Chapter 1099

In Juejue Shitai's "Rejuvenation of Emei 2.0 Plan", Su Yi is absolutely an indispensable part.

With Su Yi and without Su Yi, the impact on this plan is very different.

Therefore, Miejue Shitai attaches great importance to Su Yi and the relationship between the Emei Sect and Su Yi.

Don't look at Juejue and Su Yi who just met once, but some scumbags can make this woman unable to close their legs just by meeting them.Su Yi, this is actually nothing.

Not to mention that Su Yi is already good at persuading others.

Facing Miejue Shitai's question, Su Nuer clasped her fists and said: "Master, when you left, the young master didn't tell me when he would return, nor did I agree with you about any method of contact."

Miejue Shitai frowned into Chuanzi: "Your son is still young and inexperienced. At such a critical moment, how can you not prepare a means of communication so that we can take care of each other?"

"My lord has no plans to spare, so he must be sure to rendezvous with the master in time." Su Nuer defended Su Yi.

Miejue Shi took a glance at Su Nuer too, and didn't bother to say anything to his servants, so he changed the subject and asked, "How to recruit all kinds of rebels who were coerced and lured by the demon sect, has your son explained it?"

Su Yi only said that this matter can only be handed over to Xu Da and Hua Yun, and they will take care of it.

But Miejue Shitai didn't trust these two "surrendered generals". She even felt that although Su Yi was smart, he was young and didn't know the sinister heart, so he shouldn't be so gullible.

What else did you say that these two people are rare generals?
You, Su Yi, are just fledgling, how do you know how to be a general?If someone confuses a few words casually, you will think that the other party is talented, but don't you know that these days, there are many people who talk about the truth, but in fact they are scumbags with embroidered pillows.

"Young Master has already explained this matter to Xu Da and Hua Yun, they must have a plan in mind," Su Nuer replied, "Master, you might as well ask them to come and ask."

Miejue Shitai frowned even tighter, waved his hands and said, "Go down first."

But they didn't even mention meeting Xu Da and Hua Yun.

Su Nu'er is not a stupid person, how can she not guess that Miejue Shitai has prejudice against those two people?

Su Yi had told him that if he had anything to tell Miejue Shitai the truth, there was no need to hide it, so he didn't leave, but cupped his fists and said: "Master, the villain has a good eye, so I don't know whether to say it or not. "

"Speak." Miejue Shitai actually didn't want to hear it, but for Su Yi's sake, she decided to listen to what the servant had to say.

Su Nu'er said: "Xu Da followed Zhu Yuanzhang in the south of the Yangtze River. He set up a strategy in the south and took Chuzhou and Hezhou. He commanded the battle. He is brave and resourceful, and his orders are uncompromising. He is deeply loved by the soldiers under his command. Xiao The King of Ming once paid ten thousand gold to buy it, but promised it with high officials and generous salary."

"Hua Yun is a man who is good at being a pioneer. He will take the lead in every battle. He fights bravely and is invincible. He has the reputation of fierce Zhang Fei."

Juejue was slightly surprised when he heard this. Could it be that these two seemingly insignificant characters are really generals who can conquer cities?
"Master, at Niya Bazaar that day, Zhu Yuanzhang led six people and led more than a hundred subordinates. With the young master's ability, it would be no problem to kill them all. But the young master used tricks to separate them, and insisted on following Zhu Yuanzhang left Xu Da and Hua Yun in his hands, and even went so far as to return the tiger to the mountain. The young master has no plans to spare, so it is futile to make these two surrender after so much effort?"

Su Nu'er looked at the teacher seriously and said: "The teacher is honorable, but she values ​​my young master so much just after meeting you, so she knows that you are very comparable, so why not give some to the people you value?" trust?"

Miejue Shitai looked at Su Nuer thoughtfully: "Did your son teach you to say this?"

"Master is joking." Su Nuer smiled lightly, "This is what a villain thinks in his heart. The young master said goodbye, saying that the master's eyes can't be rubbed with sand, which made me think, so I told the truth, don't Deceiving the teacher. That's why the villain dares to speak out."

"Su Shaoxia... What a strange person..." Miejue Shitai couldn't help admiring, "The humble servant beside him is actually so outstanding."

She pondered slightly, and said, "Call Xu Da to come see me!"

"Yes, Master!" Su Nu'er left holding her fists.

After a while, Xu Da arrived.

"Master, Xu is being polite!" Xu Da looked indifferent, and bowed his hands in salute.

Miejue Shitai couldn't tell that this man was a general who conquered cities and territories, and he looked like a down-and-out scholar.

"How to recruit all kinds of rebels?" Jue Jue didn't talk nonsense with him, but asked straight to the point.

"Fight!" Xu Da replied without hesitation, "As long as the six major factions do more capture, less killing, and surrender, it will be [-]% successful."

"You mean, as long as you defeat them, they will succumb?" Miejue Shitai raised his eyebrows.

"Of course not!" Xu Da shook his head. "The uprising of the rebel army focuses on the word 'righteousness'. If they lose their loyalty and lose their morale, they will become a mess. Anyone who dares to resist the Yuan uprising must be a man of blood. Either it is a desperate man, which of these two types of people is easy to succumb to? You must understand the truth, move it with emotion, state the facts, and promise your position and future, only then will it be possible to make him change his family, abandon his teaching and convert his beliefs."

"I said [-]%, even so, I'm afraid there are [-]% who would rather die than submit."

"Oh? What should we do with the remaining [-]% who would rather die than work for tigers?" Miejue Shitai asked.

"Kill!" Xu Da resolutely said, "Be sure to kill them all, and leave no one behind!"

These words moved Shijue Shitai slightly, and his heart shuddered, and he asked: "No matter what they say, they are your former comrades, do you have the heart to kill them?"

"If there is no such deterrent of [-]% killing, the remaining [-]% will not be able to surrender." Xu Da said expressionlessly, "Although they are not afraid of death, they don't want to die at the hands of the Han people. This is how we can recruit them. root cause."

Miejue Shitai looked at Xu Da meaningfully: "Aren't you afraid of being scolded as a treacherous, cold-blooded butcher?"

"Some infamy is bound to happen." Xu Da calmly said, he has already made such mental preparations, "But no matter how you behave or do things, you should avoid both sides of snakes and rats. Since Xu chooses to be loyal to the young master, he will serve the young master wholeheartedly. Do things, and do things! Only in this way can we prove that Xu is right and they are wrong."

Miejue Shitai already looked at the man in front of him with admiration.

She said to Xu Da: "Send a letter from me to Guangmingding, and the Demon Cult will not be able to retreat, and even let us meet together. Do you think they will agree to my conditions?"

"Absolutely not!" Xu Da shook his head, "The teacher's proposal is tantamount to letting Mingjiao's own arms be bound. Mingjiao's senior management will never agree to the teacher's proposal. I also heard that Yang Zuoshi and the White-browed Eagle King were at loggerheads over this. The news, what the Eagle King thinks, is really for the sake of the congregation. It's just that if there is no fight, the six major factions are allowed to go to Guangmingding. Will agree. Mingjiao will never retreat without a fight!"

"Nowadays, the sub-altars in various places are retreating. It's just that Mingjiao's government orders are not clear. Once the instructions are clear, they will definitely fight." Xu Da continued, "But if we can win a few games, let Mingjiao realize that if we don't follow The teacher suggested that they will suffer even more, so they will agree to the teacher's proposal and end the war by fighting in the rivers and lakes at Guangmingding."

Juejue Shitai was thoughtful, and after a moment of silence, he asked again: "Sky Eagle Cult and the Five Elements Banner are in conflict, could this be a trick to lure the enemy?"

"Improbable." Xu Da shook his head and said, "The conflict between the Sky Eagle Sect and the Five Elements Banner can be traced back to when the White-browed Eagle King left the south of the Yangtze River. In the past few decades, the hatred between the two sides has not been resolved, but has intensified. According to my knowledge You know, the White-browed Eagle King really intends to resolve the enmity between the two sides, but it’s just decades of grievances, how many dead souls under each other’s subordinates, how easy is it to resolve it?”

"Thus, this doesn't look like a tactic to lure the enemy, but if the Five Elements Banner and the Skyhawk Sect really cannot coexist, it won't be that difficult for the six major sects to attack the Bright Peak..."

Miejue Shitai asked Xu Da a few more questions, and Xu Da talked eloquently, expressing his own opinions.

Some of these insights are from his own thinking, but a considerable part comes from Zhu Yuanzhang's analysis, as well as what Su Yi said to him before.

These words were heard by Master Miejue, and they were naturally targeted and meaningful. He was even more convinced by Su Yi's vision of people and Xu Da's talent.

"There is a named disciple of the Kongtong Sect named Liu Zhenbiao, do you know him?" Miejue Shitai suddenly remembered the matter of the Kongtong Sect and couldn't help asking, he wanted to hear Xu Da's opinion on this matter.

"Recognized!" Xu Da's heart moved, and he looked at Miejue Shitai, "This man is generous and generous, and he used to make conveniences with my various rebels in the south. Xu has come into contact with this man before."

After a pause, he asked, "Is this person here too?"

"Lead five hundred gangs to support the Kongtong sect." Miejue Shitai said, "The elders of the Kongtong sect have something to say, if we wish, we can bring the Poyang sect under our command..."

Xu Da said in surprise: "Is this true? Master, it would be great if it is true! We have [-] extra soldiers out of thin air. If we use them properly, it will be of great help!"

Miejue Shitai originally looked down on these 500 people. She thought that these 500 people were a mob. Don't look at the numbers to bluff people, but with her previous experience in dealing with gangsters, as long as she rushes in and kills one back and forth, the rest will be destroyed. coax away.

But seeing that Xu Da was so pleasantly surprised, and because of his prejudice before, he almost missed the talent of Xu Da, Miejue Shitai did not neglect this time, but nodded and said: "I will send people to the Kongtong camp immediately, let them and Contact Liu Zhenbiao."

"Thank you, Master!" Xu Da hastily expressed his thanks.

Miejue Shitai looked deeply at Xu Da and said: "No need to thank you! Just remember that what the Mingjiao can do, our Emei Sect can do too! The support Mingjiao gives you, my Emei Sect will only have more, not less !"

Xu Da sternly clasped his fists: "Young master said earlier that the master understands the righteousness and hates evil like hatred. The master supports the son's great cause so much. Xu Da thanks the master for his high righteousness and kindness!"

After all, he bowed deeply.

Miejue Shitai was speechless for a long time, and suddenly heaved a long sigh: "Su Shaoxia, Su Shaoxia, you are really... an amazing person."

Miejue Shitai and the Kongtong faction moved quickly, and soon Liu Zhenbiao got in touch with Xu Da.

The two were old acquaintances. Liu Zhenbiao had always admired Xu Da, a famous anti-Yuan general who was active in the south. Now that he had this opportunity to belong to his subordinates, he was overjoyed and bowed. , joined Xu Da's command.

In this way, Xu Da already has a preliminary team.

The following situation was exactly as Xu Da had expected. In the end, Yang Xiao, Yin Tianzheng, and the envoy of the Five Elements Banner all reached an agreement and decided to fight!
Whether it is to compete in the rivers and lakes, or to fight against the enemy with the whole body, you can't let the enemy go straight to Huanglong without letting go.At the very least, the blood and prestige of Mingjiao must be played, and the six major factions will know how powerful Mingjiao is before discussing the next step.

The situation suddenly became tense.

The most obvious change is that the Green Winged Bat King Wei Yixiao began to frequently attack the disciples of the six major sects, and all the disciples of the six major sects were kidnapped by Wei Yixiao with light skills and then sucked dry blood to death.

Their corpses were still thrown nearby, and the terrified mummy brought great shock and panic to the bottom disciples of the six major sects.

Following the Five Elements Banner, Mingjiao branch rudders and Tianyingjiao also began to harass and sneak attack the positions of the six major factions.

Fortunately, the six major sects gathered in one place and slowly advanced towards the Guangming Peak, not greedy for meritorious deeds, but rather like a hedgehog, leaving the Mingjiao party with nowhere to talk.

But everyone knows that this stalemate will be broken sooner or later.

In the next period of time, as the six major sects moved westward, the pressure they faced increased. Mingjiao ministries took turns to harass them, and even launched several large-scale attacks.

Although the six major factions got together, the effect was not as great as Liuheyi. On the contrary, because they were fighting each other, they were somewhat hindered by each other. There were frequent chaos in the fighting, and the enemy seized the opportunity, which really caused a lot of losses. .

Later, at night, the Ruijin Banner, Jumu Banner, and Hongshui Banner joined forces to set up an ambush, and more than a dozen sub-helm disciples formed a death squad to attack.

This battle only resulted in rivers of blood, and thousands of people participated in the battle. Under the bright moon, the shadows of swords and swords splashed blood and blood. Everyone was desperately fighting fiercely.

According to the art of war and the situation, the six major factions were completely defeated.

But because the six major sects had too many high-end combat powers, the heads of each sect led their own disciples to fight out of the siege, which also caused great damage to Mingjiao.

This is the difference between the martial arts world and ordinary world wars. Martial arts can affect the direction of a war to a certain extent.

In this battle to break out of the encirclement, both the six major sects and the Ming Cult suffered casualties. Strictly speaking, neither side took advantage of it.

This is of course a greater blow to the Mingjiao who took the initiative, but to the six major factions who came from the expedition, it took more than ten years to cultivate a disciple, which was time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it was not easy. several.Dozens of deaths, who can bear it?

So on this day, the top leaders of the six factions gathered together again, this time it was Master Kongzhi from Shaolin who proposed to choose a temporary leader who knew how to attack in battle formations, and take care of them to fight against Mingjiao's harassment.

(End of this chapter)

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