Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1114 Defeat

Chapter 1114 Defeat
Regarding Yang Buhui's words, Yin Liting actually believed seventy percent of them, but he refused to accept them.

For more than ten years, the only motivation that supported him to recover from the hatred of taking his wife was Yang Xiao. He was determined to make Yang Xiao pay the price.

But now, Yang Buhui said that his fiancée Ji Xiaofu was beaten to death by Miejue Shitai?
So what happened to his hatred all these years?

"Master, she, she said... She said that Miss Ji is..." Yin Liting's face was pale, his lips were trembling, and he couldn't even complete a sentence.

Miejue Shitai was expressionless, but his voice became hoarse.

"That's right, what's the use of staying in this world for such shameless villains?" She said in a low voice, filled with hatred that could not be concealed, "She and Yang Xiao are wishful thinking! She would rather betray her master than obey her." To assassinate this adulterer and villain. Yin Liuxia, in order to save your face, I have been holding back. Hmph, this shameless woman, why do you never forget her?"

Miejue Shitai will never understand, how can a woman fall in love with a monster who insulted her, and even have a child with this monster?

She will never be able to forgive the apprentice she raised and taught by herself, for being so shameless and bringing an indelible shame to the Emei Sect!

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" Yin Liting had already collapsed.

For more than ten years, he has always felt that he has the responsibility to avenge Ji Xiaofu, because she is his fiancée and she loves him.

But now, that belief has collapsed.

It turned out that his fiancée didn't love him at all, but fell in love with the villain who insulted her.

Miejue Shitai said coldly: "You don't believe me? Ask this girl, what's her name?"

Yin Liting's eyes were blurred with tears, and he looked at Yang Buhui.

He only heard Yang Buhui say with a stubborn face: "My name is Yang Buhui! My mother said that she will never regret this matter."


Yin Liting screamed in despair, the long sword in his hand fell to the ground with a clang, covered his face with his hands and rushed out, didn't care if he fell halfway, got up and continued running.

"Sixth Brother (Sixth Brother) (Sixth Uncle)!" Wudang heroes shouted.

"I'll go and have a look!" Mo Shenggu pressed his sword and chased him out.

This scene made the heroes look sideways, even if Su Yi saw such a famous scene, he couldn't help feeling pity.

As a man, Yin Liting was really miserable.

It's a wonderful thing that a disciple from a well-known family has arranged a good marriage with a good family, and the two are also in love with each other and have a good impression of each other.
All of a sudden, the fiancée was detained by the demon leader, became strong, and gave birth to a daughter.

How humiliating is this?
That's fine, a manly man, swallow tears and blood, cheer up and take revenge.

But the fiancée who loves each other named her daughter Buhui!

People do not regret it.

This is more than just an insult, it's simply disgusting and insulting, and bullying honest people.

How could this make Yin Liting feel so bad?
It means that Su Yi didn't cross over to Yin Liting. If Su Yi went through this kind of thing instead, and didn't kill Mingjiao with blood flowing into rivers, didn't put Yang Xiaoling to death, and didn't kill Ji Xiaofu and Yang Buhui completely, It was hard to dispel the hatred in his heart.

Don't blame him for being so hostile. Only the person involved knows who is responsible for this kind of thing, how angry and humiliated he is.

Of course, if Su Yi was really Yin Liting, the instigator of Miejue Shitai would not even want to live.

But then again, if Su Yi was replaced by Zhang Wuji, Su Yi would still choose to slaughter the world and avenge his parents.

Speaking of it this way, is it Su Yi who is too cruel, or Zhang Wuji and Yin Liting who are too kind?

Or are they not normal people?
"Brother, this Sixth Hero of Yin is too pitiful." Xiao Zhao quietly tugged at the corner of Su Yi's clothes, and said sympathetically.

Su Yi nodded approvingly.

Yang Xiao is a very complicated person, but at least it is true that he feels guilty towards Yin Liting, otherwise he would not have closed his eyes and waited to die under Yin Liting's sword just now.

In fact, he might not have thought that it might be a good thing for him to die under Yin Liting's sword.

It's a pity that now, he still has to face Miejue Shitai.

"No regrets, you step back and go to your brother Wuji!" Yang Xiao said to his daughter.


"Go!" Yang Xiao said with a stern look on his face, "Don't you even listen to what Dad says? Remember! Apart from Dad, only your brother Wuji is worthy of your trust and dependence in this world!"

Yang Buhui bit his lip and said, "Daddy, be careful."

Yang Xiao's face turned pale, he forced a smile and nodded, then cupped his hands at Zhang Wuji from afar and said, "Wuji, take good care of me and I won't regret it!"

In Yang Xiao's mind, Zhang Wuji is absolutely worthy of his trust!
Ten years ago, Zhang Wuji was only an 11-year-old child, but it was this child who, for a promise, traveled thousands of miles and sent his daughter to him.

Isn't such a good man who values ​​love and righteousness worthy of trust?

Yang Xiao believes that even as his Yang Xiao's daughter, as a "remnant of the Devil's Cult", Zhang Wuji will definitely be able to protect Yang Buhui and prevent her from being bullied by others.

Yang Xiao actually implied entrustment, but unfortunately neither Yang Buhui nor Zhang Wuji heard it.

"Yang Xiao, have you finished explaining your last words?" Miejue Shitai asked coldly.

Yang Xiao turned around, and when he looked at Miejue Shitai again, his expression became calm again.

"Please!" He didn't use a weapon, he just straightened his right arm and said indifferently.

Miejue Shitai saw that he was so arrogant, and hated him even more, and shouted: "The devil! I will cut you under the sword today!"

Before the words were finished, the person rushed forward, and the sword light enveloped all the acupuncture points of Yang Xiao's body in an instant.

The swordsmanship of the Emei School is known for being long and precise, complicated and meticulous, soft yet strong, and this characteristic is brought into full play by Miejue Shitai in the hands of her!
Especially what she holds in her hand is the Yitian Sword, which cuts iron like mud and breaks at the blow of hair!
To sum it up in eight words, it is - impenetrable and unstoppable!
Juejueshi's attack was so fierce and meticulous that anyone present would have to avoid his sharp edge, even Su Yi and Zhang Wuji who had learned the Dugu Nine Swords Breaking Sword Style were no exceptions, and it was absolutely impossible for them to go head-to-head.

This is the effect of the Yitian Sword bonus.

But no matter how good the Yitian Sword is, it is just icing on the cake. It can be the last straw that overwhelms the camel, but it cannot be the key to victory.

Miejue Shitai's swordsmanship is certainly top-notch in the world, but Yang Xiao's skill is also rare in the world.

His body is graceful and gentle, he moves around in a small range in the field, every time the Yitian Sword is always behind him by a tiny bit, but it can't hurt him.

Not only that, but he also has enough energy to fight back, with fingers, palms, or fists, while avoiding the edge of the Yitian sword, he counterattacks Miejue Shitai from time to time, so that Miejue Shitai's swordsmanship will not be as smooth as a long river pouring down. cast out.

Judging from the scene, Miejue Shitai's offensive was mighty and aggressive, and seemed to have the upper hand.

But anyone who really understands knows that the more invincible the situation is, the passive one is often the one that takes the initiative.

Miejue Shitai faced such a predicament, even though she used what she had learned all her life, she still couldn't hurt Yang Xiao half a point, that is to say, she was also considered a generation of martial arts masters, and she had a dignified demeanor, so she didn't get too anxious and lost her mind.

The two fought to hundreds of moves and were still deadlocked. This battle was really thrilling and evenly matched.

But gradually, Miejue Shitai's offensive finally slowed down.

The moves are exhausted and consume a lot, she has no choice but to think about changing.

Yang Xiao was keenly aware of the opponent's change, and he was waiting for this opportunity!

After a dodge that was no different from before, Yang Xiao suddenly activated, completely switching from defense to offense!

He flicked out a few times out of thin air with his fingers, only to make the Yitian sword emit a "clank" sound, which shook Shijue Shitai's mouth numb and made him unsteady in holding the sword.

Su Yi's eyes lit up while watching.

Is this the snap of the fingers?

He could see that Yang Xiao didn't use his internal strength, but ejected the prepared projectiles, but this was different from ordinary concealed weapons, and it was very ingenious.

Although Su Yi's martial arts are high, he never has the means of long-range attack. After all, once the internal force leaves the body contact, it will dissipate quickly like a rootless fire.

With Su Yi's current method, the most he can do is to hit a hidden weapon. When the hidden weapon quickly hits the opponent, it still contains Su Yi's internal force that has not dissipated completely, thus causing additional damage to the opponent.

But looking at Yang Xiao's supernatural powers of flicking fingers, this kung fu is more like using the bullet as a carrier to shoot out the internal force. The key core lies in the internal force, not the bullet.In this process, the internal force is not consumed, or consumed very little, and it does not fully explode until it touches the target.

According to Su Yi's understanding, if Huang Yaoshi were to perform this kung fu, he wouldn't even need a stone, and would directly eject invisible energy, which is the real long-distance output of internal force!

Therefore, this martial art is not called snapping fingers, but snapping fingers!
What is the key to this long-range attack method, Su Yi has no idea, even if the Great Teleportation of the Universe, the Book of Changes, and the Dugu Nine Swords are miraculous, they cannot output internal power remotely.Now that he saw Yang Xiao playing it, it was a lie to say that he was jealous.

It's a pity that he couldn't make Yang Xiao stop to teach him this martial art.

But will Yang Xiao have the secret book of this martial art?
Su Yi's expression changed, and he touched the wood carving on his waist.

in the field.

Yang Xiao flicked his fingers and made great achievements with supernatural powers. He beat Miejue Shitai unsteadily with his sword and his moves were out of shape. He took the opportunity to get close to him, and his hands were like wearing flowers and brushing willows.
Miejue Shitai held the sword in one hand, facing such a swift and violent attack, it was equivalent to barely coping with it with one hand, and immediately fell into a passive state.

In fact, if she throws away the Yitian Sword now, she can immediately recover from the decline, and at worst, she will compete with Yang Xiao, and no longer rely on the power of the Yitian Sword.With her martial arts, there may not be no chance of winning.

But how could Juejue Shitai throw away the Yitian Sword?
Even if the Yitian Sword is no longer a help to her at this moment, but a burden.

The result of her not giving up her sword was that she was finally broken by Yang Xiao's violent offensive. Not only was she punched firmly in the chest by the opponent's palms and fists, but she was beaten back again and again while spurting blood, and was finally thrown up by Yang Xiao. The kick flew out, and even the Yitian sword fell into Yang Xiao's hands.

Miejue Shitai fell heavily to the ground, she spurted blood again and struggled to get up.

Su Yi was already prepared to rescue him, and if Yang Xiao took the opportunity to hunt him down, he would do so.

Miejue Shitai is a good tool man, so he can't die now.

But Yang Xiao repelled Miejue Shitai, but he didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, but just stood there, a little dazed.

This made Su Yi give up the idea of ​​making a move, and let Miejue Shitai "free fall".

Su Yi knew very well that with Miejue Shitai's character, if he pretended to be concerned at this time, not only would he not get the other party's gratitude, but it would make her angry from embarrassment.

So as long as Juejueshi is too immortal, he just pretends not to see it.

At this moment, Miejue Shitai was beaten with disheveled hair and bloodstained body, looking in a panic.

She looked like a ghost, she covered her chest with one hand showing pain, pointed at Yang Xiao with the other and shouted sharply: "Devil, give me back the Yitian sword!"

Yitian Sword is also her obsession.

Yang Xiao came back to his senses, looked down at the Yitian sword, suddenly gave a disdainful smile, and threw the famous and coveted Yitian sword on the ground like trash.

"Yi Tian Jian?" He said indifferently, his eyes mocking, "What a great reputation! But in my eyes, it's like scrap copper and rotten iron!"

At this moment, with his demeanor, even Su Yi couldn't help but want to applaud him.

This is not the first time Yang Xiao said this.

Back then when he defeated Gu Hongzi, the senior brother who had defeated Miejue Shitai, he also discarded the Yitian Sword that he had snatched like today, and said exactly the same words as today with disdain.

Today, decades later, he has done the same thing again, and he still dismisses such a treasure as Yitianjian.

"Pfft!" Miejue Shitai spat out a mouthful of blood, her aura suddenly weakened a lot, she was on the verge of falling, her face was pale, it was obvious that Yang Xiao's words had hit her hard.

The so-called killing and punishing the heart is nothing more than that.

"Master!" The Emei disciples turned pale with shock, and hurried forward to support Miejue Shitai, while Ding Minjun hurriedly picked up the Yitian Sword thrown by Yang Xiao on the ground. When she held the sword, a strange look flashed in her eyes, but It disappeared quickly, and rushed back with the sword in hand.

"Go away! I don't need you to help me!" Miejue Shitai struggled to break away from his disciples, his face twisted and hideous.

Ding Minjun happened to be in front of the master. Seeing Miejue Shitai like this, he felt a little scared in his heart, and he didn't dare to look at her. What kind of a hero is he because he just took advantage of it by being a coincidence?"

Miejue Shitai slapped her hard on the face, and sternly cursed: "Victory is victory! Defeat is defeat! As a teacher, you are inferior to others. Everyone in the world can see it. What can't you admit? Is it a hero? Is it self-proclaimed?"

One side of Ding Minjun's cheeks immediately became red and swollen. She was angry and frightened in her heart. She said that you couldn't beat him and you would lose face, but she took this bad breath out on me!Why am I here to touch this mold?What a disaster!

But on the surface, he was respectful and respectful, and said tremblingly: "What the master taught is that the apprentice knows his mistake!"

(End of this chapter)

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