Chapter 1118
As the saying goes, one moment, another moment; people's ideas will always change as the situation changes.

When he first came, Su Yi experienced life more with the mentality of playing games.

As he got more and more tied to this world, he felt more serious and responsible.

It's good to be unrestrained, but you see, all the unrestrainedness in this world has a price.

On balance, Su Yi felt that he would rather not be unrestrained.

It can be seen from this that the unrestrainedness envied by the world is actually just a siege mentality. One day you may have the opportunity to be unrestrained, but you would rather choose not to be unrestrained.

People still need to be bound.

For the Rebel Army, the surrendered Five Elements Banner, and the Sky Eagle Sect, Su Yi took the seriousness that even he was surprised by.

He met with Yin Tianzheng and the surviving Five Elements Banner envoys in charge and deputy in charge of the flag envoys individually, and had a conversation with each other, which achieved remarkable results.

At least he let these people know who their real boss is, and he is a boss who is dedicated to fighting against Yuan and has a high level. He has a comprehensive and clear plan for both the current situation and the future.

Painting cakes, beating chicken blood, and establishing a personality cult, people these days are too obsessed with these three tricks.

Don't you see that even Miejue Shitai was tied to a chariot by Su Yi and burned down his own mountain gate?
In short, when Zhang Wuji came back, he found that everyone in Mingjiao respected Su Yi extremely.

Zhang Wuji was very happy about this. He was an honest boy, and he didn't realize that his identity had changed from a small boss to a gold medal worker.

Su Yi knew very well that if he wanted to maintain the absolute authority of the rebel army, this was just the beginning, and he still had to do a lot of work in the future.

The foreseeable cumbersome future not only did not deter Su Yi, but made him feel full of challenges and look forward to it.

He couldn't help laughing at himself, that he was really a common man who was obsessed with fame and wealth.

He is a person who likes to control everything. Usually, people who can control everything in the world are powerful, powerful, rich and famous people, so he likes to turn himself into such a person.

This "evolutionary trend" has been written in Su Yi's DNA.

On that day, Shaolin and Wudang called all the major factions and prepared to share the cake.

There are mountains of money, food and weapons in the warehouse of Mingjiao, as well as hundreds of thousands of martial arts cheats in the Sutra Pavilion. These are the trophies of various factions.

The Shaolin Wudang faction was also fair, and divided everything into seven shares, and then the two factions donated all their share of money, food and weapons to the new rebel army formed by the Xiaoyao faction and the Emei faction for free. strength.

The Kongtong, Kunlun, and Huashan factions happily accepted the martial arts secret books, money, food and supplies they received, and had no intention of donating them to the rebel army. The three factions even quarreled over the martial arts secret books. I want to exchange my family's cheat books, but that family thinks this family has a lot of cheat books and complains that Shaolin Wudang is unfair.

It is reasonable for the Kongtong faction to secretly support the rebels in the Gansu-Shaanxi area with money, food and weapons.

But Kunlun and Huashan are actually useless for the time being with money, food and weapons, they are just to replenish their inventory, and they are not willing to give up the benefits they get.

Miejue Shitai was very upset about this, and felt that He Taichong and Xian Yutong were shameless and selfish.

Su Yi didn't feel anything.What they get is what they deserve, and how to deal with it is their business. He doesn't engage in moral kidnapping.

But it doesn't hurt to engage in the matter of being forced to go to Liangshan.

He knew very well what the various factions would encounter when they returned, but he never mentioned a word, he just transferred Master Miejue to leave, and now Zhou Zhiruo also stayed.

Just when the factions were "distributing the loot", Xu Da at the foot of the mountain sent someone to report that the Beggar Gang had entangled the Sanjiang Gang, the Giant Whale Gang, the Haisha School, Wufeng Dao, Shenquanmen and other small gangs, a total of 23 A gang, more than a thousand mobs, wanted to go up to the Guangming Peak and "suppress Mingjiao".

Xu Da told them that Mingjiao was extinct, and they didn't leave, clamoring that there was no credit but hard work, and wanted to share a share of the pie.

All the heroes were displeased when they heard this.

Miejue Shitai sneered: "There's nothing to say to these clowns, if you want to get a share, first ask me if my Yitian sword is sharp!"

"Toad wants to eat swan meat, it's wishful thinking!" Xian Yutong also sneered, "I think these people are remnants of the Demon Sect, presumably they defected on the spot when they saw the Demon Sect was destroyed, as I said, why don't we go down and fight for a while, Kill him like a fool, and see if they dare to make trouble in front of us!"

"That's right, Master Xianyu's words won my heart!" He Taichong was full of murderous intent, "Take advantage of the fire to rob us? If you don't give them some color, do you really think we are easy to bully?"

Even the good-tempered Shaolin Kongzhi had no good words.

"These benefactors are long overdue. It's okay if they really come to help us. I'm afraid they don't know their position and can't be trusted easily."

Su Yi said: "The rebel army is newly formed, and has experienced fierce battles again and again. It is not appropriate to conflict with these gangs, and if they are killed, blood will inevitably flow into rivers. Why don't you go down the mountain immediately and persuade these gangs to leave, so as to avoid conflicts, how about it?"

Everyone nodded and agreed.

Even the loot has been distributed, it is useless for them to stay in Guangmingding, it is time to leave.

Su Yi had already said that he would stay at Guangmingding and reorganize the new army with Zhang Wuji, and he would not go down the mountain for a while, so all the heroes bid farewell to Su Yi, and invited Su Yi to visit their mountain gate.

Miejue Shitai deliberately stayed at the end, and bid farewell to Su Yi after all factions took the lead.

Sure enough, she kept Zhou Zhiruo, but Zhou Zhiruo was too shy to raise her head, and she didn't know what Jue Mietai had said to her.

After the Emei faction also left, Su Yi took Zhou Zhiruo to meet Su Nuer and Xiao Zhao. The latter was very wary of Zhou Zhiruo's arrival, and intentionally or unintentionally "sworn sovereignty" with Zhou Zhiruo, but Zhou Zhiruo was really soft and weak. She never resisted Xiao Zhao's aggressiveness, and she seemed to be submissive.

Not only did Xiao Zhao not relax about this, but he became even more angry.

"Brother, you can't be fooled by Zhou, she's just pretending, she's not as pitiful as she appears!" Xiao Zhao said angrily, "She just wants you to scold me, she wants to Make you think I bullied her!"

Sure enough, only girls can know who is Cha?
Su Yi was a little funny.

Zhou Zhiruo was indeed a bit teasing, and he also knew very well that this girl could cut off her own scalp and ears in order to blame others. She was definitely not a weak woman, but Niu Hulu Zhiruo.

But just like many girls like bad guys, men sometimes like some bad women.

Of course, this bad woman does not refer to Lin Xian'er's kind of promiscuous party.A woman like Zhou Zhiruo who hides danger in her bones can easily arouse men's desire to conquer.

You say she is a poisonous rose?But in front of me, she can always be Bai Yueguang.

In the next few days, Xiao Zhao and Zhou Zhiruo fought openly and secretly, and it was a joy to come and go.

Su Yixin said that the so-called happiness of Qi people is really an adult fairy tale, and that three people live happily together, or four people live happily together, are all lies.

Love is all selfish, even if you judge others by yourself, you should not come to the fallacy that love can allow a large number of people to sleep together.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little confused. Even if he could have three wives and four concubines in the end, hugging left and right, but is that really what he wants?
Su Yi didn't know, so he could only ask for it first.

It took Su Yi three days to complete the reorganization of the "Guiyi Army" and "Northwest Army" under his command. In the past three days, he frequently appeared in front of all the soldiers and shaped the image of the leader. Branded with his mark.

He told Zhang Wuji the location of the Guangmingding secret passage. In fact, there are weapons several times larger than the warehouses outside. There are many siege weapons such as large bed crossbows, and many armored weapons. rise and play a key role in helping.

On the fourth day, he bid farewell to Zhang Wuji and his army, and let Zhang Wuji, Yin Tianzheng and Xu Da stay in Guangmingding to train soldiers and maintain military discipline.

In Su Yi's plan, Zhang Wuji would not go to the south of the Yangtze River with Yin Tianzheng until at least half a month later, where he would recruit troops and fight against Yuan soldiers.

Su Yi, Xiao Zhao, Zhou Zhiruo and Su Nuer walked together and headed east.

On the second night, the four of them returned to Niyabazar.

Su Nu'er came back from exploring the road and reported: "Young master, it's late at night, and the bazaar is very quiet. The villain walked around and found nothing unusual."

Su Yi touched the wooden carving on his waist. He was about to speak when he suddenly felt something. Looking to the left, he saw Zhou Zhiruo's bright eyes staring at him in the dark, as if he could speak.

Su Yi understood, knowing that she remembered the scene when he and her first met, so he couldn't help smiling.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhao saw their interaction, subconsciously hugged Su Yi tightly and said coquettishly: "Brother, I'm sleepy!"

Xiao Zhao said that he doesn't know how to ride a horse, so he rides with Su Yi.On the way, she complained that her butt hurt from bumping, so she asked Su Yi to hug her.

In the past few days, every time Su Yi and Zhou Zhiruo interacted, Xiao Zhao used this method to demonstrate to each other, with a single move, but it was always beneficial.

"Be patient, Xiao Zhao, let's rest when the troubles in front of us are resolved." Su Yi comforted.

"Trouble?" Zhou Zhiruo frowned, as if she didn't see Xiao Zhao's demonstration, she frowned slightly, "Brother Su, is there something wrong with this market?"

Since we got along these days, it would be alienating to call him "Young Xia", so Zhou Zhiruo changed his mind a long time ago.

"Sanqi, someone is following you." Su Yi said lightly, "Be careful in the future."

Su Nu'er was taken aback, and said with shame and anger: "It's all my carelessness..."

Su Yi smiled: "Just pay attention next time, fortunately, this time it's friends, not enemies."

The other three people looked at each other in blank dismay, the surroundings were pitch black, they couldn't see their fingers, they couldn't even see ghosts, they really didn't know how Su Yi judged the person, and they thought the person was "friend rather than enemy".

The four of them waited for a while, and then heard the sound of dense footsteps suddenly appearing around them, and a large group of people approached quietly, taking advantage of the darkness to surround the four of them.

They approached carefully, and didn't make any movement until they got close, so as not to give the four of them time to escape.

Seeing the crowds of people around, Zhou Zhiruo and Su Nuer were taken aback, and hastily drew their swords with a "clang", ready to fight.

Even Xiao Zhao became vigilant, jumped off the horse immediately, leaned back on the horse and took out two daggers, and looked into the darkness without blinking.

"Don't be nervous." Su Yi reassured the three of them, and suddenly looked to the left, where a middle-aged nun came out of the crowd, holding a long sword, watching the four of them vigilantly.

"Who are you?" The nun asked in a deep voice, "Sneaking into my Emei faction's residence in the middle of the night, what is your intention?"

Zhou Zhiruo let out an "ah" in surprise when she heard the words, and hurriedly got off her horse and rushed forward.


In an instant, the sound of "Qiang Qiang" soldiers can be heard all around.

puff puff!

Two crossbow arrows shot into the sand on Zhou Zhiruo's toes, and the middle-aged nun shouted: "Go one step further, don't blame us for being rude!"

Zhou Zhiruo was pleasantly surprised: "Is it Senior Sister Jingkong? I am Zhiruo!"

"Zhiruo?" Jingkong was taken aback, and hurriedly raised his hand and shouted: "Put down your weapons, be careful of accidental injury!"

From this point alone, Su Yi felt that although the Emei School looked elite, they actually had too little experience in the world.

In this case, no matter what, Zhou Zhiruo had to explain the identities of other people and the purpose of coming here before letting go of vigilance.

You can't just let your guard down as soon as you hear that it's your own people. If you go on like this, you will suffer a loss sooner or later.

"Junior Sister Zhiruo?"

"It's really Zhiruo!"

"Zhiruo, we have had a hard time looking for you, where is Master!"

Sure enough, following Jing Kong's order, all the disciples of the Emei Sect put down their weapons in great surprise, chattered around Zhou Zhiruo, and even forgot about Su Yi and the other three.

"Master, his old man has gone to find a new residence for us, and that place has to go west for dozens of miles, so we can't come here..." Zhou Zhiruo was a little puzzled, "Senior Sister No Allergies brought someone to Yumen Pass to meet you, why are you here?" Come all the way east, haven't you met?"

A lay disciple in his thirties said: "Zhiruo, we came from Yumen Pass. We waited in Yumen Pass for a day and a night without seeing any trace of our fellow disciples, so we had to leave a sign and continue walking east. There were signal rockets calling our fellow disciples along the way. See response."

Another person said: "Could it be that we went astray? Sister Minjun and the others took another path?"

"It must have been an accident! Along the way..."

"Shut up! Don't talk nonsense!" Jing Kong yelled at the last voice, "I, the auspicious person of the Emei Sect, will be fine!"

"But...Senior Sister Jingkong, we have seen so many corpses along the way, and Yin Liuxia also..."

These words surprised all four of them.

Zhou Zhiruo hurriedly asked: "Senior Sister Jingkong, what did you encounter along the way?"

Only then did Jingkong realize that there were outsiders present, and said awkwardly, "Zhiruo, I wonder if these people are..."

Zhou Zhiruo hurriedly said, "I blame me for being rude, I have never recommended you to my senior sister."

(End of this chapter)

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