Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1134 Discovery

Chapter 1134 Discovery
Su Yi knew that Ah Da seemed to be an elder of the former beggar gang, who was known as eight-armed?

In short, this person is a character, and his martial arts are not bad.

The key point is that this person is indeed not a pure villain like Ah Er Ah San, he seems to have a kind and righteous side, although not much.

That's why Su Yi gave him a chance to reform himself, but this chance is only once and not many.

Ah Da didn't cherish it, so everything ended.

Maybe he has a very ups and downs past and blood and tears, but no one is interested in some stories no matter how wonderful they are.

At the moment Su Yi killed Ah Da, Zhang Sanfeng felt sorry for this man, and soon turned his attention to Su Yi.

"Sect Leader Su, I really didn't expect to meet you in this situation. I'm ashamed to be an old man." Zhang Sanfeng laughed at himself, "Sect Leader Su is younger than I imagined, and has more dragon bones and phoenix looks."

"The real person is ridiculous." Su Yi smiled slightly, "The real person has a little patience and allowed me to get out of this shackle."

"I'm sorry." Zhang Sanfeng said.

These iron shackles can trap ordinary people, but if Zhang Sanfeng is intact, they will definitely not be able to trap them. For Su Yi, this thing is even more difficult, with enough internal strength, it will be broken when pulled.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't stand up after he got out of trouble, because Yuan Zhen used a unique technique to touch the key points all over his body, and he also took Shixiang Ruanjin Powder.

"Master Su, the acupuncture points on my body are Jianjing, Tanzhong, Guanyuan, Shenque and Qimen, and the techniques are..."

Although Cheng Kun's acupressure method is unique, Zhang Sanfeng's martial arts attainments are nothing at all, he only made a breakthrough because he couldn't raise his internal strength.

Su Yi happened to save the time for further investigation, and immediately followed his advice, unlocking the acupuncture points on his body.

After resuming operations, Zhang Sanfeng immediately stood up, tidied up his clothes, and raised his fists at Su Yi: "Wudang Zhang Sanfeng, thank you, Master Su, for saving your life!"

Su Yi supported him: "Why is Daoist Zhang being so polite? Even without me, how can a mere monster get a Daoist? Just say help, don't mention it again."

"Longyou was attacked by shrimps in the shallow water, and bullied by dogs in the tiger's plain. The old Taoist is more than a hundred years old and cannot bear humiliation. If the head of Su does not come, the old Taoist may not be able to persist until he is out of trouble, so he will fight to the death. It's gone." Zhang Sanfeng sighed.

Of course, the grace of saving one's life does not end with just a few words of thanks, but right now, there is no need to be endlessly courteous.

Zhang Sanfeng asked sternly: "Master Su, what's the situation outside? Why do these thieves occupy Shaolin Temple? Are they really court eagles?"

"This group of people are from Ruyang Prince's Mansion. Speaking of which, Zhenren Zhang was also implicated by me." Su Yi said, "But this is a long story, and I will explain it slowly later. Zhenren Zhang, I just solved the acupoints for you, and found that You seem to be poisoned?"

"This poison is also strange. It seems to be specially designed to suppress the internal energy and curb the blood, making people weak and weak." Zhang Sanfeng frowned. Human slaughter. Head Su, the old Taoist needs half an hour to detoxify this poison."

"That's too late." Su Yi shook his head, "To tell the truth, Shaolin is still occupied by these thieves at the moment, and I have three companions in the temple. I was able to escape and save the real person with a small plan, but it won't last long. I'm afraid that after a long time, they will be in danger."

"This..." Zhang Sanfeng's face changed slightly, "Master Su, the old Taoist is out of danger, why don't you go rescue your companion first, and when I recover some strength as soon as possible, I will join you immediately!"

"My internal energy has the effect of healing, if Master Zhang can be trusted, why don't you let me try it?" Su Yi said.

Zhang Sanfeng immediately said: "Sect Leader Su, feel free to give it a try, don't have any scruples."

"it is good!"

Letting other people's internal energy into the body is a very dangerous thing, the two met for the first time, but Zhang Sanfeng didn't doubt Su Yi at all, and let Su Yi do what he did.

Su Yi didn't twitch, and put his palm on the dantian of Zhang Sanfeng's lower abdomen, slowly releasing his internal energy.

If he had evil intentions at this moment, as long as he exerted a little force, Zhang Sanfeng's hundred years of cultivation would be destroyed in one go.

From this point of view, Su Yi still admired Zhang Sanfeng. If he had changed himself, it would be absolutely impossible for him to be so magnanimous and entrust his fate to a person he met for the first time.

Even if this person saved himself.

Su Yi's internal energy circulated in Zhang Sanfeng's body for a week, and he immediately noticed the uniqueness of this Shixiang Ruanjin Powder.

To put it bluntly, this thing is similar to the effects of tranquilizers plus paralyzing injections. It can not only delay blood circulation, reduce the heartbeat rate, but also make the body paralyzed and weak.

To resist poison with internal force, the first condition is that your internal force must be able to function, but the overbearing Ten Fragrance Ruanjin Powder is so overbearing that it will make people's internal force unable to function, and naturally they will not be able to exert force to suppress the poison.

But there are exceptions to everything, such as Zhang Wuji's Nine Suns Divine Art and Zhang Sanfeng's Pure Yang Wuji Art.The two people's internal energy naturally has the property of poison resistance, and the internal force is very deep. In this way, as long as it takes a little time, they can dissolve the Ten Fragrance Ruanjin Powder.

As for Su Yi's internal strength, let alone Su Yi's internal strength, he has the Dafa of absorbing stars and the Sutra of the Book of Changes, how can he be afraid of mere Shixiangruanjinsan?
Especially detoxifying others, it will be even more beneficial.

"Master Zhang, half a cup of tea will take you back to normal." Su Yi said.

"It couldn't be better!" Zhang Sanfeng said with a relieved smile.

Half a cup of tea is only five or six minutes. Compared with an hour, this time is a sky and a ground.

It would definitely be a good deal for Su Yi to get an extra super booster like Zhang Sanfeng after spending five more minutes.

Moreover, if Zhang Sanfeng's strength did not recover, it would be dangerous for him to stay here. If he was attacked by someone and capsized in the gutter again, it would be a tragedy.

In Qianshan, Zhao Min, Yuan Zhen, and Fan Yao returned to the Zen room of the East Courtyard with the just-convinced Prime Minister.

Seeing them coming, the elder Xuanming who was in charge of monitoring Su Yi hurriedly showed up.

"Princess!" The two saluted in unison.

Zhao Min waved his hand and said, "Is Su Yi still in the room? Is there any change?"

Lu Zhangke said: "He hasn't come out of the room since he entered the room, and nothing happened. But his servant has been standing in front of the princess's room, never leaving."

Zhao Min relaxed slightly, and asked again: "Where are the two girls?"

"There is no movement." Lu Zhangke said.

Zhao Min nodded and looked at Prime Minister Gang, and said sternly: "Su Yi is a very smart and cautious person, you must remember to do what you said before, and don't talk too much on your own, otherwise, once he sees it through, you My life is at stake!"

Gang Xiang asked: "Princess, if I really hurt Su Yi, what you said..."

"Promise your benefits, never break your promise!" Zhao Min said.

"Okay! Wealth and wealth are in danger, let's fight!" Gang Xiang gritted his teeth, "As long as the princess keeps his word, the little monk will risk his life!"

"Go!" Zhao Min gave him an encouraging look, indicating that he could go.

Just then, he straightened his expression, and the next moment he pretended to be sneaky, and ran towards Su Yi's door on tiptoe.

As soon as Zhao Min waved her hand, she and the others immediately hid.

Prime Minister Gang's arrival immediately caught Su Sanqi's attention, and he "conscientiously" guarded Zhao Min's door, unaware that he was the only one left among the five friends who came together.

Su Sanqi saw the ghostly behavior of this monk, immediately became vigilant and wanted to come.

Gang Xiang winked at him while waving his hands, and knocked on Su Yi's door at the same time.

When Su Sanqi saw that Prime Minister just knocked on the door, he felt a little relieved, so he stopped and watched.

dong dong dong...

dong dong dong...

dong dong dong...

Gradually, both Gang Xiang and Su Sanqi's expressions changed.

Zhao Min and others, who were hiding not far away, also looked at each other in blank dismay, with a bad feeling in their hearts.

"Master Lu, are you sure Su Yiren is inside?" Zhao Min asked in a deep voice.

"He has never come out!" Lu Zhangke swore, "I have been watching his door, no one has ever entered or exited, unless..."

"Unless what?" Crane Biweng asked subconsciously.

"There are windows behind this Zen room..." Lu Zhangke's face changed, and he looked at Zhao Min with some hesitation.

Zhao Min's expression turned extremely ugly in an instant, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Master Yuanzhen, go and have a look!"

"Yes!" Yuan Zhen rushed over there without saying a word.

At this time, Prime Minister Gang was still knocking on the door, shouting while knocking: "Master Su? Master Su?"

But there was still no movement in the room.

Gang Xiang also realized that something was wrong, and hesitated whether to push the door directly.

At this moment, Su Sanqi was sure that Su Yi was not in the room. He didn't know what Su Yi was doing, but he subconsciously decided to cover up for Su Yi, so he walked quickly over there, waving his hands as he walked, and said, "This A master, my son, he..."

The next moment, a figure flashed behind Gangxiang, passed him and slammed the door open with his palm.

It is Yuanzhen!

Yuan Zhen broke into the door without hesitation.

The room was naturally empty.

Su Sanqi's complexion changed drastically, and he rushed over quickly, and sternly shouted at Yuan Zhen: "Master Yuan Zhen, what are you doing? Is this how Shaolin treats guests?"

Yuan Zhen's complexion was heavy, and he walked out without looking at Su Sanqi, and slowly shook his head at Zhao Min's position.

Zhao Min only felt a chill coming from the tailbone, and his whole body was not well.

Su Yi is not here?

Where did he go?

Near here?

still where?
Her face changed rapidly, and she suddenly shouted anxiously: "Quick, go and see the next door!"

As soon as the words fell, the two elders, Xuanming and Ming, rushed out together, broke through the doors of the two adjacent rooms and rushed in almost indiscriminately.

No matter how unresponsive Su Sanqi was, he knew something was wrong at this moment.

His face changed drastically in an instant, he drew his sword and stabbed at Yuan Zhen with a "cang clang".

But before the person arrived, he was stopped by Xiang Gang.

Just now, he used the Vajra Prajna Palm, and when he made a move, he was powerful and heavy, full of might.

Su Sanqi had no choice but to give up Yuan Zhen and fight with Gang Xiang. In the blink of an eye, the two of them went back and forth for a few moves, and their expressions changed just as they were fighting.

Originally, in his opinion, Su Sanqi was just a servant who guarded the gate, and even some martial arts were so superficial, it was nothing, so he took the initiative to stop Su Sanqi, wanting to capture him.

Unexpectedly, Su Sanqi's swordsmanship was unexpectedly very exquisite, Gang Xiang was forced to be clumsy by him, even with his mighty internal strength, he couldn't display it.

puff puff...

Gangxiang was hit by two swords, and couldn't help but screamed.

Yuanzhen's eyes were fixed, and he immediately joined the battle group.

Su Sanqi's martial arts training time is too short, his swordsmanship is not proficient at all, and his internal strength is also very shallow, how can he be against Yuan Zhen and Gang Xiang?
After a while, Yuan Zhen slapped him until he vomited blood, and Gang Xiang took the opportunity to tap his acupuncture points.

Gangxiang was annoyed that he let himself lose the lottery, and the sword that took him was about to cut off Su Sanqi's hand, trying to cut off his hand.

But Yuan Zhen stopped him.

"Don't hurt him!" Yuan Zhen shouted.

Yuan Zhen thought that the situation was unclear, and he tried not to do extravagant things at this time, so he stopped it.

Prime Minister did not dare to refute Yuanzhen, but he was so angry that he raised his palm and slapped Su Sanqi more than a dozen big ears, making Su Sanqi's eyes glow with gold stars, and his face instantly swelled into a pig's head.

"Okay! Well done to the unfilial son!" Su Sanqi glared at the prime minister, and actually applauded loudly.

Prime Minister just wanted to fight again, but he saw Zhao Min running over with Fan Yao, and at the same time, the two elders Xuan Ming also rushed out of Xiao Zhao and Zhou Zhiruo's rooms respectively.

"People are not here!"

"There's no one here!"

They reported to Zhao Minhui in surprise.

"Zhao Min!" Su Sanqi, whose acupoints were tapped, saw Zhao Min, his eyes suddenly burst into shock and anger.

Although he hasn't fully figured out what happened, he knows that he was tricked by Zhao Min.

Zhao Min took advantage of his soft heart and deceived him.

"You lied to me! You lied to me!" Su Sanqi hissed, his voice full of resentment and remorse, "I'm so stupid, why should I be soft-hearted to a tartar! Su Sanqi, damn you! How dare you treat a tartar You are soft-hearted, you deserve to die..."

"Don't let him talk!" Zhao Min said coldly.

Gang Xiang immediately tapped Su Sanqi's dumb acupoint.

Su Sanqi's eyes widened angrily, but she still stared at Zhao Min.

Zhao Min was not in the mood to look at him, his face sank like water.

"Damn it, there must be something showing their feet somewhere, and they ran away through the back window!" Lu Zhangke stomped angrily, "Yuan Zhen, how do you explain?"

"I thought you were so good..." Crane Biweng said sourly.

"Princess, it's still too late to chase, they won't be far away!" Gang Xiang said hastily.

"No, he will never run away!" Zhao Min gritted his teeth and said firmly, "I know him well, even if he runs away, he will never leave Su Sanqi behind!"

"Then where did he go?" Yuan Zhen frowned and looked at Zhao Min, "Zhang Sanfeng?"

Zhao Min's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly said, "It must be! Hurry up, go and protect Zhang Sanfeng!"

Yuan Zhen immediately ordered: "Second Elder Xuanming and Master Ku, please take a walk."

"Master Gang is going too!" Zhao Min pointed at Prime Minister Gang.

Everyone was ordered to perform lightness kung fu and leap forward towards the back mountain.

Yuan Zhen said to Zhao Min: "Princess, Su Yi has changed from light to darkness, this place is already very dangerous for you. As the saying goes, the son of a daughter can't sit still, my subordinate suggests, please follow me and leave Shaolin Temple immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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