Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1100 Undercurrent

Chapter 1100 Undercurrent
Fighting in the army and fighting in the rivers and lakes are two completely different things. No matter how high the martial arts is, no matter how respected the martial arts seniors are, they may not be able to really command a big melee with hundreds or even thousands of people.

Monk Kongzhi's martial arts are not bad, but it's a pity that in the breakout battle that night before, the only thing he could do was to take the lead and lead the Shaolin monks to break out of the encirclement.

As for other pies?
I'm sorry, my father and mother are married, let's take care of each other!

There is no strategy or command at all.

It is said that the only complete sentence that Monk Kongzhi said that night was: "The Demon Cult is coming, run away!"

When he yelled this sentence, he also used martial arts similar to the sound transmission of thousands of miles, so that everyone present could hear it clearly, so the six major factions scattered and broke out in the first place.

What was wrong was that because the six major schools of birds and beasts dispersed so decisively, the people of Mingjiao didn't react, and even disrupted their attacking rhythm.

And this kind of practice of blowing all around and beating the master to death with random punches made many of Mingjiao's arrangements unable to be used, thus making the six major factions break out.

After this battle, although everyone didn't say anything, they knew very well in their hearts that the chief leader of Monk Kongzhi was actually incompetent, or that he was fine in other aspects, but he was completely fine in the confrontation with the Mingjiao formation. experience and ability.

One general was incompetent and exhausted the three armies, and Kong Zhi himself realized this, so he offered to promote talents, hoping to choose a general who could command a unified command in wartime, so that the six factions could Order and execute one place to reduce losses.

There are currently two candidates, Song Qingshu from the Wudang School, and Xu Da from the Emei School.

This personable son of the third generation of Wudang has been pampered since he was a child, and has received the best education and training.

Not only is he outstanding in martial arts, but also under the influence of his ancestors and father, he determined to drive out the Tartars since he was a child, and taught himself the art of war.

His advantage is that his roots are upright and young, and his standpoint is absolutely trustworthy. He also speaks of marching and fighting, and the use of military tactics. Everyone has a good impression of him. They feel that he is capable, humble and polite, and he is worthy of a famous family. After that, he was worthy of his nickname of Yumian Mengchang.

But the disadvantage is that he is inexperienced. The breakout battle happened suddenly that night, and everyone was only focused on fighting to break through, so his talent could not be brought into play.

However, Song Qingshu was very regretful afterwards, thinking that if he could command from the very beginning, he might be able to turn defeat into victory and turn the tide of the battle around. convince.

Another candidate, Xu Da, has the advantage of rich combat experience, and his performance is obvious to all.

In the breakout battle that night, he arranged properly, discovered the ambush set up by the Mingjiao in advance, and sent an early warning signal to the six major factions, forcing the Mingjiao to launch in advance. Break out.

And with his support and command, only one female disciple of the Emei Sect died because of greed and recklessness, which is the sect with the least loss among the six major sects.

But Xu Da's shortcoming is that he is a "decorated general" and is not trusted by everyone. Even Miejue Shitai murmurs about him, let alone others.

Furthermore, letting a demon sect descend to command the six major sects is not acceptable to the heads of the various sects.

Therefore, the identity of the temporary commander during the war was quickly locked as Song Qingshu, and Xu Da was eliminated without any accident.

This incident spread to the ears of Xu Da and the others. Whether it was Su Nuer, Hua Yun, or even the newcomer Liu Zhenbiao, they were all aggrieved for Xu Da. How could Song Qingshu compare to Xu Da?

But Xu Da was not dissatisfied with this.

"The six major sects are all arrogant masters of the rivers and lakes. If they really command, how can they really wield their arms?" Xu Da said, "Unless they are people with both might and virtue, whoever is in command will be the only one who can do it." The only thing is to let them fight in pieces.”

Xu Da sees it very clearly, whether he or Song Qingshu, under normal circumstances it is impossible to become the real commander and command the six major factions.

However, all the people sent by the Six Great Masters are masters, each with superb martial arts skills, if you pick anyone at random, one can outperform ten by virtue of martial arts alone.

Such a force, even without any command, as long as it dares to fight and kill, it will be very destructive when it rushes to the battlefield.

Not to mention that the high-end forces of each faction can be regarded as a small army alone.If there is no long-range crossbow arrows, it is impossible to trap these martial arts masters just by fighting in battle.

"Fortunately, I didn't recommend this matter to me. If it did, I would have to refuse." Xu Da shook his head, "It's a big taboo to change the coach before the war, and Song Qingshu is the only son of Song Yuanqiao, and he is also the leader of the three generations of Wudang sect. , is destined to take over the inheritance of Wudang, even if he loses, no one will criticize him. But if I make a small mistake, I will be criticized. Only fools do such thankless things!"

Hua Yun was still a little annoyed, and shouted: "It's one thing whether we do it or not, it's another thing if they don't know Mount Tai! These decent families don't know people at all. I really don't know why the young master wants to follow him!" They get mixed up...I think they will do bad things sooner or later!"

Xu Da smiled: "My lord didn't let us stay here to command the six major parties to deal with the Ming Cult, but to recruit troops for ourselves. This needs to be made clear. From now on, let's just keep a low profile and do the rest. If you can’t ask, don’t bother.”

It's a pity that the tree wants to be quiet, and the wind doesn't stop.

Xu Da has a good attitude, but he can't help Song Qingshu, who grew up in a honeypot, is narrow-minded and jealous of talents.

Since this period of time, Song Qingshu has been pestering Zhou Zhiruo endlessly, and his methods of courting Zhou Zhiruo are still very raw. He recites a poem, intends to perform in front of Zhou Zhiruo, or invites Zhou Zhiruo to enjoy the flowers and the moon together.

These are very common means.

If it was an ordinary woman, I'm afraid she would have fallen long ago.

But Zhou Zhiruo is not ordinary, even in the original plot, Song Qingshu couldn't ask for it, let alone now?
Zhou Zhiruo unconsciously compared Song Qingshu's "Jade Faced Mengchang" with Su Yi's "Jade Faced Flying Dragon".

This person is afraid of being compared with others. If not, a Jianghu lord like Song Qingshu is like a gold inlaid jade. He is talented in martial arts, family background and demeanor.

This kind of child from other people's family seems to be born to enjoy the applause and applause of everyone.

But no matter how much you worship, he is also a child.

The deeds that Song Qingshu showed off in front of Zhou Zhiruo, compared to Su Yi's feat of repelling the enemy alone and entering the devil cave to investigate the secrets of the devil religion, are as ridiculous as a child's play.

The martial arts that Song Qingshu is proud of and often demonstrates in front of her is even more ridiculous to Zhou Zhiruo.

You know, Su Yi has fought against her master, and she still won't lose.

As for demeanor—

Su Yi talked eloquently in front of his master, with such a confident expression, who would not be overwhelmed by it?
But Song Qingshu seemed to be polite, but in fact he was very nervous every time he faced his master, and he didn't dare to go beyond the rules.

Which one is higher and which one is lower, can we compare again?

And talent—

Su Yi's talent and wisdom are highly praised by his master, and even let him get in touch with Su Yi more.

But instead of Song Qingshu, the master not only told himself to stay away from him with a stern tone, but once even told Song Qingshu directly not to bother the Emei female disciple again if there was nothing to do.

It's a pity that this person has a thick skin, no matter what the master says, he should come or come, and as soon as he comes, he pesters himself, which is really annoying.

In Zhou Zhiruo's eyes, Song Qingshu's methods of courting Zhou Zhiruo were also very naive, like a child constantly showing off and expressing himself, hoping to be praised.

Then she remembered the brief contact with Su Yi that day.

What about "man who is too honest is not loved", what "do you like it", and he actually hoped that when he saw him again, he could dance a sword for him...

Every word and every look of that man seemed to poke people's hearts.

Compared to him, what Song Qingshu said and did could not even be considered as tickling her.

Annoyed by Song Qingshu's entanglement, Zhou Zhi immediately went to Zhang Wuji.

She could see that Zhang Wuji also had a heart of admiration for her, otherwise it would not have been obvious that Senior Sister Ding Minjun's poisonous injury had already recovered to its original state, but he was still attached to the Emei faction and could not leave.

The master didn't know Zhang Wuji's identity, but thought he had a mysterious background, and because he was limping all the time, he simply let him stay in the team of the Emei Sect.

Moreover, Zhou Zhiruo was sensitive to the unusual relationship between the two from Su Nuer's attitude towards Zhang Wuji. Sometimes Su Nuer would give Zhang Wuji some food and drink. He is very concerned about Zhang Wuji, and often looks at him intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhou Zhiruo was born intelligent, she kept her face calm, and took the initiative to talk to Zhang Wuji in the process of contacting Zhang Wuji. Zhang Wuji didn't defend Zhou Zhiruo at all, and easily revealed that she was a disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect.

Zhou Zhiruo was numb all over.

I thought it was no wonder that when she was in close contact with Zhang Wuji before, Su Nuer looked at her very strangely...

She discovered such a huge secret, but she didn't expose it directly. Instead, she found Su Nu'er and asked whether it was true or not.

Su Nuer first asked her about her relationship with Zhang Wuji, and then told her the truth: "Zeng Aniu is indeed the disciple of the young master, and before he left, the young master calculated that he would go west with the Emei sect. But he didn't Knowing me, the young master also told me not to recognize him and let him take care of himself. Miss Zhou, since you have insight into this matter, please keep it a secret for the villain..."

Zhou Zhiruo naturally responded.

But since then, she found that the way Su Nuer looked at her returned to normal.

Zhou Zhiruo vaguely guessed the reason for this, and couldn't help being secretly ashamed.

Zhou Zhiruo didn't hide from Zhang Wuji, because in her opinion, her relationship with Zhang Wuji was very close.

The two had known each other since childhood, and Zhang Wuji was his apprentice.

If in the future...wouldn't it be...

In short, she felt that Zhang Wuji and Zhang Wuji were her own people, so she directly told Zhang Wuji about her troubles.

Zhang Wuji was not a fool either, he was always quick-witted, but he actually figured out a way to play tricks on Song Qingshu calmly, telling him to retreat when he was in trouble, and he didn't bother Zhou Zhiruo for several days.

However, by doing so, he completely offended Song Qingshu to death.

Song Qingshu was always thinking about how to deal with Zhang Wuji, until one day someone found him.

Ding Minjun.

Ding Minjun told Song Qingshu that Zhou Zhiruo had nothing to do with that idiot Zhang Wuji at all, the person Zhou Zhiruo really fell in love with was Su Mingyi, known as the Jade Face Flying Dragon!
Ding Minjun was already jealous of Zhou Zhiruo, she wanted to become the head of Emei, but it was a pity that she made Ji Xiaofu into Zhou Zhiruo, after more than ten years, the more she endured, the more hopeless she became.

Especially when she went to catch Yin Li last time, she originally wanted to show her face for the Emei Sect and get her master's praise.But I didn't expect that I didn't show my face well, and I was poisoned instead, and was rescued by Zhou Zhiruo.

Not only was Ding Minjun not grateful to Zhou Zhiruo, but he was so jealous that he went crazy, feeling that Zhou Zhiruo had once again stole his limelight, and that he was one step further away from the position of head.

As the saying goes, the person who knows you best is not your friend, but your enemy.

Ding Minjun had long guessed that Zhou Zhiruo's recent subtle mood changes might be related to Su Yi.

He has seen what Su Yi is capable of, and he has also heard how Master praised this person. Zhou Zhiruo is young and beautiful, with good talent. If she gets another foreign aid from Su Yi, then the position of head of the Emei Sect will be completely different from her. no problem.

Ding Minjun sensed the crisis like an ant in a hot pot.

Originally, she was helpless and didn't know what to do, but the appearance of Song Qingshu made her see a turning point.

Seeing Song Qingshu stalking Zhou Zhiruo, she felt even more jealous, thinking that why should all good men hang around that vixen.

Until that time, when she saw her master sternly berating Zhou Zhiruo, telling her to keep a distance from Song Qingshu, and driving Song Qingshu away in displeasure, Ding Minjun immediately realized that there was definitely something to be done.

Master didn't want Zhou Zhiruo to have feelings for men and women, and he didn't like Song Qingshu either!
Ding Minjun made such a judgment.

So she immediately found Song Qingshu, started to make things easier for him, deliberately let him come to Zhou Zhiruo, and kept him informed of Zhou Zhiruo's movements and conditions.

Ding Minjun is not a smart person, her idea at this time is just to let Miejue Shitai see that Zhou Zhiruo doesn't listen to Master's words, but wants to get in touch with Song Qingshu.

It is best to let Zhou Zhiruo fall in love with Song Qingshu and let her get the handle.

It was because of this that Ji Xiaofu was killed by his master back then.

Although Song Qingshu is not Yang Xiao, Master doesn't like this person either!

Moreover, although the Emei sect does not prohibit disciples from marrying, there is still an unwritten saying that as the head of the sect, one must never marry as a woman.

From Grand Master Guo Xiang, to Grand Master Feng Ling Shi Tai, and then to Master Extinction, all of them were never married.

In order to be the head of the sect, Ding Minjun has never found a man in his life, and the price he paid is not insignificant.

She believed that as long as Master could see that Zhou Zhiruo was attracted to a man and Song Qingshu, whom Master disliked very much, Master would definitely be disappointed in Zhou Zhiruo!
(End of this chapter)

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