative to explain to Xiao Zhao: "He is Cheng Kun, I told you about that person before. He came here once before, and wanted to plant gunpowder in this secret path, and wait for the six major factions to attack Guangmingding. Then I lit the gunpowder and killed everyone! But I scared him away, I didn't expect him to give up."

Xiao Zhao said "ah", "Why is this person so bad?"

"This man has taken refuge in the Tartars, and has always wanted to destroy Mingjiao." Su Yi stretched out his hand while speaking, and put it on Cheng Kun's back.

Cheng Kun, who was walking around, suddenly stood still in place.

Xiao Zhao was shocked by the information Su Yi revealed, but seeing Su Yi's actions, she couldn't help asking: "Brother, what's the matter with this man? He can't hear us, and he won't move even if you touch him."

I'm not touching him...

Su Yi muttered in his heart.

He is launching the star-absorbing method to absorb Cheng Kun's internal power.

At this time, Cheng Kun's six senses were completely blocked by Qingfengmingyue, and he was immersed in an illusion, unable to hear or see anything.

He brought a Buddha statue up the mountain, thinking that he could ward off ghosts and gods, but Su Yi just blessed the little ghosts with the Great Cave Seal of the Qing Dynasty, and easily took his Buddha statue away, making things return to the same track as last time.

Su Yi frightened him away last time, but if he dared to come this time, it would hurt him and make him even more afraid. Only in this way, he would never dare to step into the secret path of Mingjiao again.

Therefore, Su Yi directly used the star-absorbing method, absorbing Cheng Kun's skill of more than ten years.

Almost forty percent.

Anyway, what Su Yi wanted to use as a tool was mainly because of his intrigue, and his martial arts didn't need to be too high.

Even Xiao Zhao, who was close at hand, didn't notice the process of absorbing energy. Su Yi withdrew his palm after absorbing the internal energy, obviously feeling that Cheng Kun had become older.

"Let's step back, Xiao Zhao."

Su Yi pulled Xiao Zhao back and pushed him to the end of the corridor again. Su Yi blew out the oil lamp and gave Qingfeng Mingyue instructions for the next move.

not far away.

Cheng Kun woke up suddenly.

He looked around vigilantly, and soon realized where he was.

His heart was pounding suddenly, and goosebumps appeared all over his body.

I was obviously exploring the secret path of Guangmingding, but why did I fall asleep while exploring?

How could this be?
He faintly felt that there was something wrong with him, as if he felt a weak feeling of being hollowed out.

And in hand...

Cheng Kun suddenly realized something, touched the thing he was holding with both hands, and immediately threw away the stone with a scream as if bitten by a snake!

At this moment, his eyes suddenly turned into a world filled with blood.

The skull in fancy clothes he had seen last time appeared in front of him again!

Yang Dingtian's ghost!

It's him!

It is him again!
Cheng Kun backed away in shock.

But the skeleton didn't chase after it, but turned around leisurely.

Endless fear invaded like a tide, and Cheng Kun's teeth chattered in fright, and his face turned pale.

Only then did he notice that the skeleton was carrying something in his hand.

It was a head that was still dripping with blood!
Taking a closer look, that head was indeed Cheng Kun's own head!

At this moment, the seven orifices of the skull were bleeding, and his expression was full of horror like him. When he opened his mouth, black blood gushed out from the skull.

"Run, run quickly..." The mouth of the head opened and closed, making a vague sound.


Cheng Kun couldn't hold back the fear in his heart anymore, turned around and ran out of the secret passage!

He used his lightness kung fu to try his best to escape, and he ran out of the secret path for more than ten miles before stopping, only then did he realize that his whole body was soaked in sweat.

He was panting violently, still feeling lingering fear and fear.

After a long time, he barely calmed down, and once again realized what was wrong with his body.

He quickly discovered the problem.

Nearly half of the internal strength I had trained hard for decades was gone!
Cheng Kun felt cold all over his body!

He had never heard of martial arts that can absorb people's internal energy in the world, so he just thought it could be done by human beings?

This must be the work of ghosts and gods!
It must be Yang Dingtian's ghost!

It wants revenge on itself!
Fortunately, I ran fast, but my internal energy was sucked away by it.

If he ran too slowly, wouldn't even his life be sucked away?

After more than ten years of hard work came to naught, such a painful price finally made Cheng Kun completely terrified, and he completely gave up the thought of going to the secret path of Guangmingding again.

He stood in the night in a state of desperation, full of dazed fear, full of resentment and resentment!

"Yang Dingtian, even if you are dead, you are still hurting me..."

In the secret way.

In Xiao Zhao's line of sight, she naturally couldn't see the terrifying scene that Cheng Kun saw. She just saw Cheng Kun suddenly screamed in horror, turned around and ran away.

Then Su Yi took her to close the door of the secret passage again, and then turned back to the room.

"After this time, there is a high probability that Cheng Kun will not dare to come." Su Yi smiled at Xiao Zhao.

Xiao Zhao was also a little dazed, and stood there for a while, then asked, "Brother, are there really ghosts in this world?"

Su Yi nodded: "Human death is a ghost, but most of the ghosts have gone to the underworld to be reincarnated. Only a very small number of those who died of unforgiveness stayed in the human world."

"You don't have to be afraid, because ordinary people can't see ghosts at all, and ordinary ghosts dare not touch living people. The blood of living people is like burning arsenic to dead people."

"I don't know if my father has been reincarnated..." Xiao Zhao muttered in a daze, "He died not long after I was born, and I don't even remember his appearance..."

Su Yi knew that Xiao Zhao's father was named Han Qianye, and that this person died unexpectedly, a type of person who died before the end of his life.

Generally speaking, this kind of ghost will stay in the human world, and will not go to the underworld to reincarnate until the life span is exhausted.

Han Qianye is a warrior, if he dies, he should still be alive at this point in time.

It's just that he has been a ghost for more than ten years, endured the pain of reincarnation every seven days, and was burned by karma. He has long since become muddled and doesn't know who he is.

Even if Su Yi found his soul, he would only find a lonely ghost without self-awareness.

Su Yi said: "People have their own ways, ghosts have their own way, and people and ghosts have different ways, so they can't meet each other. Xiao Zhao, but take care of what's ahead, don't think about what's behind."

Xiao Zhao seems to understand, but she is young, and her sadness comes and goes faster, and now she starts to wonder what Su Yi did to Cheng Kun just now.

"It's nothing, it's just to scare him." Su Yi said, "I have raised two little ghosts, named Qingfeng and Mingyue. You always see me muttering alone these days, but you are actually talking to them."

Xiao Zhao froze for a moment, screamed "Ah" in fright and hurriedly retreated into Su Yi's arms, tremblingly said: "Big brother, you didn't scare me? You really..."

"Really, but you don't have to be afraid, they won't harm you." Su Yi reassured, "Without my order, they won't do anything."

"Brother, why, why..." Xiao Zhao still shrank and dared not come out.

"Why do you raise them, right?" Su Yi asked, feeling Xiao Zhao in his arms nodding vigorously, Su Yi sighed, and told the life experience of these two little ghosts.

Hearing this, Xiao Zhao was filled with righteous indignation, clenched his fists, and scolded angrily: "How can there be such beasts in the world? These tartars are too hateful! They should be hacked into pieces! Qingfengmingyue is so pitiful, they are still children ..."

As she spoke, she burst into tears again.

Su Yi said: "If I didn't take them away at that time, they would definitely be swallowed by other evil spirits, and their souls would be completely scattered. They died unexpectedly in life, and they will be swallowed after death, and their souls will be completely scattered. I also took them out of compassion. by my side."

"They can't reincarnate now. They have been around me for a while and have done some merit. I can also save them and let them go to reincarnation early."

"Brother, you're so kind!" Xiao Zhao sobbed and hugged Su Yi, "If it weren't for you, Qingfengmingyue would never be there again!"

Su Yi coughed unnaturally, and said: "That Xiao Zhao, men and women can't kiss each other, will you let me go and talk again?"

Xiao Zhao froze all over, "Ah" and turned around like a frightened rabbit, his face turned red to the base of his ears in an instant, and said dully: "Brother, brother, I, I didn't...I..."

Su Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "Good girl, I'm your big brother now, you're still young, we have to be careful, it's for your own good."

"Brother doesn't like me..." Xiao Zhao said quietly.

"Why?" Su Yi said with a smile, "I just think you're still young."

"He's not young!" Xiao Zhao protested in a low voice.

Su Yi thought so, but said: "Anyway, for the past two years, I have been your elder brother, and you have been my sister!"

"What about two years later?" Xiao Zhao suddenly turned around, her eyes sparkling, full of anticipation.

"Two years later..." Su Yi said quietly, "Brother swore in front of the master that he must have three wives and four concubines, and send out branches and leaves for me. When the time comes, the eldest brother will gather in groups of wives and concubines, and Xiao Zhao Will you still follow me?"

Xiao Zhao was stunned for a moment, bit her lip, and tears flowed down instantly.

"Don't cry, Xiao Zhao, I'm just talking." Su Yi finished speaking at a glance, this little girl is not easy to coax...

He made Xiao Zhao cry once, teasing her for being small, but Xiao Zhao cried for half an hour.

Don't you have to cry longer this time?
Sure enough, in the next second, Xiao Zhao burst into tears with a "wow", it was like a rain of tears.

Su Yi hurriedly hugged her and coaxed her up.

Xiao Zhao lay in Su Yi's arms, crying out of breath.

(End of this chapter)

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