Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1123 Frustration

"Like, it's amazing! I've been so careful, but he still saw through. There are real heroes in the wilderness. Daddy really didn't lie to me!"

Back in the side room in the front yard, Zhao Min walked up and down, screaming excitedly, shaking the fan.

The big man under his command said solemnly: "Princess, Su Yi is too dangerous, the villain begs the princess not to put himself in danger again! As the saying goes, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, and a mere Su Yi is really not worth it." The princess treats it like this."

"It's true that I've been playing tricks this time. Just now, if Su Yi had a bad intention and caught me in time, we've been self-defeating this time!" Zhao Minhou said fearfully, "Fortunately, this person is too big, and he actually did it Let me go like this, it gives me a chance."

"Princess, why don't we just shoot all the arrows and shoot them to death!" The big man persuaded, "It's easy and easy, and you don't need to take risks. Why waste time with them?"

"No!" Zhao Min resolutely vetoed, "We only have more than a hundred people. Once we start fighting, it is not difficult to use Su Yi's martial arts to defeat a hundred. We may not only be unable to keep him, but will completely anger him. , not to die with us, this is a bad idea, and it is the real suspicion."

The big man's complexion changed, and he hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Damn the villain, he shouldn't come up with such a blind idea..."

Zhao Min raised his hand, stopped him from speaking, and said in a slightly ponderous way: "You said...Since Su Yi has made it clear that I am hostile to him, but still let me go so easily, is he not afraid that I will run away?"

"I was ready for him to keep me, but he didn't do it. Why?"

Zhao Min's eyes flickered, he frowned and thought hard but couldn't think of a reason.

She couldn't figure out why Su Yi gave up the initiative. Could it be that he was confident?Extremely confident in himself?
That's right, he can tell the method of poisoning himself at a glance, and his martial arts are so high, this person has almost no flaws, so what is there to be afraid of?

Maybe in his opinion, he should be the one to be afraid of!
"Damn it!" Zhao Min, who had figured this out, felt that she had been humiliated. Ever since she was a child, no one had dared to underestimate her, and anyone who dared to underestimate her had paid the price!

"Su Yi... I don't believe that you are really a god!" Zhao Min's eyes flashed sharply, thinking deeply, and suddenly he said, "Go, bring the incense pills made from Shixiang Ruanjin Powder, and return them to me." There is an antidote!"

The big man said: "Princess, think twice! Those incense pills are useless at all..."

"Hurry up and get it?" Zhao Min stared, his majesty immediately revealed.

"This is!"

Shixiang Ruanjin Powder is a colorless and odorless medicinal powder that needs to be swallowed to work.

It was Zhao Min who used this kind of medicine combined with strong force to wipe out the six major factions. The reason why he didn't use it on Su Yi before was because Shixiangruanjin powder needed to be put into food and drink, and it could be probed out by a silver needle , so Zhao Min abandoned it.

However, this medicine was developed by a master poison maker in Zhao Min's family, and a kind of fragrant pill was developed. As long as the fragrant pill is crushed, the strange fragrance will permeate in an instant, and people who smell this fragrance will be poisoned.

It's just that this thing is tasteless.

Its poisonous gas has a small range of volatilization, and it is almost necessary to crush it under the opponent's nose before the poisonous gas can be inhaled by the opponent.

Otherwise, if you stay a little farther away, the poisonous gas will dissipate as soon as the wind blows, and you won't be able to smell it at all.

In this case, the problem arises—how to crush the ten fragrant soft tendon pills under the opponent's nose?

If you make such an obvious move and the opponent has no time to stop you, then do you still need to poison?

Wouldn't it be good to just tap acupuncture points or kill people?

"If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you get a tiger cub?" Zhao Min narrowed his eyes slightly, "Su Yi, I want you to know that high martial arts is not everything! The most powerful force in this world is human wisdom!"

Soon the big man came back with two bottles, one of which contained small pills the size of soybeans, and the other contained medicinal powder.

Zhao Min first poured a little of the medicine powder into the palm of his hand, swallowed it directly, then threw the bottle to the big man and said, "Hide the antidote in an inconspicuous place, just in case."

"Yes, princess." The big man said respectfully.

"I'll go change my clothes first. You take our military talisman and go to the Lanzhou camp to transfer a thousand elite soldiers, and set up an ambush in Hongyazi, just in case, and be fast!" Zhao Min ordered, "Let the matter here be handed over to Wu. Two broken."

"Yes!" The big man took the order and left.

A moment later, in the water pavilion.

Su Yi stroked the wooden carving on his waist, and suddenly a small porcelain bottle appeared in his hand.

There was a smile on his face.

"Brother, shall we go?" Xiao Zhao asked anxiously, "That Zhao guy doesn't know what other conspiracy is going on, so we just wait here?"

"If she colludes with the Tartars and sends a large army to encircle and suppress us, it will be terrible." Zhou Zhiruo also showed anxiety and anxiety.

"Forget it, don't play with her anymore." Su Yi smiled.

In fact, he had the chance to win and was invincible, so he took the time to see what tricks Zhao Min could pull off.

But since Xiao Zhao and the others are worried, there is no need for him to waste time here.

"Do you want to eat more? Such a sumptuous meal, after passing this village, there will be no such shop?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"My lord, where are we in the mood to eat now?" Su Sanqi smiled wryly.

"You really don't want to eat?" Su Yi looked at the other two.

Xiao Zhao and Zhou Zhiruo shook their heads together.

"Okay, let's go." Su Yi stood up.The negative hand is the first to go out.

A hundred meters away in the dark, a big man ambushing in the dark was shocked when he saw this scene, and hurriedly ordered his subordinates: "Go and tell the princess, they are leaving!"

Su Yi glanced in this direction with a half-smile, then looked away.

A group of four turned out of the corridor, and immediately two servants blocked the way, saying that the young lady would come out soon.

"Take us to the front and wait for her." Su Yi smiled.

Seeing that Su Yi didn't want to leave without saying goodbye, the servant immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

The four of them returned to the front hall, and after a while Zhao Min came out in a hurry, he had changed into a light yellow silk shirt, he was still dressed like a man, but it seemed that he was less heroic and more delicate and weak.

Su Yi very much suspected that this attire was also part of Zhao Min's scheme, this woman was really delicate to the extreme.

Zhao Min walked up to Su Yi, clasped his fists and said, "We just had to meet, why are we leaving? Could it be that the little girl's reception is too negligent? Or..."

Zhao Min bowed profusely, and her tone became tender and aggrieved: "Is the head of the Su family blaming the little girl for her abrupt behavior just now? In fact, the little girl has some difficulties."

Su Yi smiled and said: "You are not negligent, it's just that my companions are a little impatient, and I have to take care of their feelings and not make them worry too much."

Xiao Zhao sneered and said, "If we don't leave, who knows what schemes and tricks you will use to harm us?"

Zhao Min raised his head, his eyes were watery, he bit his lips lightly, hesitant to speak, finally seemed to make up his mind, he gritted his teeth and said: "Master Su, the little girl is actually forced, the person who wants to harm you is actually... "

Su Yi raised his eyebrows, and was about to hear Zhao Min say something, but Zhao Min's complexion suddenly changed, as if struck by lightning, a stream of black and red blood oozes from the corner of his mouth.

The stench of blood was clearly a sign of poisoning!
"Go, you go!"

In an instant, Zhao Min's face was like gold paper, his breath was like gossamer, and he was on the verge of falling, but he still shouted hastily.

This turn of events was so sudden that no one thought of it, even Su Yi.

A person with a normal IQ suddenly encounters such a change. I am afraid that the previous events will be linked together in his mind like a lightning bolt, and he will make up a picture of Zhao Min being persecuted. Now he is about to tell the truth, but he is about to be killed by poison story to come.

At least Xiao Zhao, Zhou Zhiruo and Su Sanqi have all made up similar stories in their brains.

Zhao Min couldn't even stand still, and suddenly staggered and fell sideways.

At this time, Su Yi was the closest to her, and the direction in which she fell was convenient for Su Yi to catch her.

As a normal man, it is absolutely natural and logical to support Zhao Min at this time.

But Su Yi didn't do that.

Instead of helping Zhao Min, he took a step back.

On the other hand, Xiao Zhao let out an "ah" and hurried over Su Yi to catch Zhao Min, but was dragged back by Su Yi.

Zhao Min fell to the ground with a thud, and the fall was so hard that a bump immediately bulged out on his forehead.

"Brother, she..." Xiao Zhao was puzzled, and anxiously pointed at Zhao Min on the ground.

"Go, go quickly..." Zhao Min was already very weak at this time, and seemed to be in a trance.

Su Yi smiled and looked at Zhao Min without any response.

"Brother Su, at least ask who is instigating her!" Zhou Zhiruo thought that Su Yi was unwilling to save Zhao Min, so she hurriedly suggested.

"Don't worry." Su Yi said with a smile when he knew it. He turned his palm over, and suddenly a small bottle appeared in his palm.

He shook the vial with two fingers, jokingly said: "Miss Zhao, if you still have strength, you might as well look up and see what this is."

Zhao Min raised his neck slightly "weakly", glanced at the things in Su Yi's hand from the corner of his eyes, his whole body froze suddenly, and even his breathing seemed to have stopped.

How can it be!

How could the antidote of Shixiang Ruanjin Powder get into Su Yi's hands?

This is simply not possible!

She prostrated herself on the ground, prostrate in front of Su Yi and the others, her face that had turned pale at this moment suddenly became frighteningly red!
Her mind was blank, and she felt like a fool and a lunatic now.

She had never felt so humiliated at this moment.

Su Yi said leisurely: "If Miss Zhao is still reluctant to get up, Sanqi, you swallow the antidote in this bottle, and then go help her."

Xiao Zhao and the other three were dumbfounded, feeling that their brains were not enough.

It took them a long time to realize that they guessed that Zhao Min was acting for the purpose of poisoning, and they were all deceived just now.

"Witch! You liar!" Xiao Zhao scolded angrily, "You put poison on your body? You are really omnipotent! It's a pity that the devil is one foot tall and one foot high. You met my elder brother !"

"It's really hateful!" Zhou Zhiruo said resentfully, she also felt like a fool, being played around by others, and at the same time, she was terrified, if it wasn't for Su Yi, she might have become a prisoner of this demon girl long ago.

Su Sanqi "Canglang" drew his sword, pointed at Zhao Min with a livid complexion, and shouted: "My lord, let me kill him with one sword!"


"Save the young master!"

There were angry shouts from all around the front hall, but I saw figures shaking, and I could only hear the sound of breaking the wind incessantly.


A flash of snowy light flashed by, the sword in Zhou Zhiruo's hand was out of its sheath, she went to touch the sword, but found nothing, it turned out that the sword had been pulled out by Su Yi one step earlier.

Su Yi suddenly changed from extremely quiet to extremely dynamic, and his figure turned into an afterimage. Wherever he passed, he could see flames splashing everywhere, and the sound of "dinglingdangclang" could be heard endlessly, and dozens of crossbow arrows shot out were all shot down on the ground. land!

Zhao Min's subordinates saw Zhao Min lying on the ground, so they confidently and boldly fired a volley of crossbow arrows. Unexpectedly, Su Yi's martial arts far surpassed their imagination, and immediately blocked all the crossbow arrows with the "broken arrow style".

The next moment, the sword light suddenly appeared, and the blood splattered, and only the screams and exclamations in the field were heard one after another. When everyone looked closely again, they saw Su Yi standing in the hall, the long sword in his hand was still shaking, and the tip of the sword A string of blood beads splashed everywhere.

And the seven big men around were lying in a pool of blood, some were still twitching, some were silent, the crossbows and unsheathed scimitars were scattered all over the ground.

The scene was silent for an instant, not to mention Zhao Min, even Xiao Zhao and the others were startled by Su Yi's martial arts.

Seven kills in an instant!

They didn't even see how Su Yi made his move!
These seven men are the ones who killed the Mongolian soldiers in the Red Sand Canal before. Although their skills are not top-notch, they are by no means easy characters to deal with.

But in front of Su Yi, they had no chance to show their strength at all!

Su Yi stared blankly at Zhao Min who propped up half of his body and looked at the surroundings, and said indifferently: "Miss Zhao, do you still need Su to help you?"

Zhao Min came back to his senses, got up from the ground, clapped his hands as if nothing had happened, dusted off his body, and said with a smile: "Sect Master Su, you are very skillful! Good martial arts!"

As she spoke, she took out a clean white handkerchief, gently wiped away the blood around her lips, and after she finished wiping, she casually threw the expensive-looking silk handkerchief on the ground, discarding it like a shoe.

He smiled at Su Yi and said: "The little girl has low martial arts skills, and she really admires Sect Leader Su, and she wanted to keep Sect Leader Su here as a guest, so she made such a bad plan. Now, it seems that it is really ridiculous and generous, making everyone laugh .”

"Hey!" Xiao Zhao shouted, "All your subordinates died protecting you just now, yet you can still laugh!"

"The earthen jar can't be broken away from the well, and the general will inevitably die before the battle." The smile on Zhao Min's face faded a little, "They used to protect me. Although the guards are not good enough now, they can be regarded as a well-deserved death. Now that they are dead, I also Don’t blame them for being useless.”

These words made Xiao Zhao and the other three feel chills in their hearts.

"You are too cold-blooded!" Xiao Zhao said in disbelief.

"Demon girl!" Zhou Zhiruo cursed.

Zhao Min smiled brightly again, and looked at Su Yi: "Master Su, I'm very curious, how did you get the antidote? I lost for no reason, if I don't figure it out, I'm really not reconciled."

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