Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1132 Sleepy Dragon

Chapter 1132 Sleepy Dragon
Xiao Zhao and Zhou Zhiruo quickly turned out from the back window, and the latter closed the window again.

"Brother, what happened?" Xiao Zhao asked in a low voice.

Su Yi said: "This place is full of masters invited by Zhao Min to save her, Shaolin is already a den of dragons and tigers."

The expressions of the two girls all changed.

"Those monks..." Zhou Zhiruo couldn't believe it, feeling incredible.

"Their skin is dark and rough, and their skin is black and red. This is obviously the appearance of the Gobi wind and sand. Shaolin can't raise such skin." Su Yi said.

"I just said why they are so dark, there must be something wrong!" Xiao Zhao immediately said.

Su Yi said: "A big battle is inevitable later, your martial arts have not yet been perfected, I will take you to find a safe place to hide first."

"I won't go!" Xiao Zhao said excitedly, "Brother, Xiao Zhao is not a weak young lady, I will never drag you back, I want to fight side by side with you!"

"Brother Su, don't underestimate my little sister!" Zhou Zhiruo also said with a firm face, "My Emei Sect disciples can fight without retreating, and also have the courage to die!"

Su Yi was stunned for a moment, he only cared about his own thoughts, but ignored that these two people also had the dignity and ambition of warriors.

They are all considered strange women in the world. Seeing that a crisis is inevitable, how can they be willing to hide in the corner like lambs and entrust their fate to others?
Thinking about it, one of these two people dared to sneak into Guangmingding alone, and the other was not the grandson of Lord Rao. Su Yi just didn't want them to have accidents, but people are in the rivers and lakes, accidents are everywhere, how can Su Yi protect them all the time? ?

The more flowers in the greenhouse, the less able to withstand the wind and rain.

Maybe it's not for their good to protect them like this, but to harm them?

Su Yi thought about it, and decided to continue to ignore their dignity and ambition.

No matter how reasonable you are, you can't cause me trouble, can you?
He straightened his face and said: "To put it bluntly, I can fight a hundred of you like me alone! What are you going to do to help me? Why do you think you won't hold me back? If there is a fierce battle, I will I have to worry about your safety all the time, how can I use my full strength to fight against the enemy? Don't be self-willed, just listen to my arrangements!"

"I really want to help me, I'll talk about it later when I'm successful in my studies!"

The two girls looked at each other when they heard the words.

Just when Su Yi thought they would be discouraged, he saw both of them blushing a little shyly.

Zhou Zhiruo lowered her head and said softly, "Brother Su...are you really worried about Zhiruo?"

Xiao Zhao blinked and said, "Brother is more worried about Xiao Zhao, or sister Zhiruo?"

What the hell is this?

Su Yi changed the subject with a serious face: "The situation is urgent, don't say any more useless words, you hold on to me!"

As he said that, he grabbed the arm of one of them with one hand, and suddenly jumped up. The next second, the three of them jumped up together and slanted over the wall.

Outside the backyard is a forest, which belongs to the branch of Manjusri Hall, with dense forests and winding paths leading to secluded places.

Su Yi had taken a fancy to the hiding place of Xiao Zhao and the others before, which looked like a utility room at the corner of the wall to the east from here.

Su Yi didn't need Zhou Zhiruo and Xiao Zhao to hide for a long time, as long as the enemy couldn't find Zhou Zhiruo and the others immediately after the fight broke out, that was enough.

Because then the enemy will have no time to find them.

Su Yi believed that as soon as he started to make trouble and started killing, Zhang Sanfeng, who was hiding in the dark, would definitely show up. Who in the world could stop him from joining forces with Zhang Sanfeng?
When the time comes, these people won't be able to take care of themselves, how will they have the energy to find someone?

Not far to the east, there is a small single room deep in the woods, which looks like a firewood room or a storage room. It is remote enough, and it is enough to hide here for a while.

But when Su Yi led Xiao Zhao and Zhou Zhiruo to rush towards this side, his complexion suddenly changed slightly, because he heard faint voices coming from this room.

He stopped immediately and said in a low voice, "Hold your breath and keep silent!"

The second daughter, Xiao Zhao, immediately followed suit, but Zhou Zhiruo was a few seconds late.

It was the first time that she was caught by a man's arm, and the feeling of the powerful tiger's mouth tightly encircling her arm gave her a feeling of comfort that she could not exert any strength, as if she had fallen into a pile of cotton, and her breathing was difficult. I was in a hurry, and my whole body was hot.

So Su Yi talked for a while before she realized and hurriedly held her breath.

This location is still far away from the house, even if Su Yi has sharp eyes and ears, he can only hear human voices vaguely, and can't hear what is said at all.

Su Yi quickly looked around, and then his eyes locked on a ridge not far behind the wooden house.

Without saying a word, he took the two daughters and flew past, hiding behind Po Ling.

This place is a little closer than before, Su Yi listened carefully with his breath held, but he could barely hear it.

Su Yi put his index finger under his lips and winked at the two girls, telling them to keep silent, then listened softly.

"Master Yuanzhen, this time is really thanks to you... and you, Master Ku, thank you too..."

Zhao Min's voice?
Su Yi's expression changed, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Zhao Min will definitely use the meditation room to get away, Su Yi can guess, he jumped out from the back window just now, and after explaining to Xiao Zhao, he went to the back window of Zhao Min's room to check the situation, only to find that Zhao Min's room was full of breathing. All gone, apparently empty.

He knew at that time that Zhao Min had escaped.Su Yi admired his speed, but he didn't delve into the method of escape, because it was nothing more than tricks such as secret passages, which was not surprising, and it was completely unimportant to Su Yi, so he didn't pay any attention to it.

Now it seems that Zhao Min actually got to this woodshed through a secret passage.

This is really a coincidence, because Su Yi also set his sights on this woodshed.

This firewood house is remote and not too far away. People with a heart and a common sense of logic have chosen this place, but there is a tacit understanding that coincides with each other.

"...Zhang Sanfeng..."

In the firewood room, Zhao Min suddenly mentioned this name, making Su Yi pay attention again.

"I got a letter from the princess... Kongxing has been executed... and the martial arts cheats are gone..."

"Zhang Sanfeng... Shi Xiangruan... Ah Er and Ah San... Bodhidharma Cave..."

Hearing this, Su Yi looked a little astonished.

He always felt that after Zhang Sanfeng noticed something was wrong, he might hide in the dark to see what these people were up to, so he was sure that once he made a move, Zhang Sanfeng would definitely jump out to fight the enemy with him.

But unexpectedly, Zhang Sanfeng capsized in the gutter.

Damn, you are an old fairy, this is very degrading!
Su Yi was a little speechless, but considering that in the original plot, Zhang Sanfeng was even seriously injured by a monk from the Vajra Sect, it seems that he capsized again in the gutter, it is not surprising...

Dharma Cave...

Su Yi was thoughtful, it seemed that his plan had to be adjusted.

The next faint voices in the firewood room were discussing how to deal with themselves.

Hearing that Zhao Min decided to use Xiao Zhao and Zhou Zhiruo to threaten him, Su Yi was not disturbed, because this is Zhao Min's basic operation, and it is not worth making a fuss about.

Soon, the conversation inside stopped, and Zhao Min, Yuan Zhen, and a burly man with disheveled hair came out of the woodshed, and the three of them hurried to the south.


Seeing the three walking away, Su Yi quickly brought the two daughters to the woodshed.

He saw the hole in the room at a glance.

"What a witch, she's really insidious and cunning!" Xiao Zhao was startled and angry, "She played tricks like this under our noses!"

"She must have planned it long ago, she met her subordinates on the way!" Zhou Zhiruo said with a solemn expression, "Brother Su, we are outnumbered, or..."

Knowing what Zhou Zhiruo was going to say, Su Yi waved his hand to stop her and said, "Master Zhang was arrested by them, I can't just sit idly by."

The conversation turned around and he continued: "Stay here, one of you pays attention to the outside of the door, and the other pays attention to the tunnel. If someone comes from outside the door, you should retreat into the tunnel. The other side of the tunnel should be in Zhao Min's room. If you come from the tunnel People, An Qingzi greets you, don't be polite!"

"What if Uncle Sanqi came from the tunnel?" Xiao Zhao asked.
"That's right, what about Uncle Sanqi?" Zhou Zhiruo asked.

"Don't worry, he will be fine." Su Yi said.

In order to deal with him, Zhao Min would definitely not keep Su Sanqi alive.

This is also very good, because Su Yi just needs an excuse to let Zhao Min go.

This isn't just a slut's brains, Zhao Min is related to Su Yi's future plans, otherwise he wouldn't suddenly want to bet with Zhao Min back then.

Because Zhao Min had visited this firewood house, it seemed safer. After all, people always ignore the places they have been to when they are looking for things. This is the principle of darkness under the lights.

After bidding farewell to the second daughter, Su Yi tried his best to take the remote road and rushed to the direction of Dharma Cave.

In fact, the scenery of Shaolin ancient temple is very pleasant, if you really come here to visit, Su Yi will definitely have the interest to visit.

After all, Shaolin in later generations is basically an antique building. The real ancient temple buildings include Dharma Hall, Tianwang Hall, Daxiong Hall, Bell and Drum Tower, Six Ancestor Hall, Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, etc. dozens of Buddhist halls and halls, together with a large number of precious cultural relics, more than [-] All volumes of Shaolin Buddhist scriptures were bombarded and destroyed by the rebellious general Shi Yousan during the war between the warlords of the Republic of China, and then burned and burned.

That is to say, the Shaolin Temple seen by people of later generations, except for the Pagoda Forest and the Forest of Steles, is almost all newly built buildings.

Even if there were really 72 unique skills or some unrivaled martial arts in the Sutra Pavilion, they were all burned by Shi Yousan.

Shi Yousan is the eternal sinner who cut off the hope of modern "internal power recovery". Human history has diverged because of Shi Yousan. For the bright future of global martial arts, please kill this thief. Please don't reply, please don't reply. do not reply...

The Bodhidharma Cave is located in the back mountain of Shaolin Temple. It is a naturally formed stone cave, not too big.

As the name suggests, this stone cave is named after Bodhidharma, the founder of Shaolin, sat in this cave for nine years to practice Zen and enlightenment nearly a thousand years ago.

It is said that there used to be a stone wall in this cave that was as smooth as a mirror. Indharma faced the wall all year round, and his figure was imprinted on this stone wall unconsciously. A faint ink painting, people call this stone "Dharma face wall shadow stone".

It's a pity that this stone was also shattered by Shi Yousan, cutting off the road to immortality for fellow Taoists who cultivated the method of visualization.

At this moment, Zhang Sanfeng was sitting where Bodhidharma was meditating facing the wall, with disheveled hair and a sluggish appearance.

His hands and feet were all locked by thick chains, and the old man who was originally hale and hearty looked like an old ape who had been taken to a circus and starved for seven days.

What was even more tragic was that he was being tortured by a very vicious acupuncture method, his whole body was bitten by ants and crawlers, and he was in excruciating pain.

There were two people standing in front of him, one was bald, with triangular eyes; the other was dark-skinned, with thick hair, tall and strong, like a black bear spirit.

In a corner not far away, there was a man standing with an old sword in his arms. He was slender, wrinkled, and looked distressed.

These three are Ah Da, Ah Er and Ah San under Zhao Min.

Among them, Ah Er and Ah San are both disciples of the Vajra Sect, and they are brothers. The former is the one with the bald head, and the latter is the "black bear spirit".

The old man with a sad face is Ah Da, but he has nothing to do with Ah Er and Ah San, they just serve together in the Ruyang Palace and hide their names.

"Master Zhang, why bother to hold on? Tell me earlier, and you won't suffer from flesh and blood." Ah Er smiled and said to Zhang Sanfeng, "We brothers are not greedy, I just ask you for Wudang Nine Suns Kung Fu, and I don't want yours. Fist, foot and swordsmanship, you agreed to us earlier, we promise to serve you with delicious food and drink, and won't let you suffer any more grievances."

"That is, you are more than a hundred years old, why should you suffer this humiliation?" Ah San also hummed, "You are now a prisoner, and if we ask you for what you want, you will tell it sooner or later. Otherwise, you will definitely not be able to survive, nor will you be able to die!"

Zhang Sanfeng's face was calm, he just closed his eyes and didn't speak, and he couldn't see that he was actually suffering inhuman pain at this moment.

Seeing this, Ah Er's expression turned cold, and he said solemnly: "Master Zhang, our brothers have tried to persuade you again and again, you don't want to toast and not eat fine wine! You know, my method is just an appetizer, if I wait for my other methods to display Come out, then it will be too late for you to regret it!"

Zhang Sanfeng remained silent.

Ah San said impatiently, "Second brother, why bother with him? If you break a few ribs, you won't believe that he won't recruit!"

Before Ah Er could speak, he heard Ah Da from behind say coldly: "Master said, you can't touch Master Zhang at all!"

Ah, Er, and Asan all froze, and expressions of disgust and fear flashed across their faces.

"Don't worry, brother, we know how to measure." Ah Er replied with a smile, then turned to look at Zhang Sanfeng, "Master Zhang, even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about your apprentices, right? Song Daxia and the others It's all in our hands, if you don't say it, then don't blame me for being cruel to your apprentices. You don't want your apprentices to go through what happened to Yu Sanxia back then, do you?"

Zhang Sanfeng opened his eyes suddenly, looked Ah Er up and down, and said: "20 years ago, my poor apprentice was injured by you? You know the Dali Vajra Finger of Shaolin School... You are Zen Master Kuhui's who?"

"What is Kuhui?" Ah Er sneered disdainfully.

(End of this chapter)

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