Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1120 Road Encounters

Zhou Zhiruo was the only one who was shocked by the fact that Yin Liting was able to leave suddenly.

After all the disciples of the Emei Sect had left, he dressed up to say goodbye to Su Yi and the others, and left alone.

A person with shattered limbs and joints can suddenly stand up, this kind of thing is tantamount to fantasy.But for Su Sanqi and Xiao Zhao, it's not surprising that this matter is placed on Su Yi.

Su Sanqi has known for a long time that Su Yi is different from ordinary people, and Xiao Zhao has even seen Qingfengmingyue with his own eyes, and can accept such outrageous things as ghosts, Yin Liting's matter is really not worth making a fuss about.

But Zhou Zhiruo felt that her entire outlook on life was about to be subverted.

Isn't it common sense that broken joints lead to paralysis?
Why is common sense not applicable to Yin Liting?
"Brother Su, what's going on here?" Zhou Zhiruo looked at Yin Liting with disbelief as he disappeared into the night alone, "Yin Liuxia, he, he..."

"Sister Zhiruo, you don't know much about big brother's abilities!" Xiao Zhao said triumphantly, as if showing off her new toy again.

Su Yi smiled, changed the subject and said: "I don't know what kind of tricks the Tartars have in arresting people from the six major sects, but it's not too late, lest things change, let's rest for two hours, and then continue on our way!"

Zhou Zhiruo was full of thirst for knowledge, scratching her heart with all kinds of claws, but seeing that Su Yi didn't speak, she had no choice but to give up, feeling lost and sad, thinking that he would still treat me as an outsider after all.

This is the difference in character between her and Xiao Zhao. If it was Xiao Zhao, she would have come up to pester Su Yi and act like a baby, but Zhou Zhiruo couldn't do this kind of thing. She was trying her best to make herself look like a lady. , I am afraid that Su Yi will look down on him if he behaves badly.

After all, it was a day's journey. The four of them rested for two hours, and finally recovered some energy. At this time, it was still dark, but everyone had to go on the road again.

Although Su Yi knew that the people arrested by the six major factions would not be in great danger, it was hard to say that this was the case.

Su Yi did not incarnate as a prophet to resolve this incident in the bud. Naturally, he wanted to become the one who saves the six major sects alone and maximize his benefits.

But if things deviate from the original track, then this calculation is useless, which is naturally not what Su Yi wants to see.

Therefore, for Su Yi, rushing to the road in an emergency is really not just a pretense.

In the afternoon of the second day, a group of four arrived in Yumen Pass.

When they reached a place with people along the way, Su Yi and others would spread out to inquire, to see if there was a brigade of Mongolian soldiers escorting the "prisoner" past.

Escorting hundreds of people to the east will definitely cause a lot of trouble, so the news is not difficult to find out.

The four learned that as early as four days ago, a large group of Mongolian soldiers transported a large number of prisoners in prison cars, entered Yumen Pass, and went all the way east.

However, all the prison cars were covered with black cloth, and outsiders couldn't see what was inside.

"Four days..." Su Sanqi frowned and said to Su Yi, "My lord, there is a four-day footstep difference, even if they are not as fast as us, but if we want to catch up, I'm afraid there is little hope. Especially after passing Hexi, the roads extend in all directions. I don't know where the other party is going, I'm afraid..."

Zhou Zhiruo and Xiao Zhao also looked at Su Yi, waiting for him to make a decision.

The four of them have been chasing for two days, and this result is of course not reconciled.But if they continue to chase, it may be futile, they are all a little confused, and hope that Su Yi can give them confidence and guidance.

With a glance of Su Yi's eyes, he knew that the three of them were discouraged, so he couldn't help smiling slightly, and said to himself: "I bet, within three days, this matter will be resolved! Do you want to bet with me?"

"Yes!" Xiao Zhao's eyes lit up, and she was the first to respond. She smiled and leaned forward and raised her chin: "I bet that it will take less than three days, but only two days. I would like to wash and cook for eldest brother, and serve tea and water in this life! If I win, then eldest brother will never leave Xiao Zhao behind! No matter where you go, you must take Xiao Zhao with you!"

Su Sanqi smiled when she heard the words, and turned her face away.

Zhou Zhiruo was stunned, with complex expressions of envy and resentment in her eyes.

Sometimes she is actually very envious of Xiao Zhao, who dares to love and hate, and expresses her feelings directly.

But she can't.

Su Yi couldn't help laughing and said, "Even if you don't play this bet, you still win."

Xiao Zhao immediately beamed with joy.

Su Yi smiled at Zhou Zhiruo again: "Zhiruo, what do you think?"

Zhou Zhiruo said "ah", flustered and blushing, "What did you tell me? I don't know! I...I think you're right..."

Hearing her incoherent speech, Xiao Zhao couldn't help but burst out laughing, which made Zhou Zhiruo blush even more, feeling that she was useless.

Su Yi hurriedly said: "If there is a result within three days, then I will give each of you three a gift!"

"What gift!" Xiao Zhaodun asked looking forward to being distracted.

"My lord, I'll forget it." Su Sanqi smiled.

Zhou Zhiruo was also looking forward to it, and her previously entangled and depressed thoughts eased a little.

Su Yi smiled heartily and got on his horse: "Everyone has a share! Let's go, let's go!"

After such a small episode, the next three people, Xiao Zhao and others, worked hard and followed Su Yi all the way, traveling day and night, only resting for two hours a day.

Two days later, the four arrived at the border of Xiliang Prefecture.

The weather in the Northwest is like a child's face, it changes at will. In the morning, you still wear cotton-padded clothes on the road, but at noon, when the sun is scorching hot, you are sweating profusely even in short shirts.

Except for the tens of miles to the east of the ancient city of Xiliang, the whole road is deserted and Gobi, without any shade.Su Yi could still hold on, but the other three couldn't stand the heat anymore.

Su Yi was afraid that the three of them would suffer from heatstroke and dehydration if they walked any further, so he had no choice but to point to an oasis ahead and tell them to rest there for two hours, and then leave when the temperature dropped on the west slope of Jinwu.

The three cheered in unison, showing the hardships of the journey.

The oasis that Su Yi mentioned can be reached in a blink of an eye. This is a small market, similar to that of Niya Bazaar.

In the vast Western Regions, this kind of small market is very common, because the land in the northwest is sparsely populated, almost all deserts and Gobi, such small oases are almost every few hundred kilometers, and merchants and pedestrians in the past encountered such a The small oasis in this small oasis will inevitably stop to replenish and rest, so some people will see business opportunities and open shops here to earn money from passing merchants.Over time, a market was formed.

The four of them came to this market called Hongsha Canal, and saw Mongolian soldiers stationed here from a distance, checking the passing intersections.

Since arriving in Hamil, Yuan troops have been stationed and guarded at all major pass intersections.Along the way, Su Yi and the others avoided as much as they could, and spent money to buy peace if they couldn't.If they meet someone who doesn't have good eyesight and just show some martial arts casually, the Tartars will not seek their own death, and most of them will let them go honestly.

Therefore, when they saw Yuan Jun, they didn't react much. They just paid the toll and entered the market like everyone else.

These Mongolian soldiers who blocked roads and collected fees were also discerning. They saw that Su Yi and the other four were not easy to mess with, so they didn't dare to make trouble.

This market is not too big, there is an inn and a tea stall.When the four of them passed by the tea stand, they saw that the tea stand was full of people.

I saw eight big men dressed as hunters sitting around the tea stand, with Mongolian scimitars on their waists and bows and arrows on their backs.

Their horses are all tall Dawan horses, and they are tall and tall, and they are extraordinary at first glance.

Although these eight people were sitting at different tables, they were obviously accomplices. Seeing Su Yi and his group of four coming, the eyes of the eight people all locked on the leader Su Yi, their eyes were sharp and piercing.

And at the table among these eight people, I saw a handsome and delicate young man sitting in a dignified posture, his face was as radiant as jade, his eyes as clear as water, and his demeanor was natural and self-satisfied. An unconcealable air of grace and luxury rushed to his face.

When Su Yi rode past, the handsome young man's eyes followed Su Yi's movement, his lips curled up, with a faint smile.

Su Yi looked at her, his eyes from her face to her neck, and then to her hands, then he smiled slightly and looked away.

After Su Yi and this group of people passed by, Su Sanqi drove the horse and walked a few steps to Su Yi, and said in a low voice: "My lord, these people have an army aura, and their origins should not be simple."

Xiao Zhao behind Su Yi interjected, "That son is a woman."

Su Sanqi was surprised: "Really? No wonder she's so handsome."

Su Yi already guessed the identity of that person, but he didn't tell the truth, he just smiled and said: "Don't worry about it..."

Halfway through speaking, I heard screams erupted suddenly in the inn in front of me, followed by a commotion.

Su Yi frowned, and immediately stopped speaking.

The next moment, I saw a group of people dressed as merchants scrambling to escape from the door, some of them were still dripping with blood.

Immediately after, a group of Mongolian soldiers with steel knives and spears in their hands chased them out viciously, cursing and smelling of alcohol, they slashed with their knives and stabbed with their spears, and in the blink of an eye, several people fell in a pool of blood .

Su Yi looked cold: "Sanqi!"


Hearing the words, Su Sanqi immediately drew his sword, jumped off the horse and rushed over, dodging three times and dodging twice to avoid the crowd of fleeing people, stabbing a Mongolian soldier to death with a thrust of the long sword, and following him like picking leaves through flowers, his body The shape is dexterous, and several Mongolian soldiers died under his sword in the blink of an eye.

A Mongolian military officer stepped out of the inn threshold with a grinning grin, but when he saw such a scene, he became furious, cursed angrily and drew his sword, and rushed out, and seven or eight Mongolian soldiers swarmed out behind him.

Zhou Zhiruo jumped off the horse suddenly to join the battle group, but she also killed her with a sword, and she was merciless.

The movement here has already alarmed the young master and his subordinates at the tea stand on the other side.

The young man's expression turned cold suddenly, and he cursed damn it.

A big man leaned forward and said, "My lord, after such a commotion, they will definitely not stay here any longer, and our arrangement in the inn will be in vain."

"Thieves and thieves are everywhere in the world, and it's caused by these officers and soldiers who don't care about the common people!" The young master snorted coldly, but his voice was crisp and tender, very pleasant to hear. "Damn it, it ruined our good deed!"

"Then what should we do?" The big man carefully asked for instructions, "There are dozens of officers and soldiers outside, and they will definitely be attracted..."

"They're dead!" The young master closed his fan and said coldly, "In this case, why not use the waste and form a good relationship with him."

"Young master means..."

"Don't keep alive." The young master said lightly.


The battle at the inn ended soon, leaving the corpses of the soldiers all over the place.The group of merchants had long since disappeared.

It is still unknown why this fight started, but it is not important. Along the way, it has become normal for the Mongols to kill Han Chinese and plunder merchants wantonly.

There is no law and order among the people, and the Mongols are indistinguishable from soldiers and bandits. These are actually the reminders of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty.This short-lived dynasty has shown doomsday everywhere.

"Brother Su, this place is not far from Xuanwuwei. There are many officers and soldiers stationed there. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. We can't rest. We have to go quickly." Zhou Zhiruo's sword was stained with blood, but her expression remained unchanged, she just panted slightly, and walked over Said to Su Yi.

Following Miejue Shitai all the way to the west, Zhou Zhiruo couldn't help but fight with her own hands, with a lot of lives in her hands, killing a Tartar is really nothing to her.

"Then we have to deal with the officers and soldiers outside." Su Sanqi was jealous, "My lord, there are at least dozens of them, we'd better take the initiative, so as not to be put into battle by them..."

Su Yi was about to agree, when suddenly his heart moved and he turned his head to look.

Seeing that several big men at the nearby tea stand had already got up and left the tea stand, the eight of them moved extremely vigorously, and they all drew their bows and arrows, waiting attentively.

Soon there was noise, and an officer charged forward on a tall horse, holding a scimitar in his hand.

Behind him, there were dozens of soldiers running wildly.

But in the next second, with a "swish", a sharp arrow pierced the officer's forehead.

The arrow was shot by the person who spoke to that young master just now. This person's accuracy and strength in shooting arrows are definitely rare in the world.

His arrow sounded like a battle horn, and soon the eight people fired their arrows together, each of them had the ability to pierce Yang with a hundred steps, and the arrows were not in vain, each arrow killed a Mongolian soldier!
Although the Mongolian soldiers became hasty, they were taken aback, shouting loudly, and were about to disperse and attack in formation.

But these eight people shot arrows extremely fast, they shot more than [-] people to death in the blink of an eye.

But these eight people were merciless, they chased up and slaughtered these Mongolian soldiers one by one with one arrow.

This scene stunned Su Sanqi, Zhou Zhiruo and Xiao Zhao.

"Brother, they will help us again!" Xiao Zhao said in surprise, "Who are they?"

Su Sanqi also had a good impression of these people: "It seems that they should belong to some rebel army, otherwise it would be impossible to have such adept bow and horse tactics."

While the two were talking, the handsome young man came out from the tea stall, looked around with his hands behind his back, and finally looked over here from a distance.

"My lord, do you want to thank me?" Su Sanqi asked.

"No need." Su Yi looked at the young master over there from a distance, and he could even clearly see the confident and playful eyes of that young master.

Maybe she was also waiting for Su Yi to thank her in the past, so as to make friends with her.

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