Zhao Min was very reconciled, she felt that she had done everything she could, and her strategy should be flawless, but it happened that the other party cracked the poison twice.

For the first time, it was possible to explain that Su Yi was a master of Xinglin, and attribute the failure to luck.

But how to explain this second time?

She hid the incense pills behind her teeth, and whenever Su Yi came to help him just now, she would bite the incense pills into pieces, blow on Su Yi, and the process of poisoning was completed without anyone noticing.

This plan is not bad, but she didn't have time to implement it, and Su Yi had already got the antidote.

Don't think about it, the other party must also have insight into his own strategy.

But why?
What went wrong?
Zhao Min felt that if he didn't understand this point, he would never be able to defeat Su Yi.

"How did you get the antidote in advance?" Zhao Min couldn't help asking curiously, "You colluded with Zhao Yishang? But how did he deliver the antidote to you? There was a slight change in the water pavilion , someone will come to inform me that it is impossible for you to have the opportunity to contact Zhao Yishang. Unless it is... a servant?"

"The only ones in contact with you are the servants here. Zhao Yishang passed the antidote to you through the servants, right?"

It has to be said that Zhao Min's thinking is very clear and alert, and she quickly figured out the only realistic possibility.

It's a pity that Su Yi's method is unrealistic.

"We don't know Zhao Yi hurt Zhao Er hurt!" Xiao Zhao snorted coldly, "The surname is Zhao, how can you guess my elder brother's methods?"

Zhao Min chuckled, kept her hands behind her back, and looked disdainful to argue with Xiao Zhao, but her expression was very determined, obviously she was very confident in her deduction.

At this time, footsteps outside the door were densely packed, and the fire was flickering, but the noise of people and the sound of fighting could be heard endlessly.

Obviously, many people heard the movement inside and surrounded the place.

But the people in this room didn't react at all, they didn't feel scared at all, and Zhao Min didn't feel happy either.

Su Sanqi went to the window to look out, and reported: "Young master, they are all dressed as Zhuang Ding fox hunters, but they have scimitars and crossbows, and there are military formations, they are the military."

"Miss Zhao, we have no grudges in the past, and we have no grudges these days. Why do you want to harm us?" Zhou Zhiruo said, "Who are you?"

Zhao Min still had his hands behind his back, and he took the time to smile and said, "The winner is the king and the loser, now that I'm in your hands, does it matter who I am?"

With a flash of her eyes, she looked at Su Yi and asked with a smile: "Master Su, I wonder how you want to deal with the little girl?"

"Kill you?" Su Yi said lightly.

"Are you willing?" Zhao Min didn't change his face, and his smile grew stronger, "I don't believe that you will kill a flower, especially a woman who really admires you."

"Bah! Shameless!" Xiao Zhao snorted.

"Everyone in the world worships the strong, and I am no exception." Zhao Min's eyes showed a strange color, "From childhood to adulthood, no one has ever been able to defeat me, even once! Su Yi, you are the first man to defeat me, if you You really want to kill me, and I am willing to die by your hands."

"Brother! Kill her! I don't believe she is not afraid!" Xiao Zhao urged.

Su Yi smiled and stroked Xiao Zhao's hair.

"Miss Zhao is so confident, she must know that Su wants something from you?" He asked with a smile.

Zhao Min smiled and said: "How dare you take the word 'begging'? The little girl is in your hands now, and she will be killed. What does the head master Su want to know? If I can't stand the torture, I will do whatever you ask me to do."

"Demon girl!" Zhou Zhiruo and Xiao Zhao cursed together.

Not to mention Su Yi, both of them could hear the ambiguity in Zhao Min's last words.

Beauty is a weapon, and Zhao Min is using the power of this weapon.

"Brother Su, what do you mean by asking her for something?" Zhou Zhiruo asked.

"Why did we come here?" Su Yi smiled.

"My lord, you are saying that this person surnamed Zhao is the one who kidnapped the Six Great Sects?" Su Sanqi was startled, "Is she a Tartar?"

"I really can't tell..." Xiao Zhao clicked his tongue, "So white and tender, she looks like Miss Jiangnan from the Han family."

"Let's inquire about the whereabouts of the people who kidnapped the six major sects with great fanfare. Such news will definitely not be hidden from those who are interested." Su Yi said with a smile, "If we inquire a little more, it will not be difficult to identify our identities."

"In this way, if anyone knows our identities and wants to stop us, this person must be related to the kidnapping of the six major sects."

Su Sanqi and the others suddenly realized.

"I also said that Brother Su's undisguised inquiry about the whereabouts of the Tartars is just a daring man of high skill. I never thought that there would be such profound meaning." Zhou Zhiruo said with admiration, her beautiful eyes sparkling.

"This is Jiang Taigong fishing, and those who wish to take the bait!" Xiao Zhao clapped his hands and laughed, "Isn't this just fishing a mermaid?"

Zhao Min listened to what they said lively, thought carefully about the meaning revealed in the words, and came to a conclusion that made her unbelievable.

"So, you really don't know Zhao Yishang? He didn't betray me?" She said in surprise.

If Su Yi really knew that Zhao Yishang, the trick of "surging the grass to startle the snake" he said just now would be useless at all.

Zhao Min didn't think that this was the scene anymore, and Su Yi still needed to put on a big head in front of him.

Besides, it is not difficult to verify whether Zhao Yishang is a spy or not.

Zhao Min fell silent suddenly, with a frustrated expression on his face.

This time, she couldn't even guess the enemy's methods, so she lost completely. It really was a terrible defeat.

"Listen, people inside, let my lady go, or you will be cut into pieces, and the nine clans will be exterminated!" Someone outside shouted and threatened.

"Sanqi." Su Yi frowned, and was about to order Su Sanqi to go out and kill people.

"Wait!" Zhao Min stopped suddenly.

"No matter how you plan to deal with me, we'd better get out of here first." Zhao Min looked at Su Yi, "My family has some influence here, and someone must have reported to my family if something happened here. Come, I'm afraid there will be trouble. I will make the outsiders retreat and don't follow us."

"You are so kind?" Xiao Zhao sneered in disbelief.

Zhao Min laughed and said, "Little sister, I'm already in your hands, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid that I'm too powerful and your elder brother can't beat me like this?"

"Hmph, don't provoke me with words!" Xiao Zhao heard her intentions and said disdainfully, "Whether to go or not, it's up to my elder brother to decide, if you talk nonsense, he won't listen to you."

Su Yi said: "It's not suitable to stay in a place of right and wrong, we really have to go."

"Look." Zhao Min proudly raised an eyebrow at Xiao Zhao.

Xiao Zhao was a little angry: "This is what my elder brother planned to do, and I didn't listen to you!"

Zhao Min made a face at her.

"Brother, look at her!" Xiao Zhao immediately pouted and complained.

Su Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, a cunning and ruthless witch suddenly showed her innocent side, which indeed brought about a positive change in people's perception of her.

If this Zhao Min is placed in later generations, he will definitely become a star who is very good at selling people.

"Miss Zhao, you are a decent person." Su Yi looked at Zhao Min, "I don't want to do something dishonorable to you, so you probably don't want to show your dishonorable side in front of us either?"

"I understand, I, a witch, will cooperate with you well and not play tricks." Zhao Min said with a smile.

"That's the best." Su Yi's eyelids slightly closed, "Sanqi."

"My lord!" Su Sanqi took a step forward.

"From now on, you will follow Ms. Zhao every step of the way." He said, "If Ms. Zhao does something unseemly, you don't have to ask me, and you don't have to hesitate to be soft-hearted. Use the sword in your hand to show Ms. Zhao a face. I mean, do you understand?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Min's face suddenly changed.

"Yes, young master!" Su Sanqi said with a firm expression.

"Su Yi, you are such a cruel person." Zhao Min said with a half-smile, half-sarcasm.

"Ugly words are said in the front, it is just a soft heart, so that if something happens, you will be punished if you don't teach." Su Yi smiled at her, "I don't like to give others a second chance, Miss Zhao, please don't try it out with your life. Does Su keep his word?"

Zhao Min's face was a bit ugly: "Then how dare I, Hero Su? You can even destroy the Ming Cult. If you really want to kill me, a little weak woman, what can I do?"

"Let's go," Su Yi said lightly, "If I stay any longer, maybe I'm going to start a killing spree."

Leaving now, Su Yi can just leave.

But if too many Tartars came to rescue Zhao Min, then maybe Su Yi would remove some threats before leaving.

Zhao Min is a smart person, when he heard what Su Yi meant, his heart shuddered.

She snorted coldly and walked out the door.

Su Sanqi hurriedly followed.

When Zhao Min got outside the door, she saw that there was a dense darkness outside the door, all of them were her subordinates, there were more than a hundred people.

When these people saw Zhao Min, they were about to rush up excitedly, but Zhao Min stretched out his hand to stop them, and said coldly, "Don't come here!"

"Miss, are you okay!" The long-faced middle-aged leader said anxiously.

"What can I do?" Zhao Min snorted coldly, very displeased, "Go pick five top-quality Dawan horses with the best saddles, prepare five top-quality cloaks, and prepare some silver taels Dry rations and water bags, as well as ten days’ worth of horse rations, and a few sets of Miss Ben’s laundry, I’m going on a long trip.”

The middle-aged man with a long face looked a little dull, and the rest of his subordinates also looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Miss, you...you..." He was a little dazed.

"What are you? Why don't you go quickly?" Zhao Min said angrily, "You take someone to prepare in person!"

"Yes, Miss!" The man didn't dare to neglect, but hesitated, and said, "Miss, are you... being forced..."

"Do I look like someone is persecuting me?" Zhao Min said coldly, "Just do what I tell you. If your family asks me, just say that Xiaoyao and I sent Sect Master Su to go far away. What problems will they have, so that they don't have to worry about me."

"Yes, miss!" The long-faced middle-aged man had no choice but to run to get ready.

Zhao Min gave instructions to the others: "Pack up your things, pile firewood and firewood all over the village, and then leave the village."


A group of people disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Su Sanqi stood nervously behind her holding the sword all the time, just waiting for Zhao Min to kill her with one sword if he played some tricks.

But what Zhao Min said seemed to be no big problem.

"Why do you ask them to pile up firewood and oil? Are you going to set fire?" Su Sanqi said in a deep voice, "Miss Zhao, you'd better not do things that the young master has not ordered!"

Zhao Min turned his face and tilted his head to look at Su Sanqi, and said with a smile: "Uncle Su, did you think I was disrespectful just now?"

Su Sanqi remained silent with a dark face.

Zhao Min continued to laugh and said, "Don't worry, what I'm going to do is normal and respectable to your son, even if you are not afraid of killing me, a little girl with a disturbed conscience, I still want to live a few more years."

Naturally, what was said outside was clear inside. Xiao Zhao was very upset with Zhao Min, and hummed to Su Yi: "Listen, brother, she even arranged for us? Who wants to ride her stinky horse?"

"Why don't you have a good horse?" Su Yi smiled. "Although the Mongolian horse has enough stamina, it is short and not fast. If you change to a Dawan horse, it will be much faster."

Even if Zhao Min didn't mention it, he still planned to change to Dawan horse to ride.

This is a bloody horse, which man is not interested?
It's just that although Dawan horses are good, they can't be popularized. They are too precious for most people to keep.

"She looks like a prisoner?" Xiao Zhao was still a little annoyed.

Su Yi smiled and shook his head.

Xiao Zhao is full of hostility towards every woman who appears by Su Yi's side, but this hostility comes and goes quickly, like Zhou Zhiruo, at first Xiao Zhao looked incompatible with her.

Although we can't say we are as close as sisters now, we can at least talk and laugh.

A quarter of an hour later, the five people came to the gate of the Green Willow Villa. More than a hundred of Zhao Min's subordinates were standing on the other side carrying the seven corpses killed by Su Yi.

Zhao Min held the torch and threw it towards the gate with all his might.

Just hearing a "boom", the kerosene poured on the firewood suddenly ignited.

In a short while, the fire spread throughout the manor, burning this elegant pavilion into a sea of ​​flames.

Zhao Min clapped his hands, turned around and got on his horse, smiled at Su Yi and said, "You can go!"

Zhou Zhiruo couldn't help asking: "You like this manor so much that you even wrote a poem yourself, but now you discard it like a shoe. How can you be so cruel to something you liked?"

Zhao Min smiled and said: "You are a heroine, and I am a demon girl. It is only natural that you can't understand me. For me, the Green Willow Villa that I like is already in my heart. The Green Willow Villa outside, Why should it exist?"

"Witch!" Xiao Zhao muttered.

"Xiao Zhao, if you continue to scold me, I will ask your elder brother to clean you up." Zhao Min threatened her.

"Brother won't listen to you!" Xiao Zhao retorted.

"Who said that?" Zhao Min looked at Su Yi with a smile, "Su Yi, let's go?"

"This doesn't count!" Xiao Zhao shouted angrily.

Su Yi smiled and rubbed her hair, turned his head around.

Zhao Min suddenly let out a cheerful laugh like a silver bell, slapped his horse's buttocks, and ran in front of Su Yi first.

"Brother, surpass her!" Xiao Zhao shouted.

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