Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1130 Conspiracy

Zhao Min suddenly recited a poem, which made Xiao Zhao, who had never been used to her, very upset, and said, "What poem did you recite so well? I don't care whose poem it is, what does it have to do with me?"

"Hey, I don't study at a young age, and I don't know anything in the future, what should I do?" Zhao Min sighed deliberately, "This poem is a poem written by Empress Wu Zetian when she visited Shaolin Temple. You are also a woman, and you don't even know this. ?”

"Is it rare? Why should I know!" Xiao Zhao turned his head angrily.

Zhao Min interrupted, and the topic of Su Yi and Yuan Xin was skipped.The latter hastily cupped his fists again and said: "Sect Leader Su, the despicable sect has prepared vegetarian food and is waiting to sweep the couch. Please Sect Leader Su move forward and drive up the mountain."

"Alright." Su Yi said with a smile, "Zhiruo, Xiao Zhao, the Shaolin temple is famous all over the world. Since this master strongly invites us, let's go up and have a look. It's up to you."

Zhou Zhiruo and the others have always focused on Su Yi, so there is nothing wrong with it.

Yuan Xin showed a joyful expression: "Master Su, let Ma stay here. The monks from this temple will take care of him here. Everyone, please come with the little monks!"

"My lord, let me stay and take care of the horse." Su Sanqi volunteered, "We have brought enough food for the horse, so we only need to feed the horse some water, and we don't need others to take care of it."

"No, you come too." Su Yi's tone was unquestionable, "Since Master Yuanxin said that someone will take care of him, we don't have to worry about it."

"Yes, young master." Su Sanqi had no choice but to agree, "Then I will leave the horse food, this horse is precious and does not eat ordinary fodder."

A moment later, under the guidance of Yuan Xin, everyone walked up the mountain together.

The Millennium Shaolin has gone through several dynasties and has survived. It is not eternal, but after several wars, there was even a crisis of extermination of the sect, but they all survived in the end.

Just from the point of view of a martial arts sect, Shaolin can be called a great sect, and it is also worthy of the title of Wulin Taishan.

But how much Shaolin, as the leader of Zen Buddhism, has contributed to the inheritance of Buddhism; as a sect of the Central Plains, what has it paid for this land of this country?

The scenery along the way is also elegant and quiet, sweeping away the boredom of the five people who are exhausted by boats and cars.

The majesty of the mountains, the solemnity of the temples, the tall and straight pines, the simplicity of the courtyard, the tranquility of the pagoda forest, the vicissitudes of the forest of steles...

The quiet Shaolin Temple seems to want to tell something, maybe it wants to tell the Buddha, maybe it wants to tell people.

A group of people passed through the Tianwang Hall and went straight to the Daxiong Hall.

Sandalwood curls up, scriptures sound.Accompanied by the rhythmic sound of wooden fish knocking, everyone looked up at the compassionate face of the Buddha in the hall, as if their hearts and minds had been edified and baptized, and they became peaceful and pious.

Su Yi led the crowd to pose in front of the Buddha, and each offered a stick of incense to show their respect.Then he heard hearty laughter from behind.

Su Yi and others looked back, and saw several monks stepping over the threshold and walking towards this side.

The head monk looks benevolent, but his eyes are narrow and long, slightly dark.

Su Yi smiled and looked at the person who came, until the latter came up to him and saluted him.

"Poor monk Yuanzhen, I pay my respects to Master Su of the Xiaoyao Sect!" The monk smiled and bowed, "Master Su is here, and our temple is full of splendor! The abbot, Master Uncle and Zhenren Zhang talked all night by candlelight last night, The two of them went to the back mountain to sit and discuss Taoism early in the morning. When Daoist Zhang came, how could the heads of each courtyard not accompany him? Only the poor monk presided over the affairs of the temple temporarily."

"But Master Su, don't worry, the poor monk has sent people to the back mountain to look for Zhang Zhenren and the others, and they will come back soon. Master Su has been exhausted all the way, why not go to the South Courtyard to have some fast food and take a rest, how about ?”

He said this to himself, and suddenly seemed to think of something. He smiled apologetically and said: "There is one more thing, please forgive me. Shaolin does not accept female guests, but the status of the head of Su is naturally an exception. Just to avoid misunderstanding, the poor The monk has an unfeeling request, how about asking these three female benefactors to dress up as men and walk around the temple. I wonder if it is possible?"

"In the east courtyard, a meditation room has been prepared for everyone, and hot water has been prepared, so you can go wash up first."

"Okay, okay!" Xiao Zhao immediately became happy when he heard the words, "Brother, I can finally wash my face properly!"

"It just so happens that Daoist Zhang hasn't come back yet..." Zhou Zhiruo was also moved and looked at Su Yi.

Although Zhao Min did not speak, he nodded slightly to express his approval.

Girls pay great attention to their appearance and appearance. The road is full of dust and dust, and their manners will inevitably be poor. When they hear that they can go to tidy up their appearance and clean it, it's no wonder they don't feel tempted.

"Alright." Su Yi looked at Yuanzhen, and then at the two monks with dark and rough skin behind him, "Then there is Master Lao Yuanzhen."

"Master Su is too polite, this is what a poor monk should do." Yuan Zhen said with a smile, and then told the two people behind him, "Take Master Su to the meditation room in the east courtyard."

"Yes, Senior Brother!" The two said in unison.

"Master Su, please!" Yuan Zhen smiled and made a gesture of invitation to Su Yi.

Su Yi smiled and nodded, followed those two first and left, and the rest followed closely behind him.

When Zhao Min passed by Yuan Zhen, he didn't even look at him, as if the two really didn't know each other.

After the group left, Yuan Zhen's smile gradually faded.

At this time, two old men came out from behind the Buddha statue. Both of them had high noses and deep eyes, and they were not from the Central Plains at first glance.

"Yuan Zhen, why didn't you let us directly rescue the princess just now?" An old man said angrily, "I don't think Su Yi is anything special, I don't believe that he can survive my Xuanming palm!"

The other also frowned and said, "I told you earlier that we will poison it directly, mixed with the scent of sandalwood, I don't believe he can smell it! You don't stop! I really don't know why the Princess wants us to obey your orders."

Yuanzhen's eyes showed disdain, but quickly disappeared and turned around.

"Deer Zhangke, what if he can really take over your Xuanming Divine Palm and threaten the life of the princess?" He said to the first person first.

Without waiting for this person to answer, he asked the second person: "He Biweng, our most important purpose is to rescue the princess, not to deal with Su Yi. Since we have a more ingenious method, we can make it easier for you without a single soldier. The princess escaped from the tiger's mouth, why take risks? We'd better not do anything, and wait until the princess is out of danger before talking about anything else."

Both of them snorted coldly and didn't answer his words.

Yuan Zhen smiled again and said: "You two are very strong in martial arts, please keep an eye on Su Yi, don't let anything go wrong. I'm going to meet with the princess next time, so I can confirm her thoughts and arrange the next move."

After saying that, he bowed and cupped his hands to the two people in front of him, took two steps back, and then turned around and left in a hurry.

The two elders Xuanming stared at his leaving back with unkind eyes.

Luzhangke said solemnly: "A sneaky monk actually crawled on top of us to defecate and pee, it's really unreasonable! If he joins forces with Ku Toutuo, then we will be in trouble."

"Sooner or later, kill him!" He Biweng said with a murderous look on his face.

On the other side, Yuan Zhen immediately took a shortcut to perform lightness kung fu and galloped all the way to a utility room outside the courtyard wall of the east courtyard.

When he came, a burly man with scars all over his face and reddish-brown hair was already here.

Seeing Yuanzhen come in, the man's expression remained unchanged, his eyes were indifferent, and he just nodded to him.

Yuan Zhen didn't think it was disobedient, walked up to him, and looked down at a big hole in the ground with him.

Soon, I heard rustling sounds from the cave.

"Here we come!" Yuan Zhen's expression changed.

Scarface still didn't speak, but just casually hung down the ribbon he had prepared a long time ago along the hole.

At a certain moment, the ribbon was straightened suddenly, and Scarface's arms were exerted forcefully, but the sound of the wind swaying the clothes came from the hole, and at the next moment, a figure suddenly flew out of the hole.

The man was in a graceful figure, spun around for a few weeks and landed lightly on the edge of the cave. He smiled and clapped his palms, and said in a happy mood, "Digging such a long tunnel from the meditation room in such a short time is really hard for you!"

Who is it not Zhao Min?

Yuan Zhen hastily bowed and saluted: "This subordinate sees the princess!"

The scarred face also showed joy, expressing joy "Abaaaba".

Yuan Zhen hurriedly said again: "My subordinate came too late to rescue me, so please ask the princess to make amends."

"Not guilty, not guilty! It's too late for me to thank you for saving me!" Zhao Min waved his hand happily, "Master Yuanzhen, this time is really thanks to you, otherwise I don't know how I can get out. Still Thank you Master Ku, too."

This scarred face is the Ku Toutuo in the mouth of Luzhangke. He is also Fan Yao, the bright right envoy of the Ming Cult. He has been hiding in Ruyang Palace for more than ten years, claiming that he is investigating the collusion between Chengkun and Tartars to murder Yang Dingtian. .

For more than ten years, he pretended to be dumb and concealed his identity, but what he got in return was the result of the collapse of Mingjiao. I don't know how he feels.

"Abaa..." Fan Yao hastily waved his hands, indicating that he did nothing.

Zhao Min smiled and said, "You are all meritorious ministers! By the way, where is Zhang Sanfeng?"

Yuan Zhen said: "After receiving the letter from the princess, we rushed to Shaolin to make arrangements in advance. Nakong heard that the monk did not cooperate at first, so he led the monks to resist. When there were too many dead, he heard that Kongxing had been executed, so he gave up. Resisted, Jusi surrendered. It’s just that there are still some fish that slipped through the net, and the martial arts cheats in the Sutra Pavilion have also disappeared.”

Zhao Min snorted coldly and said: "The monks in Shaolin are all ghost spirits, but if they are too refined, there is nothing to worry about!"

"Exactly!" Yuan Zhen clasped his hands, and continued, "Shortly after we cleaned the battlefield, Zhang Sanfeng arrived. This man was completely unprepared against us. He ate a vegetarian dish mixed with Shixiang Ruanjin powder, and he was immediately taken down. Now Ah Da , Ah Er and Ah San watched him and locked him in the Bodhidharma Cave."

"Zhang Sanfeng is no ordinary person, but Shixiang Ruanjinsan may not be able to restrain him!" Zhao Min warned.

"Yes, the princess is cautious and meticulous, and my subordinates admire it!" Yuan Zhen flattered, and continued, "I have sealed his acupuncture points with a unique method, and locked his hands and feet with fine steel shackles, even his mouth. It's also blocked, making him unable to speak. Even if Zhang Sanfeng is really a god, he can't escape with his wings!"

"That's good! It's really great!" Zhao Min was ecstatic, "This will save us another trip to Wudang Mountain. Shaolin and Wudang are all in the urn, great! By the way, where are the monks of Shaolin?" ?”

"Afraid that they would do something bad, I asked Moke Bass and the others to drag them to Xingyang overnight." Yuan Zhen said, "Now we should join Director Ha and send them to Dadu together with people from other factions."

"I have already told them to hurry up and go by water according to the princess's instructions." Yuan Zhen added, "If the prince blocks the waters, even if this Su Yi can get out of trouble today, even if he has wings Don't try to catch up."

"I'm relieved!" Zhao Min breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a sneer, "Su Yi is still dreaming of rescuing the six major sects in Shaolin Temple, but how can I, Minminte Moore, be led by his nose?"

"Princess, what should we do next? Please tell me clearly!" Yuan Zhen said, "Now we have fooled this Su Yi temporarily, but this person can see through the traps of the Green Willow Villa at a glance. But how long has he..."

"I'm afraid he has become suspicious of you for a long time! I just want to wait and see what happens, and see what you are going to do! Find out where you came from!" Zhao Min's expression froze, and he said coldly, "The monk who welcomes guests below He said he was a monk of the Yuan generation, but he didn't even know that Wu Zetian had been to Shaolin Temple, so how could he win people's trust?"

Yuan Zhen and Fan Yao's expressions changed at the same time.

Yuan Zhen said: "Is he really that powerful? If he is really so cautious, how could he let the Princess separate from him?"

Zhao Min sneered: "That's because he's too conceited! And all the way I pretended to be honest to confuse him, making him relax his vigilance. The most important thing is that he sent Su Sanqi to keep an eye on me, but it's a pity that Su Sanqi He has been influenced by me unconsciously for a long time, and he is full of good feelings for me. I said that I want to clean up my body, and he went out to wait for me, so I had a chance to escape."

"Don't underestimate this man!" Zhao Min stared at Yuan Zhen and said solemnly, "This man is too scary, I still can't figure him out! That is to say, he hasn't thought that Shaolin has been occupied by us. One day, otherwise, the little trick of digging tunnels will not be able to hide from his eyes! I will never get away so easily."

"The kind of person who can subvert Mingjiao with his own power is of course terrifying." Yuan Zhen said deeply, "Princess, if he has already become suspicious, then the plan of making Shixiang Ruanjinsan in the vegetarian dish..."

"Don't even think about it, it's impossible to succeed!" Zhao Min shook his head and said firmly, "How many times have you poisoned this way? Have you succeeded once? This person is definitely a master of Xinglin. It is immeasurable, I saw with my own eyes that he has a copy of the "Poison Classic" in his arms, his interest in poison has reached the point where he can't put it down, we better not play big swords in front of Guan Gong!"

"If you don't poison, you can only fight hard!" Yuan Zhen said solemnly.

"Have you notified my brother?" Zhao Min asked.

"The little prince was notified when you arrived at the mountain gate." Yuan Zhen said, "According to the estimated time, thirty thousand troops will surround Shaolin Temple in half an hour!"

"So, we still have to fight for half an hour?" Zhao Min frowned, "This is going to be difficult..."

"Princess, with so many of us, we are doing mental calculations but not intentional, are we really unable to take down little Su Yi?" Yuan Zhen couldn't help but asked again.

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