Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1097 Convergence

Chapter 1097 Convergence
Because Yang Xiao and Yin Tianzheng had disagreements, Mingjiao never gave Miejue Shitai an answer.The hesitation of the high-level also affected the fighting spirit of the low-level congregation.

The Five Elements Banner and the Mingjiao believers in the branch altars began to deliberately avoid contact with the six major factions, which made the six major factions converge smoothly, and they lost their last chance to defeat the six major factions one by one.

The strength of the six major factions increased greatly after the combination of soldiers, making the Mingjiao believers even more afraid to act rashly.

On the other hand, Mingjiao, because the Tianyingjiao and the Five Elements Banner shirked responsibility from each other, they both believed that it was the other party's fault that caused the six major factions to merge so easily, and the two sides fought again, causing heavy casualties.

In the end, it was Yin Tianzheng, Yang Xiao, Wei Yixiao, and the five envoys in charge of the Five Elements Banner who met urgently to negotiate, which prevented the further deterioration of the internal strife.

After hearing this news, the morale of the six major factions was greatly boosted, and they were all optimistic about the future of this attack on Guangmingding.

As the saying goes, a snake can't do without a head, and a man can't stand without a head. The six major sects soon elected Shaolin eminent monk Kong Zhi as the general leader of this attack on Guangmingding, and he will make unified plans and give orders.

This is not to say that Kongzhi is popular, but that among the six factions, only Kongzhi is suitable to be the leader.

Needless to say, the Kunlun, Huashan, and Kongtong sects, compared with Shaolin, Wudang, and Emei, these three factions have a gap in power and reputation, so naturally they will not compete for the chief.

Song Yuanqiao of the Wudang faction is qualified, but because of Zhang Cuishan's incident, the other five factions have some gaps with Wudang, so naturally he will not be elected as the general leader.

Miejue Shitai is logically the most suitable, with good martial arts and high prestige, and he is also the initiator of this campaign against Guangmingding, but let a female stream represent the Central Plains martial arts?
This is absolutely unacceptable to decent heroes.

So only Shaolin can take on the heavy responsibility.

Kong Zhi also did his part, and after a few moments of humility, he no longer declined, and directly began to organize the next offensive arrangement.

From Kongzhi's point of view, the enemy is outnumbered, so the six major sects need to be twisted into one rope. It should be like a sharp sword, piercing directly at the Bright Summit. , the low-level church members will naturally fall and scatter, and Mingjiao will collapse on its own.

He believes that we should try our best to avoid conflicts with the low-level members of the Ming Cult. If we can't avoid it, we should resolve the battle cleanly and avoid being dragged into energy and wasting time.

We must use the power of thunder to attack Guangmingding with the momentum of breaking through bamboo.

Kong Zhi's idea was unanimously approved by everyone, and it also set the tone for the battle policy of this attack on Guangmingding.

Everyone once again praised Miejue Shitai's previous "estrangement plan", thinking that it was Miejue Shitai's letter that played a role, which made everyone able to meet together smoothly, and began to discuss whether they could continue to use this letter to do things. possibility of the article.

Miejue Shitai and Su Yi had already made plans on this point, or Su Yi had already made arrangements.

In this matter of strategy and planning, every decision made by Su Yi is not isolated, but interlocking and closely related.

Writing a letter is only the first step, it is to "release the wind" and "build momentum".

The second step is where the real action begins.

"Master, Mingjiao has survived for several dynasties. Why? It is because they have been fighting against the government. Whenever the government is dark and the people are struggling to survive, the people who cannot survive will think of Mingjiao and look forward to Mingjiao to make decisions for them. Today Mingjiao claims to have millions of believers. Most of these believers don’t even know who their Mingzun is, but they all claim to be Mingjiao believers. Why? Because they need a common belief and name to fight against the rebellion and decapitation Fear. Only faith and righteousness can overcome the fear of death!"

"Therefore, if you want to wipe out the Ming Cult, you must completely separate the rebel armies from all walks of life from the Ming Cult on the top of Guangming! Otherwise, even if you kill Yang Xiao and kill all the high-level members of the Ming Cult, the Ming Cult will still be a wildfire. Born again!"

"In today's world, Meng's vitality is exhausted, flags of righteousness stand everywhere, and wars are everywhere. It is the general trend to drive out the Tartars and restore the Han family. No one can stop it! Even if the Ming Cult is a demon sect, they are following the weather. We want to exterminate them. It’s going against the sky!”

"Master, if the Ming Cult and the Anti-Yuan Rebel Army are not completely separated, the Ming Cult will never be destroyed!"

"But Mingjiao is tantamount to rebellion. This matter has become a deeply rooted concept in the hearts of the people. It is almost impossible to change or reverse this concept in a short period of time. The only thing that can defeat magic is magic! For the current plan, There is only one way, and that is..."

Su Yi's eloquent talk that day echoed in Miejue Shitai's mind again. She looked around and looked at the people from the six major factions present, and felt that she had never been so sober and rational.

Miejue Shitai has always regarded himself as a quack - in fact, most of the people present are like this.

Therefore, her previous vision was only limited to the Jianghu martial arts, and her eyes were more about grievances and hatred, which belonged to the Guangmen sect.

Of course she is also concerned about major events in the world, but she is very clear that they are far away from her. If she hadn't known the secret in the dragon sword, "expel the Tartars" would be just a slogan for her, and for the Emei sect, it would be a slogan at most. Going secretly to kill some Tartars is doing great things for the world.

Even if he knew that there was Wu Mu's suicide note in the dragon sword, the only way Juejue Shitai could think of was to give this soldier to the appropriate anti-Yuan general.

In recent years, as Shaolin and Wudang have become more and more low-key, Huashan and Kongtong have declined, and the Kunlun School is far away in the Western Regions, the Emei School has actually faintly had the prestige and trend of "the best school in the world".

The reason for this is all because of Miejue Shitai's iron body, his jealous personality, and his unstoppable Yitian sword.

In addition, she is extremely defensive, so whenever the Emei faction travels in the rivers and lakes, the major forces dare not provoke them too much.

It’s just that Emei is a women’s sect after all, and there is Zhang Sanfeng in Wudang, and Shaolin is a thousand-year-old temple. After being called the “No. [-] sect in the world”, it caused more controversy and less praise.

In the past, Miejue Shitai was always angry, thinking that this was the reason why the world discriminated against women and did not want women to ride on their heads. She only hated that she was not a man, so she could not let the Emei School go further.

But that conversation with Su Yi made Juejue Shitai think for a long time, and she suddenly realized that even if she was a daughter, there was a way to make the Emei School the number one school in the world.

The Mingjiao is just a fanbang sect that eats vegetables and is a demon, but it can cause such a storm in the Central Plains. Why?
Isn't it because Mingjiao has the righteousness to resist the Yuan Dynasty and supports the rebels everywhere?
Otherwise, how could an evil sect far away in the Western Regions develop into such a powerful force today?
Why can't the Emei Sect do what the Mingjiao can do?

The Mingjiao can be made, and the Emei School can also be made!

At that time, Su Yi suggested Jujue Shitai to persuade the other five major sects to support the righteous army in the name of the six righteous sects, resist the Meng Yuan, compete with Mingjiao for the name of righteousness, and gradually replace Mingjiao with righteousness and righteousness. Only in this way can Mingjiao be completely destroyed .

Miejue Shitai rejected this suggestion at first, because the Mingjiao was able to hold high the banner to resist the Yuan Dynasty because it was far away in Kunlun.

However, Emei was under the rule of Mongolian Yuan. Once the flag was raised to resist the Yuan Dynasty, the danger of overthrow would be in an instant.

But Su Yi quickly "convinced" her.

"Master, don't you think the conflict between the Six Great Sects and the Ming Cult developed too quickly and was too coincidental? If you think about it carefully, don't you think it's strange? Why did the Six Great Sects suddenly become It becomes impossible to coexist with the Ming Cult in the Western Regions? Don't you think that behind this hatred, there is an invisible black hand pushing it?"

Su Yi also analyzed with Miejue Shitai that the Mongolian and Yuan courts were the most suspected of those who had the motive to promote the martial arts people to kill each other.

If this is the case, it is very likely that the Mongolian and Yuan courts have already planned to attack the six major factions.

These words made the Exterminator too terrified.

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, and she felt that there was such a possibility.

If this is the case, the Emei faction must not sit idly by!

In this way, Su Yi convinced Miejue Shitai, and Juejue Shitai further thought that Su Yi's plan had another effect, which was to let the Emei faction "overtake on a curve", surpass Shaolin Wudang in one fell swoop, and become the number one martial arts faction!

Once anything is mixed with selfishness, it will always turn sour.

Su Yi's original idea was to let Juejue Shitai coerce the six major factions to support the rebels in the name of righteousness, even if it was semi-public or not.

But Miejue Shitai bound this matter to the Everbright Emei Sect, so she naturally wouldn't let people from the Six Great Sects get involved!

So, when she started to raise this matter with the other five factions, this matter became like this——

"Everyone, the reason why the evildoers of the Devil's Cult respond to everyone and have so many followers is because they are sensationalists, doing evil deeds under the banner of anti-Yuan, and blinding the ignorant people!" Miejue Shitai looked around and said slowly, "From now on We have made a plan to attack Guangmingding, and we will meet up today, but it is only two months away, but the time is so urgent, the Demon Cult has gathered thousands of people!"

"The evil of the Devil's Cult does not lie in the few demon heads who do evil, but in their methods of bewitching people's hearts and deceiving the world! Even if we kill all the demon heads on the Bright Summit today, the Devil's Cult will not be destroyed, and their branches in various places still exist .At that time, they will continue to confuse the world, and they will gather together with a roar, and the second Guangmingding will rise again. At that time, is it possible that we have to attack again?"

Miejue Shitai's words made everyone present look different.

"Amitabha!" Monk Kongzhi chanted the Buddha's name, and asked in a deep voice: "What the teacher said is very reasonable, but I don't know what the teacher has to say, can completely wipe out the demon sect, so that it can't be revived?"

"I don't dare to take a high opinion, but I have a little opinion." Miejue Shitai said, "The old nun had a chat with an amazing and talented little friend a few days ago, and his insights have benefited the old nun a lot. , astonishing."

Everyone was surprised when they heard this.

Everyone knows that Miejue Shitai never praises others easily, but this time, she highly respects the little friend she was talking about.This is really rare.

"This little friend said that the Devil's Cult's fight against the Yuan Dynasty is nothing more than fooling the public opinion and pretending to be righteous," Miejue Shitai said, "But even so, the people who were deceived deeply believed in the Devil's Cult. There will definitely be a lot of criticism from the people in the general altar of the Suppressing Demon Sect, and they will call us the lackeys of Mengyuan."

Everyone frowned when they heard the words, but they all had to admit that they were right.

In fact, in most places in the Central Plains, Mingjiao's reputation is quite good.Once the news of the six major factions encircling Guangmingding is spread, it will definitely have a certain impact on their reputation, which is almost doomed.

"The teacher said that this friend has extraordinary knowledge," Song Yuanqiao sighed, "It's just that I am a righteous person, and it is my duty to exterminate evil spirits, even if it will be misunderstood by the world for a while, I will not hesitate. "

"All living beings are stupid, let's just do what we have to do, praise and slander all the time, but don't take it to heart!" said Shaolin monk Kongkong.

The rest nodded in agreement.

Miejue Shitai raised his eyebrows, and continued: "This is exactly what I mean. As long as we can wipe out the Demon Sect, we will never be able to recover, and our Emei Sect will not hesitate! Just want to completely wipe out the Demon Cult, but we can't just rely on one If you are brave, you still need to make a long-term plan.”

"It must have been said by that little friend from the teacher, right?" Xian Yutong, head of Huashan, said with a smile.

"How does Master Xianyu know?" Miejue Shitai asked.

"Hehe, I guessed it, I guessed it." Xian Yutong said haha.

Everyone in the room looked strange, wanting to laugh but holding back.

Who in the rivers and lakes does not know that Miejue Shitai, who looks like a raging fire, has always used his sword to slay demons and evil spirits. He is willing to ask for grievances, when did he make any long-term plans?
"I never make long-term plans!" This was said by Master Miejue herself.

Before Xian Yutong, there was a disciple who was doing evil outside, causing the Emei sect to fight against each other, and the two factions clashed. As a result, the Huashan faction had a large number of people, so the Emei faction suffered a little loss.

After this matter spread to Xian Yutong's ears, Xian Yutong, who knew Miejue Shitai's temper well, immediately knew it was not good. He wrote a letter to Miejue Shitai to apologize, and at the same time wrote a letter to Abbot Kongwen of Shaolin Temple, hoping that Shaolin Temple could come forward to persuade him Miejue Shitai, let Juejue see it as an upright fellow, and calm things down.

But Miejue Shitai still rushed hundreds of miles overnight, ran to Chang'an City and beheaded Xian Yutong's disciple with a sword, venting his anger for the disciples of the Emei School.

Xianyu Tongqi was in a hurry, but he suffered from his disciples' bad deeds and Huashan's rudeness, so he could only make a fuss about the six major factions, the Emei faction bullying the weak, and Miejue Shitai's bullying of the small. Extinct Shitai and Emei faction.

Even Master Kongwen of Shaolin also came forward and said euphemistically: "The six major factions should be united and try to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings. The current situation is unpredictable, and everyone should plan for the long-term."

Miejue Shitai's response at the time was: "Lao Ni never makes long-term plans!"

He directly sent Abbot Kongwen back.

This matter was settled in the end. Xian Yutong was originally a cold and indifferent person. Naturally, he would not offend the prosperous Emei Sect for a disciple who didn't have much affection. He took the initiative to show his favor to the Emei Sect after a short while, which was considered a relief. Two factions of grievances.

But after all, this matter has lost face to Xian Yutong, and he has always been brooding in his heart, so he couldn't help but sarcastically just now.

(End of this chapter)

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