Chapter 1111

No matter how Su Yi defends the six major sects, under the rule of the Yuan court, the six major sects are "clay bodhisattvas" and "shunming" on the surface.

Moreover, there are indeed bad people and villains in the six major factions, so Su Yi will never open his eyes and tell lies, saying that the six major factions are justice.

Su Yi's position has never been on the side of the six major factions, but on the side of justice.

It's just that the current situation is that the six major sects recognize justice and want to represent justice, while Mingjiao scoffs at justice, thinking that they don't need justice if they have righteousness.

Su Yi couldn't tolerate behaviors that disregarded human justice, so he wanted to set things right and make Mingjiao pay the price.

But in the same way, it is impossible for him to tolerate the lack of righteousness of the six major factions, but the "inaction" of the six major factions cannot be called a "crime", and Su Yi will not engage in moral kidnapping.

Therefore, Su Yi can guide the six major factions to resist Yuan in the future, but he cannot punish them for not resisting Yuan before.

Unless some of them are traitors like Cheng Kun, that's another matter.

On the other hand, no matter how much Su Yi belittled Mingjiao, in this world, Mingjiao's achievements in resisting the Yuan Dynasty must never be erased.

In this situation where there are many rebels all over the world, most of the credit must be credited to Mingjiao.

But it is the contribution of the Mingjiao in the Yang Dingtian era, not the current Mingjiao.

"When your leader Yang Dingtian was alive, he fought against the Yuan court with great results. It's a pity that he did not hesitate to go all out in order to strengthen Mingjiao. He only asked about ability, not character. He was able to suppress before he was alive, but once he died, Mingjiao was gone. Restraint, reduced to a real demon cult, cult!" Su Yi sighed, "Let's see what you guys did after Yang Dingtian's death?"

"First, Xie Xun, the golden-haired lion king, went around killing innocent people. He seized the martial arts secret books of the Kongtong sect, killed the monk of Shaolin Kongjian, and disappeared after seizing the dragon-slaying sword."

"The Skyhawk Sect rises again in the south of the Yangtze River, and the Longmen Escort Bureau is full of [-] or [-] members, leaving no old, young, women or children behind. Afterwards, they fought against all sects and sects of the Jiangnan martial arts."

"Yang Zuoshi, I don't need to mention what you have done; Green Winged Bat King Wei Yixiao has to drink human blood to maintain his life after every exercise. Isn't this a demon?"

"Even among the scattered people, some people have evil deeds when they walk in the rivers and lakes, and they do everything they can to rape and plunder!"

"It can be said that the Ming Cult has long been divided into two!"

"Some are anti-Yuan righteous fighters with lofty aspirations; some are public enemies of the martial arts who have truly become devils and villains. It is precisely because of the existence of these people that Mingjiao is in danger of being wiped out today!"

"The cause of the past, the result of today. Since you have always despised etiquette and justice, today, don't blame our group of righteous people for coming to settle accounts with you!"

After Su Yi finished speaking, the members of the six major factions applauded again, feeling that every sentence of Su Yi's words touched their hearts.

Even among the people of the Ming Cult, many people also showed thoughts or shame, obviously reflecting.

Especially the old people in the Ming Cult, remembering the glory of Yang Dingtian when he was alive, and looking at the current situation where everyone is screaming and beating, comparing the two, Su Yi's words are more reasonable.

"We are all sinners of the Ming Cult..." The White-browed Eagle King felt the deepest, and couldn't help crying at this moment.

He has already set up another mountain gate, so he doesn't have to come.Why do you have to take this muddy water at the expense of your life?

It is because when people get old, they always recall the past and start to reflect on their own life. The old Zhongxing Mingjiao has become difficult for him to calm down.

It's just that why Mingjiao fell to such a point, Yin Tianzheng just felt that it was caused by internal strife, and didn't make a well-organized and logical analysis like Su Yi's.

Thinking about it now, the Ming Cult is the enemy of the whole world, how can anyone blame others?
Yang Xiao was also quite shocked in his heart, not because of his taste, but because he was somewhat unconvinced by Su Yi's words.

In his view, the so-called justice and evil are just the theory of winner and loser.

The Blue Winged Bat King on the other side was even more unconvinced, he just sneered and said, "I don't know the master Su's martial arts, but with his lip service, I'm afraid he is invincible in the world!"

Not only did he not deliberately lower his words, but he deliberately sarcastically loudly.

But Su Yi didn't care, just smiled and said: "There is really no need to say more, the matter has come to an end, please the Mingjiao people to fight! After this battle, Mingjiao will be expelled from the world!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expression changed.

The domineering blow to the face made the blood of the six major factions excited and excited.

But the people of the Ming Cult felt awe-inspiring and became even more heavy.

"Big words!" Wei Yixiao sneered, "Mingjiao has millions of believers, I don't believe you can slaughter them all!"

"Su is not a murderous demon king, so naturally he will not slaughter ordinary congregants." Su Yi said lightly, "As the saying goes, God has the virtue of good life, why don't I make an agreement with Mingjiao members."

"What agreement?" Yang Xiao asked subconsciously.

"Later, everyone present can attack me at will, one-on-one, or attack in groups. Of course, you, Yang Zuoshi, are excluded."

Just the first sentence caused an uproar among the people present.

People in the Ming Cult were naturally skeptical, and some couldn't believe it. People from the six major sects were even more anxious, and some even blurted out "no".

But Su Yi was unmoved, and just raised his hand to signal everyone to be calm, and then continued: "In this battle, you can do everything you can in your life, and the means are not limited, to attack Su. The Ming Cult fights for life and death, so naturally there is no need to take into account the morality of the Jianghu."

"Master Su, do you have a follow-up to your proposal?" Zhou Dian asked impatiently.

"Of course there are." Su Yi said, "After this battle, those who attacked me can be regarded as doing their best for the Mingjiao, and they were loyal in the end. If there is a righteous man who has no evil deeds and is dedicated to resisting Yuan, as long as he is lucky enough to survive, After the war, as long as you swear to break away from the Ming Cult and join the rebel army jointly supported by my Xiaoyao Sect and the Six Great Sects..."

"Master Su!" When Su Yi said this, Miejue Shitai suddenly interrupted him.

"I want to teach Master Su to know, to support the rebel army, and to publicize the matter of resisting the Yuan Dynasty. At present, only the noble and our factions are participating." Miejue Shitai said indifferently, "I have set fire to the mountain gate, and all the left-behind disciples of the Mingmen sect, Xilai, will join us , the Emei faction will hold high the flag of righteousness and openly fight against the Yuan court!"

Su Yi was startled, and looked at the other five factions. Sure enough, each faction had different expressions, but none of them spoke, obviously acquiescing.

Although the Kongtong faction helped, they only supported it secretly, and did not dare to publicly stand up against Yuan.

And openly resist Yuan... This was not Su Yi's original idea.

Su Yi thought a lot, and finally bowed to Miejue Shitai, and said sincerely: "Master is too righteous, I admire you very much!"

No matter what deviations occurred in this matter, Su Yi is happy to see this result.And he really admired Miejue Shitai's resolute and decisive step.

Not everyone has the courage to make such a desperate decision.

Even the people of the Ming Cult were shocked by this, and looked at the old nun with admiration.

Su Yi turned to continue the previous topic and said: "After the war with Su Mou, if a righteous man who is determined to fight against the Yuan Dynasty and has no evil deeds is willing to swear to leave the Mingjiao and join the rebel army supported by my Xiaoyao Sect and the Emei Sect, and never ask about the world. All grievances and grievances, all the past, can no longer be pursued!"

After Su Yi finished speaking, Zhou Dian couldn't help but sneered and said, "Surnamed Su, you want us to betray Mingjiao and surrender to you, so stop dreaming of your grandma's spring and autumn dream! This is absolutely impossible!"

"That's right!" Wei Yixiao also stood up with a sneer, "Whether you say we are evil or demons, we all admit it! But the only thing we can't do is to turn our backs on Mingjiao and surrender to the enemy! Mingjiao only The wicked who died in battle, the good who did not surrender!"

"That's right, let's die!"

"Never surrender!"

"Dead fight! Dead fight! Dead fight!"

Everyone in the Ming Cult was filled with righteous indignation and shouted one after another.

"Stay stuck in your obsession, and seek your own death!" Miejue Shitai's face turned cold, his eyes glaring with murderous intent.

Su Yi didn't take it seriously, he knew very well that this was normal.

The Mingjiao people who can stand here all have a strong sense of belonging to Mingjiao. It would be strange if he persuaded them to abandon Mingjiao with a few words.

"How to choose is all in your mind." Su Yi said indifferently, "Righteousness has great righteousness and small righteousness. For you, how to choose depends on whether anti-Yuan righteousness is important in your hearts, or whether it is the little one who died for Mingjiao. Righteousness matters."

"Mingjiao must pay the price of death for the mistakes it made! But you have been implicated innocently. If there is a fight later, if I think that the crime is not serious enough to die, I will try my best to injure and not kill. If you are unable to continue fighting, If you still want to be buried for the Ming religion, you can kill yourself with a knife, in order to be loyal."

"If you don't kill yourself, this battle of yours can be regarded as being loyal to the Ming Cult with all your strength, which is enough to comfort the ancestors and have a clear conscience. Swearing to leave the Ming Cult is to make a clean break with the past, and from now on you will fight against the Yuan with all your heart!"

After a pause, Su Yi looked around at the Mingjiao people with different expressions in front of him, and said: "Actually, Su just gave you a chance to fulfill your loyalty and keep your usefulness to pursue righteousness. To you, this is not Surrender, but throw off your shackles and travel light!"

"Whatever you talk about, don't expect me to be a shameless villain who lives on mediocrity, and will be stigmatized for thousands of years!" Wei Yi laughed and shouted sharply, "Everyone in my Mingjiao is a man who is not afraid of death! Su, don't lie there to confuse people. , whoever is fooled by you is a fool!"

"That's right! Zhou Dian fought desperately today, and he died with great vigor and vigor, and he will never steal his life!" Zhou Dian said loudly, "Old Bat, we have never dealt with it, but your words are very much to my liking! It's a pity that there is no wine, otherwise I would have to drink three glasses with you!"

"You drink, I drink blood!" Wei Yixiao stared at Su Yi and said loudly, "After I drink the enemy's blood, you invite me to drink celebration wine!"

"Okay! It's a deal!" Zhou Dian clapped his hands and laughed, full of heroism.

Their words changed the expressions of many people present.

Seeing this, Su Yi smiled lightly, and said: "Wei Yixiao, you can be regarded as the murderer of Yingye. You have to suck blood to continue your life every day. You can't even count the people who died at your hands. In Su Mou In front of you, I am afraid that apart from fighting to the death, you will have no choice but to escape."

"Fart, fart, it stinks!" Zhou Dian yelled.

Su Yi glanced at him, and said: "As for you, Zhou Dian, you are extreme in things, you always do what you want, and you never suppress your evil desires. I'm afraid you didn't even count the number of innocent people who died at your hands."

"That's right, I, Zhou Dian, am the biggest villain in the world, if you can't kill me, you are my son!" Zhou Dian clapped his hands and laughed.

He is really not afraid of death.

"The two of you are bound to die. Naturally, you don't have to think about any grand plans, but it's a big mistake to encourage others to die with you." Su Yi said slowly.

Wei Yixiao and Zhou Dian yelled again when they heard the words, and the obscenities were endless.

Su Yi's expression was indifferent, quite resigned.

For him, what is there to care about with the dead?
"Master Su really thinks that his martial arts are world-class, and that he can decide my life or death?" The White-Browed Eagle King said coldly, "It's too disrespectful for me to make such an assertion before hitting you!"

"That's right, you don't know whether you win or lose, so stop bragging!" Wei Yixiao yelled, "You'll know just how much you weigh!"

After saying that, the person turned into an afterimage, disappeared from the spot in the blink of an eye, and appeared in front of Su Yi in the next second, with fingers bent into claws, viciously grabbing Su Yi's throat!
The battle started suddenly!

Everyone in the world knows that Wei Yixiao's lightness kung fu is invincible, and the six major factions have also experienced his prowess before. He can come and go freely among the six major factions, making the six major factions helpless to him.

But now, how he appeared in front of Su Yi, except for a few masters, the rest couldn't even see clearly!

Such a sudden attack made everyone raise their hearts together, sweating for Su Yi.

But Su Yi turned sideways easily in the face of this sudden attack, easily dodged Wei Yixiao's blow, and at the same time slammed sideways at him fiercely.

Wei Yixiao wanted to experiment with Su Yi's depth, so he didn't dodge, and the two bodies collided hard.

In the next second, Wei Yixiao's face changed drastically, and he flew backwards.Su Yi grabbed a further palm to slap, but Wei Yixiao's body was like a ghost, but Su Yi missed it.

"I think you're nothing more than that!" Wei Yixiao yelled loudly, his figure fluctuated from left to right, even his voice was unpredictable, and he rushed towards Su Yi again.

It's just that before the person came to him, Su Yi slashed towards the left rear with his palm.

Wei Yixiao, who had suffered from the collision of internal force just now, did not dare to take it head-on, his figure stopped abruptly, and the process from extremely fast to extremely quiet was just so sudden, it completely violated the common sense of physics, making people feel very uncomfortable to watch.

Then his figure flashed and disappeared the next moment!

Even Su Yi couldn't help but admire Wei Yixiao's lightness kung fu, this person really has practiced lightness kung fu to the peak, at least Su Yi is hard to come by.

If this person wanted to run away wholeheartedly, Su Yi really might not be able to do anything to him.

(End of this chapter)

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