Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1110 Refute

Chapter 1110 Refute
Father committed suicide in front of all the heroes in the world;
Poisoned in the body;

After being poisoned, he survived by luck, saved his life by relying on his extraordinary skills, and even got a blessing in disguise, becoming a peerless master;
Later he became the leader of a top organization in the martial arts;

The girl I like is the daughter of an ethnic minority prince.

Excuse me, who is this person?
That's right!

This person is-

You Tanzhi!
In fact, if anyone were to experience the hardships and sufferings that Zhang Wuji had suffered half his life, if anyone were to experience everything that Zhang Wuji had experienced, he would definitely not live like Zhang Wuji.

Those with a strong personality are likely to live as Lin Pingzhi; those with a weak personality will generally live as You Tanzhi.

Live as a benevolent hero?

How can it be?

Su Yi couldn't do it either.

If it's Su Yi - if I don't slaughter all living beings, how can I get rid of the hostility in my heart?
Even if Su Yi hadn't experienced those sufferings, or even had a complete onlooker's standpoint, he still couldn't be a hero.

The biggest difference between him and Zhang Wuji is that Su Yi pays attention to pros and cons in doing things, while Zhang Wuji only does things based on his concept of right and wrong, good and evil, without considering benefits.

It is said that Zhang Wuji is a holy mother who abuses good people. This has to be admitted. After all, he is a "saint" who doesn't even want to avenge his parents and chooses to forgive his enemies.

As a hero, Zhang Wuji has brought the word "promotion of goodness" to the extreme. The sentence in Mingjiao scriptures "have mercy on me and the world, and there are many worries" is actually the truest portrayal of Zhang Wuji's heart.

He is really a pure good man. He believes that everyone who does evil has a reason to be forgiven, just like his adoptive father Xie Xun, who cannot be killed at once.

Therefore, he is a flawed hero, because he only "promotes goodness" but does not "punish evil".

But this is Zhang Wuji, the unique Zhang Wuji.

You can despise his cowardice, oppose his "benevolence", and even despise his gentleness and flirtatiousness, but you must not ignore those shining things in his humanity, and you must not deny that he is a "champion".

Moreover, Zhang Wuji is not a perfect man of morality. You must know that the reason why he stood up for the Mingjiao today is because he didn't want to see the Wudang sect's uncles and grandfather Yin Tianzheng killing each other.

It's just that once things start to be done, they will "do nothing but keep doing it".

This is also the reason why Su Yi said that he was wrong because he didn't understand the righteousness.

There is nothing wrong with him wanting to help his grandfather, there is nothing wrong with being a person who is far or near, but he cannot turn helping his grandfather into helping Mingjiao, let alone ignore the evil things Mingjiao has done in order to help Mingjiao.

You can be benevolent, but you cannot demand that the whole world be as benevolent as you, otherwise you will be insane and another kind of evil.

Zhang Wuji is a very smart person, he has already understood what Su Yi really wanted to say to him, and he also understands that what he thinks and thinks is lacking.

It's just that he is still confused.

He didn't know how he could help grandpa.

He didn't understand how to save those innocent people in Mingjiao from being implicated.

He knelt in front of Su Yi, looked at Su Yi with pleading eyes, and muttered about talking, but he didn't know where to start.

Su Yi sighed, stepped forward to help him up, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Silly disciple, leave the rest to Teacher."

"Master..." Zhang Wuji's eyes turned red, and he was about to cry, because he heard that Master understood what he was thinking, and he heard that Master wanted to help him.

"You step back." Su Yi smiled, "Come on, let me introduce you as a teacher. This is Su Sanqi, a good friend of Master's housekeeper. You can call him Uncle Sanqi. Go and stand with him first." On the one hand, as a teacher, I want to talk to Miejue Shitai and the big guys. Xiao Zhao, you go too."

"Yes, Master!" Zhang Wuji bowed his head respectfully, walked up to Su Nuer, and saluted Su Nuer again, but Su Nuer didn't even dare.

Xiao Zhao also walked down obediently, and stood beside Su Sanqi.

Only then did Su Yi smile and look at Miejue Shitai, and glanced at the heroes of the six factions, cupped his fists as a salute and said, "Heroes, I am the contemporary head of the Xiaoyao Sect, Su Yi, who has lived in the mountains for a long time and didn't know the world, and almost did something bad with good intentions." , on behalf of the Xiaoyao faction, I would like to apologize to the six major factions."

Miejue Shitai immediately stood up and said: "It's not too late to mend the situation! Headmaster Su can stand here, he is already a member of my generation, and everyone present here is not a small-minded person. There are some twists and turns, so let's not mention them!"

What she said was suspected of being kidnapped by morality, but she always helped her relatives and ignored it.

In fact, regarding what Su Yi said just now and the martial arts shown by Zhang Wuji, the six major sects would not say anything.

Leaders of various factions clasped their fists to Su Yi one after another, expressing their goodwill.

However, in such a situation, there was no time to exchange pleasantries, even though everyone was very curious about the "Xiaoyao faction".

Su Yi clasped his fists and said solemnly: "I have already understood what happened before. What my apprentice has done, I, the master, will naturally bear it all. Since my apprentice just represented Mingjiao in the battle, I, the master , it means that our orthodox martial arts will fight first! Juejueshi is highly respected, please be the last to fight, and let me go first, and attract others!"

This remark hits the hearts of all factions of the righteous way. The current situation is very unfavorable to the six major factions. Su Yi is willing to go on stage and wipe his ass for his apprentice's previous "wrong behavior". Everyone is wishing for it.Moreover, they also wanted to see the details of Su Yi's martial arts, so they agreed.

Su Yi didn't talk nonsense, turned around and came to the middle of the venue, facing the Mingjiao people.

Strange to say, even though Su Yi only spoke words after he arrived at the scene and did not show any martial arts, but he just stood forward like this, and everyone in Mingjiao looked solemn, as if they were facing a big enemy.

How ecstatic they were when Zhang Wuji defeated the heroes of the righteous way on behalf of them before, how heavy and fearful they are now.

This ups and downs in the mood is definitely not easy to bear.

Su Yi's face was solemn, he slowly cupped his fists, and said: "Su Yi of the Xiaoyao School, learn the brilliant moves of Mingjiao masters!"

It was just one sentence, but it made everyone in Mingjiao feel great pressure rushing towards their faces, and their hearts all shivered!
Among the high-ranking members of Mingjiao, Yang Xiao and Yin Tianzheng looked at each other, and the former came out of the crowd, with a serious expression on his face, he clasped his fist at Su Yi: "Master Su, I am the left envoy of Mingjiao, Yang Xiao. Please forgive Yang for being ignorant. It is a Xiaoyao sect. However, Yang has read from the classics of this religion that in the past when Emperor Zhezong of the Northern Song Dynasty, a master named Xu Zhuzi lived in seclusion in the Tianshan Mountains and claimed to be a member of the Xiaoyao sect. I don’t know if this Xiaoyao is that Xiaoyao? "

Su Yi said sternly: "Master Yang Zuo has great knowledge and knowledge, which is admirable! Yes, Xu Zhuzi is the third generation patriarch of our sect."

But in my heart I am amazed that they can really connect...

It was also the first time for the heroes to hear the Xiaoyao faction's footsteps, and they were all very curious.

"My Xiaoyao faction has been passed down from generation to generation, and I have been living in seclusion, not walking in the world of mortals, and few people know about it." Su Yi said, "However, before the teacher left, he left a last wish, hoping that the younger generation can drive out the Tartars and save the people from the fire and water. I dare not do it I disobeyed my teacher's order, so I returned to the rivers and lakes."

"Expel the Tartars... Make the master feel compassionate and compassionate, what aspirations!" Yang Xiao looked at Su Yi deeply, "Since it is to fight against Meng Yuan and drive out the Tartars, then your Excellency should help me enlighten me! Yang dares to stand in front of the heroes of the world Said, the only ones in the world who openly stand up to kill Tartars today are my Mingjiao family, there is no semicolon!"

"Your Excellency made a generous statement just now, denouncing my Mingjiao's misbehavior, and Yang did not make any excuses for this! But you know, even in your eyes, my Mingjiao is unbearable, and I dare to stand up against Meng Yuan! For decades, my Mingjiao How many brothers died because of the great cause of fighting against Yuan?"

"But look at the six major sects behind you. The Yuan court has ravaged the Central Plains for decades. What are they doing? When our Ming sect gathers righteousness everywhere and fights to the death with the Tartars, what are they doing? What are the wreckage of the Mongolian and Yuan courts? They turned a blind eye! My Mingjiao had some conflicts with them, at most they killed a few of them, they couldn’t bear it, and sent troops from far away to attack, regardless of the confrontation between the various branches of my Mingjiao and Yuan soldiers, and the slightest disregard for the anti-yuan Big plan!"

"Master Su, how many brothers of my Ming Sect in the past have shed their lives and blood to fight for the people of the world, but because of a little grievance, they will be called by the so-called righteous way to be evil and heretics, and they will shout and kill us! On the other hand, the six major sects, they Turning a blind eye to Meng Yuan's evil deeds, and turning a blind eye to the misery of the people in the world, who is the evil? Who is the devil?"

"Dare to ask Sect Leader Su, killing one or ten people is evil; ignoring tens of thousands of Li people to die in humiliation, isn't it evil? The big evil and the small evil, which is more important?"

As soon as Yang Xiao's words came out, everyone in the Mingjiao applauded and excited.

On the side of the six major sects, some showed signs of resentment and wanted to defend themselves, while others showed shame and bowed their heads in silence.

Su Yi smiled lightly, and said: "It is indeed righteousness to resist the Yuan Dynasty. Warriors of my generation should indeed stand up and save the people from fire and water." Su Yi said, "But it is precisely because this is righteousness that there should be no coercion. If it is false righteousness Threatening others in the name of others, even coercing the common people, such a great righteousness has become a great evil that uses any means to achieve its goals!"

After a pause, Su Yi looked at Yang Xiao, "According to Yang Zuoshi's intention, not resisting Yuan is a great evil?"

"Then there are too many evil people in this world. Not to mention the six major sects, even the ancestors of my Xiaoyao Sect are all evil! There are thousands of people in the world who just want to live. Are they all evil?"

"Not to mention, according to what your envoy Yang Zuo said, you are not a very evil person? As far as I know, you have been sitting on Kunlun Mountain and Wangfeng Peak for more than ten years. Except for fighting with the Emei faction, your excellency has neither commanded the rebels. Against the Tartars, you didn’t coordinate and support armaments in the middle. You have done nothing to fight against the Yuan Dynasty, so what qualifications do you have to accuse the six major factions of being evil?”

Yang Xiao's eyes flashed, but he didn't argue.

In fact, he is indistinguishable, and he has some moral principles, and he doesn't bother to take the credit of others for his own.

Those who resisted the Yuan court over the years included the Tianying Sect and the Wusan people, but he and Wei Yixiao were the only ones present.There is also the Tiandifenglei Four under his command. Although there are many people, they have never killed a Tartar, nor have they supported the rebels for a copper coin. They only eliminated dissidents in Kunlun Mountains and fought with the Emei faction.

Su Yi finally said calmly: "Yang Zuoshi, anti-Yuan righteousness is not a fig leaf for you to persevere, let alone a shield to avoid guilt."

"Are the six factions all good people?" Yang Xiao didn't speak, but Zhou Dian couldn't help but retort, "The Central Plains Wulin also has a lot of thieves and prostitutes on the surface! Master Su, I Zhou Dian I admit that our Mingjiao is sometimes extreme and unconscionable, but if you say that we are a big evil, I will be the first to disagree!"

"There are villains in the Six Great Sects, but they are good at disguising, but we are true natured and don't bother to pretend. That's why they framed us as demon sects! We are demons, so why aren't they demons? Setting fires and not allowing the people to light lamps, why is justice here?"

"That's right, we don't accept it!"

"Sect Leader Su's handling of things is unfair, I will not accept it!"

"The buttocks are all crooked, why are you pretending to be fair?"

Everyone in the Ming Cult clamored and booed.

It's not that they regard Su Yi as an arbiter, but in any case, they cannot allow Su Yi to refute Mingjiao to nothing on a moral level.

Seeing this, the members of the Six Great Sects were naturally not to be outdone, and started scolding people from the Mingjiao.

Seeing that the two sides are intensifying, Su Yi sneered and said: "It's sad, it's a pity! If the ancestors of your Mingjiao knew that their descendants were so unworthy, they couldn't even do the four words "dare to be brave", how would you feel under Jiuquan? "

"Surnamed Su, you dare to insult my Ming Cult ancestors!" Zhou Dian was furious.

"You are the ones who humiliated the ancestors of Mingjiao!" Su Yi shouted loudly, "In the Northern Song Dynasty, the imperial court was ignorant, and Fang La, the leader of Mingjiao, led an uprising to find a way out for the people. At that time, Mingjiao was called Demon Cult. It's just because of the slander by the government and scholar-bureaucrats!"

"Mingjiao was handed down decades ago. Your predecessor, Yang Dingtian, worked hard to make Mingjiao rejuvenate. The left and right envoys, the four great dharma kings, the five scattered people, and the five-element flags, you Mingjiao talents have achieved unprecedented glory! At that time, you still had According to the sect's rules, if any of the disciples commit crimes and commit adultery, they will be severely punished! The reason why the world calls you demons is because they lack understanding of you, spread false rumors, and are afraid of you!"

"It can be said that Yang Dingtian built the Mingjiao into a war machine. The Mingjiao spreads all over the world. When the time comes, it will bloom everywhere. At that time, you will lead your troops eastward and overthrow the Meng Yuan!"

Su Yi talked eloquently, and even talked about the history of Mingjiao. His voice was like a bell, his words were clear and concise, but his emotions were full of regret and anger.

When he talked about the glory of the Mingjiao in the Yang Dingtian era, the Mingjiao disciples present were all in a daze, recalling the past, some of them even had tears in their eyes, and their emotions were hard to calm down.

Su Yi was right, the Mingjiao in the Yang Dingtian era was indeed the brightest moment of Mingjiao.

At that time, Mingjiao had great prestige both among the people and in the martial arts.Yang Dingtian overwhelmed the attacking Shaolin "Three Crossings" and became famous in the martial arts; the Mingjiao spread teachings everywhere, attracted the people to join, supported the uprising of the rebels, consumed the vitality of the Mongolian and Yuan courts, and made them burnt out.

How strong was Mingjiao at that time?

Just look at the more than [-] years since Yang Dingtian's death, his subordinates have been divided and fought, but they still haven't wiped out his family property, and it still needs the six major factions to work together to suppress it.

(End of this chapter)

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