Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1113 Death Will

Chapter 1113 Death Will
Decades later, the heroes of the rivers and lakes who were lucky enough to witness the battle of Guangmingding felt so emotional——

This is definitely the most tragic battle I have ever seen in my life.

It is definitely the most thrilling battle in the martial arts world in the past hundred years!
It's hard to imagine that one day almost all the masters of the Ming Cult will come out in force, just to deal with one person.

This person who appeared in the sky like a shooting star!
He is dressed in white and looks handsome.

His martial arts seemed to be at his fingertips, no matter who he was dealing with, he could do so with ease.

Even in the face of the siege of dozens of masters, he remained silent and unafraid.

The White-Browed Eagle King is the first to attack!

With a determination to die, he almost exhausted his whole life's skills, and slapped Su Yi hard!

He is a master of martial arts, this palm seems to be motionless, but actually contains hundreds of subsequent changes, secretly sealing off all the methods of Su Yi's response.

This palm exhausted his decades of skill, if Su Yi took it hard, it would not be easy.

Of course Su Yi has a way to escape, but he has no intention of hiding.

He really greeted them with one palm, and at the same time, the other palm also greeted the envoys in charge of the banners who were attacking and killing them.

The two palms collided firmly, and the clothes of the two of them were instantly blown by the wind, and there was a sound of hunting!
The slap of the White-Browed Eagle King that was sure to win was caught by Su Yi, but the surging internal force disappeared like a mud cow into the sea, which made the heart of this determined old man sink suddenly.

In the next second, an internal force twice as powerful as the one he used just now surged forward, hitting his body fiercely like a huge wave.

The White-Browed Eagle King felt as if struck by lightning, his internal organs shook violently, his bones all over his body made a "bang bang bang" sound, his blood vessels exploded in several places suddenly, and his whole body was soaked in blood in an instant, and then his whole body was like a kite with a broken string Fly out the same way!


He was in mid-air, and the white-browed eagle king had already spat out a mouthful of blood. He passed out and fell heavily to the ground.

One palm!
With just one slap, Yin Tianzheng, the white-browed eagle king with the highest fighting power among the dozens of people, didn't even have time to show his housekeeping skill, Eagle Claw Kung Fu, before he was beaten to death by Su Yi's slap, losing his fighting power!

Of course, this was also because Yin Tianzheng wanted to compete with Su Yi in internal strength.

Su Yi's moves and martial arts made him completely unsure, so he guessed that Su Yi was young and his internal strength should be weak, so he came up with this strategy.

Theoretically speaking, his strategy is fine, even if Su Yi's internal strength is higher than that of the White-browed Eagle King, but if he takes this palm forcefully, Su Yi will definitely consume a lot of money.

It's a pity that Su Yi not only has ridiculously strong internal energy, he also learned the great teleportation that can rebound internal energy.

Poor Yin Tian is treating Su Yi with common sense, how can he not fail miserably?

Before Yin Tianzheng fell to the ground, someone flew out and caught his body.

It was Zhang Wuji!
Before landing, he quickly checked Yin Tianzheng's body with his internal strength, and found that although the latter was seriously injured, his life was not in danger. Zhang Wuji was slightly relieved and secretly grateful.

He knew very well that this was already the result of Master's mercy.

He is a medical student, and he knows that it is more difficult to injure a martial arts master than to kill him.

At this moment, the battle in the field has become fierce!
Facing the siege of dozens of masters, Su Yi never dared to be careless, and brought his martial arts to the extreme.

In particular, he still has to control the size of his shots and try to injure but not kill, which is even more difficult.

Although the four flag envoys are not well-known in the Jianghu, their martial arts are not much better than those of the Wu Sanren. The four joined forces with Leng Qian, Peng Yingyu and Tieguan Taoist who were injured just now as the main attack, and charged in front of them. Besieged the first echelon of Su Yi.

The rest of the dozen or so people were in the second echelon, throwing hidden weapons around the periphery, engaging in sneak attacks and the like.

Su Yi not only had to deal with the siege of the first echelon of eight people, but also had to guard against the sneak attacks and hidden weapons of the second echelon. It was not easy at first.

After all, no matter how high the martial arts are, they are still human beings, and when manpower is limited.

Fortunately, under Su Yi's absolute force, the besiegers were shot flying or knocked down by Su Yi every minute and every second, losing their fighting power one after another.

As the situation ebbs and flows, Su Yi's pressure is getting less and less, and in the end, a large area around him has been laid down, and only a few people are left to besiege.

At this time, even a blind man can see that the Mingjiao is gone and powerless.

People from the six major factions have already started cheering, and many of them have excited expressions on their faces, just waiting for Su Yi to overthrow the rest of them and secure the victory.

As for the remaining Yang Xiao who did not appear on the stage, no one felt that he was capable of turning the tide and turning the tide.

But at this moment, Su Yi's figure flashed suddenly and he withdrew from the field.

The few remaining people rushed to Su Yi with the determination to die, but they were all in vain.

They looked at each other in blank dismay, looking around blankly among their companions lying on the ground.

"It's pointless to fight any more." Su Yi looked at them, "Help all your brothers and companions down, except for Zhou Dian and Wei Yixiao, I didn't kill a single person. But if you do it again, you won't be injured. gone."

After a pause, Su Yi said again: "You have done your best for the Ming Cult. If you still want to die for the Ming Cult, you don't need to come to me again. Just do it yourself. I know you are not afraid of death, but Since you are not afraid of death, why should you be afraid to let go of the grievances and grievances in the world and devote yourself to the great cause of fighting against the Yuan Dynasty?"

All the people who were knocked to the ground by Su Yi were awake, but they were unable to move because Su Yi had their acupuncture points pressed or their internal organs were injured. Naturally, they could hear Su Yi's words clearly.

Su Yi said similar things once before doing it, but at that time they were only wavering in their will, but they still had luck.

Later, because of the tragic determination of the White-browed Eagle King, they were encouraged to die bravely.

But courage always runs out.

Now they have all died once.

After being brave, recalling all the things in the first half of my life, it seems like a lifetime away.

"Master Yang, Mingjiao ended today. I, Yin Tianzheng, am sorry for you. I am here to follow you!" Yin Tianzheng, who had been rescued by Zhang Wuji and struggled to get up, suddenly screamed sadly, and slapped himself hard. Slap on the forehead!

But how could Zhang Wuji, who was supporting him, watch him commit suicide?

Immediately stopped him.

"Grandpa, you can't die! I don't want you to die!" Zhang Wuji burst into tears, crying, "My parents died like this back then, and now even you want to leave me like this?"

Yin Tianzheng, who was determined to live and die, was shocked. He looked at Zhang Wuji in disbelief, and said in a trembling voice, "Son, what do you call me? You... Wuji! You are my grandson, Wuji's child?"

"It's me! It's me, Grandpa!" Weeping, Zhang Wuji firmly grasped Yin Tianzheng's arms.

Yin Tianzheng burst into tears in an instant: "Okay! Good boy! So ungrateful!"

He held Zhang Wuji in his arms, weeping uncontrollably.

All the heroes were in an uproar, still aware of Zhang Wuji's true identity.

"It's really Wuji, it's really Fifth Brother's child!" Yin Liting ecstatically said to the other Wudang heroes.

Several people almost rushed to Zhang Wuji's side. Zhang Wuji wiped away his tears, clasped his fists and bowed to several people: "Wuji pays homage to all the masters! I had no choice but to conceal my identity before, I still hope..."

"Wuji! Wuji!" Yin Liting hugged him excitedly, and cried out in tears, "Fifth Brother has someone to succeed! Fifth Brother has someone to succeed! Hahaha..."

The warm scene that suddenly took place after the war dilutes the previous tragic and chilling atmosphere. The heroes looked at this scene with different expressions.

"No, did you already know that he is Zhang Wuji?" Yang Xiao asked in a low voice.

"Yes," Yang Buhui looked at the other side in a daze and said, "Daddy, do you blame me for lying to you?"

Yang Xiao shook his head silently, and sighed, "That's fine, at least he will protect you..."

On the other side, Miejue Shitai's eyes showed a bit of gloom.

The scene of Zhang Cuishan and Yin Susu committing suicide on Wudang Mountain is still in front of her eyes, and now the apprentice of Su Yi who she values ​​most is actually the evil offspring of Zhang Cuishan and the witch Yin Susu...

Sure enough, cutting the weeds does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates...

Juejue regretted secretly in his heart, especially when he saw Yang Buhui beside Yang Xiao, his regret was even stronger.

At this moment, Su Yi walked up to Master Miejue, cupped his hands to her and said, "Master, the next battle will consume a lot of internal energy. There is still Yang Xiao at the end of Mingjiao who hasn't made a move yet. Please ask Master to make a move. The battle will be settled." Universe."

Su Yi deliberately excluded Yang Xiao before, in order to leave him to Miejue Shitai.

He has made enough limelight today, enough.He swept away all the masters of the Ming Cult by himself, and his apprentice Zhang Wuji swept away all the masters of the five major sects. Except for the Emei sect, the entire rivers and lakes were beaten by their masters and apprentices.If even Yang Xiao was taken care of again, then the six major factions besieged Guangmingding this time, it would be tantamount to being picked by Su Yi. No wonder the six major factions are happy.

As the saying goes, when the water is full, it will be full, and when the moon is full, it will be negative. Only by properly setting aside some limelight for others, will they prevent the master and apprentice from becoming the target of public criticism.

So in the final final blow, Su Yi decided to hand it over to Miejue Shitai.

As for whether Miejue Shitai is Yang Xiao's opponent?
Regardless of whether it is true or not, Yang Xiao is dead today.

Su Yi had also seen the will to die in Yang Xiao's eyes long ago.

Miejue Shitai was immediately attracted by Su Yi's proposal.

Being able to personally kill Yang Xiao is definitely one of the biggest obsessions in her life.

Even if Su Yi didn't mention it, she would still volunteer.

"Master Su, please rest for a while, Yang Xiao, the devil, will be handed over to the old nun!" Miejue Shitai's eyes shot out murderous intent, and his eyes were fixed on Yang Xiao who was opposite him, and he walked towards the field.

"Brother, are you not injured?" As soon as Miejue Shitai left, Xiao Zhao couldn't wait to rush over to Shao, hugging Su Yi's arm and asking for warmth in concern.

"I'm fine." Su Yi smiled at her, then smiled and nodded at Zhou Zhiruo who was also looking at him, the latter's eyes dodged.

On the field, the few remaining people helped the injured people to the sidelines and let them sit down on the sidelines.

On the other side, Zhang Wuji and the Wudang heroes were talking to Yin Tianzheng, the latter looked gloomy and sad, but there was no determination in his eyes.

The field was vacated again.

The moment Miejue Shitai walked towards the field, Yang Xiao also walked towards the field.

He knew that Jue Jue was looking for him, and he also knew that for decades, Jue Jue had been thinking about killing himself all the time.

It's just that she can't.

If she could do it, she wouldn't have sent Ji Xiaofu to find her back then...

Various past events appeared in Yang Xiao's mind like a horse watching flowers, but his face was very calm.

He walked up to the stage and in front of Miejue Shitai.

"Yang Xiao!" Miejue Shitai's eyes showed deep hatred, and he gritted his teeth and sneered, "Demon! When you killed my elder brother, my senior brother, and my disciples, you would have thought that today would happen!"

Yang Xiao smiled lightly and said: "People are in the Jianghu, either you kill me or I kill you. If you can kill me today, you can only blame me, Yang Xiao, for my inferior skills, no wonder others, and they are not worth a beak. Just like back then, just Two ordinary martial arts battles have caused the master to hold grudges to this day. It is really sad and lamentable. But if you want to talk about hatred..."

He looked at Miejue Shitai, and his eyes gradually became cold: "Back then, my beloved wife died at your hands, which once made me feel so much pain! I even mobilized my disciples from the four sects of Heaven, Earth, Fenglei, and went to Sichuan to kill the Emei Sect My dear! Even so, the hatred in my heart cannot be dispelled! If I hadn’t had a daughter to raise her, I would have kissed the Emei Sect back then and taken the head of your extermination item!”

The conversation between the two of them inadvertently unraveled the secrets of martial arts more than ten years ago. It was the first time that the other five sects knew why since more than ten years ago, the four divisions of Tiandi Fenglei of the Ming Cult suddenly went crazy and attacked the Emei sect. the reason.

Others just watched it as a show, but there was one person who could no longer hold back the hatred in his heart. He rushed out suddenly, drew his sword with a clang, pointed at Yang Xiao and shouted, "Your surname is Yang! What did you say just now?" ? Who do you say is your wife? Tell me clearly!"

Yang Xiao was startled, but seeing that it was Yin Liting, he frowned and said nothing.

"Shameless prostitute? Why don't you speak!" Yin Liting asked sharply, and took a few steps forward with his sword, but Yang Xiao still remained motionless, even sighed slightly, and closed his eyes.

Just when Yin Liting's eyes were filled with murderous intent, Yang Buhui suddenly rushed out to block Yang Xiao, and shouted loudly, "Don't hurt my father!"

Yin Liting looked at the girl in front of him, his expression was in a daze for a moment, and after a long time he said with complicated eyes: "Get out of the way! I want to avenge your mother today!"

Yang Buhui sneered and pointed at Miejue Shitai, "Okay! Uncle Yin, you go and kill this old thief."

"Why?" Yin Liting was startled.

Yang Buhui bit his lip and stared at Miejue Shitai with hatred: "Because my mother was beaten to death by this old thief!"

"Nonsense!" Yin Liting said angrily, "You are a child, you are ignorant! It must be this lewdness——he deliberately lied to you to teach you this way!"

In front of other people's daughters, he never said anything to insult his father.

With tears in his eyes, Yang Buhui said: "It's not my father who taught me this, but I saw it with my own eyes! Back in Butterfly Valley, the old thief nun asked my mother to kill my father, but my mother refused, so the old thief nun asked me to kill my father." Beat my mother to death. I saw this with my own eyes, and Brother Wuji saw it too! If you don’t believe me, you might as well ask that old thief yourself!”

(End of this chapter)

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