Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1102 Attack

Chapter 1102 Attack
Miejue Shitai was very angry, so she asked Xu Da to confront her immediately.

After Xu Da was called, Song Qingshu told the story again. After listening, Xu Da didn't immediately defend himself, but his expression was very strange.

"Xu Da, is what Mr. Song said true or false?" Miejue Shitai said coldly, "You just tell the truth! If it is true, you are Su Shaoxia's man, and the old nun will not treat you badly, but will hand you over to me. Send it to Shaoxia Su!"

"But if there is no such thing, you don't have any scruples! Don't say that only the Wudang Seven Heroes are here today, even if Zhang Zhenren comes here in person, it won't hurt you, understand?"

In the end, Miejue Shitai was already stern.

Everyone changed their colors when they heard the words.

Song Yuanqiao hurriedly clasped his fists, and said solemnly: "Master, you are too serious! I, Song Yuanqiao, are definitely not a despicable villain who deliberately provokes, let alone a fool who doesn't care about priorities! The reason why I brought my dog ​​to confront General Xu today is because I am afraid that there is something wrong with it. Misunderstanding, or Gouzi misheard and believed, Yuan Qiao is dedicated to serving the public and has absolutely no selfishness, the teacher must not ignore it!"

Miejue Shitai snorted coldly: "The Wudang sect is dedicated to the public. The old nun has seen it ten years ago. The whereabouts of Xie Xun, the demon who wrecked the martial arts world, is still unknown. It is the result of Wudang's dedication to the public!"

What he said made everyone in Wudang look bad, and some even had a faint look of anger.

Ten years ago, Wudang Five Heroes Zhang Cuishan and his wife committed suicide in public in Wudang Mountain. Speaking of which, Miejue Shitai also had a "credit".Extinguish this scar at this time, how can the Wudang heroes not hate it?

Xu Da was a little surprised by Miejue Shitai's attitude, because Miejue Shitai's words obviously believed him more.

Miejue Shitai has always had a stereotyped prejudice against Mingjiao, and has always had a bad attitude towards Xu Da. Not long ago, Xu Da even rejected Miejue Shitai's solicitation.

But what Xu Da didn't expect was that despite this, facing Song Qingshu's accusation, Miejue Shitai would rather believe in him, a "monster of the Demon Cult", than the young hero of the Wudang School.

Xu Da suddenly had a new understanding of this old nun.

He clasped his fists at Miejue Shitai, and said sincerely, "Master is upright and respectful, Xu Da is very grateful. Xu did not say this."

"But I did hear you!" Song Qingshu immediately frowned and said, "Xu Da, a man dares to act bravely. You don't admit what you said yourself now? What is this?"

Xu Da put down his hands and looked at Song Qingshu with a calm expression. He smiled and said, "Song Shaoxia, you said I did, and I said I didn't. If you swear, I can swear. You don't have a witness. Presumably, you Wudang would also deny it. In this way, we will each speak our own words, and no one can prove that he is not lying. What do you think about this matter?"

"What a joke!" Song Qingshu pretended to be angry and flicked his sleeves, "How can I lie and deliberately slander you, an upright and respectable child? I, Wudang, are not a demon sect that has always been scheming and cunning! I, Song Qingshu, am definitely not a sinister, filthy villain!"

As he spoke, he clasped his fists at Miejue Shitai: "Master, this junior has no reason to lie and slander Xu Da. If he insists that this junior has no one to testify, this junior has nothing to do! It's just that with this junior's identity and character, what this junior says is not as good as Is it more believable what a demon cultist said?"

The heroes of Wudang nodded after hearing the words, agreeing with what Song Qingshu said.

They also felt that Song Qingshu had no reason or need to lie to frame Xu Da, so Xu Da must not admit it now.

Miejue Shitai didn't even raise his eyelids, and said calmly: "Mr. Song, don't talk about the demon cult monster. Xu Da has long since left the Ming religion and turned to the dark. Since none of you can prove that you haven't lied, let's put this matter on hold for now." Bring it up! Although I can't rub the sand in my eyes, I can't mess around with trumped-up charges. If it really makes a joke about whether we can't distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, wouldn't it make people laugh at the old nun's blindness?"

"Master..." Song Yuanqiao continued to speak, but Juejue's eyes sharpened sharply, and his tongue burst into thunder, "Seeing off the guests!"

"Master!" Song Yuanqiao's face changed again, and he shouted.

"Jingxuan, didn't you hear me? Send Wudang heroes out!" Juejue scolded with a cold face.

"Yes, master!" Jingxuan hurriedly stood up and responded.

Seeing this, Song Yuanqiao lost his temper. He clasped his fists and said calmly, "I will send you off without trouble. Master, the battle is imminent. I hope that the master will put the overall situation first. This is what the younger generation said. Think twice, master! Let's go!"

After all, he brought everyone from Wudang out in a single file.

The two sides broke up after a disagreement.

After Wudang people left, Miejue Shitai said to Xu Da: "Go too, just pretend that this never happened. With me here, Wudang people dare not embarrass you!"

In fact, the reason Mijue Shitai believed in Xu Da was because of the conversation with Xu Da before.She is a confident person, so confident that she is self-willed, so she has always believed in her own vision and intuition.

She didn't think Xu Da would deceive her and deceive her eyes.

Moreover, Xu Da was brought by Su Yi and protected by Su Yi, which means that this person has been double-authenticated by her and Su Yi.

But Song Qingshu's sudden accusation this time really made Monk Zhang Er confused.

If it was a false accusation, why did he do it?
There is no reason...

Miejue Shitai couldn't figure out Song Qingshu's reason for slandering Xu Da, so a trace of doubt arose in his heart.

However, regardless of whether Xu Da is loyal or traitor, it is impossible for her to question Xu Da together with the Wudang people.She must protect Xu Da.

As for whether what Song Qingshu said is true or not, she will slowly investigate in private.

If it is false, she will have to give her an explanation for what the Wudang faction did today.

If it's true... Miejue Shitai would not hand over Xu Da to Su Yi as she said, but directly let Xu Da and Hua Yun be "assassinated to death by demons."

Xu Da is a smart person, and he can probably guess Miejue Shitai's thoughts in his heart.

But despite this, he is already very grateful for Miejue Shitai's position today.

"Master!" Xu Da clasped his fists and said, "The gap has already occurred, and it will be difficult for Xu to prove his innocence in a short time. If he stays, I'm afraid it will attract suspicion from all factions, mutual suspicion and complaints. The big battle is imminent, this is a big taboo .”

Song Qingshu is not stupid. The reason why he dared to tell such a lie is because he already knew that because the Emei Sect is all female disciples, Xu Da and Hua Yun usually hide in the corner of the resident in order to avoid suspicion. Patrolling around, not wandering around in the Emei garrison.

He lied, at least people from the Emei faction could not help Xu Da prove his whereabouts.Moreover, he deliberately said the time later, vaguely, and with an uncertain scope, just to give himself room for maneuver.

In this way, relying on Xu Da and Hua Yun, or Su Nuer, Zhang Wuji and others to prove to him obviously cannot win the trust of the six major factions. As long as he insists on it, Xu Da has no way to prove his innocence.

Miejue Shitai heard Xu Da's implication, frowned and said, "You want to leave?"

"It's not leaving, it's just splitting up with the six major factions." Xu Da explained, "Liu Zhenbiao led the five hundred gangs of the Poyang Gang and has always been a pioneer camp. He is not a general, and Xu has always been worried about him. This time it happened Take this opportunity to formally take over the barracks. Afterwards, Xu will lead the [-] gang from the open to the dark, and support each other with the teacher."

Miejue Shitai frowned slightly, thought for a moment, finally nodded in agreement, and said, "That's fine."

Miejue Shitai also didn't want to affect his plan to eliminate demons because of the gap with Wudang.Xu Da took the initiative to retreat, which is a solution.

Moreover, Xu Da's decision also alleviated his suspicion to a certain extent.

Song Qingshu's accusation said that Xu Da wanted to "cooperate internally and externally" with the Demon Cult. Now that Xu Da has gone outside by himself, how can he cooperate internally and externally?

As for whether Xu Da wanted to run away because the incident was exposed?

Miejue Shitai thinks that this is impossible, because even if Xu Da is really a spy, he shouldn't be a cowardly fool who would run away after the slightest suspicion.

Xu Da acted swiftly and swiftly. After returning home, he immediately packed his things and prepared to leave.

Ding Minjun has been paying attention to this matter, and she is also secretly startled by Song Qingshu's actions, for fear of hurting herself.

But seeing that Xu Da was leaving, she suddenly became happy.

She saw Su Nu'er, Xu Da and others talking from a distance, with serious expressions on their faces.

But that Zeng Aniu stood aside stupidly, looking at a loss.

Xu Da is leaving, what about Zeng Aniu?
If he still keeps it, it will still be bad...

Ding Minjun rolled his eyes, and hurried to Miejue Shitai's tent.Before entering the door, I heard Miejue Shitai's scolding inside.

"You remember Zhiruo. From now on, don't say a single word to a sinister and despicable hypocrite like Song Qingshu! You really know people, face and heart, but that real person is also famous for a lifetime, and Song Yuanqiao is also a famous person. Even Zhang Cuishan, who was bewitched by the demon girl and willingly fell into depravity, is worthy of the word 'chivalry', a man of justice, how could he train such a beastly beast like Song Qingshu?"

Ding Minjun heard Master Miejue scolded so harshly, he couldn't help but also secretly awe-inspiring.

But she was even more delighted in her heart, she knew very well that Song Qingshu would never give up on Zhou Zhiruo, as long as she continued to instigate him to find Zhou Zhiruo, and then secretly used some tricks...

Hehe, will Master still love and value Zhou Zhiruo so much when the time comes?

"What are you doing standing outside the door? Come in!" Miejue Shitai suddenly scolded from inside.

Ding Minjun was startled, and hurriedly opened the curtain and walked in.

"Master!" Ding Minjun said respectfully, "Xu Da and Hua Yun seem to be leaving, they said they were allowed by the master, but I don't know the truth, so I came here to report to the master."

"Is this something you should worry about? Don't worry about what you should worry about all day long, and worry about what you shouldn't worry about!" Juejue scolded, "If your thoughts were put on the right path early, you wouldn't be like this now useless!"

Ding Minjun was obedient and dared not speak, but he hated greatly in his heart. He said in his heart that you were angry with others, but you spread it on me. It was my bad luck to hit your gun.

"Master, I see that Zeng Aniu seems to want to leave with him..." Ding Minjun tentatively said, "This person is also a burden to us if he stays here..."

"Let Xu Da take him away too!" Miejue Shi waved his hand impatiently.

The reason why Miejue Shitai took Zeng A Niu was because he thought this person was suspicious and wanted to take another look, but he had no other intentions.

At this time, thinking that it would be quite troublesome for him to stay, he simply let Xu Da take him away and watch him.

On the other side, Zhou Zhiruo had a strange look on her face.

Zhang Wuji wanted to follow him?

How can this be?

She knew Zhang Wuji's thoughts very well, and knew that Zhang Wuji would never take the initiative to propose to leave.

Ding Minjun was overjoyed when he got the "imperial decree", and thought that the last problem was solved.

Immediately he had to order out of the tent, and went straight to Zhang Wuji.

Zhou Zhiruo still wanted to go and see, but was kept by Miejue Shitai, who continued to listen to Master scolding Song Qingshu for a quarter of an hour before being released.

By the time she came out, it was already late, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse, Zhang Wuji and others had already left the building empty.

On the other hand, Wudang also learned the news of Xu Da's departure. After some discussion among the Wudang heroes, they felt that Miejue Shitai handled the "household affairs" by himself, which was regarded as an explanation to Wudang.

They had originally planned to tell Shaolin about this matter, but now that there is such a change, it is natural to let it go.

A turmoil disappeared without a trace.

Among them, Song Qingshu was the happiest.

His purpose has been fully achieved!
Xu Da is gone, and so is that annoying Zeng A Niu!Now only he and Zhou Zhiruo are left, and no one can stop them anymore!

Of course, he was still a little worried, wondering if he had offended Master Miejue too much this time.

But it's not a big deal when you think about it. When the time comes to move out the grand master Zhang Sanfeng, she will not lose face if she judges her extermination master.

Song Qingshu has traveled all over the world these years, and Zhang Sanfeng has always been his tried and tested "Shangfang Baojian".

Song Qingshu originally planned to find Zhou Zhiruo, but before he could go out, the Emei faction sent out an emergency signal, calling the six major factions to gather urgently.

When the Wudang faction arrived at the place, they found that the other factions had already arrived. In the field, Su Nuer was hit by an arrow in the chest, half of her body was stained with blood, and she was gritting her teeth.

In front of him, two Shaolin monks were helping him draw arrows and treat the wound.

Song Yuanqiao hastily clasped his fists and looked around, as a courtesy, he hurriedly asked: "Master, what happened?"

Miejue Shitai smiled coldly and said, "So that Daxia Song would know that Xu Da left our residence today and accidentally discovered that the Five Elements Flag of the Demon Cult had dug a tunnel and quietly surrounded our residence. After they met with members of the Demon Cult, this Su Brother covered Xu Da's departure and came in again, risking his life to warn us. The Demon Cult's army will arrive with only one stick of incense at most!"

As soon as these words came out, except for everyone in Wudang, the rest of the heroes all looked awe-inspiring, obviously they had already heard the news.

Song Yuanqiao naturally heard the sarcasm in Miejue Shitai's words, and couldn't help but look back at his son.

Song Qingshu panicked slightly, subconsciously said: "Could this be a trap?"

"What trap?" The rest of the people didn't know the quarrel between Wudang and Emei before, so they couldn't help looking over curiously.

Song Yuanqiao coughed lightly and took over the words: "No matter what, meeting the enemy is the most important thing, and put the rest aside first!"

He looked at Song Qingshu, and said with a stern expression: "Qingshu, haven't you always boasted that you have high ambitions, and you have shouted to lead troops to fight and drive out the Tartars? It's a dragon or a worm, and now is your chance to test you! My six major factions How to fight, you come up with a charter!"

Knowing a son is like a father, Song Yuanqiao has now seen that the previous incident may be a bit tricky.Although he was angry, he was also worried.

Yumian Mengchang's reputation has not come easily, and he does not want his son's future to be ruined.

But if Song Qingshu is able to command this battle effectively, then everything will be easy to talk about!
(End of this chapter)

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