Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1117 Farewell

Chapter 1117 Farewell
When they saw Zhang Wuji again, the latter was with Yang Buhui, holding the latter in his arms, comforting him softly.

The two of them sat side by side by the window with their backs to the door, not noticing Su Yi's arrival.

Su Yi coughed lightly, Zhang Wuji froze, and hurriedly pushed Yang Buhui away to get up.

Turning around and seeing that it was Su Yi, he breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "Master, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

When the master and apprentice met again, they never had a chance to speak alone.Zhang Wuji went to look for Su Yi several times, but Su Yi was never there.

Yang Xiao's body was buried by Zhang Wuji and the Mingjiao people. Yang Buhui cried so hard that he fainted. Zhang Wuji had no choice but to take her back to his room to take care of her.

Since Yang Buhui woke up, she had been sitting by the window in a daze, but seeing Su Yi now, there was a little more light in her eyes.

The look of hatred.

In her opinion, Su Yi was naturally the chief culprit for the downfall of the Ming Cult.

Moreover, she had already guessed that Xiao Zhao was rescued by Su Yi, and she had imagined the plot that Su Yi sent Xiao Zhao to be an undercover agent in order to destroy Mingjiao, and she believed that the reason why her father committed suicide was due to this aspect. She was convinced of it.

When a person suffers a major blow, he will always subconsciously find a spiritual sustenance so that he can hold on.

And usually the best spiritual sustenance is hatred.

Su Yi nodded to Zhang Wuji, looked Yang Buhui up and down, and suddenly said: "You want to kill me to avenge your father?"

Zhang Wuji was startled, and immediately explained: "Master, I don't regret that my sister didn't mean that, and Uncle Yang's death can't..."

"I want to kill you!" Yang Buhui interrupted Zhang Wuji bitterly, gritted his teeth, "Do you dare to say that my father's death has nothing to do with you?"

"I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me." Su Yi smiled, "I destroyed the Mingjiao. Although I didn't kill your father, his death does have a lot to do with me. You It’s not wrong to want to kill me to avenge my father.”

"This...Master..." Zhang Wuji was a little dumbfounded, showing helplessness.

This is what he had been trying to persuade Yang Buhui before. He had been trying to convince Yang Buhui that Yang Xiao's death had nothing to do with his master.

But now that Su Yi said these words, all his laborious efforts were in vain.

Su Yi didn't even look at Zhang Wuji, and said to Yang Buhui seriously: "But your martial arts are low now, it is impossible to kill me. At least you have to learn martial arts well to have a chance. Given the strength gap between you and me , if you choose the right martial arts and practice hard, you may be able to pose a threat to me in ten years."

This is of course impossible, let alone ten years, if Yang Buhui is given another hundred years, she will definitely not be able to kill Su Yi.

But Su Yi's words gave Yang Buhui a gradually clear goal, and rekindled her desire for life in her grief-stricken heart.

She gritted her teeth bitterly and said: "Since you know that I hate you, I want to kill you, why didn't you push the boat along and let that old thief kill me?"

"I don't regret my sister, Master is aboveboard and never disdains to kill innocent people indiscriminately." Zhang Wuji said softly, "I said earlier, you really wronged Master."

"If it wasn't for him, how could the Ming Cult be destroyed? If the Ming Cult hadn't been destroyed, how could my father commit suicide?" Yang Buhui complained.

Su Yi smiled and said: "That's the truth, Yang Buhui, if you want to get revenge, you have to learn martial arts from a famous teacher. Among the righteous sects, there is only one sect that accepts female disciples, and that is the Emei sect. Wouldn’t you want to go to the Emei School even if you die?”

"If you want me to worship the old thief nun as a teacher, let alone this life, it will be impossible in the next life!" Yang Buhui said.

"Then you have no choice." Su Yi shook his head and said, "Except for Emei, the other major sects do not accept female disciples. Even if you go to a small sect, you will not be able to learn martial arts well. But you still want to do it for yourself." If your father takes revenge—you have only two options."

"What way!" Yang Buhui asked subconsciously.

Zhang Wuji looked at the two with a strange expression, always feeling that there was something wrong with the scene in front of him.

"First, you pester Wuji and see if Wuji is willing to teach you martial arts." Su Yi said solemnly, "As long as Wuji is willing to teach you, you may not be able to excel in the blue, and in turn kill me, the master."

"Master, you... why do you have to joke about this kind of thing?" Zhang Wuji smiled wryly, "Don't say that I need your approval to accept or not. practice."

"You're wrong!" Su Yi said, "You don't have to take her as an apprentice when you teach her martial arts, you can also marry her! In this way, the two of you will become a family, and naturally you will not be separated from each other."

"Master, you..." Zhang Wuji blushed immediately, "Master, don't be joking."

Yang Buhui also blushed, but stared at Su Yi fiercely and didn't speak.

Su Yi continued: "As for martial arts, there are too many martial arts in our Xiaoyao Sect. There is always one that suits her. When the time comes, you just pick one and teach her."

Although Yang Buhui was shy, he didn't believe that Su Yi would be so kind: "Are you really willing to let Wuji teach me the martial arts of someone who has a vendetta against killing your father? Are you really not afraid that I will kill you?"

Su Yi sighed and said: "Otherwise, what should I do? I, Su, have such a mind that I can't tolerate even a little girl like you? The reason why I asked Wuji to teach you is because I am afraid that you will make mistakes and go astray. When your father entrusted you to Wuji before he died, he believed that I would never make things difficult for you. Even for this trust, I would never do anything to you."

Yang Buhui burst into tears, still staring at Su Yi stubbornly, and asked: "You said just now that there are two ways, is there another one?"

Su Yi pondered slightly, and read four sentences.

"At the foot of Zhongnan Mountain, the tomb of the living dead; the Condor Heroes, disappeared from the rivers and lakes!"

He looked at Yang Buhui: "In the past, the Condor Hero was invincible, and his descendants are still alive today. If you can join the Ancient Tomb Sect, you may not be able to fight me ten years later."

"However, the tomb of the living dead has been closed for nearly a hundred years. Even if you go, you can't find a place, and they won't come out to see you. Compared with the second method, I still hope that you can marry Wuji..."

"Master!" Zhang Wuji cried out complaining, his face was completely red.

"You should die!" Yang Buhui suddenly yelled, and ran out angrily.

"I don't regret my sister!" Zhang Wuji hurriedly chased after him, but stopped embarrassingly when he thought that Su Yi was still there.

"Master, why did you say that to my sister Buhui? She must never want to talk to me again!" Zhang Wuji complained helplessly.

"The more you stimulate her, the sooner she can get out of the pain of losing her father." Su Yi said, "It's also for her own good."

"Really?" Zhang Wuji was both surprised and delighted, "It turns out that you have good intentions, Master, but it's because your disciple is stupid and didn't realize it."

If you can see it, it's okay?
Su Yi's smile is not a smile, in order not to let you miss your teachers and wives, it's not easy for me, Master...

"However, there is a high probability that Yang Buhui is going to find the tomb of the living dead." Su Yi said to Zhang Wuji, "If my guess is correct, she should leave before dawn. Remember to see her off when the time comes."

Zhang Wuji let out an "ah" and said worriedly: "Master, you want to stop Sister Buhui? I really can't worry about her going on the road alone."

Su Yi said: "Her martial arts are not weak, ordinary thieves in the Jianghu can't help her. In addition, she grew up in Mingjiao, and she is no stranger to those intrigues and tricks. Walking in the Jianghu is no problem. As long as It’s not too bad luck, nothing will happen.”

"It's a good thing for her to leave this environment and us people now, so that she won't be able to get out for a long time. By the way, prepare some dry food for her, and prepare some sweat medicine and antidote pills. If you don’t have these things, go ask your grandfather for them.”

Zhang Wuji nodded thoughtfully, then sighed, "That's the way it is."

Su Yi's sending Yang Buhui to the Tomb of the Living Dead in Zhongnan Mountain was actually just an idle move, if it worked out, it would be good, if not, she would come back and look for Zhang Wuji again.

Su Yi straightened his face and asked, "Wuji, what thoughts and intentions do your grandfather and those from Mingjiao have?"

Zhang Wuji shook his head and said: "They are all disheartened and determined to fight the Tartars wholeheartedly from now on, and they don't want to pay attention to the grievances and grievances in the world."

"But grandpa and the others are still willing to follow me, maybe because I helped them before..."

What Zhang Wuji said was also expected by Su Yi, he nodded and began to tell Zhang Wuji about his next arrangement.

Zhang Wuji received such an important task suddenly, although he was a little surprised, but he refused it twice and he did his part.

When it comes to major events, he should be responsible for everything.

Su Yi and Zhang Wuji discussed in detail all night until dawn, and he tested Zhang Wuji's sword skills and fists again, and then let him go to send Yang Buhui off.

After he returned to the room, he found that Xiao Zhao had fallen asleep lying on the table.

Su Yi was a little annoyed at his carelessness, forgetting that Xiao Zhao had always slept with him, and without him suddenly, Xiao Zhao must not be used to it.

So he picked up the little girl by the waist and put her on the bed.

Xiao Zhao opened his eyes in a daze, and when he saw Su Yi's face, he smiled sweetly, and called out big brother.

"Go to sleep." Su Yi covered her with the quilt and touched her face.

Xiao Zhao nodded and fell into a deep sleep again.

Su Yi sat on the edge of the bed and began to meditate to rest.

On the other hand, Yang Buhui really planned to leave without saying goodbye.

She left a book for Zhang Wuji on the table and went out.

But as soon as he walked out of the yard, he saw Zhang Wuji standing with his hands behind his back, standing under the moonlight.

"Brother Wuji!" Yang Buhui was taken aback, " guessed that I was leaving?"

Zhang Wuji turned around, shook his head and smiled: "It's not me, it's my master. He guessed that you would definitely leave without saying goodbye, so he told me to come see you off... Sure enough, he guessed right!"

"It's Su Yi..." Yang Buhui bit his lip, with unspeakable complex emotions welling up in his heart.

In fact, after thinking about it for most of the night, she no longer hated Su Yi so much, but the grudge in her heart could not be eliminated in a short while, so she still planned to find the Ancient Tomb Sect.

She wants to learn martial arts, learn peerless martial arts, and then no matter what she plans to do, she will be up to herself.

Unlike now, you have to rely on others to do everything.Even if you want to live, you have to ask others to intercede to save your life.

Zhang Wuji handed the prepared package to Yang Buhui: "Master said don't let me persuade you, it's good for you to go out for a walk."

"What is this?" Yang Buhui took the package and subconsciously asked.

"There are some dry food and some silver taels inside. I also asked my grandfather for some necessary medicines such as Mongolian perspiration medicine and detoxification pills, just in case." Zhang Wuji laughed.

Yang Buhui was stunned, and said quietly: "I remember when I was a child, brother Wuji sent me to Kunlun Mountain. We depended on each other along the way. Although brother Wuji worked hard to take care of me, if there was anything to eat and drink, I would rather starve myself. Give it to me first. However, you are always careless, forgetting everything, forgetting this, forgetting that, and even once forgot me in a ruined temple, and you walked more than ten miles by yourself before you remembered me... ..."

Zhang Wuji scratched his head in embarrassment: "Do you still remember these things?"

"Of course I remember, I will never forget it in my life." Yang Buhui looked at Zhang Wuji with tears in his eyes, "Brother Wuji, in my heart, you will always be my real brother!"

Zhang Wuji was shocked, forced a smile and said, "I, I have always regarded you as my own sister."

Yang Buhui said: "Daddy is gone, from now on in this world, I will only have Brother Wuji as a family member. Brother Wuji, you won't leave me alone, will you?"

"I, Zhang Wuji, swear to God, if I don't take care of my younger sister and protect my younger sister in this life, I will die!" Zhang Wuji solemnly swore by raising his palm.

Yang Buhui laughed with a "puchi", wiped away his tears and said angrily, "Who told you to swear again!"

She was like pear blossoms with rain, so beautiful that Zhang Wuji was stunned.

Yang Buhui lowered his head, and said softly, "Brother Wuji, that package must have been prepared for me by that villain, right? You're not so careful."

"Master explained it." Zhang Wuji came back to his senses, "But sister, Master is not a big villain."

"I said he is, he is!" Yang Buhui snorted.

Zhang Wuji sighed, "You really misunderstood Master too deeply, but he is really a very good person."

"I don't believe it!" Yang Buhui rolled his eyes, "Why don't you tell me about him, I will know him better, and I will be more sure of revenge in the future."

"Ah? You still want to seek revenge from Master?" Zhang Wuji said with a bitter face, "I don't regret my sister, Master really..."

"You want to say that he is a good person again, right? Then you have to tell me what is good about him!" Yang Buhui said angrily, she took Zhang Wuji's arm and walked down the mountain, "Let's talk while we walk. .”

"Well, the matter started when I was in an unnamed snow valley, when..."

Zhang Wuji told about his past with Su Yi all the way, and sent Yang Buhui all the way down the mountain.

When dawn came, he hadn't come back yet.

But Su Yi woke up early.

After finishing the early dry food that Xiao Zhao helped him prepare, he told Xiao Zhao to pack up his things in the room and not run around, and then went to find Mingjiao people.

(End of this chapter)

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