Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1119 Help

Chapter 1119 Help
"This is Mr. Su, the head of the Xiaoyao Sect. He is the hero who turned the tide and destroyed the Demon Sect on the Bright Summit. He is a man unparalleled in the world. Even our master has a relationship with his peers, and is the same as my Emei Sect. There is no distinction between each other. The reason why my younger sister followed this head of Su is also because of the master's instructions, and if there are opinions related to our Emei major affairs, the head of Su should fall on him."

Hearing Zhou Zhiruo's solemn words, all the Emei disciples did not dare to be negligent, and hastily bowed their hands in salute, pleading guilty.

Zhou Zhiruo said again: "This Mr. Su Sanqi is the butler of the head of the Su sect, and this girl Xiao Zhao is the maid of the head of the Su sect."

Although Su Nuer voluntarily changed her name, she still changed it back to her original name under Su Yi's insistence.

Su Sanqi hastily cupped his hands to salute all the disciples in Emei, but Xiao Zhao pouted and said sourly: "When it's the elder brother's turn, he's a hero and a strange man, and when it's my Xiao Zhao's turn, just say a maidservant? "

Su Yi gave her a funny look, otherwise what would you call you?Strange woman?Jealousy?
Seeing Su Yi looking at her, Xiao Zhao sticks out her tongue in embarrassment, and smiles again.

Su Yi asked seriously: "Master Jing Kong, you mentioned Yin Liuxia just now, what happened?"

Jing Kong said: "Reporting to Sect Master Su, we have seen the corpses of Kongtong, Huashan, and Kunlun sect disciples on the way apart from Yumen Pass. There are signs of fighting in the places where the corpses of each sect are buried. It seems that they have been ambushed. .”

As soon as these words came out, except for Su Yi, the other three people changed their colors one after another.

"Have the leaders of the various factions been killed?" Su Yi asked.

"That's not true." Jing Kong shook his head, "It seems that most of the people in each faction were kidnapped."

Su Yi nodded and said to Jingkong: "Master, you continue."

"Yes!" Jing Kong continued after bowing his hands, "When we saw such a change, we rushed all the way west. When we arrived at this place and went east for more than ten miles, we saw Wudang Yin Liuxia. Yin Liuxia was attacked and fell into a In the sandpit, when we met him, he was still alive, but... only his limbs and joints were crushed by someone with heavy fingers, I am afraid that there is no hope of recovery in this life..."

When Jingkong said this, his eyes showed pity, and the other female disciples showed sympathy.

Zhou Zhiruo let out an "ah" and hurriedly asked, "Where is Liuxia Yin now?"

"It's in the market below. After we rescued him, we brought him here together." Jing Kong said, "It's just that since he woke up, he was extremely depressed after learning of his injury. He just said, He was attacked by several monks, and Mo Qixia who was with him was also stunned by these monks and captured. He fought back vigorously, and was captured if he refused, only to be enraged by those monks, who crushed his limbs and joints and threw him Left to fend for itself in the bunker."

"When we went, there was a vulture who wanted to eat Yin Liuxia. He has been fighting with the vulture these days. It's really pitiful..." A disciple of Emei interjected.

"Monk? Could it be someone from the Shaolin sect?" Zhou Zhiruo frowned, "But why did the Shaolin sect attack Yin Liuxia and Mo Qixia?"

Jing Kong shook his head, with a solemn expression: "This matter is really unpredictable. We rushed all the way here, except for the people from Shaolin and Smashing Emei, the other four factions were attacked. If we don't meet you tonight, we I plan to rush to Guangmingding at dawn tomorrow.”

"Brother Su, look at this..." Zhou Zhiruo was helpless and looked at Su Yi worriedly.

Su Sanqi said solemnly: "My lord, could it be that you guessed that there is really a Tartar behind this?"

"Tartar?" The Emei disciples who waited in panic looked at each other in shock and suspicion.

Su Yi said: "If it is true, then this matter is serious. The most urgent thing is to find out whether the teacher and the others have been attacked."

Pretending to ponder, he looked at Zhou Zhiruo and said, "Zhiruo, I've already told you the exact location of the Unnamed Snow Valley, you take your seniors there to see if anything happened to your master and the others. The teacher is safe and sound, so you send people here to wait for my news at the market, don't act recklessly."

"Then what about you, Brother Su?" Zhou Zhiruo asked.

"If it's really the Tartars who did it, and they didn't kill people directly, it means that they have another purpose in abducting the masters of various factions." Su Yi said, "I'll hurry up and catch up to see if I can save them."

"Brother Su is lonely and lonely, so don't do anything dangerous." Zhou Zhiruo hurriedly persuaded her face changed, "Why don't we go and join my master together, and when elder brother and master and her old man act together, it will be a bit more secure."

"Time doesn't wait." Su Yi shook his head and refused, "Now we are probably fighting for time with the Tartars. If we delay for a while, the people of each faction will be more dangerous."

After a pause, Su Yi said to Xiao Zhao again: "Xiao Zhao, it's dangerous to go here..."

"I want to be with Big Brother!" Knowing what Su Yi was going to say, Xiao Zhao immediately said first, "Xiao Zhao will never drag Big Brother down!"

Su Yi smiled: "Okay, then let's go together."

He looked at Zhou Zhiruo: "Zhiruo, let's leave now."

Zhou Zhiruo looked at Su Yi, and said quietly: "Brother Su, could it be that you despise Zhiruo for being redundant? Did Zhiruo argue with sister Xiao Zhao, which made Brother Su unhappy?"

"Again!" Xiao Zhao muttered, rolling his eyes.

"How come?" Su Yi said helplessly, "Okay, then you draw a map of the snow valley for Shitai Jingkong and the others, let's go together."

"Yes, Brother Su." Zhou Zhiruo responded immediately, a sly and joyful smile flashed in her eyes, and hurriedly explained to Jingkong.

"I knew it!" Xiao Zhao muttered again.

Su Yi flicked her head: "What are you mumbling about?"

"Miss Zhiruo, who is exaggerating big brother, is understanding." Xiao Zhao said with a smile, "Do you want me to praise you a little more?"

Su Yi sighed and said, "You guys... it's really a headache."

"Don't worry, I won't delay big brother's enjoyment of being equal." Xiao Zhao said with a smile.

"Nonsense! I never thought about it that way! Don't stain my innocence!" Su Yi immediately argued.

"That's right, that's right, it's Xiao Zhao's random thinking, and I'm wrong to blame big brother." Xiao Zhao said with a chuckle.

Soon, Jing Kong and the others got the correct position, and planned to go to the five springs overnight to release arrow signals to get in touch with them.

Before parting, Su Yi planned to visit Yin Liting.

Sure enough, Yin Liting's whole person was much more decadent. Although he had a look of indelible sadness on his brows before, at least he was full of vigor.But now, Su Yi felt like he saw a walking dead.

Seeing Su Yi, Yin Liting just glanced at him lightly, and said without emotion: "It turns out to be the head of the sect, please forgive me for not being able to stand up and salute."

Su Yi nodded, stepped forward to check on Yin Liting's injuries, pondered slightly, then turned around and said, "Sanqi, you take Xiao Zhao and the others down first, I have something to say to Yin Liuxia alone."


Su Sanqi bowed his hands and agreed, and before he could speak, the rest walked out consciously.

After everyone else went out, Su Yi said solemnly: "Yin Liuxia, there are two ways to restore your injuries."

Yin Liting's originally lifeless pupils suddenly had waves, and he looked at Su Yi in disbelief.

He was stunned for a long time, and said in a trembling voice: "Master Su, you, are you not joking with me?"

Su Yi shook his head and said: "The first method, I heard that there is an elixir called Black Jade Intermittent Ointment in the Vajra Gate of the Western Regions, which can heal broken bones. The medicinal effect is very miraculous. As far as I know, this medicine does exist. If you can get it, Yin Liuxia wants to restore it to the original."

Yin Liting's eyes shone with astonishing brilliance, his chest heaved violently under excitement, and he said hurriedly: "Master Su, does this world really have this elixir?"

Su Yi smiled and said: "As far as I know, there is, and I also want to know how this black jade intermittent ointment is prepared."

Yin Liting was in a daze, his expression fluctuating, and soon he let out a long breath: "If this medicine really exists, it must be regarded as a treasure of the sect, and it is easy to refuse to spread it lightly. I heard that it doesn't seem to be a good door, if you go to ask for medicine rashly... I'm afraid it will be difficult to get what you want."

He looked at Su Yi: "Master Su, I don't know what is another way?"

"That's easy." Su Yi said, "My Xiaoyao Sect has a martial art. After you practice it, you can make up for the incomplete and regenerate a broken limb. With your aptitude, you can achieve a small success in three years and move freely; you can achieve a great success in ten years and suffer from all kinds of diseases." No invasion."

Yin Liting showed an incomparably shocked expression. If it wasn't for the fact that Su Yi wasn't the kind of braggart, he would have thought that Su Yi was telling him a fairy tale.

Does this kind of martial arts really exist in this world?

How can it be?

Su Yi continued: "However, the law is not taught lightly. If you really want to learn this martial art from my sect, you need to join our sect."

After a pause, Su Yi said again: "I don't need you to quit the Wudang faction, as long as you join my Xiaoyao faction as an elder guest, I can make an exception to teach you this martial art. But this matter, of course you need If I am willing, Master Zhang Zhenren must also agree."

Yin Liting was moved for a long time before he was full of gratitude, and said with tears in his eyes: "How can I be able to be so righteous and help the head of the Su? The high righteousness of the head of the Su, I am really flattered."

"You are Wuji's sixth uncle, and you are honest and straightforward. Whether it is the relationship between us or your character, you are worthy of my help." Su Yi smiled, "Yin Liuxia, apart from Wudang, according to me As far as we know, Kunlun, Kongtong, Huashan, and the Emei faction were all attacked. This matter is no small matter, and one mistake may be a catastrophe for the righteous way of martial arts."

"I have decided to track down the enemy and find out. But after all, manpower is limited, and I need help. I want you to hurry up and ride with one person and two without stopping. Go to Wudang Mountain to report to Zhenren Zhang, and ask him to come out of the mountain and help me."

Yin Liting was stunned for a while before he said slowly: "Master Su, you forgot, I look like this..."

"It's okay, I have a way to make you recover temporarily, but it can't be for a long time." Su Yi said, "In order to avoid accidents, you'd better disguise yourself along the way, and don't show your true colors to others."

"My it really okay?" Yin Liting was a little bit unbelievable.

"I said yes, yes!" Su Yi said lightly, "But the method I used on you is a bit special. You have to swear that you can't tell anyone except Zhang Zhenren. If you dare to leak it-don't say it. It’s not predictable.”

Yin Liting heard the undoubted coldness from Su Yi's light tone, and was shocked in his heart, and hurriedly swore a poisonous oath.

He was apprehensive and curious, wondering what method Su Yi would use to get him back into action temporarily.

However, when Su Yi really took out what he had prepared, Yin Liting felt disappointed and absurd.

"Amulet paper?" Yin Liting was speechless as he watched Su Yi take out two pieces of talisman paper from his paper bag.

Wudang was originally a Taoist sect, and his master Zhang Sanfeng himself was a Taoist priest from Buddhism. Yin Liting also read Taoist classics since he was a child, and he quite agrees with the principles in them. He didn't believe in such things as alchemy pills and drawing talismans to exorcise ghosts.

Not to mention that he didn't believe it, even his master Zhang Sanfeng didn't believe it, and even told them himself that nine out of ten of the so-called drawing talismans to drive away ghosts and concocting alchemy to cure diseases are liars.

The remaining one is a poor man who has been deceived even by himself.

Zhang Sanfeng believes that Taoist principles are worth pursuing and studying for a lifetime, and Taoist beliefs should also be revered.But those methods of cultivation and drawing talismans should be far-fetched and whimsical products of later generations. Anyway, he has lived a hundred years and has never seen a ghost, nor has he seen anyone who can catch ghosts.

Even the master has this attitude towards Taoism, let alone the disciples?
Therefore, for Yin Liting, drawing talismans is synonymous with playing tricks.

He was still looking forward to seeing what method Su Yi would use to save him, but he didn't expect it to be a talisman?
If it weren't for his soft-hearted nature, he couldn't bear to criticize others harshly, and if he changed someone, he might have started to scold at this time.

But he thought that Su Yi had good intentions after all, and let him do something, anyway, he couldn't lose a piece of meat.

If it doesn't work afterwards, let Su Yi know that these things are all lies.

Yin Liting's thoughts naturally couldn't be hidden from Su Yi, but he didn't explain it either.

The two talismans he took out were life extension talismans, which could suppress injuries and keep people's body functions in a normal state.

These two talismans are ordinary yellow talismans, each of which can keep Yin Liting in a normal state for three days.

Su Yi dripped a drop of blood on each talisman, chanting words.

Yin Liting on the side felt even more absurd when he saw it.

Until Su Yi spread out his clothes, exposed his chest, and pasted the talisman paper on his chest, Yin Liting suddenly felt a warm current rushing all over his body, especially the crushed joints of the limbs felt warm, as if being wrapped in a ball Surrounded by an extremely warm and dense liquid.

The feeling of extreme comfort made him almost unable to help crying out. He raised his hand subconsciously, and unexpectedly found that his hand could move.

" is this possible!" Yin Liting was so excited that he couldn't restrain himself. He sat up tremblingly, and then tried to stand up again, taking two steps on the ground.

He felt like he was in a dream, but he still couldn't believe it was real.

(End of this chapter)

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