Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1128 Narration

"Sixth Brother, Sixth Brother! It's a misfortune for the teacher to have me as a waste in Wudang Mountain. You are still young, why did you suffer from this disaster? Who is so vicious? Dali Vajra Finger, and Dali Vajra Finger! It really is a Shaolin thief Bald? I hate! I hate..."

In the room, Yu Daiyan, who was sitting on a stretcher chair, lay down on Yin Liting and cried loudly, crying miserably.

Zhang Sanfeng's eyes were filled with compassion, and his heart felt sad, and he sighed: "I, Zhang Sanfeng, are said to be some kind of old god, but I can't even keep my five disciples, Cuishan, and two other disciples were cruelly beaten, What kind of god am I? What kind of god am I?"

Yu Daiyan wiped away his tears and said: "Master, who sent the sixth brother back? Did this person tell how the sixth brother became like this?"

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head: "Liting... ran back by himself."

Yu Daiyan was taken aback.

Zhang Sanfeng added: "He ran back from the Kunlun Mountains in the Western Regions alone!"

"This..." Yu Daiyan mumbled, "Master, why are you making fun of this disciple at this time?"

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head, handed the letter to Yu Daiyan and said, "Look at this first."

"Yes, Master."

When Yu Daiyan read the letter, Zhang Sanfeng put his palm on Yin Liting's chest again, and slowly channeled his internal energy.

Yu Daiyan was shocked by the news revealed in the letter, quite moved, and was about to ask questions impatiently, when Zhang Sanfeng exclaimed in surprise: "Liting, are you awake?"

He hurriedly looked closely, and Yin Liting really woke up faintly.

"Don't move, don't move, drink some water first. The ginseng on the bottom of the tongue must be swallowed, come here..."

Zhang Sanfeng's movements were gentle, feeding Yin Liting water like taking care of a child, continuing to convey internal energy and massage acupuncture points for him.

After a cup of tea, Yin Liting's complexion recovered a little, and he said gratefully: "Master, I'm much better."

Only then did Zhang Sanfeng stop, and said: "Liting, you go to Guangmingding, what happened, you start from the beginning!"

"Yes, Master!"

At present, Yin Liting started to talk about the meeting with various factions after arriving in the Western Regions, and talked about the contradiction between the righteousness and the extermination of demons raised by the Juejue Shitai of the Emei School.

"Dayi... If you all think of Dayi, you won't be able to go to the Bright Summit." Zhang Sanfeng shook his head.

From the first time he knew about the fact that the six major sects organized by Juejue Shitai had jointly suppressed Mingjiao, he disapproved of this matter, and he did not want the Wudang faction to participate in this matter.

The reason why he had this idea was because of the word "Dayi".

Having lived for so long, Zhang Sanfeng has a clear view of the world's affairs, but at least he knows the general trend.

The Yuan court is already in decline, and this alien dynasty has come to an end after all.Therefore, the current general trend is to replace the dynasty and reshape the universe.

The general trend is irreversible. In Zhang Sanfeng's view, Yuan Ting belongs to the trend against the trend, and its demise is only a matter of time.But Mingjiao followed the trend, and it might not end well.

Since ancient times, the new dynasty ascended the throne, and after the world was settled, which one of the first things did it not put the swords and soldiers into the warehouse, and release the horses to Nanshan?

When the rabbit dies, the dog cooks, and the bird hides its bow, when is it less?
It's fine if it's just an individual, as long as the new emperor can accommodate others, he will be fine.

But which new emperor can accommodate such a strict and huge organization of Mingjiao?
So why should the Ming Cult be exterminated?
When the time comes, even if you don't want it to go out, it has to go out.

But now to suppress the Mingjiao is completely thankless, because the Mingjiao now represents righteousness, and most of the rebels from all over the world act under the banner of the Mingjiao. As a result, your six major factions are going to take over the old dens of the rebels from all walks of life.

Regardless of whether this matter is successful or not in the end, I'm afraid it will cause a commotion, because this matter is going against the trend.

What is potential?Momentum is justice.

Although Zhang Sanfeng did not agree with this matter, when Song Yuanqiao reported it to him, Zhang Sanfeng still agreed.

Because Song Yuanqiao's thinking is also very reasonable, no matter what the general situation is, if Wudang Mountain does not go, it is tantamount to cutting itself off from the righteous way of martial arts, not to mention the drop in prestige, and will be despised by fellow martial arts in the future. Wudang Mountain has been painstakingly managed for decades His reputation and prestige were ruined.

Furthermore, the Mingjiao people are killing innocent people indiscriminately, and it is not wrong to punish evil, promote good, and uphold justice.

Zhang Sanfeng has a broad mind, he doesn't stick to ordinary life and death grievances, and only has the general trend in his eyes, but it doesn't mean that everyone can think as openly as he does.

Zhang Sanfeng has never judged others by himself, nor is he willing to force others.What's more, Wudang Mountain has already been handed over to Song Yuanqiao, and his children and grandchildren have their own blessings, so he doesn't want to interfere.

"I know Mrs. Miejue. She has a straight and tough temperament, and she will never change her mind about what she decides." Zhang Sanfeng said strangely, "Since she has organized the six major factions to attack Guangmingding and is focused on destroying the Demon Cult, she will never change her mind." There is no possibility of any scruples. It is strange that she can think of something against the righteousness."

"Master's eyes are as bright as a torch, Mijue Shitai is taboo." Yin Liting thought of Ji Xiaofu, his eyes were complicated and gloomy.

But soon he regained his energy and said: "At that time, she said that she was inspired by a little friend to think of this section. Later we all found out that the little friend she was talking about was Su Yi, the head of the Xiaoyao Sect."

"The person who wrote the letter to Master?" Yu Daiyan interjected, "Master, when will there be a free and easy sect in this Jianghu?"

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head, unwilling to bring up another topic, he said to Yin Liting: "Liting, continue."

Yin Liting collected his thoughts and continued to narrate. He said that Juejue Shi set fire to the mountain gate and was determined to support the rebel army. When they openly resisted Yuan, both Zhang Sanfeng and Yu Daiyan were shocked by his steadfastness.

"Nvxia Guo... can be counted as a successor." Zhang Sanfeng sighed.

He definitely supports Kangyuan, but still the same sentence, he is just an old man over a hundred years old now, he has his own pursuit, and he doesn't have to participate in a matter that has already been doomed.

Whether young people should jump out to fight against Yuan is a matter for young people.If Song Yuanqiao had this kind of blood, he would definitely laugh three times and throw a torch to the Zhenwu Hall himself.

But Song Yuanqiao chose Mingzhe to protect himself, and he also felt that there was nothing to blame, after all, the apprentice was also for the good of Wudang.

Miejue Shitai had such resolute courage, which made Zhang Sanfeng look at this person with admiration.

Next, Yin Liting talked about Song Qingshu. When Song Qingshu accused Xu Da of being a spy, Yin Liting's face turned red and he was very ashamed.

Zhang Sanfeng immediately knew that there was something wrong with this matter, but he was not omniscient, he felt that Song Qingshu had always been well-behaved and outstanding, although he was a bit competitive, it was only a small problem, he was still a good boy.

Until Yin Liting finished telling the whole story, Zhang Sanfeng fell silent, with a look of regret on his face.

"This...Qing Shu is not like this, is he? We all watched him grow up, how could he do something to frame Zhongliang?" Yu Daiyan couldn't believe it, "Could it be that he really got it wrong? gone?"

"Third brother, don't say that the possibility of this is very small. Even if you really got it wrong, Qing Shu shouldn't say it without verification, so as to embarrass Wudang and ruin his own reputation." Yin Liting said in a low voice, " I only hope that he can learn his lesson this time, so that he can reflect on himself and reform himself."

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head and said: "Beloved is like a bad child, Yuanqiao, Yuanqiao, isn't your three slaps just three cups of fine wine? Putting it down so lightly, how can you remember that evil?"

His tone was full of disappointment.

The three were slightly silent, Song Qingshu was the only one who was outstanding among the three generations of Wudang, but he was so unbearable this time, they were all worried that Wudang would have no successor.

After a while, Yin Liting continued to tell.

This time it's about the Battle of Bright Summit.

When Yin Liting mentioned that Zhang Songxi and Yin Tian are competing for internal strength and depleting the latter's strength, Zhang Sanfeng shook his head, thinking that the four apprentices were clever, but they used their intelligence elsewhere.Warriors still have to focus on martial arts. If the fourth child can concentrate on practicing martial arts, after so many years, even without this kind of dishonorable method, he can still achieve his goal, and maybe even defeat the White-browed Eagle King.

Then Yin Liting said that when Yin Tianzheng and Yu Lianzhou were about to fight to the death, the little-known Zeng Aniu, who was in his early twenties, appeared on the stage, and swung the two of them away with a single sword.

Zhang Sanfeng and Yu Daiyan were amazed when they heard it, they only felt that their Guangmingding party was really ups and downs, and the situation was complicated, making people dizzy.

Yin Liting purposely made a fool of himself, and did not directly reveal Zeng Aniu's identity, but only said that Zeng Aniu used a set of swordsmanship called Dugu Nine Swords to defeat Yu Lianzhou, and made Yu Lianzhou abandon his sword on the spot, feeling disheartened.

Yu Daiyan was very moved: "I know the second brother's swordsmanship. How can Zeng Aniu let the second brother abandon his sword? His swordsmanship is really so good?"

"Dugu Nine Swords..." Zhang Sanfeng's face was solemn, a little bit surprised.

"Master, have you heard of Dugu Nine Swords?" Yin Liting asked.

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head, with a complicated expression: "Could it be that this Zeng Aniu is the descendant of that senior?"

Yin Liting couldn't help but said: "Master, this Zeng A Niu is not a descendant of a senior, he is... Oh, listen to me!"

Zhang Sanfeng was startled, then laughed dumbly: "Okay, tell me."

Yin Liting deliberately did not mention Zhang Wuji's identity, but only mentioned that he will defeat Wudang first, then Huashan, Kunlun and Kongtong, and finally defeat Shaolin Kongxing, narrowly defeating Kongzhi, and forcing Shaolin to admit defeat. The Lower Emei Sect has only a few fruits left, but the top Mingjiao leaders are unscathed.

Yu Daiyan heard it in disbelief: "If I didn't know that the sixth younger brother has always been calm and reliable, I would have thought it was just bragging! Who the hell is Zeng Aniu, who can defeat so many masters in a row? That's not right, since you have lost so much Miserable, why did the letter just now say that the Demon Cult has been destroyed?"

"Could it be this Su Yi from the Happy School who turned the tide and defeated Zeng Aniu?" Zhang Sanfeng guessed.

Yin Liting sighed and said: "Master, you guessed wrong this time, the one who turned the tide was indeed Head Master Su, but he didn't fight Zeng Aniu. When he came, Zeng Aniu didn't even dare to fart. Not only was he taught him a lesson, saying that he contributed to the evil spirit of Demon Flame, and that he could not distinguish between right and wrong, but also made him retreat immediately."

Both Zhang Sanfeng and Yu Daiyan were dumbfounded.

"This, could it be that Zeng Aniu the apprentice of Sect Leader Su?" Zhang Sanfeng was the first to react, thinking of this unimaginable possibility.

"That's true." Yin Liting now thinks about it, and still feels incredible, "He is indeed the disciple of the head of Su."

Yu Daiyan took a deep breath: "The disciples are all so powerful, so how high is the master's martial arts? Such a powerful person, such a powerful school, why have I never heard of it before today?"

"It was only when Sect Leader Su arrived that we found out that this Zeng A Niu was just a pseudonym, and the boy who defeated the five major sects actually had another name. What do you think is the name of Sect Leader Su Zeng A Niu?"

"He called him Wuji!"

"Wuji!" Zhang Sanfeng became excited, "Liting, Zeng Niu is Wuji's child? You just said that he is in his early twenties, and his age is right. Is he really Wuji?"

"Yes, Master, he is really Fifth Brother's son Zhang Wuji!" Yin Liting excitedly said, "If you see him, you will know that he is handsome and talented, very similar to Fifth Brother!"

"Good! Good! Good!" Zhang Sanfeng was very excited, and he was very relieved, "I always thought that Wuji was... I didn't expect that he was not only alive, but also practiced a peerless martial arts!"

"It's no wonder that Master Su wrote a letter to Master, so our two families still have this kind of relationship!" Yu Daiyan said happily, "Master, Wuji didn't make any mistakes, and even worshiped an upright Master, this is the luckiest thing." .”

"Survivors will be blessed, and this is also Wuji's good fortune!" Zhang Sanfeng said gratefully, "The cold poison on Wuji's body must also be cured by the treatment of this head of Su. We must admit this feeling, this Su B, you can also be regarded as our Wudang benefactor."

Yu Daiyan and Yin Liting nodded together.

Yin Liting went on to tell the story, talking about Su Yi and Yang Xiao's verbal dispute, mentioning Yang Xiao, his words were still full of resentment and disgust.

When Zhang Sanfeng heard that Yang Xiao satirized the Six Great Factions for pretending to be deaf and dumb in the fight against the Yuan Dynasty, he sighed and said: "In this matter, we are not righteous, and it is inevitable that we will be criticized by others."

In the territory of the Yuan court, it is inevitable to deal with the government. These things are done by Song Yuanqiao. On weekdays, the Wudang faction also has to submit to the Yuan court, receiving dignitaries, or doing some innocuous things for them.

Although people have to bow their heads under the eaves, everyone can understand this kind of thing, but as Zhang Sanfeng said, in the final analysis it is the Wudang faction who is not upright.Even if you don't dare to object openly, don't you dare secretly?
The Wudang faction did nothing, just like clay statues.

Hearing Su Yi's refutation of Yang Xiao's words, Zhang Sanfeng clearly felt that the words were avoiding the important and taking the light. Obviously, the head of Su also had a view on the six major sects "being wise and protecting one's life", but he chose the lesser of two evils. Even more intolerable.

Moreover, Zhang Sanfeng fully appreciated Su Yi's method of separating the Rebel Army and Mingjiao, and felt that this move was very wise.

Yin Liting then talked about how Su Yi alone defeated more than a dozen high-ranking Mingjiao members and completely defeated the enemy.

"The apprentice defeated all the sects of the Righteous Way, and the master wiped out the top leaders of the Demon Sect. One master and one disciple overthrew the entire martial arts world." Zhang Sanfeng said with emotion, "As soon as this Xiaoyao faction comes out of the mountain, it will become famous all over the world."

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