Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1142 Convergence

Chapter 1142 Convergence
Su Sanqi did make a mistake, his fault was not that he was fooled by Zhao Min and gave Zhao Min the chance to hook up with outsiders and escape; it was that he forgot what Su Yi had told him.

Su Yi asked Su Sanqi to follow Zhao Min every step of the way, and gave him the right to cut first and play later, in order to make him look at Zhao Min as much as possible.

Of course Su Yi knows that with Zhao Min's scheming, Su Sanqi is by no means his opponent, but what Su Yi wants to see is Su Sanqi's best effort.

Incompetence can be forgiven, but if someone sells it and counts the money, it will be Su Yi's people who are lost.

Zhao Min played Su Sanqi around all the time, until he realized that he was being played by Zhao Min, Su Sanqi even sympathized with Zhao Min all the time. Is this a matter of ability?

This is a matter of attitude.

Su Yi looked at Su Sanqi who was full of shame and said: "You know that you made a mistake, and you also know where your mistake is, and you are ashamed because of it. I know all of this. But I didn't punish you, and I didn't even give you a harsh sentence. , it makes you feel bad, doesn't it?"

"Yes!" Su Sanqi said in a low voice, "When I think about the villain ruining my son's important affairs, not to mention putting him in danger, and letting that witch Zhao Min escape, the villain can't wait to stab himself to death with a sword!"

Su Yi smiled: "If I scold you severely, then punish you to track down Zhao Min's whereabouts, or beat you dozens of times, will you feel better?"

"Master, you can scold me severely, then beat me hundreds of times, and then let me track down the whereabouts of the demon girl!" Su Sanqi hurriedly said, "The villain will never dare to have the slightest complaint, on the contrary, I will really feel better in my heart."

Su Yi said leisurely: "So I don't want to make you feel better, so I won't punish you. Isn't this also a punishment for you?"

Su Sanqi stood dumbfounded for a while, somewhat dumbfounded: "This, what kind of punishment is this?"

"This kind of punishment only punishes gentlemen, not villains." Su Yi smiled, changed the subject, pointed to Wang Baobao on the bed, and said, "Untie him, and I'll talk to him."

"Yes, young master." Su Sanqi hurriedly responded, without saying a word, he untied Wang Baobao's restraints, and then retreated, standing outside the door pondering what Su Yigang said.

In the room, Wang Baobao moved his body that was sore and numb from being tied up for a long time, but at this moment he calmed down, his face solemn and silent.

Su Yi poured him a glass of water, pushed him in front of him and said with a smile: "There are two kinds of enemies in this world, one kind you will feel very happy when you kill him; It's a pity. For the former type of enemy, I would not say a single word to him; but for the latter type of enemy, although I want to kill him, I will never look down on him."

After a pause, he looked at Wang Baobao: "You and I have lived a normal life, so of course we don't know much about each other. But you don't hesitate to mobilize an army to rescue your sister, which is considered a serious affection; although you have become my prisoner, it is not your ability It's not good, it's just that you met the wrong opponent. When I first came in, you seemed to want to talk to me?"

"Speak, if you have something to say to an enemy who values ​​friendship and ability, I don't mind listening to it."

Wang Baobao's expression changed a little. He looked at Su Yi and said slowly: "You are really a terrible enemy! I thought people like you would treat us like ants. Actually, to you, I am indeed a An ant that you can crush to death at any time, even if I am under the protection of an army of [-], you can catch me... So I don't understand, why are you willing to listen to an ant?"

"Let me guess." Without waiting for Su Yi to answer, he continued to talk to himself, "I know that Minmin has captured many Jianghu people, and you want to save them, so you want to get information from me? You are a traitor, maybe You still want me to rely on you, after all, I am the most valiant general under the command of my father!"

He sneered: "But I tell you, stop dreaming! I will never reveal a word to you! I will never surrender to the Han! But you better believe me, if you really kill I, my father, will definitely take revenge! He may not be able to kill you for the time being, but he can kill all the Han people in the world! My life, at least ten thousand, or even one hundred thousand Han people’s lives are needed to be buried with me!"

Su Yi nodded and said: "If I really want to kill you, I will definitely kill your adoptive father as soon as possible, and all those who may take revenge on the Han people because of you. If someone still angers my people, that's okay, I will Just kill it again."

Su Yi said it lightly, but Wang Baobao felt chills when he heard it.

He knew that this man's threat could be fulfilled.

"I demand a redemption!" Wang Baobao gritted his teeth, "I can use what you want to redeem my own life!"

"Is this begging for mercy?" Su Yi smiled.

"Of course not! It's just a deal!" Wang Baobao suddenly raised his voice, gritted his teeth, "How precious is my life? I can die, but I shouldn't just die like this! I have nothing to say to being caught by a monster like you. I am convinced; but I am not reconciled! Your opponent should not be me, and my opponent should not be someone like you! I would rather die on the battlefield than die without dignity and value!"

"I know you have what you want, let's have a fair deal! Use my life for what you want." Wang Baobao stared at Su Yi and asked.

Su Yi smiled and shook his head: "I can get what I want without trading with you, so your chips are not attractive to me."

"But if you don't let me go, my sister will never let those Jianghu people go, and she will never let you find them!" Wang Baobao said loudly.

"So I should talk to your sister, not you." Su Yi looked at him with a smile, "Because you are just a bargaining chip to be traded, not my counterparty."

"You..." Wang Baobao blushed at these words, and glared at Su Yi, but couldn't speak.

"Besides this, what else do you want to tell me?" Su Yi asked, "You don't just want to beg for my life, do you? Then I'm too disappointed in you."

"Of course not!" Wang Baobao immediately retorted loudly. He glared at Su Yi, panted slightly, and then said, "I know your name is Su Yi. You are a very powerful martial arts master. I have never seen someone as powerful as you." But no matter how powerful you are, you are only one person, you can deal with 30,000 people, but what if it is 100,000 people? What about 200,000 people? What if I also send martial arts masters to entangle you, and then use a large army to surround and kill you?"

"Too many ants can kill a black bear. Su Yi, you can't do anything alone, and you can't help the Han people! Half a month ago, I defeated the rebels Li Wu and Cui De in Ganshan, killing and injuring thousands. More than [-] people were captured! My father and king defeated the Red Scarf army in Fengxiang and killed tens of thousands of rebels! It is impossible for your Han army to defeat us Mongols! You alone cannot turn the situation around!"

Su Yi couldn't deny it, and looked at Wang Baobao with a smile: "Go on."

"So why does a capable person like you go against the sky and do things that are impossible to succeed?" Wang Baobao looked at Su Yi sincerely, "If you want to be a hero of the Han people, you can take refuge in the imperial court and use With your ability, to strive for a higher status for the Han people in the court is the correct approach! It is also the most likely to succeed!"

Su Yi smiled and shook his head: "Whether I want to take refuge in the court has nothing to do with your current situation. Even if I really want to take refuge in it, I will not take refuge in you. You are not the emperor, and your father, King Ruyang, It’s just that the eagles and dogs raised by the Yuan court don’t have a high status in the court. Wang Baobao, in fact, you, even your father, are not qualified to talk to me about taking refuge. With your status and status, you can’t meet my needs at all. "

Wang Baobao's face turned blue and purple, with embarrassment in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said, "We Mongols took the world from horseback! It is the powerful force that ultimately determines the status! It is not the so-called official position and status! Su B, you underestimate our Ruyang Palace! Now the court cannot do without our palace, and my father, as long as my father is willing to recommend you to the emperor, you will definitely be reused!"

"That's why you should lie to others." Su Yi smiled and shook his head, "It is true that King Ruyang has made great military achievements, but now he is a big tree and is feared by the court. It is only because he is still needed for the time being. You can move him, but your emperor has already started to restrict his rights. If I take refuge in King Ruyang, I will only be implicated by King Ruyang, and it is impossible for the emperor to reuse me."

Wang Baobao wanted to refute, but Su Yi said to him: "No one with real insight will be optimistic about your Ruyang Palace, because if the emperor needs you to fight, then you will always be just a knife; if the emperor doesn't need you to fight, The emperor will never allow you to continue to control so many troops. Therefore, no matter how the situation develops, your Ruyang Palace will have no future."

Su Yi smiled and stood up: "We will go to Dadu after a few days of rest, and I will let Sanqi treat you properly and give you a certain degree of freedom."

After finishing speaking, Su Yi walked out with his hands behind his hands.

Wang Baobao still wanted to call Su Yi to stop, but in the end he gave up, his face was cloudy, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Not long after, Su Sanqi re-entered, and said coldly to Wang Baobao: "Young master said, as long as you don't make noise in the future, I can stop gagging your mouth."

Wang Baobao was startled when he heard this, it really is a certain degree of freedom...

After Su Yi returned to the room, Zhou Zhiruo had already changed clothes and was waiting for Su Yi in the room.

Seeing that Su Yi came back, she looked a little flustered, her face was still blushing, she hurriedly stood up and said: "Brother Su, Zhi Ruo has something to say first, some acupuncture points are not to be touched during healing, Zhi Ruo is not a casual woman, if it is not Big Brother Su, Zhiruo would rather die than let any man touch a finger of mine!"

"I believe." Su Yi nodded with a smile, "I don't want other men to touch a finger of yours."

Zhou Zhiruo's heart beat even harder, and her face burned even more. She didn't dare to look into Su Yi's eyes, she lowered her head and said in a low voice, "Brother Su, you, you don't want to say these things..."

"Go to bed, I'll cure the poison for you!" Su Yi smiled and changed the subject.

"Brother Laosu is here." Zhou Zhiruo said like a mosquito.

The two got on the bed and sat cross-legged facing each other, an ambiguous atmosphere emerged spontaneously, which made Zhou Zhiruo even more restless, like a deer bumping wildly.

On the contrary, Su Yi didn't have any thoughts, and circulated his internal force, pointing his finger on Zhou Zhiruo's Tanzhong acupoint, slowly conveying his internal force to dissolve the cold poison for him.

Gradually, the warmth and comfort made Zhou Zhiruo calm down. She looked at the face so close, her eyes filled with admiration and tenderness, and she was dazed.

After a while Xiao Zhao came back, she pushed the door open and walked in, she was startled when she saw Su Yi and Zhou Zhiruo, then she tiptoedly closed the door, sat on the table beside her and waited quietly.

After leaving the Shaolin Temple, Xiao Zhao's attitude towards Zhou Zhiruo made a [-]-degree turn, and he didn't reject Su Yi and Zhou Zhiruo's contact as much as before.

The process of treating Zhou Zhiruo's poison could not be completed overnight, Su Yi made an appointment with her to spend at least half an hour every day to treat her poison.

As for those sensitive acupuncture points, in fact, there is no rush, you can start from the less sensitive points step by step.

After Tanzhong, treat the abdominal acupoints such as Dantian and Guanyuan first, then the back heart, double ribs, arms...

In the case of gradual progress, the guard and the bottom line will actually retreat and fall step by step.

Although Su Yi is not yet a scumbag, it seems that every man can learn this truth without a teacher.

What "I just touch and don't do anything", "I just rub and don't go in", "I just go in and don't move"...

It was already two days later when Miejue Shitai came.

Teacher Tai slept in the open all the way, was full of dust and dust, and drove more than a thousand kilometers, and the whole person looked a lot thinner than before.

She first thanked Su Yi solemnly, thanking Su Yi for finding a geomantic treasure for the Emei School.

Apparently, she was very satisfied with the environment of the nameless snow valley, and she still kept her disciples to pioneer there.

After meeting Zhang Sanfeng, the three discussed the situation together.

Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng actually called Su Yi "Master Su", Jue Jue was very shocked. When he questioned him curiously, both Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng vaguely skipped it, unwilling to say more.

Miejue Shitai's emphasis on Su Yi has stepped up to a new level, and at the same time, she is very fortunate that she and the Emei faction took the lead in getting acquainted with Su Yi.

Su Yi didn't hide anything, and told Zhao Min's identity and everything he guessed or learned through the original plot. Of course, he didn't pretend to be a magician, but just made a "reasonable inference" based on the facts.

Miejue Shitai and Zhang Sanfeng also agreed with Su Yi's judgment, thinking that with Wang Baobao in his hands, the Tartars would not dare to easily take the lives of the heroes of the six major factions. The teacher is still very worried about the innocence of the Emei female disciples and the future of these arrested female disciples.

This is also the difficulty for women to break into the rivers and lakes. Even if the Emei female disciples are not treated badly this time, I am afraid that there will be vicious speculations in the rivers and lakes in the future, as well as some wretched criticisms that go straight to Xiasanlu.

Su Yi is sure that there will be man-made rumors and many unsavory stories.

 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone
(End of this chapter)

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