Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1138 Take the Commander

Chapter 1138 Take the Commander
Su Yi quickly noticed the changing situation of the enemy army and realized the trouble.

Trapped in the army formation, there are human heads everywhere and weapons waving everywhere, and it is impossible to tell the direction at all.

It is very unwise to use lightness skills in a dense army formation. Don't think that you can step on people's heads and run wildly. You, how do you hide?
Even if you turn yourself into a spinning top, you will inevitably be poked by fish that slip through the net.

Therefore, the more down-to-earth you are to fight among the crowd, the easier it will be. After all, you need to deal with the people around you every time.

But ease is only a relative term, and fighting in the army requires a very strong psychological quality, and the endless enemies will make people collapse.

The most important thing is that you can't tell the direction at all in the military formation. You think you are always walking in one direction, but in fact, under the guidance of the military formation change, you will be led to any place without even noticing it.

You think you are about to kill through the army formation, but if you can't get out no matter what, it will also make people collapse.

Such a situation and pressure, even Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng are no exception!

Fortunately, Su Yi quickly thought of a solution.

After re-entering the army formation, Su Yi let out a long howl while fighting.

Soon Zhang Sanfeng on the other side responded.

The two immediately followed the sound to kill, making long howls from time to time to confirm each other's position.

Both of them represent the top combat power of this era, even if they fight alone, no one can stop them. If they converge in one place, once they cooperate tacitly, the effect will be far greater than that of the two.

Not far away, Wang Baobao immediately discovered the "little trick" of Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng, his face changed slightly, and he immediately ordered the Quartet to blow horns to interfere with Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng's judgment.

"Ohh Ohh ohh……"

The sound of horns came from all directions, which was not only a disturbance, but also a charge order calling on the soldiers to charge.

The soldiers rushed forward one after another, but the sound of the horn had little effect on Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng. They were almost undisturbed, and they continued to move closer to each other and gathered in one place.

"Press it up! Press it up!" Wang Baobao gritted his teeth and ordered, "I don't believe that they will never tire! Even if it is exhausted today, they will be exhausted! Go!"

The flag officer waved the flag, and the soldiers became crazier, but it backfired.

Seeing the pressure doubled, Su Yi was not only not afraid but happy, he guided the soldiers according to the situation, causing the soldiers to become chaotic. The stampede incident made the scene even more horrible!
Wang Baobao was taken aback when he saw this, and hurriedly ordered the flag officer to issue an emergency order again, guiding the soldiers to keep a distance, and barely contained the situation, but the tragedy had already happened!
The number of people killed and injured in the stampede just now is more than the combined number of people killed by Zhang Sanfeng and Su Yi from the beginning to the present.

Instead, Su Yi took this opportunity to join forces with Zhang Sanfeng directly. When the two met, they rushed back to back without saying a word, and the pressure was greatly relieved immediately.

"Without the guidance of the military flag, I don't know where the commander is!" Zhang Sanfeng shouted while fighting.

"I'll be the spear, you'll be the shield, we'll talk about it once more!" Su Yi said.

If you can't find it once, you can find it twice more. Although the internal energy is exhausted, both of them can afford it.

"Kill!" The two men's tongues burst into spring thunder, and they rushed towards the same direction.

This time the two teamed up, the speed was much faster, and they quickly killed the army formation. At the moment when he was suddenly enlightened, Su Yi suddenly jumped up and used the two long knives that had already been cut into blades as weapons. The hidden weapon was thrown out, killing two people. At the same time, his eyes quickly swept across the battlefield, just in time to see a flag commander standing on a high place waving the flag and directing the attack.

Su Yi immediately remembered this direction. He believed that the commander must be near the herald to give orders at any time.

Whoosh whoosh!
Sure enough, as soon as he lifted off, countless crossbow arrows and spears attacked him. Fortunately, Zhang Sanfeng helped him bear part of it, and the rest Su Yi fought hard to block, so that he was not injured.

When he fell, spears and broadswords densely packed all around attacked him. He and Zhang Sanfeng uttered long howls together, and the two resisted the enemy with the force of sweeping thousands of troops, and once again fought in the army formation!

It seems that this is another useless reincarnation, but Su Yi has identified the direction that he took the risk to confirm before, like a gun head, quickly and accurately piercing in which direction, Zhang Sanfeng and Su Yi have already killed With a tacit understanding, they followed closely and escorted Su Yi.

The speed of the two is faster than before!The direction is also clearer.

Wang Baobao saw from a distance that Su Yi was heading in his direction this time, and his complexion changed drastically.

"General, these two people are monsters! They are monsters, not human at all!" A lieutenant trembled, "They are coming! They are coming!"

Wang Baobao slapped him backhandedly, and shouted sharply: "If you dare to speak nonsense again, I will kill you!"

The lieutenant immediately hesitated to speak.

Wang Baobao turned his head, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

In just a short while, Su Yi and the others had advanced halfway and came straight here.

"General, let's avoid the edge for now!" Another subordinate hastily suggested, "I believe that they are at the end of their battle, and it's the last fight! Let's take shelter for a while, and we will definitely kill them!"

"Okay! Send an order to shift the Chinese army to the northeast!" Wang Bao hesitated for a moment, and finally made a decision.

But he hated him greatly, thinking that the commander of his own army, with [-] armored men under his command, was forced by two gangsters today to force the Chinese army to avoid him.

Wang Baobao was decisive, but facing an opponent like Su Yi, he would seize the opportunity even if he hesitated for a moment, because he hesitated for a moment, and Su Yi grabbed him by the tail!

The same Mongolian soldiers killed one crop after another, but Su Yi finally saw different soldiers during the charge.

The armor on these soldiers is thicker and more powerful, and the weapons in their hands have become scimitars.

The knives used by ordinary soldiers are ring knives and spears, which are different.

Su Yi immediately realized that these different types of troops that suddenly appeared were the breakthrough point, and he didn't even want to turn around and kill!
His guess is correct, these are Wang Baobao's personal soldiers, so they are better equipped, physically stronger, and know martial arts, equivalent to ordinary second-rate warriors.

Although Wang Baobao decided to transfer, Su Yisha came too fast, and it was not easy to transfer the position of the commander-in-chief of the Central Army. If the overall arrangements were not properly arranged, troubles would arise.

Therefore, after commanding the battle formation to remove the position of the central army, Wang Baobao began to move. At this time, Su Yi had already killed him.

Unexpectedly, something happened to this top.

Another difference between these pro-military troops is that other soldiers are surrounded by the soldiers behind and keep rushing forward, but they are fighting and retreating.

This naturally cannot escape Su Yi's keen eyes.

He lifted his spirits and realized that the big fish was ahead!
He immediately bit these pro-army soldiers, and charged towards this side even more ferociously.

Although the quality of these personal soldiers is much higher than that of ordinary soldiers, to Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng, they are just stronger ants, and they still don't need a second blow to kill them, but these people will use a small army to form a joint attack. The formation made it a little harder for the two of them to deal with it than before.

But this is not a big problem. Zhang Sanfeng also realized that the opportunity to turn the situation around is in front of him, and he followed Su Yi to speed up the pace and rushed forward.

"They're coming! They're really coming!" the former officer yelled in panic.

But this time Wang Baobao didn't have time to slap him again, because Su Yi was already very close to him, and he finally understood what it looked like when the four words "powerful like a bamboo" were no longer exaggerated.

This feeling of watching the enemy approaching, even if you try your best to solve it but still can't do anything, makes Wang Baobao angry, unwilling and fearful.

Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng, who are fully fired, are enough to make the whole world terrified. The further they go, the stronger the obstacles they encounter, but this does not slow down their speed by half!

Moreover, they have nailed down the direction in which the pro-army retreated and Wang Baobao's position.

"General, retreat quickly, let's cover!" Seeing that his subordinates suffered heavy casualties, the commander of the pro-army yelled and went forward to stop him himself.

At this time, Ren Wang Baobao had no way to display his military talents, so he could only escape in a hurry under the cover of the pro-army.

When the Chinese army was in chaos and no one was in command, the tens of thousands of troops were like chickens without a head. They didn't know what to do, and they all became chaotic.

Su Yi was keenly aware of this change towards chaos and disorder, his heart moved, and he shouted loudly: "Wang Baobao is dead! Wang Baobao is dead!"

Zhang Sanfeng was startled, and then shouted.

He didn't know who Wang Baobao was, but he yelled along with Su Yi, so he couldn't be wrong.

Sure enough, as Su Yi yelled, the army became more chaotic. Some wanted to escape, some wanted to rush, some wanted to wait and see, and some tried their best to stabilize the team, telling everyone not to be trusted...

An army that was fighting suddenly became independent, and its fate can be imagined.

The pressure on Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng was greatly reduced, and the two charged faster!

"I'm dead? What the hell am I dead?" Wang Baobao, who was running away, was trembling with anger, "Stop! Stop! Don't run away! Banner Commander! Where's the Banner Commander?"

In the chaos, the flag commander had been dispersed long ago, and he didn't know where he went.

Wang Baobao yelled angrily and wanted to save the defeat, but not only could not do it, but was really killed by Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng.

"Fight with them!" Wang Baobao yelled and rushed forward with his sword drawn.

Seeing Wang Baobao, Su Yi's eyes lit up immediately, he shouted loudly and threw out his palms, and a large area in front of him was immediately emptied by his beating!

The next moment his figure flashed, he had already tapped Wang Baobao's acupoints and held him in his hand, and the long knife in his hand also fell into Su Yi's hand.

brush brush...

Su Yi brandished his saber like rain, beheading several pro-army generals who were protecting Wang Baobao in an instant, and caught up with several officers who looked like officers, and killed them one by one.

Zhang Sanfeng followed suit and tried to kill as many officers as possible.

This time they didn't need to shout, the sergeants around panicked and ran away, shouting at the same time: "The general has been killed! The general has been killed..."

"Take it when you see it, and withdraw!" Seeing this, Su Yi was determined. Although Zhao Min and Cheng Kun were not caught, but Wang Baobao was caught, and his goal was achieved.

Of course, it is impossible for him to continue to fight in the army formation. It is meaningless to do so. He cannot kill all these tens of thousands of people, and unless it is a real psychopath, otherwise, this kind of continuous and high-intensity fighting will not be possible at all. May hold on for too long.

Anyway, Su Yi wanted to end this mechanical killing as soon as possible. This kind of killing like mowing grass did not bring him any pleasure, but made him feel disgusted and disgusted.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't feel anything, he had rarely experienced fights in his life, and this was the first time he had such a big battle. At this moment, his whole body was in a state of extreme excitement, and he felt unsatisfied after hearing the words.

When he went out again, it was almost a smooth journey!
The coaches were all captured, and those who recognized Wang Baobao were wary and dared not approach at all, and even if they did not recognize them, most of them did not dare to charge up again, almost fleeing in anticipation.

Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng escaped from the army formation smoothly, and they quickly fled up the mountain using lightness kung fu.

In the chaotic army behind, some people were shooting arrows, while others were yelling at their comrades not to shoot arrows.Some people shouted to catch up, but when they turned around, they found that most of them hadn't caught up.

Tens of thousands of troops, how can there be such a random word?
Walking through the mountains and forests, the fighting and shouting behind him, the lights of swords and swords gradually faded away.

The tension between the two gradually relaxed.

"Murder like hemp! Kill people like hemp!" Zhang Sanfeng suddenly felt emotional, "The old man has been gentle and righteous all his life, but he didn't expect to kill so many people suddenly without asking indiscriminately! How can he be so embarrassing?"

"Am I cultivating the Tao, or the devil? Am I doing the right thing, or the wrong thing?"

"Meng people are also human beings. They also have wives and children, as well as parents. How many white-haired people have been sent to black-haired people by my killing, and how many women and children have lost their husbands and fathers? I have sinned deeply? I, I am this Sin..."

Zhang Sanfeng murmured, and stopped suddenly, Su Yi stopped to look back at him, and saw that the old man was sweating profusely, his expression was distorted and reddened, and he looked extremely painful.

Seeing this, Su Yi couldn't help but shudder in his heart!
He was too aware of Zhang Sanfeng's state and mood at the moment.

This is a serious and irreconcilable conflict between everything you do and the previous three views, personality and even ideas, so that you can't restrain yourself.

Zhang Sanfeng lived his life in peace and tranquility, aloof from the world, not to mention human beings, even the lives of a rabbit or a squirrel would be treasured and cherished by him, and he loved their vitality.

However, he killed at least hundreds of people this time, and all those fresh lives were harvested by him. He is like a cold-blooded executioner, who treats human life like nothing.

When he killed people before, he firmly believed that he was right, and there was nothing wrong with killing Tartars.

But killing so many Tartars made him have deep doubts about what he did.

He abandoned Buddhism and followed Taoism. Both Buddhist scriptures and Taoist scriptures taught him not to kill, or to kill less, and taught him to be broad-minded and be kind to others, but he was not taught to kill.

(End of this chapter)

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