Chapter 1105
On the top of the light, the duel is in full swing.

The two sides in the duel are the white-browed Eagle King Yin Tianzheng, the leader of the Tianying Sect and one of the four guardians of the Ming Sect, and the other is Zhang Songxi, Zhang Sanfeng's proud disciple and one of the world-shaking Wudang Seven Heroes. A first-class master.

The fight between the two sides became intense as soon as they fought. The two fought fast, and their moves were so fast that they dazzled all the heroes present. Those with lesser martial arts skills could not even see their figures clearly.

The crowd didn't dare to show their enthusiasm, but they heard the sound of fists and feet touching each other and a slight shout, nothing else.

At a certain moment, there was just a "bang", and the two palms intersected suddenly, and they immediately stalemate. The transition from extremely fast to extremely quiet was only completed in an instant, giving people a very abrupt and unfinished feeling.

"it is good!"

The next moment, the crowd applauded loudly.

Well, most of them don't know, but that's right.

But then, as Yin Tianzheng and Zhang Songxi's heads were steaming, everyone knew what they were doing.

Compete for internal strength!

The competition of martial arts masters' internal strength seems ordinary, but in fact it is no less dangerous than real swords and guns.

The so-called competition of internal force means that both parties are desperately sending their own internal force into the opponent's body. Once one party loses, the opponent's internal force will attack the meridians.

And once the two sides of the competition reach the stage of competing for internal strength, it is actually time to decide the winner.

Because if there is a winner, the loser will either die or be injured; if there is no winner, and both sides have similar moves, then there is no need to continue to compete.

At this moment, the two people on the field have each exerted all their internal strength. Both the Mingjiao and the six major factions held their breaths, worrying about their own people. They were like two stone statues, motionless and not looking at each other. In the blink of an eye, only the rising heat above the heads of the two of them proved that it was not easy for them.

At a certain moment, Yin Tianzheng and Zhang Songxi suddenly heard shouting in unison, and each retreated six or seven steps.The clothes and hair of the two sides suddenly calmed down, and they stared at each other with solemn expressions.

After a long time, Zhang Songxi said hoarsely: "Senior Yin's miraculous skills are outstanding, I admire, I admire! Just now this junior took an extra step back, this time, this junior is considered to have lost!"

Yin Tianzheng said with deep meaning in his eyes: "I have heard that you are resourceful and resourceful, and seeing you today really deserves your reputation! It's just that you are my son-in-law's fellow senior, why should I give this old man a blow in the face?"

"Senior's words are serious." Zhang Songxi said lightly, bowed and bowed, turned around and left the stage calmly.

"Master, what does the White-Browed Eagle King mean by taking a blow to the head?" Zhou Zhiruo, who was in the Emei faction camp, couldn't help asking curiously.

This is what many people want to know. Yin Tianzheng's words just now are so cloudy that many people feel baffled.

Su Nuer on the other side of Miejue Shitai also quietly pricked up her ears.

Although Xu Da and the others stayed at the foot of the mountain, Su Nuer followed Juejue Shitai up the mountain, because Su Yi said that he would come to Guangmingding during the decisive battle. Su Yi must have been delayed by something.

But Su Nuer felt that since Su Yi said he would come, he would definitely come, so he insisted on going up the mountain with the Emei faction.

Su Nu'er has learned by himself that Su Yi passed on the fencing techniques to him, and has been practicing hard in secret. Although his internal strength is still lacking, he can be regarded as a master of the world in terms of swordsmanship, but don't talk about others, even him I don't even know this, and I feel that I have only learned martial arts for a few days, and it is very superficial.

"Zhang Sixia deliberately competed with the white-browed old devil in terms of internal strength." Miejue Shitai only said a word, and then fell silent.

But Zhou Zhiruo was a smart person, and immediately understood what was going on.

The decisive battle between the six major factions and the Mingjiao is here. There is no limit to the number of people and the identity of the two sides. The two sides will play in turn. The winner can continue to compete, but if they lose a game, they will not be eligible to play again.

Although this Guangmingding is the territory of Mingjiao, Mingjiao has far fewer masters who can compete in the field compared with the six major schools.All of their main forces add up, in fact, there are only 13 people.

Yang Xiao, Yin Tianzheng, Wei Yixiao, Wu Sanren and the Five Elements Banner are five envoys in charge of the flag.

On the other hand, looking at the masters sent by the six major factions, the main force of each faction adds up to more than [-] people.

Therefore, if Mingjiao wants to win, their high-end combat power must win consecutively.

For an absolute main force like the White-browed Eagle King, winning one game in a row is not enough, at least three or five games in a row are needed to guarantee Mingjiao's hope of winning.

Under such circumstances, the White-browed Eagle King will definitely save his internal strength, hoping to fight a few more games.

But he didn't expect Zhang Songxi to use a lot of internal energy in the first game, so he said that Zhang Songxi gave him "a blow to the head".

Zhou Zhiruo vaguely felt that the calculations of the Wudang Seven Heroes could not be called bright, but then he thought about the current confrontation between good and evil, life and death, both sides naturally played their cards out of the hole, each doing their best, so what's the point of light?

Thinking like this, she accidentally glanced at the Mingjiao camp, and suddenly saw a familiar face, and her whole body was shocked.

"Why is he here? he on the side of Mingjiao? He is like this...Does Su Shaoxia know?"

When Zhou Zhiruo was in a state of confusion, he saw that before Zhang Songxi could go back from the Wudang faction, another person came out with him, pointed at Yin Tianzheng and shouted angrily, "Yin Tianzheng, you still dare to mention my fifth brother Zhang? My third brother Yu and fifth brother Zhang are all It's because of your Skyhawk Sect that it ended up in such a miserable situation! If the enmity between the two junior brothers is not avenged, I, Yu Lianzhou, will be their senior brother in vain!"

As he said that, he jumped into the arena, revealing an extremely superb lightness kung fu.

He unsheathed his long sword with a "cang clang", and assumed the posture of "Wan Yue Chaozong".

This is the starting move of Wudang children and elders when they fight each other. Although Yu Lianzhou is angry, and even though he is in opposition to Yin Tianzheng, he still does not forget etiquette, which is rare.

Among the Wudang Seven Heroes, although Song Yuanqiao is a big brother, Zhang Cuishan is the most talented when it comes to talent, and Yu Lianzhou is the most important when it comes to martial arts.

This is different from the original plot. In the original plot, Mo Shenggu, the Seventh Hero, played after Zhang Songxi.But at that time, only Yin Tianzheng was the only one capable of fighting in Mingjiao, and the six major factions had already won the battle, so there was no pressure to win or lose.

But it's different now. This time the Mingjiao's combat power is intact, and its strength should not be underestimated. If the six major factions don't respond with all their strength, the probability of losing is still very high.

Especially for a master like Yin Tianzheng, if he really allowed him to defeat four or five people and leave the arena easily, then the pressure that Mingjiao is facing now will all go to the side of the six major factions.

This is naturally something that the six major factions cannot allow to happen.

Therefore, before starting the war, the six factions briefly assigned tasks.

Emei party against Yang Xiao, Wudang against Yin Tianzheng, Shaolin against Wei Yixiao.

The Kunlun, Kongtong, and Huashan sects must each choose at least one of the five scattered people or five banner envoys.

This is a guarantee task.

Although Yin Tianzheng has been famous for a long time, the Wudang Seven Heroes are by no means in vain, especially Yu Lianzhou. His martial arts and Zhou Zhiruo after learning the Nine Yin White Bone Claw are both in the same rank. Yin Tian is fighting.

It's just that the Seven Heroes had discussed in private before that they need to be more confident in dealing with Yin Tianzheng. Zhang Songxi sacrificed himself, and Yu Lianzhou would have a greater chance of winning.In this way, Wudang defeated Yin Tianzheng with only two people, and Yu Lianzhou could fight again, which was very cost-effective.

In the arena, Yin Tianzheng heard Yu Lianzhou mentioning Zhang Cuishan, and his face turned dark. He sighed and said, "I haven't used a weapon since the death of my little girl. But if you fight with Wudang heroes empty-handed, you'll be defeated." It would be disrespectful."

After all, he asked a believer for an eyebrow-level iron rod, performed the eagle claw skill, folded it in two and held it in his hand.

Yin Tianzheng's original weapons were two specially made steel claws, specially suited to his Eagle Claw skill.But as he said, after Yin Susu died, he abandoned his weapon and never used it again.

He showed this hand, which shocked all the heroes.

With such hard work, how many can you do in this world?

Yu Lianzhou, however, looked as usual, seeing that Yin Tianzheng was not only not angry at her provocation, but saddened, she couldn't help feeling a little regretful in her heart, that she shouldn't have brought up these past events.

But he himself is not good at expressing emotions, and he is well aware of the dangers of this battle, so he immediately put aside his selfish distractions, took a deep breath, said "offended", shook his long sword, and killed him.

As soon as the sword was released, but seeing the light of the sword flickering, murderous intent burst forth.

Yin Tianzheng's expression suddenly became solemn, and he went up to him waving a broken stick with both arms.

I only heard the sound of "Ding Ling Dang Clang" like rain hitting plantains, but seeing the figures of the two flying and interlacing, the swords and stick shadows huffing and puffing like awns, the two of them fought instantly!
Yu Lianzhou's sword moves lightly, full of murderous intentions, and the tip of the sword does not leave Yin Tianzheng's vital point every step of the way. Yin Tianzheng's two broken iron bars seem to be dull and unstructured, but in fact they are ingenious and ingenious.

In the arena, I saw Yu Lianzhou jumping up and down, rushing here and there, and in just a short while, he has made more than sixty fierce and incomparable killing moves one after another. The moves are still useless, which shows his deep foundation.

And Yin Tianzheng was shrouded in the sword light and seemed passive, but in fact he was like a poisonous snake ready to pounce. As long as he was given a chance to fight back, he could immediately turn the situation around and gain the upper hand.

The fight between the two sides was very dangerous, but anyone who knows the goods can see that if the two want to decide the winner, it will only take a moment.

Some people were fascinated by watching it, some people were dripping with cold sweat, and some were even so frightened that they didn't dare to watch it at all, because such a killer move, let alone more than sixty moves, is very difficult It's hard to catch.

The fight in the arena became faster and faster, and everyone's attention was focused on this thrilling duel. No one noticed that a young man in Tsing Yi, a servant, was looking worried, holding a long sword, and quietly moved to the sidelines. .

The long sword in his hand was slender and delicate, and it looked like it was used by a woman.

At this moment, Yu Lianzhou in the field let out a long howl, and the style of swordsmanship suddenly changed. The long sword turned into a ribbon, softly twisting and erratic.

It is the Wudang School's finger-wrapping soft sword!

As soon as this sword technique came out, Yin Tianzheng was caught off guard and immediately responded to the loss.

I saw Yu Lianzhou stabbing Yin Tianzheng's chest with his sword. Halfway through the sword, the tip of the sword trembled slightly, and unexpectedly bent over and stabbed obliquely into his right shoulder.

When the blood was splattering, Yin Tianzheng hurriedly retreated sideways, hit Yu Lianzhou's head with a club with his left hand, and wiped Yu Lianzhou's chest with his right hand, trying to force him to retreat.

Unexpectedly, Yu Lianzhou drew his sword and lifted it sideways, blocked Yin Tianzheng's left stick with a "dang", then leaned back and wiped it, the long sword almost rubbed against his right stick and pierced Yin Tianzheng's fingers holding the stick.

Yin Tianzheng felt terrified, knowing that he would lose his fingers if he didn't withdraw, so he let go of his hand and grabbed Yu Lianzhou by the chest.

But Yu Lianzhou seemed to have expected it a long time ago. With a flick of the long sword, the blade turned and pierced into Yin Tianzheng's right arm.

Yin Tian was humming in pain, but reluctantly grabbed Yu Lianzhou's long sword.

He just heard a "Zheng", and he broke Yu Lianzhou's long sword directly!
What a good Yu Lianzhou, not panicking at all, the broken sword in his hand was thrown out, taking advantage of Yin Tianzheng's unsettled old strength and new strength, the broken sword sank into his abdomen.Immediately, his right hand blocked Yin Tianzheng's left arm, and his left hand stretched into a claw, grabbing Yin Tianzheng's throat fiercely!
This claw was silent and extremely abrupt, and the speed, timing, angle, etc. were all well grasped!

This is Yu Lianzhou's own martial arts created from the tiger bone claws of the Wudang capture method. There are a total of twelve moves, and the moves are very vicious and life-threatening.

Zhang Sanfeng once felt that this set of martial arts is a killer that kills people and destroys families, it is too insidious and not suitable for future generations to learn.

But no matter what, this martial art was created by Yu Lianzhou's painstaking efforts, and the moves are indeed exquisite. It can be regarded as a unique skill. It would be a pity if it was abandoned based on this statement.Therefore, he named this martial art "Tiger Bone and Household Claw" as a warning, so that Yu Lianzhou must not use it lightly until life and death are at stake.

For Yu Lianzhou, now is not a matter of life and death, when will it be?
Don't think he hurt Yin Tianzheng, but as long as he slows down, Yin Tianzheng can kill him with one move!
When the outcome is decided like this, once Yin Tianzheng is given the chance to fight back from a desperate situation, it will definitely be a shocking blow!
Therefore, Yu Lianzhou didn't dare to be negligent, and only felt that he had used the strongest and most ruthless killing move!
This is the situation in a duel between well-matched masters. When the fight reaches a certain level, both sides have no way to keep their hands, and whoever stays will die!

Yin Tianzheng, who was already injured, knew that he would avoid Yu Lianzhou's claw, but he didn't panic, and just calmly grabbed Yu Lianzhou's chest.

This was also the blow he gave up with all his strength, and after resolutely giving up his life, he died with the enemy!
The next second when Yu Lianzhou crushed his throat, he was also sure to grab Yu Lianzhou's heart.

Seeing that this tragic scene would be inevitable, at this moment, a figure suddenly rushed into the battle group, without pulling out the long sword in his hand, he just swiped left and right with the scabbard, and unexpectedly slapped The two masters who were about to perish together were so shaken that they staggered backwards!

"You guys stop fighting!"

(End of this chapter)

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