Chapter 1145
The bedroom of ordinary people is called the bedroom.And in the ban of the son of heaven, it is called Da Nei.

The habitat of the real dragon is a place that cannot be seen by ordinary people, so in addition to the palace guards, there are also some masters who specialize in protecting the emperor in the palace.

These masters are either loyal eunuch servants trained by the royal family themselves, or some of them have passed through numerous screening tests before entering the palace, and are subject to the palace's anti-drug Gu technique, dedicated to protecting the emperor's safety.

Not all of these people came here for the glory and wealth, quite a few of them came for the continuation and development of the sect, and some of them came for personal development, for the various martial arts secret books collected in the forbidden palace.

But no matter what kind of people they are, there is no doubt that these people are the top experts in the world. Today, Su Yi and the other three are bound to face an inevitable fierce battle!

After Su Yi's difficult search and turning, the three finally found the place where the emperor took his lunch break - Xingsheng Palace.

This is the bedroom where the empress lived. Emperor Yuan Zhizheng loved his empress very much. His empress was a Korean and the first foreign empress in the history of China, known as "Empress Qi" in history.

According to an eunuch who passed on the meal before, the emperor wanted to drink mutton soup after waking up, and he must send the soup to Xingsheng Palace while it was hot.

Therefore, Su Yi judged that the emperor is now resting at Xingsheng Palace at noon.

Xingsheng Palace is very large, with a large palace garden turning around and entering four times, with eunuchs like clouds and court ladies like forests.

The imperial guards guarding the dormitory are brightly armored, mighty and brave, with a post at three steps and a sentry at five steps, enclosing the entire dormitory impenetrably.

It took Su Yi and the three of them a lot of time and energy just to break through the outer defenses, but after arriving inside the palace wall, the three found that the real test had just begun.

The bedroom building is located in the center of the entire palace garden. There is a flat open space hundreds of meters around the palace. No matter which side you want to approach, you must pass through this open space.

Here comes the problem. At the end of the open space on all sides, under the eaves of the palace building, there are guards standing guard. That is to say, when you get here, unless you dig a tunnel to get through, you will be exposed anyway.

There are only about a hundred of these guards, which is not too many, but it is not certain how many masters are guarding in secret, even Su Yi can't judge, because real masters are very good at hiding their aura and will not let them Other masters can easily perceive it.

Su Yi can only rely on his own intuition and experience to judge. In the four corners of the attic on the second floor of the bedroom, he faintly saw a figure standing still, and he must be a master guard.

And this is only the periphery, there must be master guards in the bedroom, even whether it is the emperor or the empress, there must be masters close to him as the last line of defense to protect the emperor.

So even though he was only a wall away from the emperor after going through 81 battles, if he wanted to see the emperor himself, he would have to go through five hurdles and kill six generals.

Su Yi and the other three hid in a corner of the gazebo under the rockery in the forest garden, staring at the palace not far away.

Su Yi has no way of judging the layout of the bedroom, and at this point there is no way to take advantage of it, the only way to go is head-to-head.

Su Yi knew very well that if he wanted to capture the emperor and get out of the way, the key lies in four words—quick and fast!

Once entangled by the masters, once the emperor was escorted away by the imperial guards, it would be very difficult to get close to the emperor.

There are not many opportunities left for Su Yi.

Su Yi took a deep breath, turned his head to look at Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai, the latter two also had determination and dignity written on their faces at this moment.

The plan had already been drawn up, and even for this assassination, Su Yi specially taught Miejue Shitai a set of "assassination techniques".

It is said to be "the art of assassination", but it is actually the set of swordsmanship derived and optimized from the Sunflower Book, which is as fast as electricity and astonishingly powerful.

Su Yi took care of Miejue Shitai's face, so he didn't directly say that she thought her martial arts were low.

But there are only Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng, and the manpower is indeed stretched. If there is one more extermination, at least one more is sure.

Juejue's understanding is very high, and her martial arts attainments are not vulgar. She also mastered the martial arts taught by Su Yi very quickly, so this [-]% certainty is more than [-]%.

Su Yi made a serious expression and gestured to act according to plan, Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai nodded in unison.

The two looked at each other, and the internal force of the movement suddenly shot out, one high and one low, one front and one back, and they flew away as quickly as a tired bird throwing itself into a forest!


Following two clanging sounds in no particular order, the two of them crushed the crutches in their hands almost simultaneously in mid-air, revealing the long swords in their hands.

It was at this moment that several figures who were closing their eyes and meditating in several rooms inside the dormitory all opened their eyes.

Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai's speed was extremely fast, and the distance of several hundred meters was just a matter of breath for them, but the imperial guards who could guard Ouchi were all elite among the elite, and their reactions were also extremely fast!
"Enemy attack!" In the corner of the second floor, a blond and blue-eyed man shouted a warning in Mongolian, and with a flick of his hand, a string of iron beads shot towards Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai.

At the same time, figures in the other three corners of the second-floor attic flickered and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The imperial guards outside the eaves downstairs also reacted, raised their crossbows and fired at Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai who were flying towards them.

Like poking a hornet's nest, Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai were attacked fiercely and decisively before they could make a move!

Ding Ling Dang...

Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai danced their long swords almost at the same time, but when they saw sparks bursting out, all the arrows and iron balls bounced off one after another, the two of them rushed to the eaves of the palace, In a second, the blood splattered, and the murderous aura instantly permeated!
These forbidden soldiers are all skilled in martial arts, and they know how to attack together, but what they met was Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai!
Zhang Sanfeng's swordsmanship is elegant and fierce, one sword strikes one strike, and there is no need for a second strike to kill someone!

Miejue Shitai has learned Su Yi's swordsmanship, and his moves are fierce and quick, even if there is a slight obstacle, he can cut gold and iron with the sharpness of the Yitian sword, and he will be able to kill without any hindrance!
The person who emitted the steel ball on the second floor landed like a big bird, screamed sharply, and grabbed Zhang Sanfeng's head with one hand.

Zhang Sanfeng was fighting among the crowd, but without looking back, he picked up a person to meet this person with the method of four or two strokes of a thousand catties.

But the sound of bone breaking was heard instantly, the person who was picked up by Zhang Sanfeng didn't even have time to hum, his head was grabbed and smashed to pieces, it burst open like a broken tomato, red and white things floated down the sky!

This is the pure eagle claw skill, only this skill, even the white-browed eagle king Yin Tian is slightly inferior in front of him!
But the blood mist hadn't dissipated yet, and with the Eagle Claw Skill, a sword pierced through the blood mist suddenly struck, it was extremely abrupt!
Eagle Claw Kungfu was fearless in the face of danger, turned around suddenly in mid-air, unexpectedly dodged Zhang Sanfeng's sword, but when he was not stable, he caught a glimpse of a silver-white horse coming towards him from the corner of his eye, and cut him in the middle.

With a shudder in his heart, he hastily used a heavy weight to make his figure fall to the ground sharply, and once again dodged Miejue Shitai's tricky sword!
Dodging Zhang Sanfeng's and Miejue Shitai's blows in a row, the eagle's claws were in the shape of a snake, and he wanted to get rid of the pursuit and stand up to fight back.

But at this moment, Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai, one behind the other, flanked him from left to right, blocking all his way out.

Eagle Claw Gong's complexion changed drastically, he roared like a trapped beast to fight back, and used a fierce move like perishing together, trying to survive from death.

But how many people in this world can match the combined attack that Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai have practiced?

He blocked Zhang Sanfeng's sword, and was finally defeated by Juejue Shitai!
As blood gushed out, Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai had no hesitation in turning around and attacking the attacking guards again, and then rushed into the palace gate together!
As soon as he entered the gate of the palace, he saw three figures rushing towards the two of them!

It was the three masters who were in the other three corners of the second-floor attic!
One of these three people is extremely powerful, using the ring-headed broadsword, using the Taihang School's lost saber technique; the other is using a stick, using the Demon Subduing Shovel in Shaolin's 72 stunt; , actually used the housekeeping swordsmanship of the Huashan School, but the swordsmanship was much higher than that of the head of Huashan, Xian Yutong, and the elders.

These three masters are the top masters in the world in any one of the outside world. Even if they fight alone, the former Miejue Shitai has never been able to win, but in this deep palace, they are just guards without names.

Seeing the attack of the three masters, Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai quickly changed their figures, one back to the other, launching a fierce counterattack!

At the same time, there were many figures in the depths of the hall, and several powerful auras came undisguised.

At the gate of the main hall, the forbidden army with bright armor is swarming in.

Further out, the alerted guards are gathering urgently to surround the entire Xingsheng Palace!
Almost immediately after Zhang Sanfeng and others entered the palace, Su Yi also turned into an arrow that flew towards the bedroom.

At this time, everyone's attention was attracted by Zhang Sanfeng and Juejue Shitai who rushed in, and no one noticed Su Yi's existence at all.

Su Yi glides to the vicinity of the main hall like a big bird, suddenly raises his breath, soars into the sky like a swallow, and reaches the attic on the second floor.

On the second floor, there was a quadrangular corridor first, Su Yi's body turned into an afterimage at an extremely fast speed, and he reached a gate leading to the inner room in the blink of an eye, and entered the gate in a blink of an eye.

At a glance, Su Yi saw that the fierce fighting was going on under the main hall, Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai were fighting with three masters, and around them were seven robed men with heads tied in buns holding long swords, standing in the direction of the Big Dipper Seven Palaces, The battle group surrounded them, waiting for the opportunity to move.

There is also a lama in red, and an old eunuch with amazing momentum, staring at the field soberly. The upper, middle and lower rows of guards are densely packed and neatly arranged at the gate, and the crossbow arrows in their hands are aligned in the middle.

Such a situation makes people feel desperate just by looking at it, let alone rushing and fighting!

Su Yi just glanced at the battle group, and then he flickered away, and he walked away from the hall from the other side.

The lama in red seemed to be aware of it, and suddenly looked up, his eyes were like lightning, but he didn't notice anything.

He was slightly suspicious, but in the end he refocused on Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai.

There were two screams in the arena at this moment, but it was Zhang Sanfeng and Juejue Shitai who cooperated in the killing, causing one death and one injury.

The one who used the knife died, the one who used the sword had his arm broken, and only the one who used the iron staff retreated in time without being injured.

As soon as they retreated, seven Taoist priests in long robes attacked together, and the seven attacked Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai with a unique rhythm.

Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai were as if they were facing a formidable enemy, the two fought hard for more than ten moves, although they killed seven people in the end, they did not cause any damage and failed to break out of the battle formation.

However, Miejue Shitai cut off the three long swords with the help of the Yitian sword, and it may be a matter of time before the formation is broken.

"The Big Dipper Array of the Quanzhen Sect? Well, it's really worthy of the name of your patriarch!" Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help saying after recognizing the origins of these seven Taoists.

This is a compliment on the surface, but it is actually ironic.

What kind of hero was Wang Chongyang back then?He has devoted his whole life to fighting against the alien race, but his descendants and grandchildren are fighting with the Tartars, and now they even come to the palace to become court eagle dogs.

The seven Taoists all showed anger, but their expressions were also extremely dignified and shocked. Obviously, the strength of Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai was also far beyond their expectations.

"Are you the Juejue old nun of the Emei Sect?" Outside, the lama in red recognized the Yitian sword in Miejue Shitai's hand, and suddenly said in half-baked Chinese, with a cold tone, "Very good, very good, it seems that the Emei Sect There is no need to exist in this world anymore!"

After a pause, he looked at Zhang Sanfeng and asked, "Who are you?"

Without waiting for Zhang Sanfeng to speak, another old eunuch with strong aura stepped forward and said with a smirk: "It's really daring to go deep into the palace to assassinate His Majesty! No matter who you are, you will not escape the disaster of the destruction of the nine clans!"


Miejue Shitai and Zhang Sanfeng didn't intend to chat nonsense with them, and the two had a tacit understanding to charge again.

Sure enough, in less than two breaths, two Taoists were beaten to death by Zhang Sanfeng and Juejue Shitai respectively, and the Big Dipper formation collapsed without attack!

Buzz buzz... The lama in red suddenly threw out a golden wheel and swept towards Zhang Sanfeng.

At the same time, the eunuch in Chinese clothes rushed towards Miejue Shitai with a strange cry.

As soon as they left, a figure flashed in place, and another eunuch appeared. The eunuch's eyes were long and narrow, and his eyes were slightly squinted. He looked at Miejue Shitai's martial arts in surprise, and felt that they were very similar to the martial arts he had learned. It seems to be of the same origin...

In the main hall of the queen's bedroom, there are heavy curtains, and more than a dozen maids are passing through the curtains calmly, serving the emperor and the queen to change clothes.

Four eunuchs with rosy complexions and white hair and childlike faces bowed and stood on the four sides of the dragon couch. Near the door, there was also a lama and a middle-aged man with sword eyebrows and bright eyes standing solemnly.

These six people are also the emperor's secret guards, the best of the best, and the last line of defense to protect the emperor's safety.

From within the curtain, came a slightly majestic man's voice: "The palace is heavily guarded, but the thieves suddenly appeared in this Xingsheng Palace. How did they come in without disturbing the heavy guards? And how do they know that I am here?"

A long-faced eunuch bowed and said: "Go back to Your Majesty, I'm afraid there will be some internal guidance."

"Internal response?" The emperor was puzzled, slightly annoyed, "Whose person? Could it be the prince's? What does this son of a bitch want!"

(End of this chapter)

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