Chapter 1096
"Brother, I will go wherever you go. I will always, always follow you, will you?"

"Of course I will."

Xiao Zhao raised her head, the tears on her cute and beautiful face hadn't been wiped away, but her watery eyes, which were as blue as the sea, were full of smiles: "Brother, you didn't lie to me?"

"What did you lie to you for?" Su Yi asked.

"I'm afraid that even if Eldest Brother is willing, those three wives and four concubines of Eldest Brother will not be willing." Xiao Zhao said quietly.

"Whoever refuses, I won't marry her in!" Su Yi said firmly.

After he finished speaking, he himself felt that it was okay to be a scumbag. Now, can he say such things so confidently?
But Xiao Zhao was overjoyed immediately: "This is the big brother you mentioned!"

"I said so." Su Yi nodded.

Xiao Zhao immediately threw himself into Su Yi's arms, infinitely happy: "Xiao Zhao has nothing else to ask for, as long as he can be with big brother for the rest of his life, he will be satisfied."

Su Yi's heart was shocked, and the smile on his face suddenly faded a little.

He rubbed Xiao Zhao's hair, and said seriously: "Don't worry, you won't be able to leave even if you want to!"

Xiao Zhao hugged him like an octopus, this time Su Yi didn't push her away, and he didn't have any other thoughts in his heart, just hugging her, the shadows of Yin Li and Zhou Zhiruo in his heart faded a lot.

Now he has the urge to guard Xiao Zhao and spend the rest of his life in this world.

I secretly admired in my heart, I am not a scumbag after all.

Alas, sometimes too good a character is not good.

After all, Xiao Zhao is young, and his emotions come and go quickly. Now he asked Su Yi about the ghost story with a curious face.

Su Yi saw that she was really cute with fear and anticipation, so he purposely spoke vividly, describing the horror scene to scare her.

Sure enough, Xiao Zhao was so frightened that she screamed again and again, huddled in Su Yi's arms and refused to come out.

But just like many girls love to watch horror movies, the more afraid they are, the more they want to watch them, the more terrifying they become, and they are even too scared to watch them.

But if the movie wasn't so scary, they wouldn't be interested in it.

"Brother, Xiao Zhao has never seen what a ghost looks like since he was a child, can you show me what Qingfeng Mingyue looks like?" Xiao Zhao asked expectantly.

"Not good!" Su Yi immediately shook his head, "Ordinary people don't benefit from seeing ghosts, it's best not to see them if you can."

"Then there is a way to meet." Xiao Zhao's eyes lit up immediately, and then he began to use the great method of coquettishness.

"Just let me see them! Is that okay, big brother... You are the best big brother, can you do it, big brother? Please, big brother... I don't care, what others want..."

Who can stand this?

"Okay!" Su Yi gritted his teeth, "But I have something to say first, when you pee your pants in fright, don't blame me!"

"Brother, did you agree? Ah ah... Big brother is the best!" Xiao Zhao was so happy that he jumped three feet high, jumped and screamed, and was extremely happy.

As for Su Yi's warning, it had already entered the left ear and out the right ear.

What wet pants?

Why do people pee their pants?

The eldest brother is obviously trying to scare people on purpose!

Xiao Zhao was expecting, nervous and afraid: "Brother, when will I see the clear wind and bright moon?"

Su Yi thought for a while and said: "Four days later it will be the night of the full moon, four days later it will be the ugly hour."

"Ah? It will take so long!" Xiao Zhao looked very disappointed, "Is it not possible now?"

Su Yi scratched her nose, and said angrily, "You think it's such a simple matter of eating and sleeping? If it was easy to see ghosts, the world would have been messed up long ago."

"Okay." Xiao Zhao reluctantly agreed.

In the next few days, Su Yi continued to practice step by step on the sixth floor of the Great Teleportation of the Universe every day, and Xiao Zhao, besides serving Su Yi's daily life, practicing martial arts and being in a daze, she had another job - breaking her fingers Count the hours.

That night, Xiao Zhao finally finished counting on the last finger, and immediately told Su Yi excitedly that the time was up.

Su Yi didn't eat salt either, he took yellow paper and cinnabar, led Xiao Zhao and Qingfeng Mingyue, and walked straight out from the exit of the secret passage.

He drew a talisman with cinnabar on Yuehua, and pasted it on Xiao Zhao's forehead.Then drew a simple magic circle on the ground, asked Xiao Zhao to walk seven steps from east to west, north to south, each time he took a step, he would call out "Bright breeze and bright moon".

This kind of ritual is generally set up by practitioners to let people in the mortal world see the bardo of their dead relatives. Xiao Zhao and Qingfeng Mingyue are not relatives, so they need ghost arresting charms and other methods to assist them.

Xiao Zhao did as she said, doing such a weird thing under the pale moonlight, even with Su Yi's company, she was so frightened that her hairs stood on end, and she slapped her tongue when she spoke.

"Big melon, what then?" Xiao Zhao asked tremblingly, feeling a chill in his neck, wondering if Qingfeng Mingyue was blowing hard on his neck?

"Walk seven steps to the west." Su Yi instructed, "Just like before, every time you take a step, you will call Qingfengmingyue. If there is no accident, when you reach the seventh step, you will cast your own shadow twice more. Shadow, this is Qingfengmingyue."

"Can you only see shadows, brother?" Xiao Zhao was already trembling with fright, but he still couldn't forget to see Qingfengmingyue's true face.

"If you are not satisfied seeing their shadows, just bend down and look between your legs, so that you can see their faces." Su Yi said, "But I have to warn you Xiao Zhao again, they The appearance... is different from us living people."

He wanted to use modifiers such as scary, embarrassing, and terrifying, but if the little ghosts heard it, they would definitely get into trouble with Su Yi, so they could only say it tactfully.

"I'm not afraid!" Xiao Zhao clenched his fists to cheer himself up.

Xiao Zhao began to call Qingfeng Mingyue's name and walked west step by step. When she reached the third step, her legs shook violently, and her teeth chattered in fright.

"Why don't you forget it, Xiao Zhao? There's no need to be persistent!" Seeing this, Su Yi persuaded again. Xiao Zhao was very timid, so Su Yi usually told some ghost stories to scare her.

At this time, she will soon see a real ghost, so it's no wonder she isn't afraid.

But Su Yi's words seemed to have the opposite effect, Xiao Zhao gritted his teeth and continued walking.

When they reached the sixth step, Qingfeng Mingyue sensed the call, and flew to Xiao Zhao's shoulder with a whoosh.

The two little ghosts sat on Xiao Zhao's body, one on the left and the other on the right.

Xiao Zhao felt cold and weak all over, and her shoulders were heavy, but she couldn't see the two little ghosts at this time, and only thought it was her physical discomfort caused by fear.

"Qingfeng, Mingyue..." Xiao Zhao finally took the seventh step.

She mustered up the courage to look to the ground, and she saw the shadows of two children sitting on the shoulders of her own shadow.

Xiao Zhao was so frightened that she immediately closed her eyes, hugged her head and squatted down, trembling and chanting: "Big brother bless, big brother bless, big brother bless Xiao Zhao..."

Su Yi was secretly funny when he heard that, everyone else was blessed by Bodhisattvas and gods, but Xiao Zhao actually asked him to bless them?This is too...

Su Yi was startled suddenly, sighed, and looked at Xiao Zhao softly again.

Although Xiao Zhao was frightened to death, he still raised his buttocks and put his head between his legs.

She summoned up her courage and slowly opened her eyes.

Then she saw two ghostly faces close at hand, staring at her.

Xiao Zhao froze all over, rolled his eyes, and simply fell to the ground, fainting.

Su Yi hurriedly stepped forward to help her up, and asked the two little ghosts to go back into the woodcarving, dumbfounded, and slowly channeled the internal force to make Xiao Zhao wake up slowly.

After waking up, Xiao Zhao was still so frightened that her hands and feet were cold and her teeth were chattering. Su Yi massaged the points on her back with internal force to activate her blood, which made Xiao Zhao gradually recover.

"How was it? Was it enjoyable?" Su Yi asked with a half-smile.

The fear of ghosts is inherent in human beings, and non-practice people cannot restrain them at all. Therefore, being afraid of ghosts is not a matter of cowardice, but a matter of natural suppression.

Just like water overcomes fire.

Of course, if you are courageous to a certain extent, it is another matter.

Xiao Zhao blinked, blushed suddenly, put his arms around Su Yi's neck, buried his head in Su Yi's arms, and never came out again.

Su Yi knew why.

Scared to pee my pants.

Although it was only a little bit, it was peeing.

"Alright, alright, let's go back, let go, Xiao Zhao." Su Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"I won't, unless you agree to make an agreement with me for three chapters!" Xiao Zhao muffled.

"You still have three chapters with me?" Su Yi became more and more dumbfounded.

"Are you going to agree or not!" Xiao Zhao twisted back and forth.

"Tell me about it." Su Yi smiled.

"First, don't laugh at me!" Xiao Zhao said.

"Don't laugh!" Su Yi suppressed a smile.

"Second, don't mention this matter in the future!" Xiao Zhao said again.

"Okay, don't mention it!" Su Yi also came down.

"Third, you don't need to think about this matter again!" Xiao Zhao made the last condition.

"How do I control this?" Su Yi smiled, "Think about it in your head, what can I do?"

"No, no! Anyway, you are not allowed to think about it! If you don't agree, I won't come down!" Xiao Zhao twisted and coquettishly again.

"Okay, I don't want to, is this okay?" Su Yi said.

"Then you carry me back." Xiao Zhao said again.


Is this too much?

Isn't this a test of cadres?
In the end, Su Yi still did not reject Xiao Zhao's request.

After this incident, Xiao Zhao became more dependent and closer to Su Yi, but the two kept the bottom line and did not cross that step.

Su Yi also cryptically asked about the thing that many people wanted to know.

Xiao Zhao replied naturally: "Miss has always had the key. If I want to change it, I just need to find her. After changing it, Miss will lock it again."

The answer is that simple.

Su Yi and Xiao Zhao live in seclusion in the secret passage of Guangmingding, but the outside world is already turbulent.

The six major sects all rushed to the vicinity of Guangming Peak, and fought several times with the members of the Mingjiao, and each suffered injuries.

Among them, Wei Yixiao, the Green Winged Bat King, relied on his superb lightness kung fu, regardless of his status as a senior, massacred upright disciples, attacked and sucked blood, making people fear and hate him at the same time.

The difference from the original plot is that Juejueshi sent a letter to the Bright Peak too early, proposing that the masters of the six major sects and the high-level Mingjiao directly conduct a life-and-death contest, and that the Mingjiao Five Elements Banners, the Four Divisions of Heaven, Earth and Wind and Thunder, and the sub-rulers from all over the world All left Guangmingding and retreated hundreds of miles away.

Miejue Shitai said in the letter that the reason for this proposal is that many anti-Yuan righteous people at the bottom of Mingjiao were only coerced, and it has nothing to do with the grudges between the six major factions and the high-level Mingjiao. Despicable and shameless, the righteous men who were supposed to deal with the Tartars were involved in the fights in the rivers and lakes that they should not participate in.

Miejue Shitai's move is of course not arbitrary, but the result of discussions with the leaders of the six major factions.

This proposal is of course a dream for the other five major sects. The Ming Cult has a large number of people, and the number of people at the bottom is dozens of times that of the six major sects. Of course it couldn't be better.

Even if it can't, after the content of this letter is published, once the six major factions and the Mingjiao face to face and get damaged, there may be a gap between the bottom and the top of the Mingjiao.

Good idea!

Miejue Shitai's letter made all decent people look at her with admiration.

This teacher has always left people with the impression that she is upright, jealous, violent, and unkind.

But I didn't expect people to use tricks. How can this not be surprising?
But in fact, this is not a strategy at all, it is Miejue Shitai's own idea, and it is a countermeasure that she and Su Yi have agreed on long ago.

It's just that Su Yi persuaded her to be neither humble nor overbearing in this letter, and she might even be sincere and tactful, mainly to let the bottom of Mingjiao see the sincerity of the six major sects.

But Juejueshi is too willing to speak well of Mingjiao.

Therefore, it was clearly a letter of proposal, but after Mingjiao read it, they all felt that Master Miejue was too domineering and did not take Mingjiao seriously.

Even Miejue Shitai didn't expect that this letter would have an unexpected effect--Yang Xiao, the Left Envoy of Light, and Yin Tianzheng, the White-browed Eagle King, had a dispute because of this letter, and the two broke up unhappy!

Yang Xiao sneered at this letter, like the other five sects of Zhengdao, he thought it was an extermination intentionally disgusting Mingjiao, and it was a plan to alienate Mingjiao, Mingjiao should not be fooled.

But Yin Tianzheng believes that the six sent by the six major sects are all masters. If they fight with the low-level sect members, the casualties will be heavy. Even if the Ming sect wins in the end, it will be a miserable victory. In the first battle, the crisis was resolved and the grievances were eliminated by means of competition.

Yang Xiao felt that Yin Tianzheng was too naive, the six major factions had already attacked the door, and the two sides had already had a deep hatred between the extermination of the faction and the sect, which was absolutely difficult to resolve.The Ming Cult should do everything possible to keep all the people sent by the Six Greats at the Bright Summit, so that they never come back.

Only in this way can the prestige be achieved and the Mingjiao's decades of peace be achieved.

What's more, once the generals succeed, the bones will dry up, and some sacrifices are inevitable.No matter how many sacrifices are made at the bottom, Mingjiao cannot be injured.

But if the high-level combat power is damaged, or if the high-level team loses the competition, then everything is over.

Yin Tianzheng is also stubborn, he thinks that Yang Xiao is crazy, if so, even if Mingjiao wins this battle, it will be tantamount to suicide in the Central Plains martial arts.

At that time, he, Yang Xiao, will be fine, but the headquarters of the Skyhawk Sect is still in the south of the Yangtze River.At that time, he, Yin Tian, ​​will be the target of public criticism. Who will help him protect the Tianying Cult?
(End of this chapter)

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