Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1139 Teachers and Friends

Chapter 1139 Teachers and Friends
In other words, in human terms, the inner demon is just hard to think about.

Ordinary people are generally depressed and sad when they can't think about it; but for people with strong spirits, when they can't think about it, they will be in a mental storm.

If it can "calm the storm" in the end, it's fine, if not, it's a demon.

Zhang Sanfeng practiced the way of tranquility and inaction all his life, but this time he turned into a Shura and started killing, which completely violated his temperament and persistence. Therefore, after the excitement retreated, he would go from one extreme to another, and he would have inner demons.

In fact, Su Yi fully believed that with Zhang Sanfeng's character, he would definitely be able to overcome the inner demons and get out of this entanglement and contradiction, but he just didn't know how long it would take him.

Forget about "cracking down on the head" and Zhang Sanfeng lived to be more than a hundred years old, so what reason does he not understand?Why do you, Su Yi, a brat put your beak on it?
But besides being an intimate sister, Su Yi can also help Zhang Sanfeng in another way.

A way Zhang Sanfeng was interested in.

He dropped Wang Baobao, quickly took out a talisman paper from his pocket, and took it into his hand. This scene immediately caught Zhang Sanfeng's attention.

But seeing Su Yi's hand pinching the seal, squeezing his fingertips to drip blood on the talisman, he said in his mouth: "The Taishang star is constantly responding to changes, exorcising evil spirits, protecting life and protecting the body, wisdom is clear and pure, and the mind is peaceful, and the three souls are eternal. , I obey my patriarch like a law!"

The talisman ignited spontaneously in the absence of wind, Su Yi took a step forward and slapped the burning fireball directly on Zhang Sanfeng's forehead.

Not only did Zhang Sanfeng not hide, but his eyes lit up, and he raised his head.

As soon as the burning fireball touched Zhang Sanfeng, it turned into dots and disappeared into his revelation.

Zhang Sanfeng was shocked all over, and at this moment, infinite peace and tranquility suddenly appeared in his heart.

This is a kind of freedom and satisfaction that can be described in words, a kind of tranquility and moving without distracting thoughts.

Zhang Sanfeng felt joyful and relaxed in his heart, and all the negative emotions disappeared without a trace at this moment.

Zhang Sanfeng breathed out a long breath and recited: "Looking at the emptiness is also emptiness, the emptiness has nothing to be empty, the emptiness has nothing, nothing has nothing and nothing, nothing has nothing, nothing is nothing, deep and always silent, solitude has nothing to be silent, how can desire arise?"

"If desire does not arise, it is true tranquility. It is true and always responds to things, and it is true and always obtains nature. It should always be always quiet and always quiet." Su Yi looked at Zhang Sanfeng with a smile, "So quiet, gradually entering the true way, once entering the true way, It's called Dedao."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled wryly: "Although the name is good, there is nothing to gain."

"Those who can understand can spread the holy way." Su Yi said lightly.

Zhang Sanfeng was startled, showing a look of astonishment and surprise.

Su Yi smiled and nodded, indicating that he heard correctly, and said, "Master Zhang, I hope we can often sit and discuss the truth in the future."

After fighting side by side, Su Yi developed a heart of recognition and closeness towards Zhang Sanfeng.The best way to let a person no longer be entangled in the past is to give him a bright future.

In fact, Su Yi is just a beginner in talisman. Zhang Sanfeng has read the scriptures well, so he is definitely qualified to sit and discuss with him.

Su Yi used Yin Liting as a bait to attract Zhang Sanfeng, which already implied this meaning.

Fighting side by side this time means that Zhang Sanfeng has passed Su Yi's test, because he has seen that Zhang Sanfeng is by no means a hypocrite or a hypocrite, but a true seeker of Tao with a pure and innocent heart, and he is not lacking in chivalrous spirit.

Wouldn't it be nice to have such a person as a friend?

Zhang Sanfeng was surprised and delighted, he never brought up this matter, firstly he felt abrupt, secondly he felt rude, so he wanted to resolve this martial arts disaster together with Su Yi before discussing this matter.

And the test is two-way, Su Yi is testing him, so why isn't he observing who Su Yi is?

If Su Yi is not recognized by him, he would rather give up than bow to Su Yi in order to seek the Tao.

But the result surprised him.

Smart, decisive, forthright, loyal, and upright.

This is the label he put on Su Yi.

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly fell to his knees with a "plop", solemnly kowtowed three times to Su Yi, and said excitedly: "Zhang Junbao worships the great virtue and righteousness of the master!"

Su Yi accepted the gift with peace of mind, and then helped Zhang Sanfeng up.

Art should not be passed on lightly, Zhang Sanfeng's three heads were not only kowtowed for him, but also kowtowed for the way of talismans.

He laughed and said, "Really Zhang, from now on you and I can be regarded as fellow daoists."

"A master is a teacher, etiquette cannot be discarded!" Zhang Sanfeng said solemnly.

Su Yi shook his head, sighed and said, "I'm just standing on the shoulders of giants, and I'm just one step ahead of you. Zhang Daoyou, if you talk about scriptures and classics, you must be more knowledgeable than me. In Taoism, I only learn Having read the two classics "Huang Ting" and "Saving People", I have only taken the first step in a journey of thousands of miles, and I really have no face to be a teacher, especially Zhang Zhenren's teacher."

After Zhang Sanfeng heard this, he respected Su Yi even more: "Master, you are open-minded, sincere and magnanimous, which makes Junbao admire you! But I only hope that the immortal way will come true, and I don't want the human world to be poor. The master intends to lead Junbao into the gate of immortality. This kindness and virtue are equivalent to rebuilding , Jun Bao already doesn’t know how to repay. If Jun Bao is not allowed to be honored as a teacher, Jun Bao will be in a constant state of anxiety, unable to contain himself.”

Su Yi smiled dumbly: "The real person is old and tall, if he respects me as a teacher, wouldn't he let me sit on the wax?"

Zhang Sanfeng thought for a while, and said with a smile: "Master is also my teacher and friend, why don't I call you Master Su and you call me Mr. Zhang. It's right to avoid shocking the world and deceiving others, how about it?"

"That's right." Su Yi nodded in agreement.

"Master Su!" Zhang Sanfeng immediately saluted respectfully.

Su Yi also cupped his fists and said with a smile, "Old Zhang!"

The two smiled at each other.

Su Yi changed the subject and said: "Old Zhang, the Tartars will never let it go, and Shaolin is definitely not a place to stay for long. Let's leave as soon as possible before making any plans."

"Then this person..." Zhang Sanfeng pointed to Wang Baobao.

"I have great use for this person." Su Yi smiled.

If it's useless, wouldn't it be easier for him to kill Wang Baobao directly?
"Let's meet up with my companion first, and then go down to Shaolin."

"it is good!"

Zhang Sanfeng took the initiative to mention Wang Baobao and the other three, and followed Su Yi to fly towards the location of the meditation room.

From a long distance away, Su Yi heard the sound of fighting coming from there.

Su Yi's heart tightened, and he hastened to speed up.

Turning over the courtyard wall, Su Yi saw at a glance that three people were besieging one person. The besieged person was only using one fleshy palm to move around among the three people, and the other arm was hanging from the shoulder, obviously disabled.

"Deer Sticker!" Su Yi's eyes lit up.

He had injured Luzhangke in the Dharma Cave before, and the latter escaped quickly and saved his life.

Unexpectedly, he came here and fought with Zhou Zhiruo and the others.

In fact, it was also the deer's fault. After he fled in a hurry, he felt that Su Yi would definitely rescue Zhang Sanfeng, and when he went to deal with Zhao Min, Zhao Min would definitely lose.

So he decided to hide by himself, where is the safest place in Shaolin Temple?

He immediately thought of the tunnel leading from Zhao Min's Zen house to the firewood room.

So he rushed here immediately.

Who knew that when he was about to enter the door of the firewood room, he was almost pierced by a sword. Fortunately, he dodged in time, and the sword pierced his left shoulder.

His left shoulder bone was already shattered by Su Yi, and this sword only made his injuries worse.

Lu Zhangke broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly fought back.

The person who attacked him was Zhou Zhiruo. Compared with Luzhangke, Zhou Zhiruo's martial arts were naturally incomparable, even if it was Luzhangke who lacked an arm.

Seeing that he couldn't support it, Xiao Zhao joined the battle group.

Xiao Zhao has the martial arts taught by Su Yi, and under Su Yi's deliberate urging, he has learned a little space shifting. Although he has not yet broken through the second floor, he can still barely support a wounded deer sticker.

The two of them attacked Luzhangke together, so that you came and went, and there was a stalemate.

The Luzhangke who originally planned to hide changed his mind at this time, thinking that as long as he could catch one of the two women, he would be able to threaten Su Yi and make meritorious service.

After all, he was old and cunning, so he used an opening to slap Xiao Zhao's back. Xiao Zhao was about to be hit, but Zhou Zhiruo blocked her first and took the slap for her.

Although Zhou Zhiruo was injured, she was able to continue the fight reluctantly. She and Xiao Zhao continued to fight with the Luzhangke together, but Xiao Zhao was stimulated by Zhou Zhiruo's injury and went crazy to attack the Luzhangke.

Just as the three of them were fighting fiercely, Su Sanqi came. Seeing this, Su Sanqi joined the battle group without saying a word.

Luzhangke's pressure suddenly increased!
He was already injured and unable to attack for a long time, so he wanted to retreat.

It's a pity that the three of them wanted to keep him, and he tried to leave several times but couldn't escape.

After all, Lu Zhangke is injured, and the balance of victory is tilting towards Xiao Zhao and the other three, but Lu Zhangke is still struggling for the time being.

When Su Yi arrived, what he saw was such a deadlocked scene.

He breathed a sigh of relief, slowed down, and landed not far from the battlefield.

All four people in the field noticed someone coming, saw clearly that it was Su Yi, Xiao Zhao and the others were invigorated, but Lu Zhangke was terrified, remorseful and desperate, thinking why he was obsessed with these people, and ran away Wouldn't it be great?It's all right now, the evil star has arrived, and I can't leave even if I want to.

He looked at Xiao Zhao and Zhou Zhiruo in front of him, his eyes gradually became crazy, and he knew that if he wanted to survive, there was only one way to go.

Right now he was going to take down Zhou Zhiruo even if he was injured, Su Yi saw that something was wrong, stepped into the battle group one step at a time, split two moves with Lu Zhangke, and then slapped him on the head.

With a muffled sound, the deer stick guest fell to the ground without a sound, completely losing consciousness.

"Young master (big brother)!" The three shouted in surprise.

Su Yi nodded, pointed to Zhang Sanfeng who had just arrived, and said, "Let me introduce you, this is Master Zhang from Wudang, haven't you met Master Zhang yet?"

After the three of them met together, Zhou Zhiruo said to Zhang Sanfeng in surprise, "Master Zhang, do you still remember me?"

"You are..." The Eighteenth Change of the Women's University, how could Zhang Sanfeng remember Zhou Zhiruo who had grown up.

"I am Zhou Zhiruo, by the Hanshui River, Immortal Zhang once saved my life, and later, I lived in Wudang Mountain for a while." Zhou Zhiruo said happily, "Seeing the real person's beauty and demeanor today is really like yesterday. "

"So it's Miss Zhou!" Zhang Sanfeng suddenly realized, and was overjoyed, "It's really a fate to meet our old friends! I didn't expect Master Su's companion to have an old friend."

Master Su?

All three of them were a little surprised when they heard this strange title. Zhou Zhiruo was about to ask a question out of curiosity when she suddenly had a heart attack, her whole body trembled, and she leaned back obliquely with pain on her face.

Su Yi hurriedly stepped forward to support her, and when he touched her wrist, he felt her skin was cold, like a piece of ice.

Su Yi's face changed slightly: "Xuanming God's Palm? Zhiruo got her palm?"

Xiao Zhao ran over and said anxiously: "My sister was slapped by the old man in order to save me. Was she, was she alright just now?"

She remembers tears falling down.

Obviously, Zhou Zhiruo risked her life to save her, which shocked her a lot.

"Xuanming God's Palm..." Zhang Sanfeng's face became serious, and memories flashed in his eyes.

Obviously these four words touched his memory.

Su Yi didn't speak, and slowly channeled her internal energy. Zhou Zhiruo woke up faintly, and saw herself lying in Su Yi's arms, her face turned red immediately, and she wanted to struggle to get up, but she felt her whole body went limp.

"I, this is..." Zhou Zhiruo said weakly.

"Sister Zhiruo, how are you? Are you okay?" Xiao Zhao immediately leaned forward sobbing and hurriedly said, "You, why are you so stupid? I don't treat you well on weekdays, and you still save me... ..."

Zhou Zhiruo smiled weakly and said, "You call me sister, I can't, I can't..."

Su Yi saw that she was swaying all over, and hurriedly continued to channel her internal energy.

"Sister Zhiruo! Sister Zhiruo! Brother, save her quickly." Xiao Zhao remembered tears streaming down her face.

"Don't cry, Xiao Zhao." Su Yi frowned and said, "With me here, Zhiruo will be fine, but this Xuanming cold poison is not trivial, and this place is not a place to stay for a long time. I will stabilize the cold poison for Zhiruo first, and wait for us After going down the mountain, let’s think about it in the long run.”

"Master Su, do you want us to avoid it?" Zhang Sanfeng asked.

Zhang Wuji suffered from cold poison when he was a child, and he was cured after his clothes were removed.Zhang Sanfeng was afraid of Su Yi's embarrassment, so he proposed this section on his own initiative.

Su Yi shook his head and said, "No need."

He put his palm on Zhou Zhiruo's back and slowly conveyed his internal force, temporarily compressing the cold poison in his body into his dantian.

Zhou Zhiruo recovered and her complexion turned for the better.

"Don't use your internal strength, otherwise the cold poison will definitely recur." Su Yi warned her, "I'll treat the poison for you when I get to a safe place."

"Brother Laosu is here." Zhou Zhiruo whispered.

Su Yi shook his head, looked at Zhang Sanfeng and said, "This time the entire Shaolin faction was kidnapped by the Tartars. This matter is quite strange. Mr. Zhang, I want to go to the Buddhist scriptures pavilion to find out. Let's just go together."

Zhang Sanfeng hesitated slightly, nodded and said: "Okay."

At that moment, a group of people quickly walked to the scripture-depositing pavilion, entered the scripture-depositing pavilion, and saw that the inside was in a mess, scriptures and bookshelves were overturned, obviously they had been robbed.

"These damned Tartars are simply bandits!" Su Sanqi couldn't help but cursed.

Zhang Sanfeng sighed sadly: "Poor Shaolin's millennium inheritance has fallen into the hands of foreign race."

Su Yi casually picked up some scriptures on the ground and flipped through them, looking thoughtful.

"Brother, is there anything wrong with this scripture?" Xiao Zhao couldn't help asking when he saw Su Yi's expression was different.

Su Yi said: "Look at these scriptures, almost all of them are current printed versions, and there are many repetitions. For example, here, there are more than [-] copies of this "Infinite Life Sutra", all put together, all in the same bookstore. One version was printed. There are many cases like this."

The rest of the people looked at each other in blank dismay.

(End of this chapter)

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