Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1137 Breaking the Army

Chapter 1137 Breaking the Army
Dozens of Mongolian warriors stopped to block the way of Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng. These people are not experts, but they are not low-handed either. No matter how powerful they are, they have to be killed one by one to pass. This is the purpose of Zhao Min and Yuanzhen— ——Being able to block Su Yi for a while is a while.

But there are two people on Su Yi's side.

"Leave it to me!" Zhang Sanfeng said succinctly, and rushed towards the group of Mongolian warriors again.

This time his initiative caught Su Yi's arms. Su Yi cast Phantom of Footprints and passed through the group of warriors like a ghost. Watching Su Yi walk away, but can't make any reaction.

At this moment, Zhang Sanfeng had already arrived, his fleshy palms flew up and down, every time someone fell to the ground screaming, no one was his single enemy!
Zhang Sanfeng was merciless in killing the Tartars, this was completely beyond Su Yi's expectation.

Where is this old fairy?
To the Mongolian soldiers, this was clearly a murderous old devil.

On the other side, the unhindered Su Yi quickly caught up with Zhao Min and Yuan Zhen.

woo woo woo...

The desolate and rapid horn sounded from three sides in front, but I saw galloping horses coming like clouds.The flags are flying, and the soldiers are like forests!

Su Yi had seen large battles before, but this was the first time he had seen such a formation surrounded by thousands of ancient Mongolian cavalry.

Not to mention that there are tens of thousands of infantry behind these cavalry!

At a glance, the darkness is densely packed, as if covering the sky and covering the sky, making people desperate and powerless.

But Su Yi was not only not afraid, but instead had a long-lost feeling of excitement in his heart.

Not only did he not slow down, but he sped up again, bringing his speed to the extreme!

His ghostly and swift figure is getting closer and closer to Zhao Min and Yuan Zhen——

Fifty meters!
Thirty meters!
Ten meters!

Five meters -

"Stop!" Yuan Zhen suddenly stopped, turned around and yelled.

He held Su Sanqi in one hand, and pressed the back of his head with the other.

"If you go one step further, his life will be lost!" Yuan Zhen shouted sharply.

Su Yi really stopped.

But Zhao Min didn't stop at all, and continued to rush towards the direction where the army was coming, as if he was deaf to Yuan Zhen's sudden movement.

Su Yi stood opposite Yuan Zhen, the corners of his mouth curled up in a seemingly invisible arc, he glanced at the unconscious Su Sanqi, and then his eyes fell on Yuan Zhen's face again.

The ground was shaking, and the army was closing in. Zhao Min was only one step away from the army formation. She saw the commander's face from a distance, and her expression showed joy.

Behind him, Zhang Sanfeng killed the last Mongolian warrior, leaving corpses all over the ground and rushing towards this side quickly.

This was clearly an extremely urgent moment, but Su Yi stood with his hands behind his back, looked at Yuan Zhen, and talked to him.

"Master Yuanzhen, do you want to die or live?" Su Yi asked.

Yuanzhen's eyelids twitched, and her heart was extremely nervous.

He once again confirmed that the person in front of him was truly extraordinary.If it were someone else, how could they ask "Do you want to die or live" in this situation?

Who is threatening whom?

And don't you wonder why I helped the Mongols?

I've thought of excuses...

"Ants are still alive, let alone human beings?" Yuanzhen said slowly with a dignified expression, he turned sideways calmly, caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye at this time that Zhao Min had joined the army, he was slightly relieved, and said to himself The credit is in the pocket.

"Put Su Sanqi down, you live." Su Yi turned a blind eye to his small movements, and just said indifferently, "If you don't let go, you die."

The overbearing arrogance made Yuanzhen feel the pressure. He pretended to be relaxed and laughed and said, "I can let people go, but how do I know, will you chase after me after I let people go? Master Su's magical skills Unrivaled, the poor monk is not sure of escaping in your hands."

Su Yi smiled disdainfully and said: "If I want to kill you, even if you are among thousands of troops, you will definitely die! I said let you live, at least you will not die in my hands today."

Yuan Zhen still wanted to talk, but Su Yi said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, if you keep pestering, you will kill Su Sanqi, and I will avenge him again!"

Yuan Zhen was stunned, seeing Zhang Sanfeng jumping over to stop beside Su Yi, he gritted his teeth and said loudly: "Okay, I'll let him go, you let me go, you can't chase me down! Daoist Zhang is the witness of this matter." , if you break your oath, you will be inferior to pigs and dogs!"

After finishing speaking, he threw Su Sanqi to the ground, kicked his feet and took a few steps back quickly, seeing that Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng hadn't moved, he turned around in peace of mind, and ran towards the army formation with confidence.


The sound of horseshoes was closer, like thunder and thunder, and the sound was frightening.

Su Yi went forward and mentioned Su Sanqi, and his inner force went through his body, and found that he was just being hit by acupoints, so he felt relieved and directly rushed to open his acupoints.

Su Sanqi woke up, and when he saw Su Yi, he was shocked.

"Go to the firewood room behind the meditation room and meet Xiao Zhao and the others. Don't come out if there is no accident." Su Yi ordered, "Go!"

Su Sanqi looked around, her face turned pale, and she looked a little guilty.

"Young master... I..."

"Go!" Su Yi patted him on the shoulder, pushed him back, and stopped looking at him.

Seeing that the cavalry had encircled them, Su Sanqi could even see the expressions of the cavalry in the first row. He gritted his teeth, turned around and rushed up the mountain.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the army in front of him and sighed: "The last time I saw such an army was a hundred years ago. I was just a child at that time. The army passed through Shaolin and went to attack Xiangyang. My master and I were standing there On Mount Shaoshi, I saw the Mongolian army winding for more than ten miles and still couldn’t see the end. At that time, I was thinking that Xiangyang was over, and the Song Dynasty was also over. But I never thought that Guo Daxia and the others guarded Xiangyang for thirteen years. It’s unimaginable that they How did you keep it..."

The last time was a hundred years ago...

Su Yi silently gave Zhang Sanfeng a thumbs up in his heart, it is remarkable to live a long time.

"For ordinary martial arts people, an army formation is no different from a dragon's pool and a tiger's den. But when martial arts have reached the level of you and me, no matter how many mortal troops there are, as long as we want to go, we will never be trapped." Su Yi said, "The martial arts of Guo Daxia and his wife back then They must have reached the realm of perfection, and the reason why they died in the battle of Xiangyang City was probably due to their desire to die and their dedication to the country. Otherwise, if they really want to leave, who can stop them?"

If it is a modern army, of course Su Yi would not dare to say such big words, but in the era of cold weapons, especially in the world of martial arts, peerless masters like Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng really exist like nuclear weapons and can completely decide the outcome of a war Win or lose.

Not to mention Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng, even Xuan Ming and his ilk can pose a great threat to the army, but their internal strength will decline to a certain extent, and if they are entangled by the army again, they will die.

Unlike Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng, who have profound backgrounds, it is difficult to bottom out their internal strength.

If you want to kill masters like Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng by means of war, you must have a group of martial arts masters entangle them, prevent them from leaving, constantly consume their internal strength, and then encircle them with a large army without hesitating sacrifices. Only then can they succeed.

"If you are alone, you will not be afraid of thousands of troops." Zhang Sanfeng sighed, "It's a pity that people will inevitably have fetters in the world. The longer they live, the more they think about others. With many scruples, things that were not afraid of I'm starting to get scared."

Su Yi glanced at Zhang Sanfeng, smiled and said, "Fortunately, I have no scruples today."

"Coincidentally, the old Taoist is gone." Zhang Sanfeng stroked his beard and smiled.

At this time, the army has completely closed the siege. Seeing that the enemy has drawn their bows and arrows, it seems that they are waiting for an order to shoot all arrows.

"It's better to strike first?" Zhang Sanfeng said.

"Catch the thief first!" Su Yi said.

"Good!" Zhang Sanfeng smiled happily.

The two nodded at each other and jumped up together.


A shout came from not far away.

He ordered this man to be wearing iron armor, with a scimitar hanging from his waist, tall and burly, with sharp eyes and a powerful and confident manner.

This person is Wang Baobao, Kuokuo Timur, adopted son of King Chahantemur of Ruyang, Wang Baobao is just his Chinese name.


Following Wang Baobao's order, half the sky seemed to be darkened!
It's hard to describe this doomsday-like scene, with dense black dots covering the sky and covering the sky, any life would be shivering under such a terrifying battle.

Because there is no way to avoid it, no way to hide!

"Sister, don't worry, no matter who is bullying you, they will surely die today!" Wang Baobao said with a sneer.

Zhao Min smiled and said, "With my brother around, my younger sister naturally has no fear."

Although he said so, he still felt a little nervous in his heart.She looked forward, biting her lip.

"Su Yi, I hope you die, and I hope you can escape, don't die so easily..."

Although her martial arts are not weak, but after all, she has not reached the point of "qualitative transformation and sublimation". Naturally, she can't figure out how an ordinary flesh and blood body can survive such a dense rain of arrows.

It's impossible to resist, and it's impossible to avoid it.

But why should Zhang Sanfeng and Su Yi resist?Why do you need to avoid it?
Seeing thousands of arrows shooting towards them, not only did they not retreat, but they even accelerated their speed!

The arrow drew an arc-shaped parabola in mid-air, and Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng both reached the range within the arc before the arrow fell, and countless arrows "rusted" on the ground behind them , densely covered in an instant, but the two of them were unscathed, and rushed into the battle without stopping.

In an instant, people turned their backs!
Ordinary archers need to aim at the target before shooting, but this is not the case in archery in battle. The arrow should be raised 45 degrees to shoot in midair, so as to avoid accidental injury to the comrades in front and make the shooting range longer.

As for accuracy—

Such a dense rain of arrows, what accuracy is needed?
Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng took advantage of the feature of long-range attack in the battle formation, and avoided all arrows. Their speed was extremely fast, especially in the cavalry battle formation. The horse jumped in fright, screamed again and again, and was in a state of chaos.

If you look down from a high altitude, you will find that two torrents, one on the left and one on the right, are rapidly flowing towards the middle of the battle formation. Wherever the "wave" goes, people will turn their backs on their backs, and the originally orderly battle formation will become chaotic in an instant.

Wang Baobao, who was originally so confident, was stunned. He turned pale with fright, and shouted in a trembling voice: "This is impossible! Could this be done by human power? This...they are monsters!"

It's not that he has never seen martial arts masters rush into battle, but usually they will cause some damage at the beginning, but will soon be surrounded by dense soldiers, and then be hacked to death by random knives or stabbed to death by random spears.

But Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng are so "smooth and supple", without any stagnation and speed along the way, this is the first time he has seen them!

Zhao Min and Yuan Zhen were also stunned, feeling cold all over their bodies.

Is this really something humans can do?
"Quick! Change formation! Block them! Block them!" After all, Wang Baobao is a battle-tested general, so he quickly stabilized his mind and dispatched troops to stop Su Yi.

However, the previous self-confidence has turned into solemnity at this moment.

"Minmin, you leave first, leave this place to brother!" He said in a deep voice.

"Brother must be careful!" Zhao Min bit his lip, "These two cannot be judged by common sense, be careful that they will seize the commander-in-chief and the flag!"

"Don't worry, I'm cautious!" Wang Baobao stared at the battlefield, gritted his teeth and said viciously, his eyes were as fierce as hungry wolves.

The lieutenant on the one side asked his subordinates to let go of two horses, and Zhao Min and Yuan Zhen got on the horses.

Zhao Min reined in his horse and turned back, looked at one of the torrents that hadn't stopped or slowed down with complicated eyes, and said in his heart: "Su Yi, if you don't die today, today I will run away like a bereaved dog, and I will report it in the future!"

"Princess, let's go!" Yuan Zhen urged.


The two riders galloped away.

Wang Baobao didn't pay attention to them anymore, but commanded calmly, let the battle formation change and divert, surrounded and killed Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng, and separated them from the middle to guide them to drift away, preventing them from converging in one place.

This person is indeed very capable, and his command had an immediate effect. Although Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng were still fighting hard in the battle formation, their speed had unknowingly slowed down, and they were misled by the dense battle formation. Direction, one left and one right to kill on both sides.

"Fall the handsome flag!" Wang Baobao ordered.

He was afraid that the towering handsome flag would guide the two, so he simply asked his subordinates to drop the flag.

But in order to avoid misjudgment by his officers and men, he immediately asked the herald to notify the Quartet with semaphore to let them continue to surround and kill Zhang Sanfeng and Su Yi.

At a certain moment, Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng fought through the battle one by one, one in the east and the other in the west, and between them was a dense forest of swords, guns and swords!

The two quickly realized that they had deviated from the direction, and immediately killed back.

Su Yizao snatched two scimitars, swung his arms like phantoms, and slashed and killed the surrounding Mongolian soldiers.

Although these tens of thousands of people are a lot, in fact, there are only a dozen or so people who can surround you every time, and the rest of them are all in the back. Su Yi can't see them, and can't kill them. , and they had to wait for the person in front to die before they could kill Su Yi.

It's like cutting wheat with a sickle. If the wheat in front doesn't fall, the one behind won't show up at all.

(End of this chapter)

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