Chapter 1133
Zhang Sanfeng's mention of Zen Master Kuhui is related to a past event in Shaolin Temple more than a hundred years ago.

It was still during the Southern Song Dynasty, even before the story of shooting the eagles began.

At that time, Shaolin was still very powerful, and there were many talented people. At that time, there was a fireman Toutuo who was lighting a fire under the stove. He was an underground worker, like a handyman.

The monk supervising the back kitchen was very irritable and disgusted with this fireworker Toutuo. He beat and kicked him frequently, and the fireworker Toutuo was often vomited blood by him.But he is very ambitious, and secretly learns martial arts with his hatred buried in his heart. This study lasted for twenty years, and he has practiced extremely advanced martial arts.

Twenty years later, in a grand meeting similar to the Shaolin Master Competition, the Fireworker Toutuo finally stopped holding back and stood up.

When he came to the competition, the monks saw that he was a monk who was in charge of burning fires, and they all ridiculed him, but they didn't expect him to defeat the nine disciples of Bodhidharma hall in a row, and his shots were extremely fierce. Show no mercy.

The humiliation he had received for decades made him hate Shaolin Temple to the core, and he was determined to make all the monks pay the price.

But unexpectedly, his behavior caused the head of the Bodhidharma Hall to personally deal with him. After fighting with him for dozens of rounds, an eminent monk named Kuzhi was also severely injured by him, dying.

Seeing the image of Shaolin monks attacking in groups, Huogong Toutuo knew that a good man would not take advantage of immediate losses, so he took advantage of the chaos and fled without knowing where he was going.

Kuzhi died that night, Shaolin Temple was furious, and vowed to arrest Fireworker Toutuo and rectify the temple rules.

But who knew that Huo Gong Toutuo had no intention of leaving at all, instead he sneaked into the Shaolin Temple and killed people wantonly, not only killing those who bullied him before, but also killing the masters of the "bitter" generation of Shaolin, there are five masters of the "bitter" generation They were all beaten to death by him, and Shaolin Ju Temple was shocked!

But Shaolin has a profound heritage after all, Huogong Toutuo finally alarmed the older masters hidden in the temple.

Of course, it is now clear that Huogong Toutuo fled to the Western Regions and established the Vajra Gate.

Fireworker Toutuo escaped, but Shaolin Temple did not calm down because of this.

A mere monk burning fire turned Shaolin upside down and suffered heavy losses. Whose fault is this?

The eminent monks in the temple started a dispute of ideas over this matter, which intensified, accusing and attacking each other, and the chaos caused was no less than that caused by the fire worker Toutuo himself.

If the truth is unreasonable, we have no choice but to compare martial arts.How many monks died in this huge disturbance caused Shaolin has always kept a secret, but Shaolin martial arts has declined for decades since then, so that it has become a background board in the two magnificent eras of eagle shooting and divine carving, without any achievements.

Moreover, it caused the Shaolin Temple to split at that time. Zen Master Kuhui, the head of the Arhat Hall, withdrew from Shaolin in a rage, and took some disciples to the Western Regions, creating the Western Shaolin lineage.

Since then, Shaolin has also changed the temple regulations. Anyone who secretly learns martial arts without being taught by a teacher will be executed if he finds out.

As for the matter of Huogong Toutuo, it is obviously a very controversial past event, but it has been identified by Shaolin as a vicious incident of "vicious traitors harming Shaolin" and has been passed down to this day.

Zhang Sanfeng grew up in Shaolin Temple before he was 16 years old, and he has a lot of affection for Shaolin. Therefore, in his heart, Huogong Toutuo is naturally not a good thing, and Shaolin is just.

What does the fire worker Tutuo say?

Blessed and lucky, otherwise he would be a good role model for the first half of his life.

Ah Er said, "What is bitter wisdom?" Zhang Sanfeng understood that this person was not from the Shaolin Temple in the Western Regions, but a descendant of Huogong Tutuo.

Otherwise, how can there be any reason to scold one's own ancestor?
"No wonder, no wonder!" Zhang Sanfeng sighed, "Not only did you learn the martial arts of Huogong Toutuo, but you also inherited his vicious and vicious temperament. The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked..."

"Shut up!" Ah San shouted with livid face, "Master Zhang, we will save face for you, but if you insult my master again, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Ah Er didn't take it seriously, and still smiled and said: "Master Zhang, I am the knife and you are the fish. You are the so-called hero who knows the current affairs. You should think about it clearly, do you want to say it or not?"

"In your school, do you have a medicine called Black Jade Discontinuing Ointment?" Zhang Sanfeng asked suddenly.

Ah Er was stunned, but Ah San was taken aback: "This is our sect's bone-renewing elixir, the highest secret of our sect, even ordinary disciples of our sect don't know its name, where did you hear it?"

Zhang Sanfeng didn't answer but instead asked: "Is this medicine really able to heal broken bones? Is it useful to my three disciples?"

Ah Er said: "Of course it is useful. The magic medicine of our sect is unimaginable to ordinary people. Master Zhang, as long as you are willing to..."

"You should die!" Zhang Sanfeng knew what he wanted to say, and interrupted him with a faint smile, "Although the martial arts of the Wudang sect are nothing, they will never be passed on to vicious people. The old man lived a hundred and one ten Years old, today the horse stumbled and fell into the hands of you youngsters, I only blame myself for being careless. It's a pity that I really missed the way, it's fate..."

Zhang Sanfeng sighed, looking very regretful.

"As for my disciples... all karma is determined by heaven. Whether they live or die depends on their own good fortune. If the old Taoists can't save themselves, how can they save others?"

Ah Er's face finally darkened, and he said solemnly: "It seems that we are too polite to you! Master Zhang, do you know that there is a way that the Semu people use to deal with Kunlun slaves. They punish disobedient Kunlun slaves , will tie up the Kunlun slaves, and stuff a kind of bug called the golden dung beetle into the valley of the Kunlun slaves..."

He stared at Zhang Sanfeng and laughed grimly: "This golden dung beetle is also a kind of dung beetle, but besides eating dung, it also likes to eat human flesh, and it lays eggs very quickly! When this thing enters the valley road, it will burrow into your intestines and settle down." , They will eat up your intestines and viscera, and will continue to eat your flesh and blood. In the end, thousands of golden dung beetles will eat up your bones and blood, and come out of your flesh and blood! Hehehe... Zhang Zhenren You said it was a coincidence, I went to the toilet before and found this thing in the hut of Shaolin Temple..."

He said it so vividly and horribly that even Ah Da felt extremely uncomfortable.

Zhang Sanfeng frowned even more when he heard this, thinking that my old man is more than a hundred years old, and if someone stuffs things in my valley road, it would be really embarrassing.

As for the dire consequences, he didn't care.

In fact, Zhang Sanfeng is a great master after all, even though he was poisoned by Shixiang Ruanjin Powder, he can barely raise a ray of internal energy to circulate in his body.

If Zhang Sanfeng was given a few more days without being discovered, he might really be able to find a chance to escape.

But if someone wants to stuff something there...

That Zhang Sanfeng would rather die than suffer such humiliation.

Although he was extremely angry in his heart, he still didn't show the slightest bit on the surface, he just said indifferently: "If you do many unrighteous actions, you will kill yourself, you should do it yourself."

Of course he wouldn't beg for mercy, and he didn't bother to use his brains to succumb to this kind of person. He only felt that life and death were just a matter of thought, and it was no big deal.

If this person is really going to do that kind of nasty thing, he can still cut off his heart.

"Stubborn and disregarded!" Ah Er's face turned cold, "Ah San, go catch some golden dung beetles and bring them back!"

Before Ah San could answer, Ah Da said coldly: "Zhang Sanfeng is also a great master of a generation, you can force him to torture him, why use such means to humiliate him?"

Ah Eryi frowned.

Ah San said dissatisfiedly: "We don't kill him, don't mutilate him, don't we? Don't care what kind of master he is, he's our prisoner now!"

Ah Er also speculatively said: "Brother, you are a bit too lenient, aren't you? Let's take advantage of Zhang Sanfeng, maybe we can forget you?"

Ah Da sighed, turned and walked outside.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at this person's back, and thought that this person has not yet lost his conscience, why should he submit himself to be a slave and a minion for a tiger?

Seeing that Ah Da was about to walk to the door, suddenly a slender figure appeared in the cave.


Ah Da was on alert for a moment, and drew his sword with a clang.

Ah, Er, and Ah San were vigilant, and hurriedly stood in front of Zhang Sanfeng, looking towards the entrance of the cave.

The next moment, I saw Su Yi Shi Shi ran in.

The three of them had never seen Su Yi before, so they were a little surprised.

"Who are you?" A Dajian pointed at Su Yi, and shouted in a deep voice, "Who asked you to come?"

Su Yi continued to walk forward without stopping, and said with a smile: "Of course it's the princess, otherwise who else? She let me see how Zhenren Zhang is doing."

Su Yi immediately called out Zhao Min's identity, which reassured the three of them a little, but it was not enough.

"Stop!" Seeing that Su Yi was still walking forward, Ah Da shouted sharply, "We have never seen you before, you..."

"Ah Da, Ah Er, Ah San! Isn't that right?" Su Yi said with a smile, "It's normal that you don't know me, you are just the servants of the princess, what right do you have to know my identity?"

While talking, Su Yi had already walked up to Ah Da, and casually moved his sword aside, as if he was not worried at all about Ah Da's sudden sword cutting off his hand.

"It's very impolite to point a sword at others." He said something, shook his head and walked around Ada.

Ah Da looked at Su Yi in surprise. At this moment, Su Yi had his back turned to him, defenseless. He felt that he could stab this person to death with a single sword.

But he hesitated again and again, but he didn't move again.

Ah Er and Ah San did not move, but looked at Su Yi with vigilant eyes, and did not move away.

Su Yi walked up to them, sighed and said, "Are you going to let me go or not?"

"Who is Your Excellency?" Ah Er asked in a deep voice.

Su Yi stretched out his hands and smiled, "Look at my hands."

The two looked at Su Yi's hands in unison, but they were empty.

The next moment, Su Yi's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he took a step forward and hit Ah Er Ah San hard in the chest with both palms.

The two of them were taken aback, but fortunately, they were both masters in the world, and they never let down their vigilance against Su Yi.

They were suddenly in danger, but there was no confusion at all, the two of them shouted loudly and raised their palms to greet each other.


Following two muffled sounds, Su Yi's palms collided with the palms of the two of them.

The two of them suddenly felt that the force of their palms was returned tenfold!

The majestic internal force instantly broke through all the meridians in the two of them, shattering their internal organs!

These two vicious people didn't even have time to snort, so they died of anger!
Su Yi killed the two of them, and pushed them aside with his hands like dividing water.

At this moment, the sword light behind him was cold, but it was Ah Da who saw something wrong, and stabbed with his sword!
This sword envelops Su Yi's big acupoints all over his body, densely and ruthlessly, making it impossible for Su Yi to hide!
What's even more frightening is that Su Yi's back is facing Ah Da at this moment!

"Be careful!" Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help exclaiming.

He was also taken aback by the sudden change, so much so that he is still a little confused.

It was really that Su Yi was too deceptive before. Not only did he deceive Ah Da, Er Ah, and San to be skeptical, but it also made Zhang Sanfeng feel that Su Yi was also with the enemy, but they were not affiliated with each other and did not know each other well.

Who knew that he suddenly let Ah Er Ah San look at his hands, and then the two of them lost their lives.

Just as he was in a daze, he saw Ambassador Ah make this sword.

Even Zhang Sanfeng was terrified when he saw this sword, and thought to himself that if his back was facing this sword, there was probably nothing he could do except temporarily avoid the sharp edge.

But what a Su Yi, as if he had eyes in his back, suddenly his figure flashed, twisted like a paper man, and he passed through the sword screen unscathed and entered Ah Da's arms. Hitting his left rib, his right hand pinched his wrist joint like an electric shot, folded and twisted, and the long sword in his hand was in Su Yi's hand in the next second.

This is a variant of taking without a knife, combined with internal strength, it is even more difficult to guard against.

Ah Da was unprepared for Su Yi's ghostly move, and was hit by Su Yi's elbow. He groaned in pain and retreated quickly, and slapped Su Yi on the back of the head.

But before the palm came out, Su Yi had already turned around deftly, the long sword went up from bottom to top, slanting against his lower jaw.

The tip of the sword was cold, piercing his flesh and blood lightly, blood seeped out along the long sword.

Ah Da froze all over, and kept raising his palms without daring to move, because he knew that as long as the opponent exerted a little force, the long sword would pierce through his head from bottom to top.

Cold sweat broke out all over his body in an instant, and his face became extremely pale.

He stared at Su Yi with a look of extreme disbelief on his face.

He doesn't believe it!

He didn't believe that someone could take his sword with one move!
He didn't even believe that this person could stop him with one move!
He didn't even see how Su Yi turned around just now, and he couldn't figure it out!
He couldn't believe that someone would turn around under such extreme circumstances!
This is simply not something humans can do!

"You..." As soon as he opened his mouth, he found that his voice was extremely hoarse.

"Who the hell are you?" Ah Da asked tremblingly, his tone full of despair.

He was not afraid of death, but felt that what he had learned in his life was like a joke.

Su Yi glanced at him, put away his sword and took a step back, and said calmly, "Su Yi."

As soon as these words came out, both Ah Da and Zhang Sanfeng were shocked.

"You are Su Yi!" Ah Da was stunned, and then relieved, "No wonder, no wonder!"

"Will you abandon darkness and turn to light?" Su Yi asked.

Ah Da smiled wryly: "A person like me, how can I have the right to choose? You kill me."

Su Yi sighed slightly: "It's a pity."

With a flash of sword light, Ah Da was shocked.

He stared at Su Yi in a daze, with relief in his eyes.

"Thank you." He barely uttered the last two words, a thin red line suddenly appeared in his throat, and then he fell to the ground, lifeless.

Su Yi put away his sword, turned around, smiled and cupped his hands at Zhang Sanfeng: "Master Zhang, you're being polite!"

(End of this chapter)

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