Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1115 After the War

Chapter 1115 After the War
Seeing Miejue Shitai admit that his skills are inferior to others, Yang Xiao couldn't help clapping his hands and said with a smile: "Okay! Good Miejue Shitai, although I hate you, I have to admire you, at least you really agree with what you say. How many people are there who are as upright as you are?"

"The devil! Don't be complacent!" Yang Xiao sincerely praised him, but Miejue Shitai only took him as a mockery.She gritted her teeth and her eyes were spitting fire, "I lost, but it doesn't mean that I, Emei, also lost! Even if my disciples of the Emei Sect are killed today, I will let you, the devil, be executed on the spot! Zhiruo, you go!"

As she spoke, she couldn't help but thrust the Yitian Sword into Zhou Zhiruo's hand, and said sharply, "Go, fight to the death!"

Zhou Zhiruo was startled for a moment, but soon her eyes showed determination, she bowed and said, "Yes, Master!"

Su Yi watched coldly and did not stop him.

Yang Xiao had just been able to kill Master Miejue and refused to kill him, so how could he kill Zhou Zhiruo?
A person with the will to die thinks more about dying well, and whether the living he cares about can live well.

Sure enough, without waiting for Zhou Zhiruo to approach, Yang Xiao stretched out his hand to block it, and shouted, "Wait a minute!"

Zhou Zhiruo stopped walking.

Yang Xiao glanced across the injured members of the Ming Cult behind him one by one, and finally paused for a while on Yang Buhui's face before turning his gaze away.

He looked around for a week, and said with a calm smile: "Mingjiao will be destroyed today, and I, Yang Xiao, are responsible for it! Hundreds of years of foundation have been destroyed, and I, Yang Xiao, have no atonement for my crime!"

"It doesn't matter if it's the devil or not. Anyway, after today, there will be no Mingjiao in the world! It will be judged by future generations for hundreds of years of meritorious deeds!"

He looked at the people of Mingjiao, with sad eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Mingjiao has always regarded the people's orders as its own duty for all dynasties! The first leader even believed in resisting the Yuan Dynasty! Today Mingjiao can be destroyed, but Meng Yuan can't help it." I will be buried with Mingjiao! Brothers, I will leave it to you to drive out the Tartars and restore my country! Please continue to work hard for Mingjiao and Yangjiao!"

"As for me, Yang Xiao..." He paused, looked at Yang Buhui on the other side, and suddenly smiled.

Yang Buhui realized something, great fear suddenly surged in his heart, he felt his whole body froze and his mind went blank.

"Let me go down and personally apologize to the Yang leader." He said softly, the corners of his eyes moist.

"Remember!" In the next moment, he fixed his eyes and shouted sharply, "I, Yang Xiao, died for the Ming Cult, and have nothing to do with others! There is no need to avenge me! Otherwise, I will not be able to rest in peace under the Nine Springs!"

puff puff puff...

The next moment, dense blood mist burst out from his body, and he became a blood man in the blink of an eye.

His eyes were wide open, and he fell back straight.

He died from his meridians!

The whole place was silent.

No one is not moved!

Yang Buhui's heart-piercing cry broke the deathly silence, she ran towards Yang Xiao's body, and fell on top of him, crying loudly.

And the people in the Ming Cult have already burst into tears, even tearing down their faces!
"Burning my remnant body, the blazing holy fire, what joy is there in life, and why bother in death?" Yin Tianzheng groaned with tears streaming down his face.

"For good and evil, there is only light. Joy, sorrow, and sorrow, all return to dust..." Mingjiao heroes recited in unison, with solemn and mournful voices.

They are using this method to see Yang Xiao off.

"Burning my remnant body, the blazing holy fire, what joy is there in life, and what is the pain in death? To do good and eliminate evil, there is only light. Joy and sorrow, all return to dust. Pity me, the world, there are so many sorrows! Pity me, the world, there are so many sorrows! Have pity on me, the world, there are so many sorrows..."

"Have pity on me, the world, there are many sorrows..."

The solemn and mournful chanting sound echoed in the Guangming Hall, which lasted for a long time.

Watching this scene, the heroes were all filled with emotion.

The most distasteful thing in this is that Miejue Shitai is too much.

At this moment, she didn't know what was going on in her heart, she just stood there blankly, like a sculpture.

"Amitabha!" Master Kongzhi chanted the Buddha's name, stepped forward and said with emotion: "Benefactor Yang seeks benevolence and obtains benevolence, and he deserves to die! Although the Ming religion has been reduced to a demon, but there are such loyal martyrs, it is not in vain to be in this world. A hundred years."

"The demon sect is poisoning the world, and it is a disgrace to us righteous people to be eradicated today!" Miejue Shitai came back to his senses and snorted coldly.

She took the Yitian Sword from Zhou Zhiruo's hand, jumped up suddenly, and slashed down with the sword. The words "Bright Sacred Fire" hanging above the main hall were split in half, and the two broken plaques "crashed!" "Fall to the ground.

She looked back with her sword, stared coldly at the high-ranking members of Mingjiao who were still alive, and shouted sharply: "There will be no more Mingjiao in the world!"

"it is good!"

Many people from the six major factions applauded excitedly, applauding and cheering one after another.

Ming Cult is dead!
All the high-ranking members of the Ming Cult glared at Miejue Shitai and hated her so much.

Miejue Shitai enjoyed this look very much.

"You haven't vowed to break away from Mingjiao, reform the evil and return to righteousness, and when will you wait?" she asked coldly.

Anyone who dared to disobey would immediately kill them all.

Everyone in Mingjiao showed grief and indignation. At this time, Su Yi stood up with a sigh and said: "Mingjiao ended up today. It is a perverse and apostate end. No wonder others. As the saying goes, people who are about to die have good words. Before Yang Zuoshi died, The words I told you all are words from the bottom of my heart. Everyone, please do it yourself!"

"Wuji, come here!"

Zhang Wuji came over and saluted Su Yi respectfully.

Su Yi ordered: "After they swear to draw a clear line with Mingjiao, they will belong to you..."

"Master, disciple He De how can..." Zhang Wuji was startled and was about to decline.

"I said you can do it, so you can do it!" Su Yi patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "You are the descendant of Xiaoyao, shouldering a vast sect, and fulfilling the legacy of the master, even if you can't, you have to do it!"

"Here, I have no choice but to try my best!" Zhang Wuji was a little apprehensive.

On the other side, Yin Tianzheng and other Mingjiao surviving high-level officials were also relieved when they heard the words.

If it was Zhang Wuji, they could still accept it.

As long as it doesn't exterminate Lao Ni.

Why did Su Yi let Zhang Wuji pretend to be forceful before appearing?And why let Miejue Shitai be the last gravedigger of the Ming Cult?
It is for the current situation.

Next, all the members of the Ming Cult swore in front of everyone that they would leave the Ming Cult forever, withdraw from the arena, and devote themselves to fighting the Yuan Dynasty and expelling the Tartars.

Of course, not all.

Among the Five Elements Banners, Xin Ran and Tang Yang, the envoys of the Fiery Fire Banner and Tang Yang, among the Five Elements Banners, Leng Qian among the Five Elements Banners, and more than a dozen Five Elements Banner masters refused to surrender, so they committed suicide on the spot and died.

This scene shocked everyone even more.

"If the Ming Cult was still fighting against Yuan under the leadership of Yang Dingtian, and the people in the Cult had never done anything wrong to disrupt the world, why did these heroes die so tragically?" Seeing the shocking faces of the heroes and the shaking of the minds of the living people of the Ming Cult, Su Yi once again Sighing, "They didn't have to die, they were implicated to death by people like Wei Yixiao and Xie Xun!"

"Amitabha! Master Su's words are true!" Kong Zhi said.

Everyone from the six major factions nodded their heads.

After everyone in Mingjiao had sworn, Su Yi asked Zhang Wuji to take them away first.

Not long after, Su Nuer came back from the door. He was ordered by Su Yi to go down the mountain to inquire about the news.

"Young master, all the members of the Demon Cult's rudder and those who stayed at the foot of the mountain have been taken away by Zhu Yuanzhang." Su Nuer clasped his fists and said, "General Xu and Vice General Hua had a long talk with Zhu Yuanzhang before letting Zhu Yuanzhang and the others leave. Yes, never stopped."

"Zhu Yuanzhang..." Su Yi sighed, "This man is a character. As long as he doesn't die, we will meet again in the future. It's just whether it's an enemy or a friend, so it doesn't matter."

"Zhu Yuanzhang?" Miejue Shitai snorted coldly, "This is the person who wanted to ambush my Emei sect before? This person is a remnant of the Demon Sect, and he really shouldn't be letting the tiger go back to the mountain!"

Su Yi smiled and said: "No matter who he is, he will not dare to act under the banner of the Mingjiao in the future. Master, the Demon Cult has been destroyed, and you should relax a bit. Relaxing and Taoism can only benefit you." Shou Yannian, you have to take care of your health."

Everyone laughed in good faith.

Su Yi had a dispute with Miejue Shitai just now, and the cause was Yang Buhui.

The death of his father was too much of a blow to Yang Buhui. He wanted to raise his sword to avenge Miejue Shitai, but Zhang Wuji tapped his acupoints and wanted to take her away first.

But Miejue Shitai stopped him, saying that Yang Buhui was a remnant of the Demon Sect, he didn't know how to repent, and wanted to kill the weeds and root them out.

None of the other five sects tried to stop this move. Firstly, it seemed to them that it should be done, and secondly, Yang Buhui had indeed said, "I was born as a member of Mingjiao, under the encouragement of Miejue Shitai. Death is the ghost of the Ming Cult."

Proper diehard.

But Su Yi stopped Miejue Shitai, and promised: "Master, she is just an innocent little girl, let her go! I promise to persuade this girl carefully, and never let her go on an evil path."

"Su Shaoxia, if you cut the grass without eradicating the roots, it will regenerate when the spring breeze blows! Don't you understand this truth?" Miejue Shitai was very angry, and she didn't even look good on Su Yi, "You are a woman's kindness, and you will be backlashed in the future !"

Su Yi said with a smile: "The eradication of Mingjiao cannot be solved by killing people. We must let the world know that the death of Mingjiao is not due to the weak and weak, but because of their indiscriminate killing of innocent people and their perverse actions! It is because of their evil. !"

"Amitabha, Sect Leader Su's words are very kind and have a big heart!" Kong Zhi was very impressed by these words, and immediately expressed his support for Su Yi.

As he opened his mouth, people from Wudang Song Yuanqiao and Kongtong School also joined the ranks of persuasion, so Miejue Shitai had no choice but to give up.

But I have some opinions on Su Yi in my heart, and I also intend to show it to Su Yi, meaning that although I am not happy with this matter, I still give you the face of the head of Su, and you have to appreciate it.

She waited for Su Yi to give her a response, but she didn't expect Su Yi to make a joke with her, which made her dumbfounded.

Seeing Su Yi's smiling face, Miejue Shitai's frozen heart suddenly loosened.

She turned pale, shook her head and sighed, "Even though the Demon Sect is gone, the Tartars are still raging in the Central Plains. Gentlemen, we still have a long way to go."

This made the other five factions laugh and say nothing, unwilling to answer.

"Master, why didn't you introduce a young hero like Sect Leader Su to us earlier?" Master Kong Zhi smiled and changed the subject, "If we knew that there is such a hero in the righteous way of martial arts, why are we so worried?"

Su Yi didn't dare to talk, Song Yuanqiao took up the conversation again, and started chatting about the origin of the Xiaoyao faction.

Su Yi knew very well that no matter what position he was in, he needed to socialize with others. Even if he became an emperor, he had to communicate with ministers, so he didn't completely reject this kind of thing.

He is comfortable among the crowd, even to He Taichong, Xian Yutong and others who look down on him, he can also say a few words with a smile.

Monk Kongzhi is well versed in the way of communication, and set the tone for this extermination of Mingjiao—the seven major factions besieged Guangmingding.

On behalf of Shaolin, it recognized the Xiaoyao faction as the right way of martial arts, and put the Xiaoyao faction and the six major factions side by side.

This kind of false name seems useless, but in fact there are many hidden benefits in the follow-up. As long as it is done properly, fame can bring huge benefits, otherwise how can there be such a word as fame and fortune?
It was night, and the seven major sects, including the Xiaoyao sect, were resting at the Guangming Peak, and sorting out and confiscating Mingjiao's inventory savings.

This matter was co-chaired by the Shaolin and Wudang factions, and it was agreed that after counting all the materials, they would discuss with each faction how to distribute them.

The other five factions are naturally very assured of the credibility of these two factions.Let them do the statistics and liquidation.

Su Yi didn't have the opportunity to meet Miejue Shitai alone until then.

As a young man, Su Yi took the initiative to visit Miejue Shitai.

The small courtyard where Yang Buhui and the others lived before has now become the temporary residence of various factions, and Zhou Zhiruo was the one who brought Su Yi to meet Miejue Shitai.

"Zhiruo, I haven't seen you for a while, you seem to have calmed down a bit." Su Yi said with a smile, "If you want to come to eat and sleep in the open these days, you are not afraid, right?"

"I'm sorry for Su Shaoxia, Zhiruo is fine." Zhou Zhiruo said softly, two blushes appeared on her face again, she bit her lip, and continued: "It's Su Shaoxia who has a beautiful woman as his companion, no wonder his bearing is still the same as before."

"You mean Xiao Zhao?" Su Yi smiled, "She's still young."


Zhou Zhiruo looked at Su Yi with some doubts, not understanding what he meant.

But at this time, she had already reached the door of Miejue Shitai, so she had no choice but to suppress her doubts.

"Master, Su Shaoxia is visiting." Zhou Zhiruo reported at the door.

Miejue Shitai had already changed her clothes and tidied up her appearance. She opened the door herself, nodded to Su Yi and said, "Master Su, why don't we negotiate in the courtyard."

Living alone in a room with a widow alone is not indecent after all, Miejue Shitai cares about these details related to fame and festivals.

She said Ruoyou glanced at Zhou Zhiruo, implying a warning.

Zhou Zhiruo's heart tightened, and she noticed the change of Master's title of Su Yi.

"Sect Leader Su, I..." Zhou Zhiruo was about to explain in a hurry.

Su Yi smiled and waved his hands: "You should call me Su Shaoxia, otherwise you will call me old and have a seniority, which is not good."

Zhou Zhiruo hurriedly lowered her head and muttered, "This, this is not good..."

"Zhiruo, you go down first." Miejue Shitai didn't let her go on.

After Zhou Zhiruo left, Su Yi made a gesture of invitation, asking Miejue Shitai to go first, and he was slightly behind by half a body.

(End of this chapter)

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