Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1144 Dadu

Chapter 1144 Dadu
Hundreds of years later, Genghis Khan's majesty and arrogance sweeping the world with his horse and whip have become few in the history books. Only the magnificent metropolis still stands as before, proving the short-lived glory of the Yuan Dynasty.

Unlike Beiping hundreds of years later, today's Daducheng is still a young and vibrant new city, which has only been built for more than [-] years.

This is a city built entirely on a new site, so the urban planning is completely free from the constraints of the old pattern.When building Dadu, the designer built a central pavilion in the center, and then expanded the city site in all directions based on this center.

Because it is a new city, the streets of Yuan Dadu are horizontal and vertical, with clear latitude and longitude, and all the streets run straight to the root of the city.

If a person stands on any city gate and looks straight ahead, he can see the gate of the opposite city wall.

The entire city is arranged in a square, like a chessboard, and all streets have corresponding street rules. According to historical records, in the Yuan Dynasty, "the main street is 24 steps wide, and the small street is 84 steps wide. Three hundred, 29 fire lanes, [-] lanes Pass……"

Nine classics and nine tracks, the former dynasty and the later market, the left ancestor and the right society, and even the eleven city gates were built and named according to the directions of the nine palaces and eight trigrams.

This can be regarded as a strange event in the Yuan Dynasty. The Yuan Dynasty worshiped Buddhism and restrained Taoism and discriminated against Han people. However, as the capital of the imperial city, it was built completely in accordance with the traditions of the Han people and Taoist theories.

But it's not too strange today, after all, there are more than one foreigner who has learned from us but still discriminates against us.

The imperial palace of the Yuan Dynasty is south of the central pavilion, and it was magnificently built.

Just like all tourist attractions today have special stinky tofu and small souvenirs produced in Yiwu, the Dayuan Palace is similar to the palaces of other dynasties, with both what should be there and what should not be.

Needless to say what should be, what should not be...

For example, there are sheep pens and eagle rooms in the Dayuan Palace, which can be regarded as a major feature.

What is more special is that the palace of the Dayuan Palace is called "Daming Palace", which seems to carry some kind of mysterious revelation of fate.

At this time, Su Yi, Zhang Sanfeng, and Miejue Shitai were standing outside the Yuan court palace wall, across a river, overlooking the palace with overlapping brackets not far away.

It was mid-afternoon, and the whole city exuded an air of lethargy under the lazy sunlight. Even the guards of the Imperial City who stood guard on patrol at the base of the palace wall were unavoidably slack, and some even dozed off, not noticing that Three uninvited guests in the shade.

Of course, Su Yi, Zhang Sanfeng, and Miejue Shitai at this time were not inconspicuous, like ordinary people who came to admire the imperial city in awe.

Even if the people who are most familiar with them stand in front of them, not only will they not recognize them, but they won't even give them a second glance.

Under Su Yi's miraculous makeup imitation technique, the three of them pretended to be a family of three with no good looks. Their appearance looks the same as that of thousands of Mongolian herdsmen, and even their body smells are the same.

Because the clothes the three of them were wearing were all found by Su Yi from a real herdsman's house.

"Dadu..." Zhang Sanfeng felt a little emotional, bent his back on purpose, and pretended to be old, "60 years ago, I came to Dadu once. After seeing this city, I was disheartened and full of thoughts of driving out the Tartars. They all turned into nothingness and ceased to exist. At that time, I was thinking that the Tartars, who only knew how to ride horses and shoot arrows, actually built such a majestic capital, which shows that the fate of the Yuan Dynasty will prosper and the Han Dynasty will decline."

"I thought that I would spend my whole life under the rule of the Tartars and never see the sun. I never thought that today, 60 years later, the Yuan court will be in decline, and the wind and rain will be precarious. The world is really impermanent..."

Miejue Shitai was dressed as an old woman, and her eyebrows and eyes were "fine-tuned" to make her look extra benevolent.

She was leaning on a crutch in her hand, and what was hidden in the crutch was her Yitian sword.

Hearing this, she sneered and said: "The Tartars are going against the grain and torturing the living people. It will not last long! The old nun—the old man is not surprised by this! Hmph, most of these seem to be like blooming flowers, but you have also seen them along the way." , there are beggars everywhere, and it can be seen that their gold and jade are ruined."

Zhang Sanfeng said: "The number of beggars is indeed abnormal, but many beggars are Lianjiazi, obviously they are all members of the beggar gang... Could it be that the beggar gang has some gatherings in Da Da?"

"I'm afraid they are acting as the eyes and ears for Yuan Ting to find out our whereabouts." Su Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

He pretended to be a dark middle-aged man with a simple and honest face, which was quite different from his usual handsome appearance.

"Although the Beggar Gang has declined, it was the largest gang in the world back then, and its purpose was always to be chivalrous." Zhang Sanfeng frowned. The chivalrous man died because of his resistance to Yuan, if this is the case, wouldn’t the beggar gang deceive the master and destroy the ancestors?”

"It should be used by someone with a heart." Su Yi said lightly.

Although the words were meant to be guesses, in fact Su Yi was extremely certain.

Before mixing into Dadu, Su Yi blessed Qingfeng Mingyue with talismans that are not afraid of the sun and the yang energy of fireworks, so that they can move among the crowd and under the sun, and listen to news for Su Yi.

Since entering Dadu, there are traces of beggars in almost every street and alley, which naturally aroused Su Yi's vigilance and attention. Surveillance and searches spread all over the streets and alleys.

The source was an elder surnamed Chen. When Su Yi checked into this man's house, he also saw several portraits, which belonged to him, Zhang Sanfeng, Wang Baobao, Zhou Zhiruo and Xiao Zhao.

What this means is self-evident.

As for why the Beggar Gang helped Yuan Ting, Su Yi also understood the reason.

The name of this elder surnamed Chen is Chen Youliang, but in fact he has another identity, he is Cheng Kun's disciple.

The reason why the beggar gang monitored and searched for the traces of Su Yi and others must be Cheng Kun's instruction.

However, what makes Su Yi feel a little strange is that there are still many soldiers in ordinary uniforms wandering around the city dressed as ordinary people. They don't know each other, and obviously belong to different camps.

This seems to indicate that Cheng Kun did not inform Zhao Min of his relationship with the Beggar Gang, but was secretly searching for Su Yi's whereabouts.

But is this necessary?

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and Su Yi is wary of it. Fortunately, he soon knows the answer and the reason.

Speaking of this, I have to mention that this woman Zhao Min really has the courage to be a heroine.

She posted notices at the gates of the eleven city gates that read "Old friends from the green willow, please go to the Spring Breeze Pavilion", obviously wanting to invite Su Yi to meet him.

Su Yi asked Qingfeng Mingyue to go to this place to have a look. The so-called Spring Breeze Pavilion is located on a small hill in Beilong, Jishuitan.The terrain here is open on all sides, and with Su Yi's skills, it is very convenient to enter and exit the city from here.

In order to reassure Su Yi, Zhao Min only brought two lamas in red to sit in the pavilion, obviously to show sincerity and to negotiate with Su Yi.

After seeing how powerful Su Yi is, this woman still dared to break away from the protection of heavy soldiers to meet Su Yi, this courage is not as good as that of ordinary men.

Although the two red-clothed lamas following her had a long breath and were obviously masters, in fact, even Zhao Min knew very well that if Su Yi wanted to kill her, these two alone would not be able to stop her.

Before Wang Baobao got out of danger, Zhao Min would never do anything to Su Yi. In order to save people from the Six Great Sects, Su Yi had the same attitude towards Zhao Min.

Therefore, there is a high probability that this meeting is safe and sincere, and there should be no fatal traps.

But when Su Yi sent the kid to investigate, he found a hole dug out under the Spring Breeze Pavilion, which was filled with explosives enough to blow up this small hill to the sky!
The leads are hidden, in the abandoned cellar of a nearby inn.

It was a coincidence that Yuanzhen lived on the second floor of this inn, and he could just see the whole picture of Chunfeng Pavilion from his room.

It is impossible for Zhao Min to want to blow up Su Yi before rescuing Wang Baobao, and it is even more impossible for her to die with Su Yi in order to blow up Su Yi.

And the most important thing is that if the explosives are to be detonated, Zhao Min must leave the field early, otherwise the explosives will not distinguish between enemy and friend, and then Zhao Min will have to go to the sky with Su Yi.

But once Zhao Min left, Su Yi would definitely not stay at the Spring Breeze Pavilion, so what's the point of arranging the explosives?

Therefore, Su Yi easily deduced that Zhao Min might not even know the existence of this explosive!
The reason why Yuan Zhen hid Zhao Min was because he wanted to blow up Su Yi, and he didn't care about Zhao Min's life.

Does Yuan really hate herself so much?

Su Yi was quite surprised by this point, he even wondered if Yuan Zhen would have guessed the fact that he was pretending to be Yang Dingtian's ghost in Guangmingding?
But after discovering this, Yuan Zhen secretly sent his disciple Chen Youliang to use the beggar gang to monitor Su Yi's whereabouts, so it can be explained.

It's a pity that neither Zhao Min nor Yuan Zhen expected that even though they spread their nets and hidden stakes spread all over the streets and alleys, they still couldn't even touch Su Yi's shadow.

Because Su Yi and his group of seven entered the city in two batches from different gates, Su Yi pretended to be a family of three Mongolian herdsmen, and Zhou Zhiruo pretended to be two middle-aged merchant couples. The seven people all had very different faces. The original appearance is worlds apart.

Zhao Min is afraid that even if Su Yi and the others cannot be found, Su Yi will definitely show up to meet her sooner or later, so he is not in a hurry.

In a sense, Zhao Min's certainty is right, because Su Yi will indeed meet her.

But not now, and not to negotiate with her.

After discovering these situations, Su Yi adjusted and optimized his original plan, and decided to make full use of the link of Yuan Zhen.

In addition, he also sent a message to Xiao Zhao through Qingfengmingyue, telling them to go to the Jishuitan and wait for news.

Regarding the adjustment of the plan, Su Yi naturally communicated with Zhang Sanfeng and the others at any time to avoid any mistakes due to information errors.

Both Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai knew how dangerous what they were about to do, and they both had the courage to succeed or be benevolent.

Although Su Yi is very confident about this trip, no one can predict the risks and accidents, and he can't guarantee that three people will go in, and the three people will really come out in one piece.

Moreover, the palace is a real dragon's pond and tiger's lair, and it is absolutely impossible that there are no masters sitting in it. Su Yi is very clear about this.

As for the two little ghosts of Qingfengmingyue——

In front of the real dragon, how can the little devil be allowed to make mistakes?

Su Yi didn't want the two little ghosts to die. In order to avoid accidents, he even hid the two wooden carvings under his clothes and used talismans as a cover.

The three stood outside the palace, pretending to look up at the palace, but in fact Su Yi was telling Zhang Sanfeng and the other two about the architectural layout of the palace and the possible situations they might encounter after entering.

The reason why Su Yi was able to obtain this information was naturally due to the merits of Qingfengmingyue. He found a few eunuchs wandering outside the palace, and pulled them into the illusion for a while to intimidate them.

After Su Yi finished speaking, the three of them roughly grasped the law of guard patrols through observation.

Su Yi looked at the two of them with a serious expression and said: "Mr. Zhang, Mrs. Madam, this trip is dangerous and the matter is of great importance. You two must obey my orders and act according to the plan. Don't be impulsive, and don't love to fight!"

"Don't worry, you are the only one who will lead this trip!" Miejue Shi said seriously.

"Master Su, the old Taoist is just a sharp sword in your hand today!" Zhang Sanfeng also expressed his opinion.

Su Yi took a deep breath and said, "Try to protect yourself."

The two elders nodded together.

Su Yi revisited some simple gesture instructions with the two of them before.

These instructions are to make accurate and timely command and tactical adjustments at critical times, as well as to cooperate with each other.

Su Yi has made all the preparations he can think of, and now he is ready to go like an arrow from the string!
He didn't say any more, after a certain patrolling guard passed by, the three of them climbed over the palace wall like big birds and entered the palace!
Inside the palace, as Su Yi had expected, there was a sentry at every three steps, and a post at every five steps. The defense was very tight.

Because it is daytime, even in the most remote places, there are guards standing guard and guards patrolling regularly.

Su Yi tried to let Qingfengmingyue out of the wood carvings, and they really showed fear, so Su Yi gave up decisively.

Even if he is a master, he can't be completely invisible. In order to avoid surprises and accidents, Su Yi can only try his best to avoid the imperial guards in the palace and not reveal his whereabouts.

The three of them pushed forward with difficulty into the depths of the palace, at a slow speed.

But fortunately, all the way deep, the three of them have not been exposed.

All the way to the harem, an old eunuch who was sitting at the door of the imperial dining room basking in the sun and taking a nap noticed something was wrong, and walked vigilantly towards the hiding place of the three.

Su Yi, Zhang Sanfeng and others made a decisive move, and the three cooperated tacitly to kill the old eunuch.

Even if the world's three top masters join forces, the old eunuch is still able to pass two moves, which shows the high level of his martial arts.

Fortunately, this twists and turns did not escalate, and the three of them quietly dealt with the nameless old eunuch without giving him a chance to warn him.

(End of this chapter)

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