Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1103 War

Chapter 1103 War
Strictly speaking, this is the first official battle between the six major factions and the Ming Cult.

Because the six major sects merged in advance, all the Mingjiao Five Elements Banners were dispatched, but they didn't rush forward in a swarm, but in an orderly manner, with strict formations.

Before seeing the enemy, Song Qingshu assigned the tasks of the six major factions. The Shaolin, Wudang, Emei and Kunlun factions occupy the four directions respectively, and the Kongtong and Huashan factions serve as two mobile forces to deal with emergencies at any time.

All the heroes had no objection to this arrangement, and the next step was to wait for the enemy to arrive.

The camp of the six factions is an oasis, with sand dunes to the east, rivers to the south, and dense forests to the north and west.

Now it is the season of late autumn and winter, the weather is dry, and the grass is withered and yellow.

They didn't wait for the enemy, but they waited for the fire first.

The raging fire spread instantly with the help of the northwest wind, and the crowd was in an uproar.

"It smells like sulfur! This is the people from the Fiery Banner of the Demon Cult setting fire!" He Taichong, who knew the bottom of the Ming Cult best because of his geographical relationship, immediately reacted and shouted loudly.

Seeing the fire approaching, Song Qingshu immediately made a decision: "Retreat! Don't worry about these two sides, retreat to the east!"

This kind of fire not only cut off the way out of the six major sects, but also blocked the way out of the Mingjiao. It was impossible for anyone to pass through these two directions, so Song Qingshu immediately changed his strategy and gave up these two directions.

Moreover, he realized that the enemy set fire in these two directions, he must be trying to force himself to the east, because the south is a river, and the six major factions do not have tools to cross the river, the only direction they can go is the east.

There must be danger to the east!

"The situation has changed, and the original plan needs to be changed! There must be enemies ambushing on the sand dunes in the east. Please send out experts with good lightness skills from each of the six factions to charge first!" Song Qingshu chose to send high-end forces to investigate and disrupt the enemy's deployment arrangement first, and then Quickly lead people into battle.

I have to say that he still has something, but not much, otherwise he should not choose to meet the enemy in this low-lying oasis since he learned of the enemy's attack. This is a big taboo for military strategists.

"Look!" Xian Yutong exclaimed, pointing to the east suddenly.

Before the six major sects could react, dense figures appeared on the sand dunes to the east. Under the moonlight, there were crowds of people. I don't know how many people there were.


With a solemn shout, the sound of "swish, swish" arrows could be heard in the next second, and under the moonlight, dense black spots shot towards this side.

Among the Five Elements Banners, the one who is best at bowing and horses should be the person of Ruijin Banner, and all of his congregation are excellent archers.

"Spread out! Guard against arrows!" Song Qing's expression changed drastically and he shouted sharply.

"Sixth brother and seventh brother, follow me!" Yu Lianzhou, the second Wudang hero, shouted, drew his sword and swung his sword to block the arrows, while rushing towards the east facing the arrows.

"Yuanyin, Yuantong, come with me!" Kongxing shouted, unwilling to be behind.

Immediately after the masters of each of the six major factions rushed to the east, Emei went to a Miejue Shitai.

More than a dozen masters leaped and skimmed on the sand dunes, passing through the rain of arrows, their speed was extremely fast, even if Mingjiao launched the second and third rounds of volleys, they could not slow down their speed.

But the remaining disciples of the Six Sects are not so powerful here.

Three rounds of volley came down, causing dozens of casualties.

The masters were about to rush to the top of the sand dunes, and the disciples of the six major factions below were ready to start applauding.But at this moment, the members of the Ruijin Banner cultivators who were firing in salvo in the front row suddenly retreated, and the row behind held javelins on top, rushed a few steps, and threw them vigorously.

As soon as this row of javelins was thrown, the other faction followed closely. After three or four rounds, they saw a dense volley of javelins coming from high altitude.

The masters were able to block the arrows, but the dense attack of such powerful javelins still posed a great threat to them.

Three people were injured on the spot, and an elder from Huashan was even pierced by several javelins and nailed to death.

The attacks of the masters were contained in an instant, and at this moment, only the sound of the loudspeaker was heard, and even the masters such as Miejue Shitai changed their expressions, because it was the sound of the crossbow.

"Ahhhh..." Monk Kong was aroused madly, and suddenly wrapped up more than ten javelins with his big cassock and subduing demons, and threw them back upwards. A gap suddenly appeared in the camp, Juejue Shitai took advantage of this gap to jump up to the top of the sand dune, rushed into the crowd and charged with his sword.

The rest of the masters were a few steps slower, and the people above taught them to shoot with crossbows, which made them have to dodge in embarrassment and temporarily avoid the sharp edge.

Miejue Shitai's swordsmanship is fierce, holding the Yitian sword, and almost no congregation can let her make a second sword.

But seeing her tall and tall figure weaving back and forth among the crowd, as the shadows of the sword intersected, several congregants died under her long sword in an instant.

"Old thief! Don't hurt my brother, I, Zhuang Zheng, will meet you!" One shouted angrily, and rushed forward with a mace in hand.

Miejue Shitai's heart moved when she heard the name, and her murderous heart was also cleared up. She knew that Zhuang Zheng was the envoy of the Five Elements Banner Rui Jin Banner, and he was considered a big figure in the Demon Cult.

Seeing Zhuang Zheng approaching, Juejue Shitai raised his sword and slashed, unexpectedly cutting the thick mace in two with one sword.

But Zhuang Zheng was not surprised, he threw the remaining half of the mace as a hidden weapon at Miejue Shitai, followed by rolling on the spot to bully him, and punched out with both fists, wanting to cling to Miejue Shitai Fighting, so as to curb the power of her Yitian sword.

Juejue Shitai blocked it for a while, and found that Zhuang Zheng's strength was astonishing, and his moves were also meticulous and mighty, and he was even on par with her for a while.

Below, the first wave of attacks by Kong Xing and others was repelled by the crossbow arrows, but they immediately launched a second wave of attack.

At this time, a group of congregants in red clothes arrived with spears in their hands, but it was Araging Fire Banner who came to support.

Ruijin Qi and Lie Huo Qi fight together with more than a dozen orthodox masters. The former has a large number of people and a strict formation;

Although the Five Elements Banner suffered a lot of casualties, it entangled the masters tightly in the quagmire of the battle, leaving them no time to care about others.

At the same time, the following six sects are facing a huge crisis!

Just when masters such as Miejue Shitai and Ruijin Banner and Raging Fire Banner were fighting hand-to-hand, with a sharp and long howl, a black shadow suddenly swooped in, charged into the camps of the six major factions, and grabbed Song Qingshu who was commanding the battle formation .

Song Qingshu was taken aback, before he could react, Song Yuanqiao and the Four Heroes Zhang Songxi beside him stood in front of him with loud shouts, and instantly exchanged a few moves with the attacker, and slapped each other.

The faces of both of them turned pale and gray in an instant, and they took two steps back, showing pain on their faces.

The attacker was also shocked and flew back, grabbed a Wudang disciple on the side, and flew into the air.

Amidst the screams of the Wudang disciple's horror, the man bit him on the neck, stopping his screams abruptly.

"It's Wei Yixiao, the devil! Be careful, everyone!" Song Qingshu yelled out of shock.

As soon as the words were finished, there was only the sound of water splashing nearby, and hundreds of figures appeared densely in the water, each holding a water dragon spray canister.

"Let it go!" With the sound of the leader's shout, more than a hundred water arrows shot towards the shore.

The group of heroes could only smell a violent sour smell, and the Kunlun sect closest to the shore was immediately stunned. Dozens of disciples immediately fell down when they encountered a water arrow, screaming and wailing, their hands clutching their necks and rolling all over the ground , In an instant, the skin was broken and the flesh was rotten, it was horrible.

"It's the poisonous water of Hongshuiqi, back quickly!" Monk Kongzhi roared, tore off his cassock, waved the cassock like a spinning top, formed a barrier, and rushed into the water.

This monk wanted to buy time for the heroes to evacuate, and he did. In a flash, he rushed into the water, flying his palms, disrupting the flood flag camp.

But soon Tang Yang, the flag-bearer of Hongshui, led several masters to meet him, entangled him so that he had no time to look after him, and the rest of the congregation regrouped and continued to spray poisonous water on the heroes.

Song Qingshu shouted hoarsely, and led the rest of the people away from the river bank.

While Wei Yixiao left and returned, Jie Jie rushed into the crowd of the six major sects with a strange smile and massacred ordinary disciples. The crowd was in chaos until Ban Shuxian and several elders of the Kongtong sect joined forces to force this vampire bat again. have to fly away.

"Go to the sand dunes! Meet the teacher and the others!" Song Qingshu shouted until his voice became hoarse.

At this time, there was no strategic command, and he was completely flustered.

In the original plot, the six major sects acted separately. Firstly, the upper echelon of Mingjiao was due to internal strife, and secondly, due to the dispersion of troops, so such a large-scale war never occurred.

In the original plot, the war commanded by Song Qingshu was also fought with the wind, basically it was assigned who would go to which side, and then won.

But even so, they were secretly ambushed by the Tianying Cultists and made dumplings. If Zhang Wuji hadn't fought with Miejue Shitai, the six major sects would have suffered heavy losses.

In the current situation, with the participation of Su Yi, the six major sects joined forces early, and a letter from Miejue Shitai made the high-level Mingjiao decide to seek peace, so the Five Elements Banner came out in full force. A big fight.

If Xu Da hadn't spotted the traces of the Five Elements Flag, the six major factions were raided in ignorance, and the losses would have been even more severe. Maybe they would have to go back home after this battle and end up sadly.

Even so, when Song Qingshu, who was talking about war on paper, met the experienced envoy of the Five Elements Banner, he was completely powerless to parry, and was basically led by the nose.

The dense forest winds in the west and north have already burned half of the sky red because of the fire.

The Flood Banner in the river in the south is using poisonous water to force the heroes to stay away.

Now there is only one way left for Song Qingshu, and that is to go east, kill on the sand dunes, join forces with Miejue Shitai and others, and see if he can break out of the encirclement. Only in this way can he have a chance of survival.

Under the cover of Kong Zhi, Ban Shuxian and other experts, the six factions rushed towards the sand dunes.

As soon as we got to the middle of the mountain, we heard the shouts of killing. After a chaotic battle above, hundreds of strong men in white suddenly appeared. Four of them carried a thick log. The smell on the log was pungent. He poured oil on the fire.

They moved swiftly, and when they reached the top of the dune, they shouted and threw the log down, while someone with a torch lit the oil.

The kerosene ignites when it sees the fire, and in an instant it turns into a billowing pillar of fire, rolling down.

One after another, these people threw more than a dozen burning thick logs, and Miejue Shitai injured Zhuang Zheng and rushed over, wielding the Yitian sword to massacre these giant wooden banners throwing logs, and stopped them. their offensive.

More than a dozen burning logs tumbled down, and the heroes did not dare to stop them, and hurriedly spread out to both sides of the sand dune.

But at this moment, dust was flying on both sides of the sand dune, and men in yellow clothes holding sharp knives were killing loudly and came towards the middle.

There are hundreds of these people densely packed, and they are people from Mingjiao Houtu Banner.

On the sand dunes, the people of the giant wooden banner also swooped down, forming a three-way encirclement of the heroes.


The three torrents rushed into the group of heroes in the blink of an eye, and their blood was splashed in an instant.

At this time, there is no time to think about anything, only killing!
If you kill too late or slow, you will die, not to mention distracting others?

There is no formation or style of play.

Although the disciples of the six major sects have high martial arts skills, they fight on their own. Some inexperienced are nervous and flustered at this time, and their moves are not organized at all.

On the other hand, the disciples of the Five Elements Banner, although their martial arts are not as good, they spontaneously form a small battle formation in groups of two, three or five on the battlefield to fight against the enemy.

Casualties on both sides increased rapidly, and the six major factions could no longer hold on. As the Huashan faction retreated to the oasis first, the Kunlun and Kongtong factions followed closely.

The pressure on the other three factions suddenly increased sharply, and they had no choice but to retreat back to the oasis.

Above, the five members of the Ming Cult also arrived, and the masters of each faction and the Ming Cult masters were evenly matched. Rui Jin Qi and Raging Fire Banner also freed up their hands to cover up the disciples of the six major sects.

Miejue Shitai and the others saw this situation, and if they continued to fight with the enemy, all the disciples might die, so they had to fight out of the battle one after another and rejoined the disciples.

The five-element flag encircled the four sides, forcing the six major factions to go down the sand dunes again and head towards the oasis.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

At this moment, the sound of killing on both sides of the sand dune shook the sky, but the dust was surging, and countless people gathered, but there were swords like forests, banners unfurled, and the killing generals came to this side.

Both the Six Major Factions and the Five Elements Banner were in turmoil, and it was not known which side the people who appeared rashly belonged to.

But soon they revealed their identities.

"Tai Ke, the extermination division of the Emei faction, is here? The Su family army came to rescue!"

"Xu Jiajun is here!"

"The Hua Family Army is here too!"

The two-volume sergeant shouted loudly, and the voice came from afar, only to be surprised that the movements of the two sides in the war eased a little.

Miejue Shitai was drenched in blood at the moment, with a dazed expression on his face.

She didn't know where so many troops came from, but she quickly guessed the clues from these surnames.

The 500 people led by Xu Da will never make such a big noise, this is a bluff!
Miejue Shitai quickly judged, her eyes flashed, and suddenly she used her internal strength to let out a long cry: "Everyone, reinforcements have arrived, and it's time to counterattack! Kill!"

After all, he did not retreat but advanced, and took the lead in killing the enemy.

The rest of the people didn't know why, but they were all overjoyed. Their morale, which had been low and hopeless, was instantly boosted, and they followed Miejue Shitai to fight back.

(End of this chapter)

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