Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1121 Zhao Min

The young master stopped for a while but did not see any reaction from Su Yi, instead of being annoyed, he smiled even more, and murmured: "Interesting, really interesting."

The man from before leaned forward and said, "My lord, could it be that he has become wary of us? According to what Master Yuanzhen said, this man should be a person who likes to make friends... Let's help them fight off the enemy, he shouldn't Say nothing."

"He's a smart man! Just this silence puts me in an awkward position." The young master smiled, "If I take the initiative to approach him now, it means that I have plans for him; but if I leave now, normally I would I will be very unwilling again in my heart, thinking that I have saved the white-eyed wolf..."

"This man has strong martial arts skills and is really dangerous. Young Master, why don't we join Lu and He first? In front of this man, my subordinates... are really not sure how to protect Young Master."

"Which one wants you to protect?" The young master said angrily, "He is chasing all the way, if we don't stop him and attract him, he will catch up to the two masters sooner or later, if that's the case, it will be bad."

"Can high martial arts represent everything?" The young master said proudly, "I want to let him, a high martial artist, taste the power of my Zhao Min!"

"Then now..." The man knew he couldn't persuade Zhao Min, so he said with a wry smile.

"Let's go!" Zhao Min turned around without nostalgia, and never looked at Su Yi and the others again, "Let's go ahead and treat them well!"

The other subordinates quickly brought the horses, and a group of nine people slapped the horses eastward, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, leaving only a trail of smoke and dust, which gradually dissipated.

Here, after Su Yi watched Zhao Min leave, he smiled and said to Su Sanqi: "Sanqi, feed the horses, let's also use some dry food, and then go."

With so many Mongolian soldiers dead here, the original rest plan must be changed, but Su Yi expected that the large Mongolian army would not come so soon, so there was still time for a temporary peak.

There weren't many people in the market, and there was a lot of fighting just now, and people didn't know where to hide at this time.

Su Sanqi went to feed the horses, Xiao Zhao went to fetch water, Zhou Zhiruo approached Su Yi and asked curiously: "Brother Su, you seem to be a bit respectful to that woman who dressed as a man just now?"

Su Yi smiled: "Do you still remember the bet we were going to make?"

Zhou Zhiruo was taken aback, her eyes widened: "Brother Su means...they are... how is this possible? They killed so many Tartars!"

"This is her cleverness." Su Yi smiled, "Killing some scum with lax military discipline can deceive us into trusting. If I hadn't seen her identity early, I would have been fooled by her for this alone. .”

Zhou Zhiruo was still a little shocked: "How did Brother Su see through her?"

"This is the secret." Su Yi looked at her with a smile, "Don't tell Xiao Zhao and Sanqi what you said just now, they can't keep things in their hearts, and they are easy to show on their faces."

Zhou Zhiruo's heart moved, she lowered her head slightly and said softly, "Don't worry, Brother Su, I will definitely not say anything."

"Just wait, we will meet her again." Su Yi said with a smile, "I will see you at that time!"

"Brother, the meal is ready!" Xiao Zhao's voice came from the inn.

"Let's go, let's eat first!" Su Yi greeted Zhou Zhiruo.

After a cup of tea, Su Yi and the four of them headed east again, and the market had completely turned into a dead town.

The people in the market had already run away, because if they didn't leave, they would definitely be angered by the Mongolian army.

Another half an hour later, the Mongolian army really came, and they burned the empty market. From then on, the merchants and travelers in the past made a detour, and it was not until decades later that the place was restored to its former state.

Another night and one day.

At dusk the next day, a group of four passed Yongdeng and prepared to go to Lanzhou for the night.When they reached the foot of Gaolan Mountain, they saw two people and two riders standing in the middle of the road ahead, blocking the way.

The four of them reined in their horses and slowed down, and stopped in front of them.

"Is it you?"

Su Sanqi recognized these two people as the ones who killed the Tartars in the Hongshaqu market yesterday, and when he was surprised, he immediately felt good. He hurriedly dismounted, clasped his fists at the two of them and said with a smile: "You two heroes, let's meet again. Already!"

The two took a few steps forward and bowed in unison.

One person said loudly: "My young master admires Mr. Su, the head of the Xiaoyao Sect, who has excellent martial arts and character. He is a world-class hero. I ordered the villain to invite everyone to our village to rest horses to show his admiration."

Su Yi looked at Zhou Zhiruo, the latter looked in surprise with a little admiration, obviously very surprised that Su Yi knew things like a god.

Su Yi winked at her.

Then he turned around and said with a smile: "I don't know how to call your son?"

The man said: "My son's surname is Zhao, and I dare not call her boudoir."

Xiao Zhao leaned closer and whispered: "My lord, it must be that young miss who never forgets you and wants to recruit you as her son-in-law..."

"Don't talk nonsense." Su Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Xiao Zhao stuck out her tongue, smiled and retracted her head.

Su Yi said to this person: "Why do we need to know each other before? Please pass on your thanks, but it's inconvenient to bother me, so I won't visit you."

The man was stunned for a moment, looked at his companions, and then immediately said: "No matter how we say it, we and Sect Leader Su have a friendship to fight side by side, if we pass by our land today, why don't we offer three glasses of water and wine, and talk about our friendship as a landlord? If Sect Master Su really dislikes my young master's lack of fame in Jianghu and does not want to make friends with each other, then please accept this small gift as a way of expressing my young master's admiration for Sect Master Su."

As this person said, the other person opened the package that he had been carrying all along, and opened it. What was inside was actually a bag full of gold ingots, which were golden and heavy, and instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Even if Su Yi didn't have much feeling for money, he couldn't help but take a second look, after all, who doesn't like gold?

This person said so much, Su Yi felt that if he refused again, he would no longer be human.

"This is not a low courtesy." Su Yi said with a half-smile, "Since this is the case, then Su Mou would be more respectful than obedient."

The two were overjoyed immediately, and the person who kept talking hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Master Su, for your face! Master Su, our village is ten miles ahead, please follow me!"

Su Yi nodded.

Seeing this person leading the way ahead, Su Sanqi got on the horse and said in comfort: "My lord, welcome from ten miles away, the other party is very courteous."

"Be courteous to others..."

"Nothing to be courteous..."

Zhou Zhiruo and Xiao Zhao spoke together, but stopped in the middle of speaking, and looked at each other.

Su Yi said with a smile: "It's not surprising that there are many people who are polite. The ancients never deceived me."

Even if he knew that Zhao Min had bad intentions, Su Yi would still feel that the girl was good at being a person and doing things with such a thoughtful manner and such a low profile.

He knew that if he refused Zhao Min's request, the other party would probably have nothing to do with him, but it would be boring, and it seemed that Su Yi was very cautious.

He is skilled and bold, so he is not afraid of Zhao Min playing tricks.

And he also wanted to see if Zhao Min would formulate a completely different conspiracy based on his and Zhang Wuji's two personalities.

The two people in front led the way on horseback. After walking for a mile, there were two more people waiting by the side of the road. They were also two of the eight archers they had seen before. Christine.

After that, two people greeted him every few miles, until they crossed a wooden bridge and followed the bluestone road to a big villa.

The village is surrounded by small rivers, and the rivers were obviously dug by hand.

The green willows along the river are shady and the grass is luxuriant.The manor has blue bricks and black tiles, but you can see cornices and corners in the walls, and there are many pavilions. It is obviously a rich family, and it is a style of architecture in the Jiangnan area.

It is also a miracle to be able to see this scene in this barren land in the northwest.

The door of the manor was wide open, and Zhao Min, whom I had seen a while ago, was wearing a blue square scarf and a Confucian attire, standing at the door with a smile.

She is handsome and dignified, but she is also three points heroic, three points heroic, her appearance is still radiant, and her watery pupils are crystal clear, which makes people fascinated.

Seeing Su Yi Zhuma turn over and get off, she took a step forward and clasped her fists and said loudly: "Master Su came to the Green Willow Villa today, and he is really full of splendor. There are also Emei Zhou Heroine, Miss Xiao Zhao, Mr. Su Sanqi, Xiao Ladies are most welcome! Ladies and gentlemen, please!"

She pronounced everyone's names in one breath.

Except for Su Yi, Zhou Zhiruo and the other three were all in shock.

That's fine with Zhou Zhiruo, she is well-known herself, so it's not difficult to find out as long as you inquire carefully.

But the names of Xiao Zhao and Su Sanqi are not easy to know.

Especially Su Sanqi, he had always called himself Su Nuer before.Zhao Min knew that there was only one possibility for his name, and that was Su Yi's rescue of Su Sanqi in Wuduan City, which had already been found out by Zhao Min.

"How do you know our names?" Xiao Zhao asked in surprise.

Zhao Min said with a smile: "A few days ago, in the battle of Guangmingding, head master Su turned the tide and wiped out Mingjiao with his peerless powers. Even Zhang Wuji, the apprentice, was brilliant and defeated the five major sects in a row. These things have already spread in the martial arts world. If you are ignorant, how can you not know?"

"As for the names and surnames of the three..." Zhao Min smiled slightly, and opened the white jade fan with a "snap" and shook it lightly a few times, "As the saying goes, one person can ascend to heaven, and the three are all relatives and friends around Sect Leader Su, Sect Leader Su If they are famous all over the world, the three of them will naturally follow suit."

"That's it..." Xiao Zhao suddenly realized that his face changed a little, and he didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly he became worried.

"Everyone, please!" Zhao Min gestured again.

Su Yi nodded slightly, without speaking, and walked in first with his hands behind his back, Xiao Zhao and others hurriedly followed.

Zhao Min personally led the way, walked through the front yard, and led the four of them into the hall to sit down.

A plaque hangs high on this large hall, with the four characters "Green Willow Villa" written on it.

Facing the door is a pair of words, a poem——

In the pavilion of the mansion, there are mountains and forests.Others are arrogant, but I have a heart.The rain stops and the door is closed, and the warbler sings the official Liu Shen.The promenade is full of military weapons, and the accumulated water is behind the city.Wang Suncao outside the window, playing the piano by the bedside.The breeze is much admired, and I am also a bosom friend.

At the end of the poem, a line of small characters was inscribed: "I was overjoyed to be gifted with the Green Willow Villa, and I praised it in a poem, Zhao Min, Bianliang."

Su Yi looked at this painting, and felt indescribably fresh and elegant.

"Master Su also studies calligraphy?" Zhao Min ordered his servants to serve tea, seeing Su Yi staring at the calligraphy, he asked with a smile.

"Slightly understand." Su Yi smiled, this was the first sentence he said to Zhao Min.

"This character is powerful, slender, graceful and mellow, smooth and robust, combining rigidity and softness. It is really a rare good character." Su Yi smiled and looked at Zhao Min, "The so-called calligraphy is like a person, so it can be seen that Zhao Min The girl has both the arrogance of not giving way to a man, and the gracefulness of a beautiful heart, she is really a strange woman with both civil and military skills."

Zhao Min stared at Su Yi with bright eyes and said: "Master Su really knows how to read, you are both civil and military. It's a pity that we met so late. Before the battle at Guangmingding, the little girl was so ignorant that she had never heard of the name of Young Master Xiaoyao."

"Master Xiaoyao?" Su Yi frowned.

"It seems that Sect Leader Su doesn't know that the name of Young Master Xiaoyao has been spread all over the world." Zhao Min laughed.

Su Yi frowned and said nothing, secretly weighing which of the two nicknames "Mr. Xiaoyao" and "Jade Faced Flying Dragon" sounds better.

Why do these Jiang Hu people casually give people nicknames without their consent?What a nuisance.I have reported quite a few names for this Jade Faced Flying Dragon, so why didn't I call it out?
Xiao Zhao suddenly smiled and said: "Sister Zhao, my son's nickname is Jade Face Flying Dragon, he is not a happy son."

"Ahem!" Su Yi hastily coughed twice, "Xiao Zhao, don't be rude."

Xiao Zhao made a grimace: "What kind of rudeness is this!"

Zhao Min was stunned for a moment, looked at Zhou Zhiruo who was pursing his lips and snickering, and Su Sanqi who had a weird face, he understood what was going on, and couldn't help but smiled: "Master Su, you are such a wonderful person!"

At this time, several servants brought tea cups, and Zhao Min signaled everyone to drink tea first.

Su Yi doesn't know much about tea, but the celadon teacup and the tea in the cup are obviously not ordinary things, they are extremely precious at first glance.

Xiao Zhao and the others dared not drink from unfamiliar places, but Su Yi didn't change his expression. He picked up the tea cup and took a sip, praised "good tea", and began to taste it carefully.

Seeing Su Yi's movements, Xiao Zhao and the other three felt relieved to pick up the teacup and drink it.

A strange look flashed in Zhao Min's eyes, and he said with a smile: "Master Su, as far as the little girl knows, the Xiaoyao faction was passed down in the previous dynasty and has not been in the world for more than a hundred years. I'm afraid that people in the world don't know that there is a school of Xiaoyao in the world. Since the Xiaoyao school has been hiding from the world and living in seclusion, why did they suddenly appear in the Jianghu and shine?"

"Since Miss Zhao even knows the names of Xiao Zhao and Sanqi, I think you can't hide what Su said at Guangmingding." Su Yi put down the teacup with a smile, "With Miss Zhao's intelligence, it shouldn't be difficult to guess me. The reason why Xiaoyao sent out to the mountain."

Zhao Min was slightly silent, and said with a smile: "I know that Head Su is determined to restore the Han family, but the Mongols have ruled the Central Plains for nearly a hundred years, and the Xiaoyao Sect will not come out sooner or later, but it is at this time. Could it be the head of Su? Do you really think there is no cure for the imperial court today? Although there are rebels making rebellions today, for the imperial court, it is nothing more than a scabies disease. Does Head Su really think that the imperial court is powerless to suppress rebellions everywhere?"

Su Yi smiled, took a sip from his teacup, and then said flatly, "Don't talk about state affairs."

Zhao Min was stunned, then stood up, clasped his fists together and laughed, "My little sister made a mistake." Everyone has come from a long distance, and the journey is exhausting. If you don't mind, please come here to have some wine and dinner first. "

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