Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1143 Oriole

Chapter 1143 Oriole
In fact, for Su Yi, rescuing people from the six major factions is only the most basic appeal to him, and he wants to get more through this incident.

"Wang Baobao is the adopted son of Ruyang King Chahantmu'er, and he is highly valued." Su Yi introduced Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai, "Ruyang King has no children, only one daughter, and he regards him as a jewel in his palm, and will respond to every request. , is Zhao Min. But after all, his daughter cannot inherit the throne of the family, so he regards Wang Baobao as his heir. We have Wang Baobao under our control, and King Ruyang and Zhao Min will definitely not dare to mess around."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded and said: "Then let's use Wang Baobao as a threat to force the Tartars to submit."

"There are more than a thousand people captured from the six major sects. One for a thousand... I'm afraid we don't have enough bargaining chips to get everyone back." Miejue Shitai frowned.

"Then we have to do our best to deal with each other step by step." Zhang Sanfeng is very optimistic, "The Tartars will not be willing to be restrained, and they will inevitably cause troubles. Let's see what they do and fight them hard. No matter what they do Let’s follow up with whatever moves. As long as we do our best, the result will always be better than the current one.”

Miejue Shi was too worried and sighed.

"Zhao Min is scheming and full of resourcefulness, making it impossible to guard against." Su Yi said, "Now that we have captured Wang Baobao, it seems that we have grasped the opponent's handle, but in fact we are still at a disadvantage. First, we have to go deep into the tiger's den and save thousands of people." It's not easy for the rest of us to come out. They can even let people go, and then seal the city, trap us in the city, and let us draw water from the bamboo basket in vain."

"Secondly, we are concerned about morality and morality, but the Tartars have no bottom line. I am worried that they will poison the heroes of the six major factions. Even if we save people by then, I am afraid that we will save only those who died soon after being poisoned." people."

"Dare the Tartars to be so unconscionable?" Miejue Shitai said with gritted teeth.

"Why don't they dare?" Zhang Sanfeng sighed, "If you're afraid, you're afraid. What Master Su worried about has come true. We only have one Wang Baobao in our hands, and it's not easy for us to torture a captured person."

"For the old nun, there is no need to talk about morality with the Tartars!" Miejueshi said angrily, "We should warn the Tartars that if a member of the six major sects loses a single hair, we will cut off one of Wang Baobao's fingers After cutting off twenty fingers, cut off his limbs! As long as they are not afraid that even if they return to Wang Baobao, they will only get a pile of rotten meat, then let them do whatever they want!"

"Our goal is to rescue everyone without any damage, otherwise, even if we cut Wang Baobao into pieces, it will be a failure for us." Su Yi shook his head and said, "I have a plan, maybe we can save everyone without bloodshed, and we can Kill two birds with one stone and hit the Tartars."

After a pause, Su Yi smiled slightly and said, "If this plan is successful, not only will the members of the six major sects be saved from danger, but the Yuan court will definitely be destroyed within three years!"

Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai were deeply moved when they heard the words, they looked at each other in blank dismay.

If it were someone else, they would definitely scoff, but it was Su Yi who said this.

Both were excited.

"Master Su, plan to make an appointment?" Miejue Shi asked excitedly.

Su Yi said: "What we can be sure of is that in order to save Wang Baobao, Zhao Min will definitely lay a net in Dadu and wait for us to throw ourselves into it. That is to say, as long as we go to Dadu, we must face traps and tricks. From the very beginning, we will Being passive. That's not good for us."

"In this case, why don't we find another way to achieve our goal in a detour?"

"How to make a detour?" Zhang Sanfeng listened engrossed, and subconsciously answered.

"Let's ignore her, and we won't accept the move. She hits her, and we hit ours." Su Yi smiled faintly, "As long as we hit her more painfully and more deadly than her, we will win."

These words did not convince Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai, the latter frowned and said: "If we beat the Tartars into anger instead, and keep doing the same thing, wouldn't it be counterproductive?"

"It depends on how we fight." Su Yi said, "If we grab Zhao Min by seven inches, she might come to us for help!"

Having said that, Su Yi changed the subject and talked about two other things instead.

One thing is that King Ruyang really took advantage of the six major factions to attack Guangmingding to attack the rebels. The rebels under Liu Futong, Zhu Yuanzhang and others suffered heavy losses, and some rebels were even wiped out.This has greatly boosted the morale of the Yuan court. Now the Yuan court even plans to build a stele in the Gansu-Shaanxi area to sing praises to King Ruyang. King, and tried his best to persuade the emperor to take back the military power of King Ruyang.

These things were learned by Su Yi from the conversations of the chief political officer in the city and from peeking at past official documents by using the little ghost.

The second thing is that he and Wang Baobao had a conversation every day for the past two days. He deliberately showed a respectful and "sympathetic" attitude towards Wang Baobao, which made Wang Baobao relax his vigilance and reveal a lot of true temperament and true thoughts.

Su Yi commented that this man was ambitious, extremely pragmatic, and rich in military talent.He is extremely dissatisfied with the power strife in the Yuan court, and has the heroic spirit of daring to be the first in the world. He is definitely a hero among the Tartars.

But Wang Baobao also has the same common problem as all young and high-ranking generals with real power, that is, he is extremely arrogant and arrogant, and thinks very highly of himself.From his words, Su Yi can easily judge that he has a firm belief in helping the current situation, but he has an intolerable aversion to the chaotic situation in the court, and firmly believes that if he can occupy a high position, he will be able to turn the tide. Continue the life of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty.

"He has been trying his best to show me the attitude of being a virtuous corporal these two days, and he wants to recruit me for his use." Su Yi said with a smile, "Although I'm sure his biggest purpose is actually to protect his safety and get away, but It is also enough to prove that this person is indeed extraordinary."

"A mere Tartar doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, so why do you waste time with this kind of person, Head Su?" Miejue Shitai was a little puzzled, "Could it be that you want to persuade him to abandon the darkness and turn to the light?"

"Of course it's impossible." Su Yi shook his head, "This man is determined and will never give in easily. If it is not for our benefit that he lives, I will definitely kill him to avoid future troubles."

Zhang Sanfeng had a little taste of what Su Yi meant by these two things.

"Master Su wants to use King Ruyang and Wang Baobao to make a fuss, so as to achieve the purpose of saving people?" Zhang Sanfeng asked.

He could only think of this level, but he couldn't guess what Su Yi was going to do.

Su Yi smiled slightly at the two of them, but said in an extremely solemn tone: "Mr. Zhang, Mrs. Madam, the three of us, do you want to do something earth-shattering and earth-shattering together?"

That night, Su Yi, Zhang Sanfeng, and Miejue Shitai closed the door to discuss with Dadan. When the two went out the next day, their faces were still full of dignity and determination.

Miejue Shitai took a letter written by Su Yi to Zhang Wuji and went to the stronghold of the Emei Sect, and asked them to fly the letter to Guangmingding.

The investigation to Dadu was relaxed, as if they were afraid that Su Yi and others would not dare to go.

Of course, this was written by King Ruyang, but this person is still leading his troops to station in the Gansu and Shanxi areas. He did not dare to return to Dadu without the emperor's order, even if his adopted son was arrested.

On the other hand, Zhao Min rushed back to Dadu the day before. She summoned many generals stationed in Kyoto from the lineage of King Ruyang, and went to the palace to meet the emperor. preparations.

Su Yi's guess was right, Zhao Min really focused on poisoning. She prepared the poison of seven insects and seven flowers for all the important high-level and core forces of the captured six major factions, and forced them to eat it .

After taking this poison, the poisoned person will first feel numb and itchy internal organs, as if bitten by seven insects, and then colorful colors will appear in front of his eyes, which change wonderfully, like seven flowers flying apart.In the end, you will be in a trance and lose your sanity.

The seven insects and seven flowers used in this poison have 49 kinds of preparation methods, and 63 kinds of different recipes.Zhao Min messed up all the more than one hundred formulas and used them. Only she knew who was poisoned by which formula.

In this way, if you want to detoxify, you have to find Zhao Min, otherwise, if you get the wrong formula and mix the wrong antidote, the poisoned person will die immediately if you take the wrong antidote by mistake.

The places where the six sects were detained remained the same, they were still placed in the Wan'an Temple in the east of the city, but in order to conceal the truth, all the soldiers transported stayed in the Wan'an Temple and were not allowed to go out;

The outside of Wan'an Temple is loose and the inside is tight, and strong crossbows and kerosene are arranged. Once Su Yi dares to rescue people by force, Zhao Min has arranged at least eight warning devices to ensure that if there is any abnormality, the Buddhist pagoda of Wan'an Temple will be set on fire and the intruders will be punished. The enemy fought back violently.

In addition, Zhao Min also used the "poison" to the extreme.

Not only did she require all the soldiers' bows and crossbows to be poisoned, but all their swords and swords were also poisoned to ensure that as long as they could hurt Su Yi and others, they would be poisoned and lose their combat power.

Moreover, she also dug more than ten cellars in Wan'an Temple to store poisonous weeds and kerosene, and sent people to guard them.

As long as Su Yi attacks, he will immediately ignite the poisonous grass and release poisonous smoke according to the wind direction of the night.

All the masters and soldiers on duty at Wan'an Temple mixed anti-poison with their meals every day, which could ensure that they could continue to fight without being affected by the poisonous smoke.

Speaking of masters, in addition to going to Dalun Temple to invite more than ten eminent monks from Dalun Temple to sit in Wan'an Temple, Zhao Min also went to the palace to ask two absolute masters to protect him, which can be said to have greatly increased his strength.

After the Battle of Shaolin Temple, almost all the masters in Ruyang Palace were wiped out, only Yu Yuanzhen, Fan Yao and Gangxiang, and the rest were all killed by Su Yi and the others.

Although Fan Yao and Gang Xiang had reconnected with Zhao Min, they still stayed in Yuzhong to recuperate from their injuries and did not come to most of them to join Zhao Min.

That is to say, Yuan Zhen is the only confidant around Zhao Min at the moment. In fact, although Zhao Min relies on Yuan Zhen, he does not trust Yuan Zhen 100%.But in the matter of dealing with Su Yi, she could see that Yuan was sincere and eager to make contributions, so she felt relieved to entrust him with a heavy responsibility.

At this time, Yuan Zhen also sincerely hoped to help Zhao Min through this calamity and make great contributions.

The Ming Cult was destroyed, and Cheng Kun had to avenge his great revenge.It's just that the revenge was avenged for him by others, which made him feel quite uncomfortable.

On Guangmingding, he witnessed Su Yi's great power and high spirits. He seemed to see the Yangdingtian 30 years ago.

It is also because of this that he spared no effort in Shaolin Temple to help Zhao Min get out, and plot against Su Yi, but it was a pity that he failed miserably.

Cheng Kun fled like a bereaved dog, and he felt even more resentful towards Su Yi in his heart.

This failure made him think of the humiliation that his junior sister married Yang Dingtian more than [-] years ago, but he dared not speak out, and could only secretly have a tryst with his junior sister.

The figures of Su Yi and Yang Dingtian seem to be slowly overlapping in Cheng Kun's heart.

Cheng Kun hated Yang Dingtian all his life and was jealous of Yang Dingtian. Apart from killing this man, he also wanted to make more brilliant achievements than Yang Dingtian to prove that he was stronger than Yang Dingtian.

That's why he cooperated with Ruyang Prince's Mansion. He wanted to use the power of Ruyang King to use Shaolin as his own step-up, so as to achieve the goal of being respected in martial arts.

At the same time, he also secretly supported his disciple Chen Youliang to join the beggar gang, and let Chen Youliang use the beggar gang to form a rebel army, which blossomed on both sides.

When the time is right, he will set things right, transform himself into a great hero who bears the burden of humiliation and destroys the Ruyang Palace, and leads a rebel army to compete in the world.

If it succeeds, it may not be impossible to dream of the ninety-five supreme beings...

But Cheng Kun discovered that all his plans and goals have a necessary prerequisite, that is——

Su Yi must die!
This man was terrifying, whether it was martial arts or wisdom, he was so strong that Cheng Kun was desperate.

Cheng Kun is very clear that Su Yi is not dead, all his goals can only be delusional.

So he had to kill Su Yi.

In troubled times, recklessness coexists, but only one can become a true hero in the end.

Cheng Kun hopes that this person is himself!

Although Zhao Min is smart and cunning, he is still young and not as cunning as Cheng Kun.

Moreover, although Zhao Min and Cheng Kun are "same hatred and hatred", their primary goals are completely different.

Zhao Min's primary goal was to rescue Wang Baobao, and under this premise, she considered how to get rid of Su Yi incidentally.

But for Cheng Kun, he doesn't care whether Wang Baobao lives or dies, even if he can let Su Yi die, he doesn't even care about Zhao Min's life or death.

If the Ruyang Palace couldn't stay any longer, he could change his court and seek refuge with Ruyang King's opponent - Prime Minister Zuo lost the son of Badulu, Polo Timur.He has long been in secret contact with Polo Timur with another identity, and managed to create an image of a master. Once he leaves this side, he can seamlessly connect and fall into the arms of the other side.

Therefore, Cheng Kun decided to take advantage of this opportunity, even if Zhao Min was sacrificed, even if the world was turned upside down and the flood was raging, he would kill Su Yi!
As long as he can kill Su Yi, no matter how much he pays, he will not hesitate!

Therefore, on the surface, Zhao Min prepared a lot of means and set up a lot of traps to deal with Su Yi.

But Cheng Kun secretly arranged more vicious and ruthless traps, including Zhao Min.

It is the praying mantis catching the cicada, and the oriole is behind.

(End of this chapter)

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