Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1106 Stand Up

Chapter 1106 Stand Up
Seeing that Yu Lianzhou and Yin Tianzheng were about to perish together, a boy in blue appeared and separated the two of them, avoiding the fate of their blood being splashed on the spot.

Everyone was stunned by this scene, everyone was dumbfounded and couldn't believe their eyes.

Don't blame them for making a fuss, this scene is really too magical.

What is this like?
For example, when Real Madrid and Manchester United played in the Champions League final, one side was about to win the game. Suddenly, a ball boy rushed up and snatched the ball from the feet of all the superstars, and then told them to stop playing.

This kind of thing breaks the rules and is incredible.

Right now, the rules of the duel are negotiated by both parties. No matter who lives or dies, the rules cannot be broken. Otherwise, how will the fight continue?

It’s unbelievable because a full-strength strike at the moment of life and death is no small matter for a master. Even masters of the same level as them would never dare to intervene rashly, because once you intervene, it is likely to cause a chain reaction between the two sides of the competition, and let them attack you together.

It's as dangerous as sticking your hands into a running blender.

But such a magical thing happened so grandly.

"Zeng A Niu!"

Among the Emei faction, Ding Minjun recognized who this boy in green was, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Until this moment, the audience was in an uproar!
In the Mingjiao camp on the other side, Yang Xiao's expression also changed, and he said to Yang Buhui beside him, "Isn't this the boy surnamed Zeng brought by Chang Yuchun? Why is he holding your sword? And his martial arts ..."

Yang Buhui was also stunned.

She and Zhang Wuji have already recognized each other. The two had shared adversity when they were young, and they had a deep relationship, so they recognized each other.

But Zhang Wuji wanted Yang Buhui to keep it a secret, and Yang Buhui couldn't say anything to his father at the moment, so he could only vaguely say: "I, I don't know..."

At this moment, the scene was full of buzz and excitement.

"Where did the kid come from? What is he going to do!"

"Evil sect thieves who dare to break the rules will seek death!"

"The Demon Cult is shameless, and you don't have to obey the rules anymore. Stand shoulder to shoulder, destroy this Demon Cave, and burn the tablets of their 33rd generation leader!"

People from the six major sects yelled and cursed, and they all believed that the Mingjiao couldn't afford to lose and broke the rules.

Because everyone can see that Zhang Wuji came from Mingjiao.

Yin Tianzheng and Yu Lianzhou narrowly escaped death, both of them had feelings in their hearts, and they both reacted at this moment.

The two looked at Zhang Wuji with surprise and suspicion, but also with a little gratitude.

It's easy to say that they all die together, but who really wants to die?
Speaking of which, Zhang Wuji was kind enough to them to survive.

Yin Tianzheng clasped his fists and asked in a deep voice: "Little brother, I don't know which flag you belong to? Your name? Thank you for saving your life!"

Yu Lianzhou hesitated for a moment, then clasped her fists together and said, "Your Excellency will definitely repay you for saving your life!"

He is an upright person, even though he thinks Zhang Wuji is a member of the Demon Cult, he still accepts this kindness.

Seeing the conversation in the field, the surrounding noise gradually became smaller.

Zhang Wuji hurriedly clasped his fists together and said, "Senior Yin and Erxia Yu are serious. How can we talk about the grace of saving lives? You two don't blame junior Tang Zhui for his hand, this junior is already very grateful. I just hope that you two will stop fighting and make peace. The reason for the attack is that I really can't bear the two heroes of the world facing each other with swords and soldiers, fighting to the death..."

"Zeng A Niu!"

Before he finished speaking, Miejue Shitai stood up with a livid face on the other side, pointed at him with a vicious face and shouted: "You are indeed a thief of the Demon Sect! You have been lurking in my Emei Sect for more than [-] days, what is your intention?"

Everyone was in an uproar again when they heard the words, they didn't expect Zeng A Niu to have this past.

Zhang Wuji hastily explained: "Master, let me tell you, this junior is definitely not a Mingjiao disciple, this junior is... another teacher!"

With his grandfather on one side and his second uncle on the other, he had to stand up.But in this way, it is obviously breaking the rules, and secondly, he is standing on the opposite side of the heroes of the righteous way. Zhang Wuji is a little afraid that doing so will ruin the reputation of the teacher.

Xin said that if he died, he would die, but he couldn't let the teacher be implicated by himself.

"The reason why the younger generation made a move is actually to let everyone put down their grievances and make peace." Zhang Wuji said sincerely.

"Just based on your words, let us stop fighting? Who do you think you are? The supreme martial artist?" Miejue Shitai sneered.

"So what if it's the supreme martial artist?" Zhang Wuji asked curiously.

The supreme martial arts, the sword slays the dragon.

He said in his heart that according to this statement, foster father Xie Xun is the supreme martial artist, if foster father is here, can the two sides stop fighting?
I'm afraid the two sides will "fight" the foster father together.

Miejue Shitai said coldly: "Even if you have the Dragon Slaying Saber in your hand, you have to compete with my Yitian Sword first. When you really become the supreme in the martial arts, it will not be too late to give orders."

When everyone heard this, they all burst into laughter.

"Boy, get out of here! What are you?"

"If you don't go, I'll treat you like a devil!"

"Brat, who do you think you are? Go down!"

Zhang Wuji was ridiculed and ridiculed by everyone, and his face was flushed immediately. He also realized now, as a mere nobody, what qualifications does he have to let so many heroes of the world resolve their grievances?
But seeing the cynicism and sarcasm of the heroes, and looking around, he couldn't see any kindness. Inexplicably, he remembered that when he was in Wudang Mountain ten years ago, those people who forced his parents to death looked at him like this.

"Boy, since you are not a demon cult evildoer, get out of the way, don't participate in it, so as not to mistake yourself! I think you are young and ignorant, so I won't care about you this time!" Miejue Shitai coldly snorted.

It's not that Miejue Shi is too soft-hearted, but that Zhang Wuji's martial arts are impressive just now. If this person is a member of the Demon Sect, it will be like adding a strong enemy to the righteous sects, which is definitely not a good thing.

Zhang Wuji couldn't help but shouted loudly: "Master, you are a monk, why do you have to fight and kill? Why do you kill people? Everyone has parents, wives and children. If you kill them, their children will be left alone." Lonely..."

Miejue Shitai interrupted him with a cold snort: "Boy, do I need you to teach me a lesson? If you don't get out of the way, could it be that you are arrogant about your martial arts skills and don't take the heroes of the world seriously?"

"The younger generation's martial arts are low, that's definitely not the case!" Zhang Wuji said.

He wanted to say more, but Yin Tianzheng stepped forward, stopped him, and said: "Young Master Zeng, I appreciate your kindness, but Miejue Shitai is right, today's incident cannot be stopped by you. "

"Do you have to fight to the death?" Zhang Wuji wailed, "You kill me, I kill you, why bother?"

"Zeng Shaoxia, on today's Guangming Peak, either the Ming Cult will die or the six major sects will die! As long as one person is still alive, this battle will never stop!" Yin Tianzheng looked at him, word by word slowly road.

These words were cold-blooded and cruel, Zhang Wuji felt that the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood were overwhelming, and couldn't help but change his face again.

"Even if our Mingjiao is willing to take a step back, are the six major sects willing?" Yin Tianzheng asked again.

"Joke!" Miejue Shitai sneered, "It is imperative to destroy the Demon Cult and the Demon Cave today, and no one can stop it!"

"I will teach everyone to protect the sect, and I will never take a step back." Yin Tianzheng said lightly, "You heard it too, Shaoxia Zeng, I am grateful for your life-saving grace, but you should leave, a gentleman does not stand under the wall, you If you are not a disciple of our sect, I guess they will not stop you from going down the mountain."

Juejue and the others did not speak, apparently acquiescing to this matter.

Yu Lianzhou also cupped her fists and said: "Brother Zeng, you are still young and don't know the right and wrong. Today's battle is not for personal grievances, but for justice in the martial arts. It is a battle between good and evil. We people have come all the way to Guangming Ding, you have already put life and death aside, and are focused on destroying the Demon Cult, you cannot be dissuaded by a few words."

"This..." Zhang Wuji's face was full of anxiety and worry, and his heart was turning a thousand times.

For a while, he imagined the Shura scene like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and for a while he imagined the terrible consequences of Wudang's five martial uncles, grandfather, Yang Buhui, and Zhou Zhiruo all dying here...

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, until he shuddered.

Yin Tianzheng saw Zhang Wuji's face turning blue and purple for a while, thinking that the young man just walked away out of embarrassment, so he smiled slightly, turned his head and said to Yu Lianzhou: "Second Hero Yu, if our battle just now is not interrupted, It is inevitable that we will all die together, do you agree with this statement?"

"That's right." Yu Lianzhou nodded and admitted that although he won by half, everyone died together.

"Since that's the case, it's better to count it as a draw just now." Yin Tianzheng said.

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Someone on Zhengdao side yelled, saying that Yin Tianzheng was shameless, and that if he lost, he would still play tricks.

This remark immediately aroused echoes, and Mingjiao was not to be outdone, and started scolding with this side.

Yin Tianzheng remained calm and composed, turning a deaf ear to these scolding voices.

To him, as long as he can still stand here and fight for the Ming Cult, it's okay to be scolded a few times.

"Second Hero Yu, please rest for a while," he said to Yu Lianzhou, "I want to continue to learn the tricks of masters from various factions!"

When everyone heard the words, they shouted and cursed again.

Yu Lianzhou hesitated slightly, and said, "Since Senior Yin wants to fight again, why don't you and I continue the unfinished battle just now?"

Yin Tian is the mission of the Wudang faction, if he goes down, it will be his senior brother who will come up.

Yu Lianzhou was very afraid of Yin Tianzheng's martial arts, thinking that he just won by luck, if he fought again, the outcome would still be [-]/[-], so he didn't want to let his senior brothers come up to take risks.

Yin Tianzheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Second Hero Yu has consumed a lot of internal energy, why don't you go down and rest for a while?"

He wasn't afraid of death, but he knew that he was not sure how to deal with Yu Lianzhou, so he wanted to "defeat" a master of the righteous way before he had a fight to the death with Yu Lianzhou.

It's a pity that Yu Lianzhou didn't want to end.

"No need, Senior Yin!" Yu Lianzhou shook her head, then turned her head and said, "Seventh Brother, borrow your sword!"

"Yes, Second Brother!" Mo Shenggu threw the sword in his hand, Yu Lianzhou caught it firmly, drew the sword with a "cang clang", and waved towards Yin Tianzheng.

Yin Tian was taking a deep breath, and was about to look for another weapon in his hand, at this moment, he saw Zhang Wuji on the side suddenly stepped forward and said, "This battle, I will take over for Senior Yin!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar again.

Everyone on the right way changes color.

Yin Tianzheng was stunned for a long time, and he heard Zhengdao yelling and cursing such obscene words as "devil bastard" and "little beast", then he hurriedly clasped his fists at Zhang Wuji and said, "Brother Zeng, you are not from my sect. It doesn't have to be like this at all!"

Zhang Wuji bowed respectfully and said: "This junior does not belong to the Ming Sect, nor does he belong to the Eagle Sect, but he has admired the old senior for a long time, and he loves his family. It is his duty to be able to fight the enemy side by side with the senior today."

Yin Tianzheng wanted to say more, but Yang Xiao, the bright left envoy over there, coughed lightly and interjected: "King Ying, this little brother is so sincere and warm-hearted, why should you disappoint his good intentions? Why don't you let him compete with Erxia Yu?" , would you like to skim for a while before talking?"

After finishing speaking, he gave Yin Tianzheng a wink.

Yin Tianzheng fell silent immediately.

He understood what Yang Xiao meant, this Zeng Aniu was able to easily separate him from Yu Lianzhou's killing move, which shows that his martial arts are definitely not easy.

Mingjiao is already weak, and it would definitely be a great thing if he could get such a strong person to help him.

It was a matter of Mingjiao's survival, and his personal grievances were minor, so they could be put aside.

Yin Tianzheng stopped persuading, but said: "If that's the case, then I will trouble little brother Zeng."

Zhang Wuji hastily cupped his fists, his face full of seriousness.

The reason why he decided to replace Yin Tianzheng in the battle was actually inspired by the four words "martial arts supreme" said by Juejue Shi Taigang.

He didn't want to see Wudang's uncles and grandfather kill each other, and he didn't want to see Zhou Zhiruo and Yang Buhui die tragically, so he must stop this fight.

But neither side is willing to give up unless one side throws in the towel.

If they were allowed to continue fighting, they would suffer heavy casualties.

But if it was him, at least he could not do any harm, and try to keep everyone here alive.

Therefore, he decided to use the sword in his hand to repel the six major factions and wipe out the killing.

When he made this decision, people of the righteous way naturally shouted and scolded him.

Miejue Shitai's face was livid, and he even had the urge to go out and kill Zhang Wuji himself, because this kid had been with him for more than [-] days, but he had lost his sight and didn't realize that he was a wolf in sheep's clothing.

This is a disgrace to her.

Su Nuer was more depressed than Miejue Shitai.

He had scolded Zhang Wuji half to death in his heart now, thinking what kind of apprentice did the young master accept?
The young master is on the side of the six major factions, helping the six major factions to deal with Mingjiao, how can you, as an apprentice, stand against the master?
Doesn't this mean that master and apprentice can kill each other?
He was very anxious, and wanted to step forward to dissuade him, but once Su Yi had something to say, no matter what Zeng A Niu did, he didn't care about it, and he didn't want to recognize him.

do not recognize each other...

Su Nuer's heart moved, could it be that the young master had expected such a scene a long time ago?

Thinking of Su Yi's "magical calculation", the more Su Nuer thought about it, the more she felt that there was such a possibility...

Then there are the two daughters, Zhou Zhiruo and Yang Buhui, who were very surprised by Zhang Wuji's performance.

In the middle of the arena, Zhang Wuji made a decision, put away his selfish distractions, took a deep breath, and clasped his fists at Yu Lianzhou and said, "Second Hero Yu, I dare you to teach me a thing or two!"

(End of this chapter)

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