Chapter 1147
This is definitely the strongest and most dangerous battle that Su Yi has ever experienced in his life!
The narrow-eyed eunuch's swordsmanship was superb, unpredictable, and brought speed and tricky swordsmanship to the extreme. In this respect, he was even more terrifying than Dongfang Bubai, which greatly made up for his lack of internal strength compared to Su Yi.

He entangled Su Yi with his dense and swift swordsmanship, making Su Yi tired of coping, and he didn't dare to relax for a moment.

And with the addition of the red-clothed lama, Su Yi realized that the red-clothed lama was actually a stronger master than the narrow-eyed eunuch, and perhaps he was the number one expert in the university!
In terms of internal strength, the inner strength of this lama in red is even stronger than Su Yi's. His inner strength is as hot as a blazing flame, and an ordinary person will be burned even if he touches it!
In terms of moves, the red lama's moves are basically whatever he wants, and he is not limited to specific movements and forms at all, and he is completely trustworthy.

He has even broken away from the stereotype of having moves and not moving, but moves freely, moving in front of his mind.

Even Su Yi has not reached this level, and even Zhang Sanfeng is slightly inferior.

What Su Yi didn't know was that this red-clothed lama was called Amanba. He was the number one expert in Tantric Buddhism today, and also a rare martial art genius in Tantric Buddhism for hundreds of years. A peerless genius who has reached the tenth floor, and even vaguely wants to break through to the eleventh floor.

It's just that this Amanba doesn't like fighting in martial arts, but prefers to study Buddhism. He even entered the palace to avoid worldly affairs and study Buddhist collections. model.

For these two people, Su Yi already needs to do his best to deal with one of them, and he dare not neglect, let alone one against two?

As the red-clothed lama joined the battle group, and the narrow-eyed eunuch was two against one, Su Yi suddenly fell into an absolute disadvantage and could only barely hold on.

Although it is impossible for anyone in this world to persevere in this situation like Su Yi, including Zhang Sanfeng, Su Yi is not proud of it.

The situation was very unfavorable for Su Yi, and what was worse, on the other side, several eunuchs had already escorted the emperor and empress out of the back door of the palace, disappearing from Su Yi's sight.

Changes must be made, now!
Easier said than done?
The enemy is strong and we are weak, the enemy is numerous and we are few, and the lamas and eunuchs only need to entangle Su Yi and consume Su Yi, not seeking merit, but seeking no fault.

On the contrary, it was Su Yi who had to get out as soon as possible, otherwise he would not only watch the emperor leave, but also face a worse situation of being surrounded by more masters and guards.

If that time really comes, Su Yi is likely to be consumed to death in this big chamber!
Su Yi's face was sinking like water, he dealt with the narrow-eyed eunuch with a long sword in his right hand, and fought with the lama in red with his bare fist in his left hand.

But seeing the figures flying around in the arena, the three figures entangled in one place moved rapidly, took off and changed, almost becoming afterimages.

The energy surged vertically and horizontally, and the sword light shone densely. Wherever the three of them went, everything turned into powder and debris, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

The martial arts of the three of them are close to Dao, and this battle is also close to fighting with gods. It is really hard to imagine that human power can cause such destruction.

At a certain moment, Su Yi seemed a little impatient, and forced the lama in red to fight hard, but was shaken so that his internal strength was unstable. The narrow-eyed eunuch seized the opportunity to attack fiercely, which made Su Yi reveal his flaws, and was pierced through his right rib by his sword .

This sword directly pierced Su Yi's lungs, causing his Qi to pour out, and his momentum was immediately sluggish!
The corner of Su Yi's mouth was bleeding, his complexion changed horribly, and he rushed to attack with a few moves to force the narrow-eyed eunuch to withdraw his hand and abandon his sword. Leave the battlefield.

But when martial arts have reached the level of the three of them, the difference between victory and defeat is often only one mistake.Their understanding of martial arts, as well as their awareness of fighting, has long been unbelievable.

As soon as Su Yi made a move, they had already guessed Su Yi's intentions. How could Su Yi get what he wanted?
The two of them knew that the outcome was about to be decided, and if they let Su Yi get away at this time, it would be a failure, so neither of them was willing to back down.

They also knew that as long as they survived Su Yi's counterattack, even if it was exhausted, Su Yi would be exhausted.

Therefore, in the face of Su Yi's desperate Saburo's crazy counterattack, both of them chose to confront each other head-on, without retreating at all.

The narrow-eyed eunuch who was forced to abandon his sword was originally very afraid of Su Yi's internal strength, and had always avoided direct competition with Su Yi's internal strength.

But at this moment, he let out a crazy and strange cry, and used all his internal strength to resist Su Yi's palm. Obviously, even if he was injured, he still wanted to stay in his position and prevent Su Yi from escaping from him. .

The lama in red on the other side also had the same idea, and he also made up his mind that he didn't want to back away and let Su Yi take the opportunity to escape, so he didn't dodge at all when Su Yi's slap was obviously relentless, and went directly to the difficulty.

Compared with the narrow-eyed eunuch, the lama in red has more confidence and confidence in his heart. He believes that he will be able to withstand Su Yi's blow, and may even injure Su Yi.

Just as Su Yi was afraid of him, he was also very shocked and admired by Su Yi's inner strength, because he had already lived for more than ninety years, but Su Yi was still very young.He has practiced for decades longer than Su Yi, but the gap between the two is not that big.

But no matter if there is a gap, there is a gap. At a critical moment, even a tiny bit of strength can determine life and death.


Two loud bangs erupted from where the four palms intersected, deafening like Hong Zhong Da Lu.

This is definitely not the sound that can be made by the touch of a fleshy palm, it is more like the Xeon sound wave of a hammer and a hammer!
The lama in red and the eunuch with fine eyes, one on the left and the other on the right, held Su Yi's palms respectively, sandwiching Su Yi in the middle.

If they had seen how Su Yi killed the handsome middle-aged man and the slender monk outside the door just now, they would not have cooperated with Su Yi to create the current situation.

If Su Yi had demonstrated the great teleportation of the universe or the great method of absorbing stars since he came in, they would never have competed with Su Yi for internal strength.

If the narrow-eyed eunuch had paid more attention to the causes of death of the tall and thin monk and the handsome middle-aged man outside the door when he came, maybe he could be more careful now.

Unfortunately, there is no if!

They never imagined that Su Yi would be so ruthless that he would lure them into the bait at the cost of being pierced by someone's lung, resulting in such a situation!
Because 100% of the root of the disease will fall after the damage of the lung lobe, and it will definitely make the performance of martial arts greatly reduced. How can someone be willing to pay so decisively for the severe harm that accompanies a lifetime?
How could someone be so cruel to him?
This is something that goes against logic and common sense, so they don't even think about whether Su Yi is deliberately selling loopholes.

Just as people may cut off a piece of their own flesh to lure a vulture into baiting, but there is no need to cut off a leg.

But the reason why Su Yi is so cruel to him is because of their mentality!
If Su Yi's price is "light", can he guarantee that the red lama and the eunuch with narrow eyes will be hooked at the same time?

As long as one has doubts, his bitter plan will be in vain.

In that way, Su Yi would not only steal a lot of money, but also put himself in a more unfavorable situation.

So he must be ruthless to himself, and the enemy must not suspect that he is "acting". He must ensure that the enemy will react according to his expectations.

Because he didn't have much time, he probably had the only chance to turn defeat into victory and end the battle in the shortest time!
Now he has a firm grip on it!

Whether it was the red-clothed lama or the narrow-eyed eunuch, they were shocked to find that after the initial collision of internal force, the palms of the two were suddenly sucked tightly, and then the internal force in their bodies suddenly surged towards Su Yi!

Star-sucking Dafa!

The faces of the two of them changed wildly, they never thought that Su Yi would have such a move.

Immediately following, the two men made two completely different reactions.

The reaction of the narrow-eyed eunuch was not beyond Su Yi's expectation, just like all the other people who have been affected by the star-absorbing method, he immediately used his internal force to resist with all his strength, trying to get rid of Su Yi, but how could it be possible?

Once the star-absorbing method is activated, unless Su Yi stops it on his own initiative, it is impossible to get rid of it!
The reason behind this is very simple. The star-absorbing method absorbs internal force. If you use your internal force to resist the star-absorbing method, don’t you take the initiative to deliver food?

But even if you don't use internal force to resist, if you retract your internal force into the dantian and stick to it, it is still difficult to resist the power of the star-absorbing Dafa.

If you want to resist Su Yi's star-attracting method, unless the stability and purity of your inner strength are stronger than Su Yi at the same time, you can avoid it.

Just like in "Swordsman", Ren Woxing can't do anything to Master Fangzheng, it is because Fangzheng practiced the Yi Jin Jing, the quality and purity of internal force are higher than Ren Woxing, so Ren Woxing Fang Zheng's internal force cannot be absorbed.

But in this world, there will never be a person whose internal strength is stronger than Su Yi in terms of stability and purity at the same time, because the internal strength cultivated by Su Yi's "Book of Changes Washing the Marrow" is the most pure and powerful type of internal strength in the world. One, besides absorbing Ren Woxing's decades of skill, he also has a very strong internal force that he has cultivated himself. In terms of profound skill, few people in the world can match it.

Although the red lama Amanba has stronger inner power than Su Yi, his Dragon Elephant Prajna inner power is indistinguishable from Su Yi's Yi Jing marrow washing inner power, so he is still not exempt from the star-absorbing Dafa.

Originally, if the zhenqi attribute was too extreme, he could also be exempted from the star-absorbing method. For example, Zuo Lengchan's icy zhenqi once made Ren Woxing "eat his stomach badly".

It stands to reason that Amanba's yang to heat internal force is also an extreme internal force. It is not good for Su Yi to absorb too much, but the I Ching's marrow washing scriptures can dissolve heterogeneous qi, and form an incomparable internal force with the star-absorbing Dafa. Jia complement each other, so this flaw does not exist here at Su Yi.

In addition, if the speed is too fast, it can also be exempted from the star-absorbing method.For example, Ren Woxing couldn't absorb Dongfang Bubai's internal energy, because he couldn't catch Dongfang Bubai at all, and Dongfang Bubai wouldn't give Ren Woxing a chance to absorb his internal energy.

But Su Yi originally knew the body skills in the Sunflower Collection, and his speed itself was extremely fast, so it also formed an excellent complement to the star-absorbing Dafa in terms of external body skills, and this flaw was also avoided by Su Yi.

It is no exaggeration to say that Su Yi's star-absorbing Dafa plus Yi Jing's Marrow Cleansing Sutra, top-level body skills, and top-level skills have made Su Yi invincible.

It's just that all things generate and restrain each other, and there is no absolute invincibility in this world. The red lama Amanba taught Su Yi a profound lesson at this moment.

Facing Su Yi's star-attracting method, Amanba resolutely gave up resistance after a little try, and then made a crazy move that completely surprised Su Yi.

Not only did he no longer resist the suction of the star-absorbing Dafa, but he actively sent his internal energy into Su Yi's body crazily!
He is not stingy with the internal strength he has cultivated through decades of hard work, pouring it out without any distress!

When it comes to being decisive and being ruthless to oneself, Amanba is actually even worse than Su Yi!

You know, once the internal energy is used up and consumed, it will be gone. Amamba now has to cooperate with the star-absorbing Dafa to output his internal energy for several years. In just a few breaths, his internal energy will be reduced to three or four, which is equivalent to disappearing in an instant Twenty or thirty years of hard work!

Su Yi was willing to have his lungs pierced by the sword, it was because his internal function was damaged and healed, so he had the confidence to do so.

But what about Amamba?
If his internal strength is gone, it will be gone, so he has to start from scratch, but he is so decisive that he doesn't seem to care about his decades of hard work and hard work!

This kind of cruelty to himself was beyond Su Yi's reach.

At least Su Yi is absolutely reluctant to let his decades of hard work come to naught.

Although the star-absorbing method is inclusive of all rivers, Su Yi's dantian and meridians are not an ocean to accommodate all things, but have limits.

It's like a balloon can be blown up very big, but what will happen to it beyond a certain limit?
Amanba's internal energy is stronger and deeper than Su Yi's, but at this moment, he is crazily outputting all his strength into Su Yi's meridians, can Su Yi bear it?

Su Yi's face changed wildly in an instant, and he didn't even want to transfer the majestic torrent like a landslide to the body of the eunuch with narrow eyes on the other side with the method of moving the universe.

bang bang bang...

A bit of blood mist erupted from Su Yi's body. Although his speed was fast enough, the majestic internal force exploded his meridians and exploded several acupoints all over his body.

In just this instant, Su Yi was severely injured, and a mouthful of blood spewed out wildly.

The narrow-eyed eunuch on the other side almost didn't even have time to snort, his whole body was instantly exploded by the majestic internal force, his body was blown apart, even his head exploded, leaving no whole body dead!

Su Yi, who was close at hand, was backlashed by the impact of the air wave, but Amaba on the other side was still frantically sending internal force into his body. He couldn't dodge even if he wanted to, and could only passively bear the impact. Dozens of acupuncture points all over his body exploded, and the whole person suddenly became a blood man, his whole body was bloody and bloody, and he was extremely miserable!

The next moment, with a loud noise, the two figures were directly blown away by the turbulent air wave, and everything in the entire dormitory was turned into flying ash in this astonishing explosion, the walls collapsed, and the smoke and dust filled the air!
It was Su Yi who, at the time of life and death, forcibly performed the Great Teleportation of the Universe for the second time, rebounding the majestic internal force gathered in his own meridians to Amanba, and forcibly ended the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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