Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1126 Zhang 3feng

The officer and Zhao Yishang looked at the adjutant strangely.

The former asked, "What are you talking about?"

The latter asked: "What are they?"

The adjutant was stunned for a moment, and said: "Just now, the few people who passed by just now were riding horses, and one of them yelled. General, you...didn't see it?"

The officer's face darkened immediately, and he said in a deep voice, "Are you kidding me? I didn't see anything, I didn't hear anything!"

"I didn't see anything either." Zhao Yishang looked at the adjutant strangely, "Are you suffering from hysteria?"

"I, I..." The adjutant was dumbfounded, unable to speak.

The officer looked to the other side impatiently, and asked several other officers under his command, "What did you see?"

These officers shook their heads in unison: "Return to the general, we didn't see anything!"

The adjutant reacted cleverly, and explained in horror: "General, it's the little one, damn it, the little hysteria, actually I didn't see it either..."

"Inexplicable, I don't know what to say!" The general waved his hand impatiently, stopping him from speaking.

The adjutant breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly scolded himself for being an idiot with no eyesight.

The officer and Zhao Yishang turned their heads again, they were still looking towards the entrance of the valley, as if they were waiting for something.

After a while, both of them felt that their shoulders suddenly became lighter, and their eyes were in a daze. It seemed that something had changed, but nothing seemed to have changed.

On the other side, Su Yi and his group of five people stopped after more than ten miles out of the valley.

Zhao Min has been in a trance since he left the valley, looking a little restless.

When he stopped at this moment, he stared into Su Yi's eyes impatiently and asked, "How did you do it? I dare to decide that there are indeed people in the valley! Since Zhao Yishang was able to lead someone to ambush there, it means that he He really didn't betray me, otherwise he wouldn't need to do anything extra! did you manage to keep so many eyes from seeing us, turning a blind eye to the five of us?"

"Are you... a monster?"

"Brother, was there anyone in the valley just now?" Xiao Zhao also looked at Su Yi curiously, "I thought there was no one."

Zhou Zhiruo and Su Sanqi felt the same way.

Before entering the valley, they were very nervous. When passing through the valley, the hearts of the three of them were raised in their throats, but nothing happened.

So after passing through the valley, the three of them naturally felt that this was a false alarm, and there should be no one ambushing them, otherwise why didn't the ambush soldiers jump out?
But now Zhao Min is very sure that there must be someone in the valley, is this true?
Su Yi looked at Zhao Min with a smile, and said, "Admit defeat?"

"Although I'm not a real man, I hope I can do it." Zhao Min shook his lips, his eyes still fixed on Su Yi's face, "But according to the bet, you must tell me the truth, you How did you do it?"

"It's very simple. I blindfolded the eyes of your subordinate and the Mongolian officer with the highest status." Su Yi smiled, "As long as they don't speak, the people below will not dare to take any action. As long as they don't react immediately , let us cross the valley, with our Dawan horses, even if they try to chase us, they will not be able to catch up."

It's just that Su Yi didn't expect that those ambush soldiers had no intention of chasing them at all. He saw the changing process of the matter through the sight of the little ghost, which was quite interesting.

This is of course better and less troublesome.

"Blindfolded? Why?" Zhao Min thought it was a metaphor, but in fact there was a complicated conspiracy behind it, and his heart tensed up.

"That's another question." Su Yi smiled, "Miss Zhao, in the bet you mentioned, I just asked me to tell you how I could reach the valley safely, but I didn't ask me to tell you how I was fooled." shut their eyes."

"You..." Zhao Min was anxious, "You are a big man, playing this kind of boring word games with a little girl, isn't it too demeanor?"

Su Yi shook his head: "This is not a word game, it's just a matter of fact. If you think I didn't make it clear, it can only mean that you don't understand."

Zhao Min wanted to refute, but Su Yi changed the subject and said first: "Miss Zhao, let's get back to business! You should know what I want to know."

Zhao Min sneered, "Of course, I haven't forgotten my identity as a prisoner."

She still couldn't hold back the sarcasm in her heart, but she immediately stopped the expression of frustration, took a deep breath, suppressed her chaotic thoughts, and said, "You want to ask me about the whereabouts of the Six Great Sects, right?"

She looked at Su Yi, her expression regained her confident expression, and the corners of her mouth curled up: "Why should I tell you? Even if you kill me, those people will be buried with me. Hundreds of people exchange my life, I I think it's a good deal."

"Miss Zhao, you have to figure out one thing." Su Yi looked sincerely, "Even if you die now, I will still find those people you captured and rescue them. So it's not about hundreds of lives You have one life, and the life or death of those captured by you from the Six Great Sects has nothing to do with your life or death."

"You are still alive until now because of three reasons - first, you can help me locate the people of the six major factions faster; second, you are the daughter of King Ruyang, and you are more important alive than dead." value, I am trying to dig out this value now; third, you are very smart and beautiful, a smart and beautiful woman always makes people unable to bear to kill her directly."

Su Yi paused at this point, looked at Zhao Min whose face gradually became ugly with a smile, and continued: "But you have to know that your life is based on a delicate balance in the final analysis, and if this balance is tilted too much Seriousness will be broken immediately, and the unintelligent threat you made just now is trying to break this balance."

"Promise me, don't give me a reason to kill you so soon, okay?"

Zhao Min looked at Su Yi who was smiling gently, and felt a chill rushing all over his body in an instant.

She was afraid.

Although she also had fear when she was dismantled and captured by Su Yi, she was more confident that she could successfully save herself.

And the fear now is the kind of fear that the fate is no longer controlled by oneself.

She realized that Su Yi was different from anyone she had ever met before. This man was strong and intelligent. Under his seemingly gentle appearance, there was cruelty hidden in his bones.

She was a little frightened by Su Yi's bloody and cold words, so that she couldn't say a word for a while.

Until Su Yi asked her again: "Let me ask you again, Miss Zhao, where are the people from the Six Great Sects now?"

Obviously Su Yi's expression was calm and his eyes were indifferent, but Zhao Min felt that these words gave her an incomparable sense of oppression.

She bit her lip, looked deeply at Su Yi, and said in a low voice: "Shaolin Temple. I took the initiative to stay and meet you, and escort the troops of the six major factions to continue eastward. We made an appointment to meet at Shaolin Temple."

She finally chose to compromise.

On one side, Xiao Zhao and the other three looked so angry that they didn't dare to show it. They only felt that Su Yi's words were like knives, and the knives were venomous.

Such a difficult demon girl, she doesn't need to force a confession, doesn't need to insult her, just a few words can make her recruit truthfully, this is Su Yi, and if it is someone else, who can do it?
"Shaolin Temple... Shaolin Temple!" Xiao Zhao's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Su Yi in disbelief, "Brother, did you expect it to be Shaolin Temple? The letter you asked to meet Zhang Zhenren said it was Shaolin Temple!"

As soon as these words came out, the other three were shocked again.

"Brother Su...can you really predict the future?" Zhou Zhiruo couldn't help asking.

Zhao Min looked at Su Yi with fear in his eyes.

She was completely shocked by the amount of information revealed in Xiao Zhao's question.

What she told Su Yi just now was not a lie, and the reason why she agreed to meet with her subordinates at Shaolin Temple was because she had made a plan to conquer Shaolin in one fell swoop and wipe out the Shaolin sect.

And she also planned to go to Wudang next stop after destroying Shaolin, and take Zhang Sanfeng and his Wudang faction together.

But now Xiao Zhao told her that before she had time to put these plans into action, Su Yi wrote to Zhang Sanfeng in advance and made an appointment to meet at Shaolin Temple.

This simple action has the effect of killing three birds with one stone!

Not only did it happen to block the place where she and her subordinates met, but it also completely broke her two plans of destroying Shaolin first and then Wudang.

Is this a coincidence?
If this is a coincidence, then Su Yi's luck is too good.

If not, then this matter is even more terrifying!

Su Yi didn't answer their questions, but looked far away at the east, and said leisurely: "There is still more than a thousand miles to go to Songshan, and we will take at least three days to get there. Counting the time, if Master Zhang leaves tomorrow morning, he will still be there." We will arrive one day earlier."

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Min's expression changed again.

Because counting the time, the large troops escorting the six major sects arrived near the Songshan Shaolin Temple, which was almost the time when Su Yi said that Zhang Sanfeng arrived.

In case the two sides meet unexpectedly...

Zhao Min hated and feared in her heart, it was this nasty Su Yi who disrupted all her plans, and now even her own life was threatened by this person!
"Su Yi, what do you have to do to let me go?" Zhao Min asked.

She originally refused to ask this question, she has her pride, in her opinion, even if it is to escape, it is her own decision, not based on a compromise with Su Yi, or a gift from Su Yi.

But now, before things get further out of control, she decides to let go of her pride and compromise with Su Yi.

A man can bend and stretch, let alone she is just a little girl?

"Aren't you going to Shaolin Temple too?" Su Yi turned around with a smile, "We happen to be traveling together, so we'll talk about it when we arrive at Shaolin Temple."

At the same time, Wudang Mountain is thousands of miles away.

The night was deep, and a horse galloped from the galloping road, and rushed straight across the "Xiejian Pond" in Wudang Mountain.

In a wooden house by the pool, a sleepy and disheveled Taoist boy rushed out when he heard the movement, but only saw a cloud of smoke and dust disappearing into the depths of the forest. He was stunned and lost sleepiness.

The Wudang faction has been famous for tens of years. Even ten years ago, all the martial arts factions came to Wudang Mountain to force the palace because of Zhang Cuishan's affairs.

It's been ten years, and this is the first time this Daotong has seen someone galloping a horse through a mountain, and he feels unimaginable like a dream.

It took him a long time to react, and after being clever, he lost all sleepiness and hurried back to the house to dig out a firework to light it.

The fireworks soared into the sky, burst into flames, made a deafening noise, and illuminated half of the night sky, breaking the silence of the night.

The ride stopped when it reached the middle of the mountain, because the mountain was steep and the horse in front could not pass.

He actually used lightness kung fu to jump off the horse and abandon the horse.

I saw him leaping forward and quickly reached the top of the mountain. Seeing that there were many palaces and towers in front of him, more than ten Taoists rushed out of the intersection to block the way.

These more than a dozen people were both Taoist and vulgar. Among them, the two leading Taoists held long swords, and one of them shouted sharply: "Which road are you friends from, who came to Wudang in the middle of the night?"

The person who came was still rushing forward, the person's expression changed and he was about to strike, but the person in front of him shouted hurriedly: "Lingxuzi is me, your Sixth Master Uncle!"

"Sixth Master Uncle?" Lingxuzi was startled, and hastily withdrew his sword to look intently.

But he saw that although the person in front of him looked embarrassed, who was it not Yin Liting?
"Uncle Six, you..." Lingxuzi was startled and was about to ask a question, but Yin Liting jumped and rolled over them, leaving only one sentence that fell with the night wind: "I'm going to see Master!"

Lingxuzi stood in a daze for a while, then murmured: "Could it be... something happened?"

Yin Liting was the only one in Wudang's expedition to Guangmingding who returned in embarrassment late at night. How can it not make people wonder?
"Quickly, go and inform Master, I'll follow and have a look!" Lingxuzi ordered the Taoist beside him.

Without waiting for him to answer, he hurriedly followed the direction Yin Liting left.

Most of the disciples of the three generations of Wudang are disciples of Yu Daiyan, the Three Heroes. Yu Daiyan was paralyzed for ten years. Although his will was depressed, he did not sink completely.

Zhang Sanfeng is 11 years old this year, and since he sent Zhang Wuji away ten years ago, he has been in retreat almost all year round.

He lived in seclusion in the back mountain and devoted himself to studying Taoism, scriptures and martial arts, and rarely asked about worldly matters.

The bamboo forest where he retreats is covered with greenery, and the courtyard is at the end of the forest and the water is poor, very elegant.

With his order, if Wudang disciples have nothing to do, they will never come here to disturb him, and they will not come here to pay their respects on weekdays, including Song Yuanqiao.

Even for meals, Zhang Sanfeng didn't need anyone to deliver them. When he was hungry, he ate wild fruits in the forest, or hunted some wild game in the back mountain to sacrifice his internal organs. He was self-sufficient and contented.

Because there are few people around all the year round, the forest path is even covered with moss, which looks very desolate.

Today, however, the arrival of Yin Liting broke the peace here.

He rushed to the courtyard in a hurry, and jumped over the wall before knocking on the door.

Just as he was about to open the door and enter, he heard the wooden door open with a "squeak", accompanied by an old voice.

"Li Ting? Why are you back? What happened?"

The voice was still in the room when he first spoke, but when he finished speaking the last word, Yin Liting was supported by the owner of the voice, and the two stood in front of the eaves.

This old man with white hair, youthful face and hale and hearty spirit is Wudang Zhang Sanfeng.

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