Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1141 Scheme

Chapter 1141 Scheme
The reason why Shaolin was captured together with the other five factions was probably the result of raising tigers, but among the six major factions, Shaolin was the only one who didn't fight and the whole faction was captured, which may not be the result of smooth sailing.

This also reflects to a certain extent the confusion and entanglement of Shaolin's absurdity caused by the wavering between the appeasement policy and the tough policy.

Shaolin wasn't completely immune to Yuan Zhen, so while Yuan Zhen was on an expedition to Guangmingding with the team, he secretly changed all the scriptures in the Cangjing Pavilion.

Where are the real scriptures hidden?

What Su Yi thought of was the underground chamber in the hermitage of Shaolin Sandu, that is, the underground stone chamber that was later used to imprison Xie Xun in the original plot.

That basement appeared so inexplicably—who would dig out a basement while living in seclusion?
But it is very reasonable to temporarily store the scriptures in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

The scriptures are hidden beside Sandu, so they are also very safe.

As for why Shaolin was taken over by the gang?
I'm afraid this is another bad result of Shaolin wanting both ends of the snake and mouse.

Is Cheng Kun so easy to be used?
You Shaolin wants to ride the wall, which is not in Cheng Kun's interest, so Cheng Kun simply arrested Shaolin from top to bottom, and then forced the monks to submit.Once successful, Shaolin will completely fall under Cheng Kun's control, and Cheng Kun who controls Shaolin Temple will also have a higher status and greater voice in Ruyang Palace.

Faced with an opponent who was determined to overthrow the table, the Shaolin executives were very passive, but although they were vegetarians, they were not vegetarians.

Cheng Kun conspired against Shaolin. At this time, Shaolin had only two ways to go——

First, fierce resistance, swearing to die, this is tantamount to completely turning against Yuan Ting, and Yuan Ting defines it as "rebellious".

Does Shaolin have the courage?

Absolutely not, otherwise it wouldn't be delayed until now.

Second, compromise and surrender, but this road is not easy, once surrender, Shaolin will have to listen to Cheng Kun in the future.

At this time, it will be a test of the wisdom of Shaolin's senior management.

Although very passive, Shaolin Temple is not without a card to play, especially when Abbot Kongwen has moved to the Buddhist scriptures pavilion to take precautions.

First of all, Shaolin is sure that the main purpose of the Yuan court at this time is to force Shaolin Temple to submit, not to destroy Shaolin, otherwise there is no need to be so troublesome, just directly besiege the army with ten thousand arrows, and then set fire to the mountain.

Because Shaolin surrendered and surrendered to the Yuan court, it was more beneficial to the Yuan court, and it could stabilize the people's hearts to a certain extent, and it would also have a great negative impact on the morale of the confrontation with the Yuan court.

On the contrary, if the Yuan court slaughtered Shaolin and destroyed Shaolin, they would completely lose the popular support of Buddhist believers in the Central Plains and arouse more fierce resistance from the people.

Therefore, the danger of Shaolin Temple being arrested and massacred is not great.

Of course, they can’t all be arrested, at least the key strength and fire must be preserved, and they can’t completely rely on the enemy’s policies and benevolence. At this time, the strategy of transferring the Sutra Pavilion is particularly prescient.

Everyone in Shaolin Temple has been arrested, but Shaolin Sandu is still there, and besides this temple, Shaolin must have other forces, otherwise why is it called the number one sect?And why is it called the first school of Zen?
In case Yuan Ting was so mad that he wanted to slaughter Shaolin monks, then Sandu would raise his arms and call on the remaining forces in Shaolin to completely turn against Yuan.

Although the Shaolin Mountain Gate is gone, the scriptures and secret books in the Sutra Pavilion are all there, and the foundation is there. When the Yuan Dynasty is destroyed and the Mountain Gate is built, Shaolin will still be Shaolin.

This is also the backhand left by Shaolin Temple.

The existence of this second hand can prevent Yuan Ting from overly persecuting and dealing with Shaolin.

With these preconditions, Shaolin can be assured of "being caught". After all, Shaolin does not have the courage to completely turn against Yuan Ting.

Moreover, it is not without benefits that Shaolin Temple is "suppressed" at this time.

The main forces of other factions have been arrested, and Shaolin Temple still has more power. If Shaolin Temple is still safe and sound, then the remaining forces of all factions will come to Shaolin Temple to show their strength. What will Shaolin do?To resist or not to resist?

Resist, don't dare; don't resist, you will lose your character and be in a dilemma.

It's better to be arrested together now, and everyone will be troubled brothers, then everything will be fine.

Anyway, even if you are caught, you won't die, so let's take another step at that time.

This move is based on retreat, and it can also successfully make Shaolin Temple the biggest victim. On the surface, it also stands on the side of Kangyuan, winning the sympathy of the Han people and Zhengdao.

But whether Shaolin has reached some kind of tacit understanding with Yuan Ting behind the scenes, then I don't know.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for Shaolin Temple not to pay sacrifices and prices if it is used in such a way of sacrificing both sides of snakes and rats and self-defeating [-] yuan, and it is very likely that Kong Wen and other eminent monks are also ready to sacrifice for Shaolin Temple.

This is the "survival wisdom" of the long-standing sect. Although this kind of wisdom is often uncomfortable, it has to be said to be very useful.

To be stubborn is to sacrifice. Those tough and staunch sects in the past have disappeared in the long river of history.Although praised for a while, it will soon be forgotten.

Glory is written by the victors, and whoever survives to the end represents victory. Therefore, after hundreds of years, the Shaolin Temple that survived is still Mount Tai of the Wulin Temple, admired and worshiped by the world.

As for the humiliation they suffered under the rule of the Yuan court, and their servile obedience, who knows?Who cares?

Of course, Su Yi’s conjectures would not be told to Zhang Sanfeng and the others. Firstly, because there was no evidence, it would be suspected of malicious speculation. .

Secondly, it is unnecessary, because Su Yi came to the Sutra Pavilion to confirm his speculation, not to expose the "true face" of Shaolin in the future, but to know what to do in order to decide how to treat Shaolin Temple in the future.

In fact, if you want to further confirm Shaolin's position, or use this position to make a fuss, there is a way. Now go to Shaolin Sandu. Su Yi will definitely gain something, but it is not necessary. He has a better way to make Shaolin willing Be on his side.

Therefore, Shaolin and his party can come to a successful conclusion here.

The army at the foot of the mountain was in chaos, and Su Yi and his party left from the back mountain without any danger along the way, and soon left Shaolin.

The reorganized Yuan army quickly went up the mountain to search, but found nothing in the end.But they didn't vent their anger by smashing, looting, looting and burning. Instead, they kept Shaolin as it was and withdrew.

In fact, this can also support Su Yi's conjecture to a certain extent. Yuan Ting still has affection for Shaolin and retains illusions.

A group of people traveled northeastward for more than a hundred miles and arrived in Xingyang before dark.

At this time, the news of Wang Baobao's arrest has already set off a turbulent wave in the upper echelons of the Yuan court. All the way here, there are more Mongolian soldiers interrogated on the road, but the military discipline of the local garrison Yuan army is very lax and corrupt. The carnival of looting property did not pose any threat to Su Yi and the others.

However, after passing Xingyang and going forward, you will arrive at the territory under the command of King Ruyang. According to the merchants, the investigation is very strict. It is better to kill the wrong than to let it go. Su Yi and his party who have this information discuss together and decide to stay in Xingyang for a while. Take a night off.

Unexpectedly, it was this decision that caused Zhou Zhiruo to accidentally see the code mark left by the Emei faction in Xingyang County. The news of the capture of the six factions came from the Western Regions at full speed.

Calculating the time, there are still two days to come.

Su Yi decided to just spend two days in Xingyang and wait for Miejue Shitai to arrive, and heal Zhou Zhiruo by the way.

As for the matter of rescuing the six major factions, Su Yi said that with Wang Baobao in hand, there was no need to rush.

To put it bluntly, Xuanming cold poison is a kind of internal force that is extremely yin and extremely cold.Why is it helpless even Zhang Sanfeng?

Because after this kind of internal force is driven into the body, it will cling to the main points of Dantian, Huangting, Guanyuan, etc. like tarsal maggots. No matter whether it is medicinal stones, acupuncture or external internal force, it cannot get rid of it.

After a long time, the cold poison will invade the internal organs, and then the cold will be unbearable, and the gods will not be able to save it.

In this world, apart from the Nine Suns God's ability to dispel the cold poison of Xuanming, I am afraid that Su Yi will be added now.

There are two ways for Su Yi to help Zhou Zhiruo detoxify, one is to directly use the Book of Changes to help detoxify him, just like how Su Yi helped Yin Lihua detoxify back then; The cold poison in the body is directly absorbed into his body, and then dissolved.

The disadvantage of the first method is that it is slow and time-consuming, and although there is no need to undress, Su Yi's palm has to touch Zhou Zhiruo's main points.

The positions of these acupuncture points are not lacking in some sensitive parts, let alone Tanzhong, Shenfeng, Guanyuan and Qihai, the key point is the acupuncture point...

The location of this club is very special, and Zhou Zhiruo needs to lift and spread his legs and Su Yi to click on it, which is very embarrassing.

The disadvantage of the second method is that it will expose the fact that you can absorb energy, but the speed will be very fast. You only need to put your hand on the position of Zhou Zhiruo's dantian, and you can absorb all the cold poison in his body into your body. Part of Zhou Zhiruo's internal energy was also sucked in, causing Zhou Zhiruo to consume part of her skills.

But the good thing is that it doesn't have to be so embarrassing.

As the saying goes, a gentleman does not take advantage of others. As an honest gentleman, Su Yi obviously has a better choice, so how could he use such despicable and shameless methods to take advantage of girls?
You can absorb the internal strength that Zhou Zhiruo has cultivated with great difficulty, okay?
Even if you want to take advantage of this little advantage, you, Su Yi, are you still shameless?

Besides, how could an upright gentleman have the evil skill of absorbing people's internal energy?
This doesn't fit Su Yiguang's personality as a great hero!

Su Yi has such deep inner strength at a young age, if he exposes his ability to absorb energy, others will naturally think that his "primitive accumulation" must be accompanied by blood, tears and cruelty. There are flaws, leaving irreparable flaws, and even becoming the first dominoes, causing the landslides of future people, and the missions of this world are completely collapsed!
How could Su Yi bear such a serious consequence?
Therefore, whether it was for himself or for Zhou Zhiruo, Su Yi should choose the first method to heal Zhou Zhiruo's wounds.

In an inn in Xingyang City.

When Su Yi told Zhou Zhiruo his healing plan with an upright face, as expected, Zhou Zhiruo blushed.

"This, how is this possible!" Zhou Zhiruo was so ashamed and annoyed, her face was so red that it seemed to bleed.

"Brother Su, don't mention it again. Zhiruo would rather die from poisoning than accept such a healing method!" Zhou Zhiruo turned around and said firmly, her body was still trembling slightly, and she didn't know whether it was from shame or anger.

Su Yi sighed and said: "I also know that men and women are different, but doctors are parents...if you don't know how to treat me as your father, you won't..."

"I don't want to die!" Zhou Zhiruo stomped her feet in embarrassment, and ran away as if fleeing.

"Stop!" Su Yi called her helplessly, "Actually, there is a second way, that is, I will teach you the inner strength of my sect, but the condition is that you have to quit the Emei Sect, join my Xiaoyao Sect, and become my apprentice."

"I don't want to die!" Zhou Zhiruo was stunned for a moment, then said more firmly, and went out resolutely.

"Come back!" Su Yi yelled again, and he sighed, "Let me help you resolve some cold poison first, such as Guan Yuan, Qi Hai, and Dan Tian, ​​so that at least you can feel more comfortable. talk later."

There was a moment of silence outside the window, and then came Zhou Zhiruo's shy voice like a mosquito: "Then, then there is Brother Laosu. Younger Sister Rong goes to change clothes first, and will be here soon."

After Zhou Zhiruo left, Su Yi didn't stay in the room and waited stupidly, but walked out of the room and walked to the side.

When passing by the next room, Su Yi found that the door was open, and Zhang Sanfeng inside was smiling and showing Xiao Zhao a close-fitting bunt martial art.

Xiao Zhao studied very seriously.

This is Zhang Sanfeng who loves the house and Wu, and feels that Xiao Zhao is straightforward and is Su Yi's close maid, so he decides to teach her a martial art as a gift.

Su Yi took a look and walked over without disturbing.

When we arrived at the third room, the door was closed tightly, and there was the sound of swinging a sword. Su Yi knocked on the door, and soon Su Sanqi opened the door.

There were some sweat stains on his body, and the long sword was still in his hand, obviously he was practicing sword in the room just now.

Besides Su Sanqi, there was also Wang Baobao in the room.

It's just that this person was tied up and sat on the bed, facing the wall.

"My lord!" Seeing that it was Su Yi who came, Su Sanqi hurriedly saluted and let the door open.

Su Yi nodded slightly and stepped in.

When Wang Baobao on the bed heard the movement, he made a "woo-woo" sound and struggled violently.

Su Sanqi hurriedly closed the door, and scolded him: "Be honest, or I'll knock you out right now!"

Wang Baobao froze, and immediately stopped moving.

Su Yi sat at the table, Su Sanqi hurriedly poured Su Yi a glass of water, and respectfully said, "My lord, drink some water."

"You sit too." Su Yi said.

Su Sanqi shook her head: "Young Master, how can a villain sit down? Besides, the villain made a big mistake. Not only did the young master not punish the villain, but he saved the villain again, making the villain even more ashamed."

Su Sanqi spoke in a low voice, lowered her head and looked very depressed, obviously blaming herself very much.

Su Yi smiled: "Do you think I didn't punish you?"

(End of this chapter)

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