Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1131 Darkness

Chapter 1131 Darkness
"On the top of the light, the left envoy of the Ming sect, the two guardians of the sect, and the five scattered people, the envoys holding the flag of the five elements, all these masters combined are no match for Su Yi, how dare you underestimate it? Him?" Seeing Yuanzhen's doubts, Zhao Min couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said in a deep voice, "I have already paid the price for underestimating him, and I never want to pay such a price again."

Yuan Zhen hurriedly cupped his fists and bowed his head: "Princess, this subordinate knows his mistake."

Zhao Min paced back and forth with hands behind his back, frowning in deep thought.

Suddenly he said: "The key lies in Xiao Zhao and Zhou Zhiruo! Su is a flirtatious man, and women are his biggest flaw!"

"Lust?" Yuan Zhen was taken aback, then smiled, "Then he and Lu Zhang Ke are fellows."

"That's different." Zhao Min shook his head, "This man is flirtatious but not nasty, lascivious but not impatient, I think he wants to win a woman's heart..."

Zhao Min bit his lip when he said this, and said: "This time I will let him know the fate of the romantic! We have to find a way to keep Zhou Zhiruo and Xiao Zhao in our hands, so that Su Yi can be afraid of the mouse, and in addition With the threat of Zhang Sanfeng and the Six Great Factions, he must not dare to act rashly. Then we will play tricks on him and delay the time until the army arrives!"

Having said that, Zhao Min took a deep breath and said, "This time, I will take this person down at all costs!"

"Then we have to find a way to separate Su Yi from those two girls..." Yuan Zhen frowned, "What excuse do we use to lie to them?"

"I have a way... Maybe I can kill two birds with one stone!" Zhao Min narrowed his eyes slightly, "But this way requires someone with high martial arts skills to act as a dead soldier..."

"Princess please show me!" Fang Zhen's eyes lit up, he knew that Zhao Min was always smart and good at adapting to changing situations, so he felt anticipation in his heart.

Zhao Min did not disappoint him as expected, and said: "It's better not to block, now that Su Yi has become suspicious, it's better to find someone to lure him away in the name of secretly telling him the truth, and when he leaves, we will take action immediately and catch Zhou Zhiruo And Xiao Zhao—by the way, did you bring the poison of seven insects and seven flowers?"

"Aba!" Fan Yao hastily reached out and took out a pack of medicine powder.

"Great!" Zhao Minxi smiled, "As long as you catch these two women, feed them the poison of seven insects and seven flowers immediately, so that even if Su Yi has great powers to save them, he will have to ask us to give him the antidote." .I don't believe that he can even cure the poison of seven insects and seven flowers!"

"Then Su Yi..." Yuan Zhen asked.

"The person who led Su Yi away has to work hard." Zhao Min's smile immediately faded, "He will try to trick Su Yi to a remote place, and try to stay as far away as possible, so as to buy us time. When we get to the place, let He said...Let him say that Master Yuanzhen colluded with the Mongols, killed Zhang Zhenzhen, and arrested Abbot Kongwen! When he said this, he had better kneel down...By the way, where is the head of Kongxing? "

"In the hands of Wen Wo'er," Yuan Zhen said, "Wen Wo'er is in the south courtyard."

"Great! Then let this person go to Su Yi with the head of Kongxing, so that he will be more trustworthy!" Zhao Min said happily, "Let him kneel down to Su Yi when he starts talking, and cry bitterly." I beg Su Yi to be the master of Shaolin, and then show the emptiness of the human head. As long as Su Yi hesitates, let this person kowtow immediately, and it is best to bleed..."

"In short, the more realistic the acting, the more Su Yi will be fooled! Su Yi will definitely pay attention to etiquette, and will definitely step forward to help. At this time..."

"At this time, let this person use all his internal strength to hit Su Yi with a palm!" Yuan Zhen's eyes lit up, and he took over the words, "No matter how cautious Su Yi is, he can't guard against a Shaolin monk who just kowtowed to him..."

"That's right!" Zhao Min nodded, "Exactly what I mean!"

"Then why use the power of your palm to plot, and directly attack with a poisoned short blade..." Yuan Zhen suggested.

"No!" Zhao Min shook his head and vetoed, "Don't make extravagant problems, I'm afraid that Su Yi will smell the poison, or see that this person has a sharp knife, and he will be vigilant..."

"Yes, yes, this has to be guarded against..." Yuan Zhen nodded, pondered for a moment, and said, "I have a candidate, this person is Ah San's younger brother, named Gang Xiang, with deep internal strength and high martial arts... "

"I know him!" Zhao Min said.

"This person wants to stand out, and he has a place under the command of the princess. If the princess personally persuades him, and promises a huge position..."

"It's not too late, take me to find him!" Zhao Min couldn't wait to say, "By the way, besides the monks from the King Kong Temple, are there any masters on Su Yi's side to watch over them? Where are the Luzhangke and Hebiweng? "

"They're the ones who went to check on Su Yi." Yuan Zhen said, "I've already told them to keep an eye on them secretly, and they must never show their feet, and they must not act rashly."

"Master Yuanzhen really does things safely." Zhao Min was completely relieved, "Let's go see Prime Minister Gang."

Time went back to before the half stick of incense.

The two dark monks brought Su Yi and other five people to the meditation room area of ​​the east courtyard. The five people's rooms were lined up in a row. Su Yi was on the far left, followed by Xiao Zhao, Zhou Zhiruo, Zhao Min and Su Sanqi. .

The monk seemed to arrange the meditation room at random, but in fact he led Zhao Min to the fourth room intentionally or unintentionally. Except for Su Yi, no one else could see the clue.

"Master Su, please enter the room for a short rest. After three cups of tea, we will take the distinguished guests to the south courtyard for a fast meal." One of the monks bowed and said.

"Thank you." Su Yi smiled at him and nodded, then turned to the rest of the group and said: "The guests do as they please, let's listen to the master's arrangement."

After that, he walked into his room on his own.

And the rest of them also went into their room.

Su Sanqi followed Zhao Min to enter the room, but hesitated slightly when he reached the door.

"Uncle Su, come in." Zhao Min waved to him from the room.

Su Sanqi stood outside and looked around the room, said: "Miss Zhao, I'll wait for you at the door, can wash up."

Zhao Min blushed and said, "Thank you, Uncle Su, for your size."

Su Sanqi nodded, closed the door for her, then turned around and stood by the door.

But in my heart I feel a little emotional, this Miss Zhao is good at everything, but it's a pity that she is a tartar, alas...

On the other side, Su Yi, who returned to the room, checked around for the first time, opened the back window and looked out, observed the terrain behind, and had a plan in mind.

Since coming to Shaolin Temple, the two little ghosts have been trembling, even staying in the wood carvings are terrified, obviously they are suppressed by the treasured place of Buddhism.

Su Yi had no choice but to hide them in the close-fitting place under his clothes, so they were a little more stable, but it was impossible to expect them to come out to do things for Su Yi within the Shaolin Temple area.

Losing the help of the two little ghosts in such an environment is undoubtedly a great limitation for Su Yi, but he is not disappointed. The little ghosts are originally external forces. Prepare.

The back window of the meditation room is an open space, connected to the backyard wall.The space is small, so you can see at a glance that there are no guards and prying eyes.

Su Yi confidently jumped out of the back window, walked to the next room, wet his finger with saliva, pierced the window paper, then lay down in front of him and called out "Xiao Zhao" in a low voice, and then stuffed his finger into the small hole to attract the inside. people's attention.

Soon Xiao Zhao was attracted, curiously grabbed Su Yi's finger and kneaded it, and asked in a low voice: "Brother, what's the matter?"

Su Yi's heart fluttered, and he withdrew his finger with a "swish", and said, "Find an excuse to find Zhiruo, you guys come out from the back window of her room. Be careful not to be seen by others, go quickly!"

"Yes!" Although Xiao Zhao didn't know what happened, he understood that Su Yi was so cautious that the situation must be serious, so he immediately became nervous.

Su Yi didn't hesitate after explaining, and left immediately. First, he checked around the backyard to make sure there was no problem, and then he was relieved.

He did catch a glimpse of the front yard and the front door of the meditation room. Apart from several monks on the surface monitoring them in the name of attendants, there were also two long-breathing masters hiding behind the scenes.

But from that side, they can't take care of the back. Presumably the enemy didn't expect Su Yi to sneak away from the back window, so there was no eyeliner for surveillance here at all.

They didn't even expect that Su Yi knew from the very beginning that Shaolin Temple had become a trap.

It can even be said that the Shaolin round seemed to be Zhao Min plotting Su Yi, but in fact it was Su Yi who facilitated it.

The Mongolians arranged secret sentry eyeliners at every post station. This may be able to hide this from anyone, but how can it be hidden from Su Yi's eyes?

Zhao Min and her people were in contact with each other at the halfway station. Although they had fooled Su Sanqi, how could they have fooled Su Yi?
And the reason why Su Yi didn't prevent Zhao Min from deploying in advance was naturally because of his deep meaning.

He had no intention of intercepting members of the six major sects in Shaolin Temple and rescued them.

If the people of the six major sects can't feel the despair of having no way to go to the earth, but rescue them in advance, how can they deeply appreciate the value of Su Yi's life-saving grace?How can there be a deeper reason to be at odds with the Tartars?

Furthermore, he asked Zhang Sanfeng to meet him at Shaolin Temple because he had other intentions, but he didn't want Zhang Sanfeng to cut off his hustle and rescue the people from the Six Great Sects one step ahead of time.Therefore, it is natural for Zhao Min to command remotely, which was arranged in advance.

The last and most important point is Su Yi's doubts about Shaolin Temple. He thinks it is necessary to set up a game in Shaolin Temple to explore Shaolin's background and position.

Zhao Min arranged for Yuanzhen to be in charge of her plan to rescue her, and arranged for her brother Wang Baobao to pick her up. Su Yi knew all about these plans.

Of course, what Yuan Zhen will do is out of Su Yi's control.

Su Yi didn't expect that Zhao Min would not only mobilize almost all the high-end force of the Ruyang Palace, but also Wang Baobao to dispatch an army in order to get out of trouble and deal with him!
Zhao Min was very cautious in making such a big battle just to deal with him alone.

Su Yi was also aware of Zhao Min's plan to transfer the captives of the six major sects away in advance, and to take down the Shaolin Temple with lightning speed.

Su Yi knew very well that when he came to Shaolin, not only would he not be able to see a hair of the captives of the six major factions, but he would also face the net of heaven and earth laid down by Zhao Min.

Zhao Min's "excessive" reaction made Su Yi hesitate for a while, thinking that he had played too much with this game and was out of his control.

After all, it was an army of [-], and it was no joke.

If Su Yi wants to avoid these things, it is actually very simple, as long as he takes Zhao Min to change the route and not go to Shaolin Temple, he can avoid all troubles and let all Zhao Min's schemes and arrangements come to naught.

But after thinking twice, Su Yi still decided to come.

First of all, he was a master of arts and courageous, and he was very sure to lead Zhou Zhiruo and the others to retreat completely;

Secondly, it was rare for the masters of Ruyang Palace to gather so neatly, the hostages were not here, there was no threat of entanglement, their postures were so beautiful, Su Yi would feel embarrassed if he didn't tidy up;
Thirdly, he didn't want to miss Zhang Sanfeng's appointment.

As for the [-] army, there is actually no need to be too cautious. If you want to deal with it, it is not impossible...

So he came.

However, in Su Yi's expectation, Zhang Sanfeng should also be hiding in the dark at this moment, and he will come to meet him soon, but he didn't expect that Zhang Sanfeng capsized in the gutter and was taken down.

What he wants to do now is to arrange Zhou Zhiruo and Xiao Zhao in a safe place first, without any worries, and then do what he wants to do.

As for Su Sanqi...

Of course Su Yi wouldn't ignore it, but once Su Yi needed him to look at Zhao Min in the open, if he disappeared, he would definitely startle him.

Second, along the way Su Sanqi was caught by Zhao Min's PUA, and Su Yi saw it all in his eyes. He felt that it was necessary to teach Su Sanqi a profound lesson, and let him know that the more beautiful a woman is, the more deceitful she is.

Xiao Zhao quickly left the front door, and a monk came up to him in the corridor, and asked politely, "Female benefactor, what do you need help with?"

Xiao Zhao smiled and said, "No, no, I'll go to the next door to find sister Zhou."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the monk to reply, he smiled and waved to Su Sanqi who was not far away, and jumped up and down to knock on Zhou Zhiruo's door.

Zhou Zhiruo quickly opened the door, surprised: "Xiao Zhao?"

"Sister Zhou, I want to talk to you, I'm bored by myself." Xiao Zhao said with a smile.

I believe you are to blame!
Zhou Zhiruo didn't believe it at all, but let Xiao Zhao in and closed the door smoothly.

The relationship between her and Xiao Zhao is not very good, even though Xiao Zhao and Zhao Min quarreled happily along the way, the relationship between her and Xiao Zhao has not eased in the slightest.

As soon as Xiao Zhao came, Zhou Zhiruo immediately realized that it might be Su Yi who asked Xiao Zhao to come to her, and there must be something else.

Sure enough, Xiao Zhao winked at her immediately after entering the room, made a gesture of silence, and said loudly with a smile, "Huh? Sister Zhou, the layout of your room is the same as mine! Why don't you open the window? It's stuffy in there."

After speaking, she went to open the back window, Zhou Zhiruo saw Su Yi standing outside the window at a glance, and her heart skipped a beat.

She also said loudly: "I want to change clothes, how can I open the window, Xiao Zhao, it's better to close it, come, come, let's go inside and talk for a while."

Outside the front door, the monk stood far away, only hearing voices coming from inside, he hesitated, looked at Su Sanqi standing at the door of the next room, seeing that the latter was also looking at him, he hurriedly showed a friendly smile, He didn't come to him either, but retreated back and stood in his original position.

(End of this chapter)

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