Chapter 1116
"Once the Ming Cult is destroyed, those evil leaders have also been executed. The master's long-cherished wish has been fulfilled, and he should be happy. Why do I feel that the master is worried and thinking more?"

Under the moonlight, Su Yi and Miejue Shitai came to the rockery in the courtyard one after the other.Seeing Miejue Shitai stop and look at the sky without saying a word, Su Yi asked.

Miejue Shitai sighed and said, "Emei has a great foundation to support this old nun. Now that I am doing the same thing, if I make a wrong step, I will be forever lost. How can I not be as good as walking on thin ice?"

In fact, there is another reason why she is unhappy, that is, she was publicly humiliated by Yang Xiao today.

Yang Xiao is dead, Ming Cult is extinct, she has no place to take revenge for this humiliation even if she wants to.

Miejue Shitai has always been proud and arrogant, how can he not be concerned about such things?

It's just that this matter is embarrassing after all, why did she have the nerve to tell the truth when Su Yi asked?
Su Yi could also guess the idea of ​​extinction, but he didn't point it out. Hearing the words, he said solemnly: "Master, Yuan court's energy is exhausted, and it is only a matter of time before it perishes! Emei burned the mountain gate to publicly resist Yuan, which is in line with the general trend of heaven! "

"My original suggestion was to ask the teacher to contact the other righteous factions to secretly support the rebels against the Yuan Dynasty, but I didn't expect the teacher to have great wisdom and courage, so that the Emei faction directly stood on the cusp of the anti-Yuan cause."

"It is true that this move also puts the Emei faction in a very dangerous situation, but the greater the risk, the greater the opportunity. The Mingjiao is destroyed, and the rebels in various places urgently need new support and support. Emei stands at this critical moment. Come out, if the rebels from all walks of life want to find new support and support, the first choice must be the Emei faction, this is the benefit brought by the heroic act of the master!"

"Furthermore, if the other factions want to raise their flags against the Yuan Dynasty in the future, they will have to move closer to the Emei Sect who was the first to hold high the banner of righteousness. At that time, whether it is Shaolin or Wudang, they must respect the Emei Sect and respect the Emei Sect. The master is the master, this is the first opportunity."

Miejue Shitai's attention was attracted by Su Yi's words, and he was no longer depressed.

She frowned slightly and said, "Does Head Su think that the rest of the orthodox sects will stand up and openly fight against Yuan?"

"I will." Su Yi gave her an affirmative answer, "Master, I have visited and investigated recently and found that there is indeed an invisible black hand behind the Six Sects' attack on Guangmingding. There is no evidence, but there should be no mistakes in this matter, there is no doubt about it. This black hand must be the Mongolian Yuan court!"

"If the Yuan court was strong, the orthodox sects would naturally not be in their eyes. But today, the Mongolian Yuan has no way, so that there are wars everywhere, and the major sects pose a fatal threat to the local government. No matter which sect is in the local area, raise your arms , Relying on the prestige of the past, it will definitely receive such a response, this is what the Tartars fear most, and it is also the last thing they want to see."

"Therefore, even in order to nip the threat in the bud, the Tartars will definitely attack the Righteous factions secretly, weakening or recruiting them. In fact, the Righteous factions have no choice at all. They either seek refuge or resist, nothing else. His way."

"Anyone with insight would not take refuge in Meng Yuan in this situation. What's more, the end of Quanzhen Sect is still in sight. What good end can there be if you take refuge in Tartar?"

When Mongolia was founded, almost all the Quanzhen Sect's Anti-Yuan Sect died in the Xiangyang War. Hao Datong, one of the Seven Sons of Quanzhen, led his remnants to hide in Huashan and founded the Huashan Sect.Quanzhen, as the largest religion in the world at that time, had a large number of congregants, and was finally supported by the Yuan court as a puppet, and the faction surrendered to the Yuan court.

But in the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism not long after, Quanzhen Sect was abandoned by the Yuan court, and since then it has declined, and now there are only two or three kittens and puppies left. in the world.

Su Yi continued: "Therefore, the rest of the factions will definitely stand up against Yuan, because in fact they have only one way to go. At that time, the Emei faction has established prestige among the rebels, and all factions want to make achievements, or want to To gain a foothold, you must rely on the big tree of the Emei School.”

Master Miejue frowned, feeling a sense of enlightenment in his heart.

She felt that Su Yi was like a wise man who could always guide her the way forward.

Thinking back to the future where Emei can really win the top spot among all factions, Extinction can't help but be fascinated leisurely.

"It's just..." She hesitated slightly, but still expressed her worry, "I'm afraid that my martial arts and reputation won't convince the public, especially after being defeated by Yang Xiao this time... Besides, the Emei School is a female school after all. , I'm afraid it will be difficult to subdue the heroes of the world."

If you are so convincing, can I still find you?

Su Yi looked at Miejue Shitai with a smile and said: "This is indeed a problem, but if Shitai can gather the Yitian Sword and Dragon Slaying Saber to fulfill the last wish of the founder of your sect, Guo Nvxia, he can command the world and do everything. Followed."

Miejue Shitai suddenly tensed up all over: "Master Su...what do you mean by that?"

"Relax, relax, master, don't be so nervous." Su Yi smiled and waved his hands, "Although my Xiaoyao sect lives in seclusion, it is not isolated from the world. Lady Huang Rong smelted Yang Guo's dark iron epee into the Dragon Slaying Saber, and smelted the gentleman's and lady's swords into the Yitian Sword, and my master was also on the spot."

"About Guo Jing and Huang Rong's painstaking arrangements, my master also knows very well, but this secret has never been passed on except to my Xiaoyao descendants."

After a pause, Su Yi said solemnly: "The Nine Yin Manual and the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon are both martial arts that dominated the martial arts more than a hundred years ago. Naturally, they are not trivial. The secret contained in Shi Tai's Yitian sword is indeed the first in the martial arts. One treasure. But the teacher is also a generation of martial arts masters. You should know that martial arts have reached a certain level. It is better to let you learn a bunch of flowers. Besides, my Xiaoyao Sect's martial arts are extensive and profound. Compared with the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon and the Nine Yin Manual not bad."

"That's true." Miejue Shi was too relaxed, "It's just that the Nine Suns Divine Art and the Yi Xiaoyao faction are enough to dominate the martial arts. If you really want to subdue the dragon and the Eighteen Palms, the beggar gang will decline for decades. Thinking about it, it’s not difficult for you to get it.”

"It's not too difficult to obtain the Nine Yin Manual." Su Yi smiled, "The descendants of the Condor Hero Yang Guo have always lived in seclusion, and they also have the Nine Yin Manual."

Master Miejue was taken aback, and after a moment of shock, he said with emotion: "You Xiaoyao Sect really know a lot. These secret histories of martial arts are probably passed down from generation to generation like my Emei sects, but your Xiaoyao Sect is so rare."

"It's not that exaggerated." Su Yi smiled, and continued the previous topic, "Comparatively speaking, I am more interested in the Dragon Slaying Sword. Because of the Wu Mu suicide note in the Dragon Slaying Sword and the battle against the Mongols. Experience and art of war are what we need most right now."

"The Dragon Slaying Saber is in Xie Xun's hands." Miejue Shitai said with a flash in his eyes, "Your apprentice Zhang Wuji is Xie Xun's adopted son..."

"I know." Su Yi sighed, "I will persuade Wuji to ask him to bring the dragon sword and give it to the teacher."

"Leave it to me?" Miejue Shitai was very surprised.

"Yu Gong, Emei needs the secret of the Dragon Slaying Saber to command the world and increase his prestige; privately, this Dragon Slaying Saber belongs to the Guo family after all, and the Emei faction inherits Guo Xiang's heroine mantle, and the Dragon Slaying Saber should also be obtained by the master." Su Yi Seriously said, "For me, this saber just needs its secrets to be disclosed to the world, and it has no other use. But for Shitai and Emei, it has a greater effect. Naturally, this saber is given to The teacher is more suitable."

Miejue Shitai's expression was a bit complicated: "It's really the luck of the martial arts world and the world that Su's head is so high-spirited and upright."

Su Yi smiled lightly, and if I don't give you the dragon-slaying sword, your Yitian sword is not sharp enough after all.

If you want to take it, you must give it first, and you will get it if you give it up.

Su Yi went on to say: "Master, now that the Five Elements Banner and the Sky Eagle Sect have surrendered, these two forces should not be underestimated. If they all belong to Xu Da's command, they may be in danger of overwhelming the leader. And the foundation of the Sky Eagle Sect is far away. In the south of the Yangtze River, the rebel army under Xu Da's command, I plan to let them gather in an uprising in the Gansu-Shaanxi area. In this way, the two armies, one in the south and the other in the north, will not control each other, and there may be suspicion of splitting after a long time."

"I don't know if the teacher has any good strategies for this?"

Where does Miejue Shitai have any good strategies?
"But I'm asking this old nun." Miejue Shitai shook his head and said, "It's my duty to let this old nun charge forward, kill enemies and repel rape. But this old nun knows nothing about leading troops to fight and setting up camps."

"My Emei faction raises the flag to fight against the Yuan Dynasty. The only thing I can do is to send my disciples to help the rebel army, do some things to spy on the army and assassinate the enemy's general. The rest, I can't help much."

Rather self-aware.

Su Yi shook his head and said: "Master, you are underestimating yourself. In fact, I have some drafts. I just want to throw a brick to attract jade. Please correct me, Master."

"Master Su, please tell me!" Miejue Shitai cheered up, showing anticipation.

Su Yi really did not disappoint her.

In Su Yi's plan, Miejue Shitai should recruit poor women from all over the world in the name of the Emei Sect, and build three different teams based on their abilities: assassination, spying, and martial arts.

Regarding how to form these teams, Su Yi is naturally very rich in experience, and can easily compile training programs and regulations.

Su Yi just casually mentioned some details, which made Juejue Shi too shocked.

In Su Yi's plan, the Emei faction will become the largest intelligence and assassination organization of the rebels, possessing cutting-edge special forces, spying on intelligence, exchanging information, etc. for the rebels of the South and the North.

The power of the Five Elements Banner was merged into Xu Da's command, and a generation of uprisings in the Northwest Ganshan Qinling Mountains was called the Northwest Army.

Yin Tianzheng took the Sky Eagle Sect and changed his name to the Rebel Army, and responded in the south of the Yangtze River, echoing from south to north.

Zhang Wuji temporarily served as the commander-in-chief of the two armies, responsible for liaising in the middle and uniformly conveying the government orders of the two armies.

Given the opportunity for the new rebel army to form an army, the daily military orders will naturally be obeyed outside, and each army adapts accordingly.However, when it comes to general direction and principled government orders, it is up to the military to make decisions.

The military opportunity presupposes five elders, currently there are two seats from the Emei faction, two from the Xiaoyao faction, and one seat is vacant, and plans will be made later.

Su Yi is quite talented in the aspect of organizational structure, and has arranged everything in an orderly manner. Not to mention that Miejue Shitai doesn't understand it at all, even if she understands it, she can't find any faults.

But Miejue Shitai has one good thing, that is, never pretend to understand if she doesn't understand, and once you gain her trust, she will not easily doubt anything you say, but will choose to believe and support it.

Of course, this is just Su Yi's impression of Miejue Shitai.

The two talked for a long time, and they didn't stop until the night was quiet.

"It's really better to listen to what you have to say than to read ten years of books." Miejue Shitai is more energetic at this moment, which is naturally because she has found her future direction and is full of energy in her heart.

"Master Su, each faction will set off to return to the Central Plains tomorrow, and I will also set off. I will divide my troops into two groups, and go to meet another group of disciples along the way. I will personally take the other group to explore the nameless snow valley you mentioned. If the terrain is suitable, then I will use that place as the temporary residence of my Emei Sect." Miejue Shitai said.

The Unnamed Snow Valley is naturally where Su Yi and Zhang Wuji have been. The valley is very large and has its own ecology. As long as it is cultivated by itself and hundreds of thousands of people live in it, it will not be a problem.

Now that the Emei Sect has lost its mountain gate, it urgently needs a safe place to live.Originally Miejue Shitai planned to look for it by herself, but thinking that Su Yi has always been supernatural, she tried to mention it, but Su Yi really gave her a surprise.

If there is such a hidden paradise, it would be great for the Emei School.

But in this way, the Emei faction owes Su Yi even more favors.

With Miejue Shitai's temper, it is more uncomfortable to owe someone a favor than to kill her. Fortunately, this person is Su Yi.

The cause and effect of the Emei School and Su Yi have long been entangled, and it is impossible to calculate.

Miejue Shitai didn't say anything, but he already had an idea in his heart.

"Master, don't forget to prepare climbing nails and a long enough rope," Su Yi reminded again, "The valley is isolated from the world, and ordinary people cannot enter it.

"Don't worry, I understand." Miejue Shitai nodded, "Master Su, the regulations on intelligence, assassination and team operations you mentioned earlier..."

"I will organize these things into words in the near future," Su Yi said. "It may take some time. After sorting out, I must hand them over to the teacher as soon as possible."

"Master Su has paid too much for my Emei, how can I have the heart to make you work hard?" Miejue Shitai shook her head and said, "If Master Su doesn't dislike it, why don't I send a disciple to follow you and take care of you temporarily? Diet and daily life. If Sect Leader Su has time, he can dictate to that disciple and ask him to write it down on his behalf."

"This... the disciples of your sect are pure and clean, different from men and women under me..." Su Yi pretended to hesitate.

Miejue Shitai smiled meaningfully, and said, "People in the Jianghu don't care about trifles! Besides, this old nun also hopes that you and I will be like a family. What does Head Su think?"

Su Yi said seriously: "I think what the teacher said is true!"

(End of this chapter)

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