Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1125 Bet

This day's almanac is written like this-the stage horse moves, the fire forces the gold to go, and the west of Italy is benefited.

It's a pity that Su Yi is going east, so it is already doomed that his trip will not go smoothly.

There were five people and five riders, but Xiao Zhao still rode with Su Yi.A single vacant horse used to carry luggage.

The Dawan horse was really fast, like lightning, which reminded Su Yi of his own experience of riding a motorcycle.

It is also a horse, and it is also riding on the road, but for some reason, after Su Yi has ridden a Dawan horse, he feels that he has wronged himself by riding a Mongolian horse again.

But before today, he didn't feel anything when riding a Mongolian horse.

He only thinks that good things have good reason. If I am destined to ride a horse in my life, why can't I ride a good horse?

It's like the same woman, but people prefer beautiful and charming women.

If this life is destined to be accompanied by a woman, then why can't this woman be the one who is beautiful and charming and likes me?
It's a pity that there is a price to pay for good things.

If you want to ride a Dawan horse, you need money and the ability to keep it from being snatched away.

If you want to have a beautiful and attractive woman who likes you, you have to make her feel that you are worthy of her, or even that she is worthy of you, and you must also have the status and strength to keep her and not be taken away by others .

If you want to have many beautiful and charming women at the same time, it's like Su Yi.

Maybe you have to pay more, you have to be stronger.

This is a very realistic question, and Su Yi has always understood it.

It's just that he was a little swollen before, and felt that he could hug left and right with his personal charm alone, without any addition of identity and strength.

This is undoubtedly a hallucination, it is very ridiculous, Yin Li hit him on the head and woke him up.

Now, he is working hard for himself to have more women.

After a group of five riders ran for several miles, Su Yi reined in his horse and stopped in front of a valley.

"Brother, why don't you leave?" Xiao Zhao asked curiously.

Zhao Min's expression was a little gloomy, full of surprise and doubt.

Su Yi said: "There is an ambush ahead."

He didn't even need the little ghost to detect, he could sense the crisis coming ahead.

The valley in front of him was silent, and the birds and insects were silent, which made Su Yi faintly feel a warning sign in his heart. It's strange that there is no problem.

The expressions of the other three people changed, and they all looked at Zhao Min.

"Look at what I'm doing?" Zhao Min looked innocent, "I don't know! I've been with you all the time, do you think I have the ability to make people ambush here?"

The three of them were skeptical.

"Brother Su, the night is dark and windy, and we don't know the enemy's situation, why don't we go around?" Zhou Zhiruo said.

"No need." Su Yi smiled, "As long as Miss Zhao walks with us, I forgive the people in front of me who won't dare to shoot an arrow."

"My lord, if the other party has a master archer who prides himself on his archery skills and shoots rashly, the situation may be imminent and no one can control it." Su Sanqi advised, "It's better for us to detour temporarily to save trouble."

"Don't worry, you have to trust Miss Zhao's cards." Su Yi smiled.

Zhao Min suspected that Su Yi already knew her identity. She smiled and said tentatively: "Sect Leader Su thinks too highly of little girls, right? I advise you to be fully prepared. It's nothing for a big man of the Ming Cult to sacrifice me, an insignificant little girl."

Su Yi touched the wood carving on his waist, and said lightly: "Then take a gamble. Drive!"

After all, take the lead in patting the horse forward.

Xiao Zhao noticed Su Yi's movements, rolled his eyes, and stopped talking.

Behind, Zhou Zhiruo hesitated slightly, gritted her teeth and followed.

"Miss Zhao, please." Su Sanqi urged coldly.

Zhao Min was stunned for a while, and couldn't help but said: "Uncle Su, don't you persuade your young master? If there is really an ambush ahead, they will definitely not be able to see me in such a dark day, and then they will kill me together, then why? manage?"

"Then don't bother Ms. Zhao, please Ms. Zhao!" Su Sanqi urged again.

Zhao Min's complexion was uncertain, he stopped arguing with Su Sanqi, and hurriedly chased after Su Yi.

"Okay, you won!" Zhao Min said to Su Yi, "There is indeed an ambush in front of me, but I arranged it in advance. I set the fire to warn that something happened to the villa on this side. When they saw the fire, If you know what happened, you will find a way to save me."

"Demon girl, you are so insidious!" Xiao Zhao scolded.

Zhou Zhiruo also felt chills in her heart. This demon girl passed the news to her companions under the noses of her group, and set up an ambush early on. Such a meticulous and treacherous plan is truly terrifying.

What I have to say is that even Su Yi ignored the matter of lighting the fire to deliver the news, because this matter must have been a secret code agreed in advance by Zhao Min and her subordinates, and it has not been mentioned tonight.

As for Zhao Min setting fire to the village, Su Yi just felt that the girl was acting extreme and weird, and didn't think it was meaningful.

Now he knew that even this seemingly innocuous act of venting from this girl implied deep meaning.

He secretly warned himself in his heart, never capsize in the gutter, be careful and be careful.

Otherwise, if Zhao Min capsizes the boat in the gutter, even if he can't pretend to be coercive, he will be overwhelmed. Losing face is a trivial matter, and it is a big trouble if someone who has no plans to set up collapses.

Zhao Min sighed and said: "A son of a thousand pieces of gold can't live forever. Daddy told me this many times, and I didn't understand until today. Su Yi, you don't have to go forward, let me call, and they will naturally retreat. "

Zhao Min originally planned to escape here. She planned to use the ambush here to get rid of Su Yi and others quietly, and then see if she can catch Su Yi. Of course, she needs to take a little risk, but Zhao Min thinks it should be no problem to escape. .But the prerequisite for escape is that Su Yi suddenly stepped into the ambush circle without knowing it.

The problem now is that Su Yi knew from the very beginning that there was an ambush here, and if something changed later, Su Yi would definitely restrain himself immediately.

This is the situation that Zhao Min doesn't want to see.

In case Su Yi cut off one of her ears or chopped off one of her hands as a warning to deter the army, who would she cry to?
Therefore, she was ready to take the initiative to stand up and help Su Yi open the way, and retreated from the ambush.

But she didn't expect that Su Yi would directly break into the ambush circle without giving her a chance to speak out.

In Zhao Min's view, this is Su Yi forcing himself to jump out, begging him to take the initiative to open the way for him.

Proposing and being forced to propose by the other party are completely two concepts.

Zhao Min felt very aggrieved, she felt that Su Yi was deliberately trying to embarrass her, just to suppress her.

But Su Yi also said beforehand, if he played tricks and did something "disrespectful", Su Sanqi can kill first and then play.

Under such deterrence, Zhao Min had no choice but to jump out and explain the situation now. Surrendering early is just to lose face, at least his life is safe.Which is more important, Zhao Min can naturally tell the difference.

Zhao Min felt that he had bowed to Su Yi again, and felt humiliated in his heart.

But Su Yi ignored her suggestion, and still walked forward leisurely, asking: "Miss Zhao, do you think the person you sent to ambush here will let us go?"

"Unless I come forward, absolutely not!" Zhao Min shook his head.

"Why don't we make a bet." Su Yi said, "If you don't show up, they will let us go."

Zhao Min was startled, and said, "It's impossible! Even if you really colluded with Zhao Yishang, it's impossible!"

She didn't say the reason, because the general who led the army belonged to her brother Wang Baobao, and this person would not listen to Zhao Yishang on such a big matter.

"Since you think it's impossible, why are you afraid to take a gamble?" Su Yi smiled faintly.

"What's the bet?" Zhao Min asked, pursing his lips.

"If I win, I will use your name to do something in the future, and you must follow me." Su Yi said, "And vice versa."

Zhao Min looked at Su Yi vigilantly: "You use my name to do things? It seems that you already know who I am! What do you want to do?"

"I can't tell you that." Su Yi smiled, "You just said whether you bet or not?"

Zhao Min's expression was cloudy and uncertain. Under the moonlight, she looked at Su Yi's calm look, and her intuition told her that she would lose this bet with this man.

But she just couldn't figure it out, how could this be possible?

She didn't believe that Su Yi bought Zhao Yishang, and even bought his brother's subordinates?

Moreover, he is not a god who predicts things like a god, so how can he guess the current scene?
This is simply not possible!

Since it is impossible to happen, why does this man want to bet with himself?And a set of "you lose" determination.

This made Zhao Min very upset and unconvinced.

What made her most unconvinced and upset was that she still couldn't figure out Su Yi's methods until now, which made her feel like a complete idiot in front of Su Yi.

"Okay, I'll bet with you!" Zhao Min finally gritted his teeth and decided to bet with Su Yi.

In fact, the moment she agreed, she guessed that she was basically doomed.

But she still agreed.

"But I have to change my bet!" Zhao Min said, "If I win, you have to promise me to do three things! And no matter who wins or loses, you have to tell me how you did it, and you must not cheat to me."

Without waiting for Su Yi to reply, she said decisively: "My conditions cannot be discounted at all, otherwise I would rather not make this bet!"

In fact, she didn't report much hope of winning, but she would rather use a failed gamble in exchange for Su Yi's secret, she thought it was a good deal.

"Okay, then let's make a deal and give it a high five." Su Yi smiled and stretched out his palm.

Zhao Min looked deeply at Su Yi, and stretched out his palm too.

The two clapped hands three times.

Zhao Min's palm has a slightly rough texture, which is because she has been wielding knives and guns all year round.In comparison, Su Yi's hands are more delicate.

This is naturally due to Su Yi's internal strength, let alone calluses, even if the skin is slightly broken, new skin will soon grow, pink and tender, white and raw.

Feeling the warm and delicate touch of Su Yi's palm, Zhao Min's face flushed slightly, but it was dark and couldn't be seen.

The two made a bet, and a group of five people had already reached the mouth of the valley.

Different from Xiao Zhao and Su Sanqi, as long as Su Yi is determined to do something, they will be at ease, because they all know that Su Yi is not an ordinary person, and cannot be judged by common sense.

But Zhou Zhiruo didn't know this, she was a little nervous at the moment, and wanted to persuade Su Yi again, but she was afraid that Su Yi would think she was afraid of death and look down on her.

Don't persuade her, she really thinks it's so dangerous, it's no different from sending her to death.

She couldn't figure out where Su Yi's confidence came from.

So entangled and entangled, when she looked up and saw that the valley was in front of her eyes, Zhou Zhiruo's heart broke, and she said that if she died, she would die. If she could die with Su Yi, it wouldn't be too bad...

She was thinking in a daze, and unconsciously glanced at Su Yi, but unexpectedly, in the darkness, Su Yi's piercing eyes happened to look back at her.

Although the light was dim, Zhou Zhiruo still felt Su Yi's warm and encouraging smile.

Then Zhou Zhiruo was suddenly not afraid of anything, and her heart was peaceful and peaceful.

Answer, answer, answer...

The sound of horseshoes echoed in the empty and quiet valley, and a group of people had already reached the center of the valley in the blink of an eye, but there was silence around them, and there was nothing unusual at all.

At this moment, Zhou Zhiruo and the other three had their hearts raised in their throats, and they were very nervous.

Zhao Min's heart was also tense, but he was shocked.

Why is there no movement?
She can't figure it out!
She could also vaguely feel that there were people ambushing around, but why did these people not respond at all when someone passed by?

Her mind was full of whirling thoughts, and she had guessed how many conspiracies and tricks in a short period of time, but none of them could explain the current state.

Answer, answer, answer...

The five of them were about to walk out of the valley, when Zhao Min stopped his horse suddenly, and couldn't help but turned around and shouted: "Is anyone there!"



Her voice echoed in the valley.

Su Sanqi's complexion changed drastically, "Canglang" drew his sword and put it on Zhao Min's neck, and shouted sharply: "Miss Zhao, don't force me to kill you!"

Zhao Min didn't even look at him, but bit his lip and looked at the valley behind him unwillingly.

She could even feel a faint commotion in the valley, but still no one responded!

She was filled with bewilderment and horror.

An impulse made her want to rush back to ask for clarification, but the cold sword edge on her neck told her that if she really did this, she might be decapitated now.

She would not hope that Su Yi would be softhearted and not kill her because just now when Su Sanqi drew his sword, Su Yi didn't even look back, as if he didn't care whether Su Sanqi would kill her with a single sword.

He really did what he said, and would never interfere with Su Sanqi's decision.

What a ruthless man!

Answer, answer, answer...

The horse's hooves went away, and Su Yi and his party had already left the valley.

Back in time a few minutes ago.

Zhao Yishang and a Mongolian officer were lying on the hillside, looking down intently.

However, where they couldn't see, Qingfeng and Mingyue were riding on their necks, covering their eyes.

They see nothing but that everything is normal.

But they can't see it, but their subordinates can see it.

It's just that the chief didn't give orders, so they could only watch Su Yi and his group walk through the valley.

When Zhao Min was about to leave the valley, Zhao Min yelled, and the officer's adjutant couldn't bear it any longer and asked, "General, shall we let them pass by?"

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