Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1146 Master

Chapter 1146 Master
In the Yuan Dynasty, the court was full of civil strife, and the emperor changed like a horse on a horse, which was extremely chaotic.

Today's emperor can be regarded as the longest reigning emperor after Kublai Khan. He ascended the throne at a young age, overthrew the prime minister, appointed wise men, worked hard to govern, and vigorously promoted the New Deal. He was once regarded as a promising monarch.

It's a pity that the Yuan court had too many disadvantages, and it was hard to get back. Coupled with natural and man-made disasters, wars broke out everywhere. This situation, which got worse the harder it worked, made Emperor Zhizheng completely desperate. .

As for the power in the court, he handed over all the power to his crown prince.

But in recent years, the crown prince has grown in power and become more and more arrogant, and he no longer takes him as his father seriously. Therefore, when Emperor Zhizheng heard that an assassin had entered the palace, he was the first to suspect his own son.

The queen hurriedly defended her son and said: "Your Majesty, father and son must not be suspicious! The prince has always been respectful and filial, how could he do such a rebellious act?"

"I also hope it's not him..." The emperor said angrily, and suddenly heard the loud noise of shouting and fighting outside the door. He was taken aback and asked quickly, "What's going on? Master Amamba? No? Is it not enough to say that there are only two assassins?"

The lama standing at the door also looked a little puzzled, and said, "Maybe some fish slipped through the net."

"Go and have a look!" The middle-aged man with bright eyebrows and bright eyes clasped his fists and said, then turned and walked outside the house.

Before he went out, the long-faced eunuch who had spoken before said seriously: "Your Majesty, for safety's sake, please leave this Xingsheng Palace first with your servants and maids!"

"You arrange it!" The emperor responded with remonstrance.

It was Su Yi who came from outside the door.

He left the hall, quietly sneaked into the depths of the palace, and soon found the emperor's bedroom.

There are four guards in armor at the door of the dormitory. They are burly, with a long breath and awe-inspiring expressions. They are masters at first glance.

In addition to these four people, there was a tall, thin monk in gray robes standing at the corner without saying a word.

The monk's skin was sallow, his eyes were dull, and he looked sick, but Su Yi could tell at the first glance that the threat of this man was far higher than those of the four guards.

Because Su Yi's arrival quickly alarmed the tall and thin monk.

Su Yi rushed over almost immediately when the tall and thin monk was on alert, and slapped the chests of the two front guards hard with both palms. His internal organs were shattered, and he died on the spot.

Seeing this, the faces of the two guards behind him changed drastically. Because the distance was too close and it was inconvenient to draw their knives, the two of them roared angrily and shot at Su Yi together, with surging internal energy, they were indeed masters!
And they were fast, the tall and thin monk was even faster!

Almost at the same time that Su Yi attacked the two guards, the thin and tall monk also came to Su Yi and slapped Su Yi with his palm!

Unlike Su Yi's attack, which was silent and silent, this tall and thin monk's attack was as terrifying as overwhelming mountains!
Before he reached the strength of his palm, Su Yi already felt short of breath in his chest, and his clothes were rattling by the palm wind.

But Su Yi ignored it, and still beat the first two guards to death on his own.

When the palm of the thin and tall monk landed on Su Yi's left shoulder, Su Yi went one step further and just met the palms of the last two guards.

In the next second, the tall and thin monk's palm force surged like a raging tide, rushing into Su Yi's body in an instant, but immediately poured out from Su Yi's palms, hitting the two guards hard.


The two guards flew out and hit the wall, both of them vomited blood and died on the spot!
And Su Yi backhanded a few tricks with the tall and thin monk, and the two slapped each other three times with "bang, bang, bang". Stabilizing his figure, his sallow face instantly turned purple, with bulging veins, and just about to speak, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"One clap and two scattered palms?" Su Yi recognized this monk's martial arts as one of Shaolin's 72 unique skills, and said lightly, "Good martial arts, it's a pity that it shouldn't appear here."

"Who are you!" To Su Yi's surprise, the monk could still speak, which shows that his internal strength is good, and the injury he suffered was not as serious as Su Yi imagined.


With a flash of the door panel, a figure flashed out, it was the middle-aged man with sharp eyebrows and bright eyes who was in the room before.

This man and Su Yi looked at each other, and rushed forward without saying a word, with nothing else in his eyes.

As soon as Su Yi fought against this person, he immediately felt the strangeness and power of this person!
His limbs are like boneless springs, soft and flexible, not only can be bent at will, but can even make all kinds of incredible moves with the bending of the limbs, which makes people hard to guard against!

Su Yi is also well-informed, but he has never seen such a strange person, such a weird martial arts, even though his boxing and kicking skills have already reached the peak, he still inevitably received several punches and palms.

Fortunately, Su Yi's internal strength protected his body, coupled with the great movement of the universe to defuse his strength, he didn't get hurt much, but even so, Su Yi played very passively.

This is the first time that Su Yi not only can't take advantage of his boxing skills, but also faintly falls into the disadvantaged.

Of course, the opponent just won by surprise, if they meet again next time, it won't be like this.

It's just that Su Yi needs to pass the middle-aged barrier right now.

Su Yi wanted to fight quickly, seeing that the opponent's moves and internal strength couldn't help him, and there was a faint smell of pungent aroma from his mouth and nose. Obviously, this person actually released poisonous gas during the fight, as if he had practiced some kind of poisonous skills.

At this time, Su Yi couldn't care much, he fought with the opponent with one hand, and clasped the opponent's wrist with the other hand, and suddenly launched the star-absorbing method.

With Su Yi's current skill, once he starts it suddenly, the opponent's internal power will come out like a flood, and it will go ten to two in the blink of an eye!

The handsome middle-aged man was so frightened at this moment, he struggled to break free and shouted angrily, "Help me! Help..."

The thin and tall monk was trying to suppress his injuries while fighting for the handsome middle-aged man, but when he saw the middle-aged man shouting for help, he was also taken aback!
He knew that this middle-aged man was a descendant of the White Camel Mountain in the Western Regions, and he had a superb set of spirit snake boxing. He came to this palace to obtain the lost toad kung fu. Wu's master, his strength is on par with himself.

But if he has never met an opponent with a strange and difficult spirit snake boxing technique, this middle-aged man often has an advantage over him.

Wouldn't it be scary for such a master who had just fought more than ten moves with the assassin, and had the upper hand just a moment ago, to call out for help in panic at this moment?

Seeing this, the tall and thin monk could no longer care about his own injuries, and roared and punched Su Yi.

This shot is another Shaolin stunt - Boromi Shou!
Seeing him make a move, Su Yi unhurriedly stretched out his other hand to meet him.The palm of the thin and tall monk touched Su Yi, and he was immediately sucked by the huge suction force, followed by the same middle-aged man, he felt his inner cultivation leaving his body like a flood.

He finally knew why the middle-aged man was frightened and yelled for help.

The two of them struggled to break free together, but it was of no avail, especially the tall and thin monk, who had just fought a few palms with Su Yi, and was able to suppress the injury with strong internal energy. At this time, Su Yi sucked away the internal energy, and he couldn't suppress it any more. Due to the injury, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and his expression suddenly became sluggish.

Just when the two were in despair, Su Yi suddenly stopped absorbing energy, Qian Kun Da Nuo shifted the absorbed internal force in his body alternately, switched left and right, and then spit it out from his palms crazily!

This is going to ebb and flow, and Su Yi "doubled the rebound", how can these two people stand it?
Immediately, the violent and majestic internal force attacked into the body, the internal organs were shaken to pieces, and both of them spurted blood wildly, and they died at that time beyond death!
The poor two peerless masters didn't even leave their names, so they died just like that!

Just at the same time when the middle-aged man called for help, in the hall ahead, a group of people who were fighting fiercely with Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai also heard the commotion. The face of the old eunuch with long and narrow sword eyes suddenly changed, and he didn't want to give up the original plan, and left the place in a blink of an eye.

As soon as he left, Miejue Shitai and Zhang Sanfeng breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and the overwhelming sense of crisis disappeared immediately.

Only then did Miejue Shitai realize that she was sweating on her forehead, and then she was terrified, and she also guessed that she had already escaped from the gate of hell.

She quickly put all her attention on the eunuch in front of her. This eunuch has learned a lot. He has the unique skills of Shaolin, the real swordsmanship, and even the soft yoga skills of the Western Regions. His inner strength is powerful and feminine, which is very terrifying.

Even if she had to deal with it wholeheartedly, it would be exhausting, let alone being distracted by that terrifying eunuch just now?
In order to relieve her pressure, Zhang Sanfeng even lured away all the other enemies, at least seven or eight masters are besieging Zhang Sanfeng at this moment.

Miejue Shitai was covered in blood, and she was seriously injured in the fight just now, but at this moment, her confidence was rekindled, she was determined, and she was determined to keep this person in front of her, even if she died together.

Her mentality was soon reflected in her moves, and the eunuch she was fighting was actually comparable in strength to Miejue Shitai, but at the moment she was intimidated by Miejue Shitai's ruthless fighting style, and felt fearful.

This fear made his momentum weaker by three points, and Miejue Shitai quickly seized the opportunity, and took a sword with all his strength, cutting the eunuch in half!

Before she could take a breath, she heard a roar: "Let go!"

Whoosh whoosh!
The next moment, the crossbows in the hands of the three rows of guards at the gate were fired together, and densely packed arrows shot towards Miejue Shitai.

Juejue was exhausted, there was no way to hide, and seeing that he was about to die here, Zhang Sanfeng let out a long cry, and suddenly rushed to this side with a man out of the battle group.

Using this man as a shield, he danced the body of the man in his hand like a windmill, but he could hear the sound of "puff puff" arrows piercing into the flesh and blood, and finally he threw the man towards the door with all his strength, smashing the guards at the gate to zero Baluo, as for the Quanzhen Taoist who was used as a shield by him, he seemed to be dying.

Before Zhang Sanfeng could catch his breath, the enemies who had besieged him came to him again.

Rescued by Zhang Sanfeng, Miejue Shitai was spared, but he was still hit by several arrows, and his body was stained red with blood.

She tried her best to touch her acupoints to stop the blood flow, and shot at the guard at the gate with wide eyes.

the other side.

Su Yi killed the master of White Camel Mountain and the Shaolin monk without any pause, and rushed into the emperor's bedroom in a flash.As soon as I entered the door, I felt a strong wind blowing in my face.

Su Yi instinctively felt the strong wind was blowing, but he couldn't see it, and he didn't dare to hit it hard. When he dodged his body, he saw a hole in the wooden pillar behind him suddenly exploded out of the corner of his eye.

Su Yi's heart suddenly trembled!
With a glance, he saw a lama in red standing not far away, suddenly pointing at him.

The strong wind came again, and Su Yi suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart, and he didn't even want to hide to the side again.

This time, a huge vase behind him suddenly exploded and shattered!
Volley finger force!

Long-range attack!

Su Yi's heart was terrified!

This is the second time he has seen the martial art of long-range attack. Compared with Yang Xiao's half-stretched finger magic power, this finger is many times stronger!
The point is that this finger force seems to explode when it touches an object. Su Yi has no way to resist or dissolve this finger force at all, and he dare not take it hard!

Dodging two fingers, the two eunuchs drew out the soft swords around their waists and rushed towards Su Yi, their sword moves dense and sharp, with tricky angles.

However, it gave Su Yi a very familiar feeling.

Isn't this the sword technique of the Sunflower Book?
Su Yi instantly seized one of the swords with the technique of "taking without a sword", and accurately pinpointed the opening to repel the other one. When he wanted to go further, the lama in red once again issued a volley finger force, and Su Yi had no choice but to avoid it. The plane was lost.

Glancing again out of the corner of his eye, he saw two eunuchs on the other side guarding a pair of middle-aged men and women in fine clothes and retreating in a panic, and a group of maids scattered in panic.

Su Yi's heart moved, and he dropped the three people on this side and rushed to the other side.

Whoosh whoosh!
The three-fingered wind behind him almost followed him closely, hitting the bluestone ground with broken stones flying!
Su Yi narrowly avoided the three fingers again, his speed was faster, his figure became more erratic, and he had already reached the middle-aged man and woman who were fleeing.Only then did the red-clothed lama's expression suddenly change, and he shouted sharply, "Block him!"

At the same time, people rushed towards Su Yi frantically.

The two eunuchs who had narrowly escaped death just now were also in hot pursuit.

At the same time, a faster figure flew over the heads of the three of them like lightning, stabbing Su Yi, who was already very close to the emperor, with a sword.

This person is the eunuch with narrow eyes!

This sword made Su Yi immediately think of Dongfang Bubai!
He resolutely gave up the pursuit and turned around to deal with the sword with all his strength.

dang dang dang...

But in a short time, the two of them had passed dozens of moves at least!
What Dugu Nine Swords, what Sunflower Swordsmanship, what moves, what moves, what breaking sword style, what only fast but not broken...

Nothing matters at this moment!
It all depends on who is better!
Just as there is no single answer in this world that can answer all questions, there is also no sword move in this world that can crack all sword techniques!

It is a stupid idea to believe that powerful moves can do anything.

This old eunuch with narrow eyes is definitely the person with the highest swordsmanship that Su Yi has ever seen. Even if Dongfang Bubai is compared with him, his artistic conception may be superior, but the speed of his moves is slightly slower.

Just as the two fought, the lama in red and the other two eunuchs also stopped Su Yi and the fleeing emperor.

"Take Your Majesty first!" The lama in red snorted and joined the battle group at the right time.

(End of this chapter)

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