Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1098 Righteousness

Chapter 1098 Righteousness
Juejueshi was not stupid, and quickly realized why Xian Yutong said that from the strange expressions of the people present.

If it were a tactful person, he might just pretend not to understand and pass this matter off.

But she is Miejue Shitai, if she can bear this kind of thing, she will not be called Miejue.

"Sect Master Xianyu is able to pinch and calculate, and guesses very accurately." Miejue Shitai said indifferently, "I really can't say anything about long-term plans. Lao Ni always finishes today's work today, and revenge doesn't take overnight! It's just to be smashed to pieces. , I will never recover, and I will not hesitate!"

After a pause, she deliberately raised her eyebrows and asked, "Master Xianyu, don't you still worry about the death of your unscrupulous disciple?"

Xian Yutong's face immediately turned a liver color.

This is equivalent to when you slap and spit thick phlegm on your face, don't be so bullying!
But he dared not speak out, who didn't know that Miejue Shitai was really a lunatic who dared to speak and act?
Immediately smiled and said: "How come? The poor Taoist has long forgotten."

"That's good." Miejue Shitai said indifferently, "It seems that such unkind and unrighteous animals living in the world will only ruin the reputation of Huashan School and Xianyu's head. It's better to forget about Xianyu's head."

Xian Yutong's face turned even darker, and he simply stopped talking.

The faces of the other factions became even weirder at this time, and some people almost couldn't hold back their laughter.

Xian Yutong wanted to satirize Miejue Shitai, but he didn't expect to be beaten by Juejue Shitai, and he was completely defeated.

"Cough cough!" Song Yuanqiao coughed twice, "Master, how did you discuss with that friend about how to destroy the Demon Cult?"

It can be regarded as smoothing the field and bringing the topic back.

Miejue Shitai didn't hold on to it, and said indifferently: "My little friend thinks that this time we are going to suppress Guangming and promise to win. If we can really wipe out all these demons and burn this demon lair, the reputation of the Demon Cult will be guaranteed. It will plummet! If that time really comes, the morale of the various rebels who use the name of the Demon Cult will definitely be implicated and affected. If Yuan Ting takes this opportunity to attack on a large scale, it is very likely that the good situation of the Anti-Yuan will be ruined. !"

"If that time really comes, the Tartars will certainly continue to live on because of this, and we will really become the lackeys of the Tartars, the chief culprit who caused our Han people to continue to be trapped in the fire and water! Under the stylus of the historian, we The leaders of the various factions will inevitably become treacherous and sycophants who help the evildoers, and will leave a bad reputation forever!"

These words caused the complexions of all the people present to change drastically.

Like Miejue Shitai, they really haven't considered this issue from this aspect.

This time the six major factions marched thousands of miles west to suppress Guangmingding, under the banner of exterminating evil spirits, the six major factions naturally represented justice and wanted to do justice for the heavens.

But if you want to be nailed to the pillar of shame for thousands of years...

Even the shameless Xian Yutong refused.

"Then what should we do? We're all here, so we can't go back to our homes, right?" Xian Yutong cried out, "I'm fine... Daxia Song and the others have a long way to go. This time, tsk tsk, this time." Isn't it a walker?"

"One side is righteousness, and the other side is eliminating demons. Why are these two things mixed together? It's really embarrassing!" Guan Neng, one of the five elders of Kongtong, sighed.

Ban Shuxian frowned and said, "How about we kill half and keep the other half?"

"What kind of bastard talk is this!" He Taichong scolded.

But halfway through speaking, Ban Shuxian gave him a hard look.

He Taichong's face froze, and his tone immediately softened: "Madam's words... are not unreasonable, haha, not unreasonable, but I haven't realized the deep meaning in it. I will think about it more carefully."

Monk Kong said: "Master Miejue, this doesn't work, that doesn't work, what should I do?"

Although the four great monks of Shaolin "knowledge, knowledge and wisdom" are all well-known eminent monks, they each have their own characteristics.

Seeing kindness in the sky, hearing indifference in the sky, wisdom in the sky, and glaring in the sky.

The so-called angry eyes mean that the sex is like a fire, and the temper is violent.

He was a little impatient now.

Seeing this, Song Yuanqiao hurriedly took over the conversation: "Master, since your friend foresaw this situation, there must be a way to get us out of this predicament, right?"

"There is indeed a way to get the best of both worlds." Miejue Shitai glanced at him, "That is, our side will also hold high the banner of anti-Yuan righteousness, compete with Mingjiao for the name of righteousness, and persuade all rebels to leave Mingjiao and join me."

"If that's the case, this time our encirclement and suppression of Guangmingding will not only destroy the devil, but also take the opportunity to recruit a team that can really fight against the Tartars! Afterwards, as long as we get in touch with the rebels in time and tell them that there is no more devil sect , they still have our full support, so their morale will not be lowered because of this, and naturally they will not give the Tartars an opportunity to take advantage of it!"

As soon as Miejue Shitai said this, the scene fell into an eerie silence.

Raising the flag of anti-Yuanyi?

Extinction is crazy, right?

Do you want Mount Emei anymore?
At this time, the Mongolian and Yuan courts still occupy most of the country, and all the major factions are still under the rule of the Yuan court. If you raise the flag of righteousness in front of you, they will send troops to encircle and suppress you in the back!

No matter how good your martial arts are, can you defeat a thousand arrows?Can escape the siege of thousands of troops?

The heads of all the sects all had twinkling eyes, and no one answered Master Miejue's words.

Miejue Shitai did not want to keep them silent, but directly began to call names: "Master Kongzhi, you are the general leader of this attack on Guangmingding. I don't know what the old nun said, what does Shaolin think?"

Kongzhi chanted the Buddha's name and said: "Master, I am only the head of the Arhat Hall in my temple. Such a big matter should not be decided by me. This matter needs to be approved by my brother abbot himself. I will never dare to do it for you. It breaks the rules." .”

Miejue Shitai sneered, just now the old monk said that Abbot Kongwen allowed him to adapt to the situation and make temporary decisions during this trip.No matter what you do, you can cut it first and play it later, but now it doesn't work?About to report?

But she didn't break the stage, just nodded, looked at Song Yuanqiao, and said indifferently: "Hero Song, what does Wu Dang say?"

Song Yuanqiao's expression was a little embarrassed, and he said in a dazed way: "Report to Master, this matter... this junior also has no choice but to go back to the mountain to report to Master Ming, the old man, and then give an answer."

Knew you would say that.

Miejue Shitai still didn't express any opinions.

"Where is the head of the sect?" Miejue Shitai looked at He Taichong, "Mr. Tieqin has always understood righteousness and has a strong character, and you are the master of the Kunlun sect, so you don't have to tell anyone. If you think about it, you can give the old nun an answer now, right? "

He Taichong pondered for a while, then suddenly smiled and said, "Kunlun is responsible for this matter..."

"Of course not!" Ban Shuxian snatched the conversation, and quietly pinched He Taichong. She didn't even look at He Taichong's ugly face. Even if we want to participate, we are beyond our reach, so forgive us for being powerless and unable to participate in this matter, but our Kunlun faction will definitely support what the teacher said!"

Only verbal support, of course.

Miejue Shitai breathed a sigh of relief at first, then shook his head in his heart, only to think that He Taichong, who was famous for his first life, married such a wife and was so afraid of her?It's really pitiful, what a pity...

She looked at Xian Yutong again, she knew very well that Xian Yutong was a man without courage and strategy, and was the best at following the wind and steering the rudder.

Sure enough, before Juejue Shitai asked, Xian Yutong hurriedly waved his hands and smiled: "Master, we are a small gate and small temple in Huashan, so don't drag us into this rebellion, we can't afford to participate, we can't afford to participate..."

The corner of Miejue Shitai's mouth twitched a trace of disdain, but said nothing, and looked at the Kongtong Five Elders again.

The Kongtong Five Elders looked solemn, and the five gathered together, as if they were discussing something. After a long time, one of the five elders, Zong Weixia, said solemnly: "Master, what is the plan of the Emei Sect at this time?"

Miejue Shitai took a deep breath, and said: "My nun understands the difficulties of all factions, and I will never force it! I just hope that in this matter, all factions can make it easier for me in Emei! The old nun decided that the Emei faction will hold high the banner of righteousness." , fully support the rebel army along the way, fight for righteousness with the Demon Cult, and destroy the Demon Cult's power! Drive out the Tartars and restore our lands!"

Even though she was old and a woman, her words resonated resonantly and resounded loudly, causing everyone present to feel excited or feel ashamed.

Even Xian Yutong couldn't help showing admiration on his face at this moment.

Because everyone knows what Miejue Shitai's decision means.

At the very least, she couldn't stay in Mount Emei any longer.

The foundation passed down from the ancestors was destroyed in one fell swoop.

She had to find another mountain gate as a shelter.

No matter what the reason for Miejue Shitai to make this decision, it is admirable, at least ordinary people can't make her so decisive and formidable.

Give up the mountain gate that has been passed down for decades, and give up the great foundation left by your ancestors.

If it succeeds, it's okay, but if it fails, Extermination is the biggest sinner of the Emei Sect.

But the old nun decided so resolutely.

It's her decision to break the boat and sink the boat.

"Master Miejue is really a heroine, iron-blooded and strong, please accept my Kongtong faction's worship!" The head of the five elders, Guan Neng, bowed to Miejue Shitai with a solemn expression.

Behind him, the other four elders got up together and bowed together with Guan Neng to Miejue Shitai.

Miejue Shitai didn't dare to neglect, the five elders were of the same seniority as her, if she had to endure it, she would be entrusted with it.

She hurriedly got up to return the salute, saying that she did not dare.

Guan Neng said seriously: "Since the teacher has this intention, my Kongtong faction is not hiding the truth. In fact, my faction supported a rebel army in the area of ​​Gansu and Shanxi. The number of this rebel army is less than [-], but it is our The Kongtong faction has been cultivated with painstaking efforts in the past ten years. If Shitai really holds up the flag of righteousness, our Kongtong faction will definitely echo with Shitai and strengthen our prestige!"

Zong Weixia continued: "In addition, Liu Zhenbiao, my registered disciple, is the leader of the Poyang Clan. He is a Jianghu Clan on the surface, but he is also training soldiers and horses in the case behind the scenes, and he is ready to rise up at any time!"

"This time to suppress Guangmingding, Liu Zhenbiao and his [-] disciples came to help. I couldn't refuse his kindness, so I accepted him. If my master really wants to rebel, I can write a letter to Liu Zhenbiao , let him bring his disciples under the command of the master, it can be regarded as the support of my Kongtong party master!"

Miejue Shitai didn’t feel much about it. Although she said she wanted to raise an uprising to support the rebel army, she actually didn’t have much idea about it, and she always looked down on Jianghu gangs. Hearing this, she just politely replied: “So, Juejue is I would like to thank all the brothers of the Kongtong Sect in advance!"

But after thinking about it in my heart, I will not mention it again, presumably they won't make fun of it anymore, right?

"Master, if the Emei faction gathers here, the news will spread to the Central Plains sooner or later, and the people left behind by the Emei faction..." Song Yuanqiao said worriedly, "Do you want me to send people from Wudang to take care of the Emei disciples, so that there will be no accidents?"

"Amitabha, Shaolin is also willing to help Emei in this matter." Monk Kongzhi hurriedly expressed his opinion.

Miejue Shitai just said indifferently: "No need, when I made this decision, I sent pigeons to pass the letter to inform the left-behind disciples. I asked them to take only the classics inherited from the sect, and the tokens required texts, and the rest They burned it all up and burned them all, not a single tile or wood was left to the Tartars!"

"As for those disciples, I also asked them to come and join us. It would be best if they can come, but if they can't, then they are useless, and they should be like this! If you can kill a few more Tartars before you die, you will not be able to come. This life is in vain."

Everyone's heart trembled when they heard it, and they said it was so cruel!

It seems that Juejue Shitai is not only ruthless to the enemy, she is even more ruthless to herself!
This matter was acquiesced under the circumstances that the leaders of each faction had their own thoughts.

This is also in line with Miejue Shitai's intention.

According to Su Yi's thinking, he planned to let Miejue Shitai coerce the six major factions in the name of righteousness, and let the six major factions jointly elect a rebel army.

Since the six major sects are all under the rule of the Yuan court, the six major sects do not need to publicly stand up against the Yuan immediately. Xu Da can take the lead in this matter, and then gather the rebels in the name of the Xiaoyao faction.

At that time, Su Yi will make up a few decent stories, such as God's Mandate, Son of the Emperor of Heaven, etc., there will definitely be a market in this era.

At that time, Zhang Wuji, Xu Da and others will attack the first line of anti-Yuan, and he, Su Yi, will control the second line behind the scenes. The six major factions will be his tools, responsible for exporting talents, or completing some special tasks such as infiltration and assassination, and information transmission. .

But Miejue Shitai felt that the Emei faction should dare to be the first in the world and should not give in, so she decided to take the initiative to stand up, destroy the gate of the mountain, and openly revolt.

She is so courageous, even Su Yi can't think of it.

However, if Su Yi knew about it, he wouldn't be angry. Instead, he would give Miejue Shitai a thumbs up and say that Shijue Shitai is too powerful.

Because there is a fierce man like Juejue standing up to charge, for Su Yi, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

As for the Emei faction wanting the name of righteousness?

People are going to do their best, what's the matter with them?
It's not enough to just give them a false name, Su Yi will give them more.

The first thing Juejue Shitai did when he returned to the sect's residence was to ask his disciples to call Su Nu'er and others to meet him.

Su Nuer came in a hurry and greeted respectfully.

Miejue Shitai asked straight to the point: "Has your young master contacted you? Did he say when he will come?"

When we separated from Su Yi, Su Yi told Juejueshi that if nothing happened, he would come back during the war.

But there has been no news for so long, which inevitably makes Miejue Shitai a little anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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