Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1127 Shock

As soon as Yin Liting heard Zhang Sanfeng's voice, his heart was completely relieved.

He drove nearly two thousand miles all the way, starry night and starry night, and four horses ran to death before he could speak. Needless to say, the hard work of this journey.

Even though his limbs were amputated, he didn't shed a single tear. However, seeing Master now and seeing this kind face full of concern, he couldn't hold it anymore. His heart was so sore that he couldn't help but burst into tears, and burst into tears. .

"Master, something serious has happened! The seventh junior brother was taken away by the tartars, and the elder brothers were all taken away too! Shaolin, Emei, Kongtong, Huashan and Kunlun were all robbed! Master, even I Someone smashed his limbs and joints, and he escaped to death by luck, Master!"

Yin Liting cried tears, but Zhang Sanfeng was shocked when he heard the words.

Even if he had cultivated for a hundred years, when he suddenly heard the sad news, he was shocked and speechless for a while.

After a while, he came back to his senses and realized that there was a contradiction in what the apprentice said just now. He put his hand on Yin Liting's wrist and was about to speak, but suddenly he was startled again, showing astonishment on his face.


He stared wide-eyed, showing an inconceivable expression, and hastily pinched Yin Liting's elbow with his hands, only after pinching did he realize that his elbow joint was soft like a mass of rotten meat, and the bones inside were all shattered!

He continued to pinch Yin Liting's other elbow joint and both knee joints in disbelief, and was shocked to find that these four joints were all shattered!

"how can that be?"

Having lived for more than a hundred years, Zhang Sanfeng has been alive for a long time, but this is the first time he has seen someone whose joints are broken, and who can still jump around alive and well.

"Liting, your arms and legs...why?" Excited, Zhang Sanfeng couldn't even speak clearly.

At Zhang Sanfeng's age, fame and fortune in the world are not valued by him. What he cares about and is interested in is to pursue the Dao and explore the secrets of this world.

Therefore, he spends years in the back mountain pondering and groping for the true meaning of martial arts, wanting to sum up the yin and yang in martial arts, and the way of fast and slow changes, to see if he can find out the truth of the great truth.

Although he has not succeeded yet, Zhang Sanfeng already knows very well in his heart that his way cannot overcome the good fortune of life and death, and cannot explain the ultimate secret of this world.

Although his heart of gains and losses is very indifferent, he still feels regretful, because he knows very well that sooner or later, he will leave with doubts and incomprehensions about this world, and be a fool like all ordinary people. .

But today, Yin Liting's strange physical condition in front of him seemed to open a door to a new world for him, which made him panic, excited and carried away.

At this moment, he even completely forgot about the "Wulin Great Tribulation" that aroused his mind before, and his mind was full of this strange situation!

Yin Liting had already guessed that Master would be interested in his physical condition, because Master once told an interesting story that when he was young, he spent two years traveling all over the country, looking for traces of "ghosts and gods". It is said that there are places where ghosts and spirits appear to investigate, but it is finally confirmed that these places where ghosts and spirits appear are either pretended to be ghosts, or some kind of magical natural phenomenon has been misunderstood by people.

That's why Master disappointedly said, "Nine out of ten are fools, and one is foolish."

On the way, he guessed that if Master really knew that there is such a miraculous talisman technique in this world, he would rather give up everything and pursue it hard!
Su Yi gave him two life extension talismans, telling him that each talisman could keep him in a normal state for three days.

But at the same time, he also told him that he should try to avoid fighting with others along the way, consuming energy, blood and internal energy, otherwise the time limit of the talisman paper would be shortened.

Yin Liting kept these words in mind, but now that the mountains and rivers are precarious, where are there no rebels and bandits?

During this journey, he has tried to avoid fighting, but he still fought more than a dozen times and killed dozens of people.

Twice even encountered a master, he had to use all his strength to escape.

In this way, the duration of the life-continuing talisman is greatly shortened.

The first life-extending talisman expired in two days and two hours. When he attached the second life-extending talisman, he had already arrived in the Central Plains. There were wars everywhere, and the mountain was full of thieves, so this life-extending talisman was consumed faster.

According to the experience of consuming the first talisman, Yin Liting could clearly feel that when the limbs gradually began to ache and the body gradually weakened, it was the time when the talisman paper was about to be consumed.

And as the talisman paper is consumed, its temperature will become higher and higher, and in the end it will even start to get hot, until it finally ignites spontaneously.

And the reason why he rushed to see Zhang Sanfeng in such a hurry was because the talisman paper on his chest was already hot as burning coal!

He knew very well that this talisman would soon lose its effect, burn out and disappear without a trace.

In this way, the master will not be able to see anything.

He originally planned to show his master the talisman paper on his chest as soon as he saw him, but he was so emotional that he cried first.

Now that he heard the master's question, he just woke up like a dream, hurriedly tore off his clothes, and said excitedly: "Master, look!"

Zhang Sanfeng followed the movements of Yin Liting's hands, and saw a piece of yellow talisman quietly pasted on Yin Liting's chest.

Zhang Sanfeng himself is a Taoist priest. Although he doesn't believe in the way of talismans, he has also come into contact with them, so he recognized at a glance that this talisman is a life-continuing talisman. From the mark on the head of the talisman, it seems to be a Maoshan one.

But the drawing method of this life-continuing talisman, regardless of the senses, seems to be a little different from the kind of talisman he has seen before.

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't see the difference.

He stared blankly at the talisman paper on Yin Liting's chest, and even forgot to breathe.

He has been to Maoshan, personally visited the current generation of Maoshan Shangqing Sect Master, and also seen this Taoist master make talismans, and even took those talisman papers with his own hands, so Zhang Sanfeng knew very well that those talisman papers were not special at all. place.

Although the suzerain is very pious, in Zhang Sanfeng's view, the so-called painting symbols to exorcise ghosts and save dead souls is like offering sacrifices to gods and ancestors. It is more like seeking a kind of physical and mental sustenance, rather than real existence.

The same is true for Buddhism. Those monks eat fast and recite the Buddha's name, and talk about the six realms of reincarnation, but there are many fallacies that are contrary to reality, and they cannot explain everything at all.

Therefore, although Zhang Sanfeng is a Taoist priest and is familiar with Taoist scriptures, he has always been skeptical of all religions in his heart.

Are there immortals in this world?God?There is a Buddha?Ghost?

Everyone in the world calls him an old fairy, but Zhang Sanfeng knows that he is not a fairy at all.

Maybe a hundred years from now someone will make a statue of him into a clay sculpture and put it in a temple to worship, and then fabricate some absurd stories for himself to prove that he is a fairy.

But in fact?
He is just a mortal who is struggling to find the way.

Zhang Sanfeng stared blankly at the talisman paper pasted on Yin Liting's body, for a moment, it seemed that only this talisman paper was left in his whole world.

This piece of yellow talisman paper was so inconspicuous, and it looked ordinary, as if it was no different from those deceptive ghostly painted talismans he had seen before.

But it gave Zhang Sanfeng a very strange feeling.

A feeling of inexplicable, unclear, mysterious and mysterious.

Zhang Sanfeng reached out his hand almost subconsciously, gently held the tail of the talisman paper, and lifted it up.

The place where the fingers touched the talisman paper was as hot as coals!
Moreover, Zhang Sanfeng felt like he was holding up a piece of talisman paper so lightly.

It actually has weight!

As soon as he touched it, Zhang Sanfeng knew that this talisman was really a fairy talisman, a spiritual talisman!
This is what he has been pursuing all his life.

This is the Tao!

Tears gushed out unconsciously, and Zhang Sanfeng's vicissitudes of face were full of piety and emotion at this moment.

His lips trembled, but he couldn't say a word.

"Master, it..." At this moment, Yin Liting's complexion changed slightly, and he said hastily.

He felt that the talisman paper was rapidly becoming lighter and hotter.

The last talisman paper disappeared after spontaneous combustion under such circumstances.

Sure enough, he only spoke half a sentence, and the talisman suddenly fell off his body automatically, and then suddenly turned into a ball of flames.

"Oh My God!"

Zhang Sanfeng was taken aback, like a child at a loss, he hurriedly grabbed the burning talisman, trying to stop it.

But in the end the flame turned into dots and burned out completely, leaving only a little ashes, which were scattered by the wind.

Yin Liting, who had lost his support, collapsed limply on the ground, only felt severe pain in his limbs and a huge sense of weakness at the same time, his consciousness was instantly blurred, and he passed out directly.

Zhang Sanfeng watched the talisman disappear, he was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, he felt that the whole world was far away from him, he was devastated and panicked.

It took him a long time to recover from this huge emotional upheaval, and he couldn't help laughing at himself: "Zhang Junbao, Zhang Junbao, you have lived for more than a hundred years, and I thought you were really ruthless, so you are not... ..."

He turned his head and saw Yin Liting who had fainted, a trace of shame flashed in his eyes, he said that he was really incompetent as a master, he just watched his apprentice fall and didn't help him, and only cared about himself.

While blaming himself, he quickly carried Yin Liting carefully into the room and placed him on his bed.

At this moment, only the noise outside and the sound of dense footsteps could be heard.

Zhang Sanfeng frowned slightly, and softly shouted: "Stop!"

There was a sudden silence outside, and after a while, only a voice respectfully said: "The disciple and grandson greeted the master! The sixth master suddenly returned to the mountain, fearing that something might happen, the disciple and grandson were worried, so they came to disturb the master Qingxiu, Wanwang master Forgive me."

Although Zhang Sanfeng was old, he had always had a good memory, and he immediately recognized whose voice it was.

"It's Lingxuzi." He said, "You don't have to come, just go and invite your master."

"Yes, Master!" Lingxuzi outside responded, and then he heard the sound of sparse footsteps and left.

Zhang Sanfeng refocused on Yin Liting in front of him, feeling his pulse.

He frowned, he took Yin Liting's pulse before, but found out that his meridians were blocked and his limbs were congested, but his energy and blood were abundant, even far exceeding that of ordinary people.

But now, Yin Liting has lost both energy and blood, like someone who has been hungry for several days.

He hurriedly went to the side cabinet to take out a small wooden box, took out a hundred-year-old ginseng from it, broke off a section of root, then pinched Yin Liting's chin, and pressed it under Yin Liting's tongue.

After doing this, he slowly channeled his internal energy to dredge the meridians for Yin Liting, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

His mentality has gradually calmed down at this moment, and he has figured it out. Since there are talismans, there must be someone who draws them.

With Yin Liting's injuries, normally speaking, it would be impossible to move even a ten feet away, let alone rush back to Wudang Mountain all the way.

Since the person who drew the talisman was willing to help, he must be a man of justice.

It's just that such a master of Taoism, would he like to see himself?

Zhang Sanfeng was a little uneasy again.

When he was tangled in his mind, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a corner of a letter protruding from Yin Liting's open shirt.

With a heartbeat, he pulled it out.

The letter didn't have an envelope, and it was a little crumpled by Yin Liting's sweat. Zhang Sanfeng wanted to put it aside, but he accidentally saw that the first two characters of the letter were "Zhang Zhen", and he suddenly realized that it was written to himself. letter.

With one hand, he kept sending internal energy to Yin Liting, while with the other hand, he carefully spread out the letter paper and checked it.

I see it says-

"Zhang Zhenren's Dao Jian:

I take the liberty to be troubled, but I hope fortunately.

Although the six major factions did their best in the battle against Guangmingding this time, the six major factions were robbed and captured on their way home from victory, and none of them escaped. The factions were deceived and calculated.

Now, the black hands behind the scenes are poorly seen, and their intentions may be to destroy the martial arts. Their ambitions are heinous.

This matter concerns the survival of the Han people's Wulin. I dare not act without authorization, nor dare to delay. I have heard of the reputation of Master Zhang. I sincerely invite Master Zhang to come to Songshan Shaolin for a meeting. Looking forward to it.

Su Yi, Xiaoyao Pai, a junior in martial arts, respectfully. "

A short letter, written with iron pen and golden hook, sonorous and forceful, it can be seen that the person who wrote the letter is probably a man with an extremely resolute mind.

Su Yi of the Happy School?
Happy party?
Zhang Sanfeng frowned and thought hard, feeling vaguely familiar with this name, as if he had heard it somewhere before.

He thought for a while, and finally thought of it.

He remembered that when he was young, he went to Dali and borrowed Dali Duan's imperial Taoist classics. He saw a piece of unofficial history about Emperor Xianzong of Dali. He has a close relationship with Xu Zhuzi, the head of the Xiaoyao School, and he also possesses the martial arts of the Xiaoyao School, Beiming Shengong.It's just that the emperor has a benevolent nature, and he is very disgusted with the Beiming Shengong, a martial art that can absorb people's internal energy, and discards it.

When Zhang Sanfeng read this passage, he thought it was very absurd, thinking how could there be evil skills that suck people's internal energy in the world?Or Taoist martial arts?And since the Emperor Xianzong hated this kind of martial arts, why did he still want to learn it?Isn't this inconsistent?
"The Happy School...there is such a Happy School in this world?" Zhang Sanfeng frowned, "Will there be a Beiming Demon Art that can absorb people's internal energy?"

"Master, I heard that the sixth brother is back? What happened?" At this moment, Yu Daiyan's anxious voice came from outside the door.

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