Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1148 Gathering

Chapter 1148 Gathering
In the battle of masters, life and death are often in the blink of an eye. Even if you fight hundreds of moves, fight for days and nights, no matter how thrilling it is, it will not be as thrilling as that instant.

Although this moment is more splendid than eternity, if possible, any master would never want this moment to come, because this moment is like guessing with the god of death, and the price of failure is sudden death and loss of everything!
At this moment, there will never be any time for you to react, you don't even have time to think about anything, and you don't even have time to do anything.

It was only when Su Yi's brain started to function again that he realized that he had already passed through the gate of hell. At that moment, he didn't even have time to use the death-free card, and he didn't even think about it, because it was too late.

The whole body was in excruciating pain, and Su Yi could feel that his meridians were severely damaged, the internal energy in his body was disordered, he ran around, and his dantian was extremely swollen, as if it would explode at any time.

He was lying in the ruins, and it was extremely difficult to even move.

He was hurt so badly!

Apart from being in the plane of the Republic of China, this is the second time that Su Yi has suffered such a serious injury, and it is also the second time that he has been so close to death!

This is just a resort world, why did it happen like this?

Su Yi's mind was full of thoughts, and his thoughts spread uncontrollably.

He shook his head vigorously, forcing himself to wake up and not let his thoughts slack.

He held on, dipped his hands in blood with great effort, drew a talisman on his forehead, muttered a mantra in his mouth, and insisted on doing a whole set of movements to bless himself with the life-continuing talisman.

With the completion of the ceremony, a magical force flooded his body. Su Yi felt that the power had returned to his body, and his internal force could function again without any hindrance. All the severe pain disappeared, as if he had never been injured before.

But these are all appearances, and they are only temporary. Once the effect of the life extension talisman passes, he will fall into a situation where his injuries are more serious than now.

Moreover, in such a serious injury situation, forcibly using internal force, the damage caused by the transformation will not be weakened at all.

For example, if his dantian is really exploded after being stimulated, it is really exploded, and the life extension talisman is useless, it is impossible to suppress or reverse this trend.

Unless during the period when the life-continuing talisman is in effect, he can try his best to save himself, recover his injuries as much as possible, and channel his internal strength and meridians so that he can temporarily restore his combat power.

Su Yi did exactly that.

He quickly tapped a few of his acupoints, and then circulated his internal energy to heal himself. At the same time, he poured the internal energy in his dantian into his meridians. On the one hand, he relieved the pressure on his dantian, and on the other hand, he allowed his internal energy to warm and nourish the severely damaged meridians.

After barely making his internal force martial arts system in a state of "normal operation", Su Yi immediately climbed up from the ruins.

This process may have taken more than ten breaths.

Su Yi jumped up, and the sawdust, residue, and dust that fell on him were shaken away by him at the same time, and fell to the ground rustlingly.

He landed lightly on the place where Amamba fell to the ground, and looked down at the culprit who made him so miserable.

Su Yi has no hatred for him, only respect.

This is definitely a respectable opponent.

To Su Yi's surprise, Amanba was still alive, and his face was ruddy.

But his body disappeared from the belly.

The torso was also dilapidated, one arm disappeared from the shoulder blade, and the other arm was drooping on the ground in a bloody mess.

He blinked and looked up at Su Yi.

This is flashback.

Su Yi could see that Amanba was just holding his breath and not dying.

The lama in red seemed to be holding on to want to see Su Yi. Seeing Su Yi's lively appearance, he showed disappointment, and when he saw the rune on Su Yi's forehead, he showed a look of extreme shock.

His lips twitched, as if he wanted to say something, but finally his eyes became relieved and calm.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"By crossing people and crossing oneself, one can attain Taoism and detachment." Su Yi said without hesitation.

Amanba suddenly showed joy: "It's good, it's good."

The voice has not yet fallen, and the person has passed away suddenly.

Su Yi bowed slightly to Amanba solemnly, disappeared in place in a flash, and chased in the direction where the emperor left.

He already understood why Amamba was so decisive and ruthless.

Because he saw the great horror from Su Yi's star-absorbing method, he felt that this is a demon method that should not exist in the world, if it is still spread in the world, it will surely bring disaster to the common people, so he did not hesitate to destroy himself and kill Su B, die together with this evil law that harms the common people.

This is dauntless courage.

Su Yi also knew why Amanba became joyful and relaxed at the moment of his death.

Because he saw that Su Yi was not a violent villain, he asked Su Yi what he wanted, and the eight words Su Yi said made him understand that the things he was worried about might not happen, so he was really happy.

The Dafa of Absorbing Stars is really so powerful that this Tantric master is so afraid?
It depends on whose star-absorbing method it is.

If it is the great method of absorbing stars that I can do, this master will definitely not be so frightened as if he is facing a big enemy.

But Su Yi's great method of absorbing stars made him feel that there was no solution, so he was afraid.

Front hall.

Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai were covered in blood, standing between the corpses on the ground, they looked at each other and smiled.

All the enemies fell, and they were bloody.

Miejue Shitai was drenched in blood, but she felt that there had never been a moment in her life as hearty as this moment.

Zhang Sanfeng deserves to be Zhang Sanfeng. Hearing such a huge noise from the other side, he could know how fierce the battle was just thinking about it. So he became ruthless and killed all the enemies at all costs. All the guards who rushed into the temple.

Both of them were exhausted, and both suffered serious injuries, but they were not exhausted, and they were still able to hold on.

Hearing the rumble of footsteps outside the hall and the sound of machine guns one after another, the two of them rushed into the depths of the hall in unison in a tacit understanding.

When they passed the dormitory where Su Yi fought before, the sight of ruined walls and blood and flesh made them very shocked.

They thought that the battle that Su Yi would face would inevitably be more intense and dangerous, but they didn't expect it to reach this level.

How could such a nightmare battlefield be caused by flesh and blood?
The huge Xingsheng Palace bedroom was empty except for them. The two chased after the traces left by Su Yi. Along the way, they passed several battlefields where corpses were left everywhere. They also encountered a group of people like them. While chasing Su Yi's imperial guards, the two of them hid and killed them from behind without saying a word. After killing through the team, they continued to pursue without stopping.

Su Yi never met a decent master again.

After chasing all the way, he was ambushed at least three times, but none of these ambushes posed any threat to Su Yi.

Su Yi didn't love to fight either, he only killed those who stood in his way, and ignored the rest, he only cared about pursuing.

The emperor was fleeing out of the palace. It seemed that he wanted to go to the military camp in the south of the city, but he was destined not to make it.

Su Yi blocked the emperor near the palace gate, and easily killed all the guards and eunuchs who escorted him away, even a few maids who did it.

In the end, only the emperor and empress were left shivering and hugging each other.

The long sword in Su Yi's hand was dripping with blood, and he looked at the two of them indifferently.

This was not the first emperor he had seen, but like the previous one, both emperors were of different races.

There was no awe in his heart, he knew very well that the emperor was also an ordinary person, not really a real dragon emperor.

The emperor trembled, but he gritted his teeth and refused to beg for mercy.He glared at Su Yi angrily, and sternly shouted: "Evil thief, I am the Son of Heaven! If you dare to touch me, you will be punished by heaven!"

"I won't kill you." Su Yi smiled faintly, "It's just that someone wants to see you, so you have to follow me."

"Who is it? Is it the prince?" the emperor asked through gritted teeth.

Su Yi smiled without saying a word, and suddenly looked towards the way he came.

Two figures flew over quickly, who was it not Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai?
The two soon came to the front, and saw the emperor in the bright yellow dragon robe and the empress in the luxurious phoenix robe, both of them were happy.

They feel like they are in a dream.

A few days ago, when Su Yi told them about this crazy plan, their first reaction was that it was impossible to realize.

Even if Su Yi later analyzed with them bit by bit, telling them the feasibility and benefits of the whole plan, they finally agreed, but they just decided to give it a go with the courage of failure or success.

But there is not much hope for success.

It was only now that they were sure that it was a success!

In ancient times, there were Nie Gai, Zhuan Zhu, and Jing Ke who left their names through the ages, but now, Su Yi, Zhang Sanfeng, and Miejue will surely leave their names in history and be passed down to future generations!

Of course, they will not kill the emperor and empress, because their plan is far more than just killing the king. From the very beginning, they have this plan because the assassination of the emperor and the rescue of the six major factions are linked.

The life and death of this monarch is not only related to the life and death of more than a thousand people from the six major sects, but also to the grand plan of resisting Yuan Dynasty.

The three of them finally met at one place, and the footsteps around them were rumbled like thunder and thunder. It was obvious that the army was gathering.

But none of that matters anymore.

"Master Su, are you alright?" Zhang Sanfeng noticed that Su Yi was covered in blood, especially the shocking blood talisman on his forehead, and his heart sank.

How could he fail to recognize that this was a continuation talisman?How can I not guess that Su Yi must have been seriously injured and unable to persist, so he will use this last resort.

Su Yi shook his head and said to the two, "Let's go!"

Although Zhang Sanfeng was still worried, he didn't say much.Offended the emperor, stepped forward to touch his acupoints, the emperor lay limp on the ground, but Zhang Sanfeng picked him up.

The queen on one side was so frightened that she also went limp, Miejue Shitai did the same, touched the queen's acupoints, and held her in her hand.


The three raised their breath and flew towards the palace wall.

There were obviously crowds of people on the palace wall, with swords and guns like a forest, but no one dared to move at this moment.

Whoever dares to draw a bow and nock an arrow will even be scolded by his superiors.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

Seeing that Su Yi and the other three flew straight to the top of the city wall with the emperor and queen in their hands, the generals stationed here were sweating profusely and roared wildly.


The soldiers in this place instantly emptied a large area!

Su Yi and the other three landed on the top of the wall, paused to take a breath, and flew outside the palace wall together.

"General! Just helplessly..." someone shouted unwillingly.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by his general.

"What else? Do you dare to do it? Don't talk about accidental injury. If His Majesty and Queen are frightened, who can afford it!" The general grabbed his collar and roared.

"What now?"

"Quick! Follow me to the prince's mansion! Now only the prince can make decisions, and he dares to make decisions! Dayuan... the sky is about to change..."

After leaving the palace, Su Yi released two little ghosts, quickly wrote a sentence on a dirt wall with his fingers and showed it to one of the little ghosts, asking him to send a message, and then immediately erased the words.

He also ordered another kid to go to Chunfeng Pavilion to investigate the situation.

The three of them didn't hide it, and carried the emperor and queen with them and flew forward in the busy city. Wherever they passed, the people rioted and watched.

A knowledgeable person recognizes the dragon robe and the phoenix robe, and is terrified out of his wits, realizing the seriousness of the matter.

Some people started to chase in the direction where Su Yi and the others left, some went to inform the person who should be notified, some fled in all directions, and more people who didn't know the truth gathered in an uproar and discussed excitedly.

In the Spring Breeze Pavilion.

The movement in the palace also caught Zhao Min's attention, she frowned slightly, stood up and looked towards the palace, feeling a little worried in her heart.

Just looking over from here, I can't see anything, I can only vaguely hear the horns of the army's assembly.

"Princess, there seems to be trouble in the palace!" said a red-clothed lama behind him.

The two lamas in red had dignified expressions on their faces. They were originally the bodyguards of the palace, and they were "borrowed" by Zhao Min.

"If something goes wrong, it's useless even if you go back." Zhao Min said slowly, "On the contrary, if you are here with me, you can get out of the matter, which may not be a good thing."

Zhao Min guessed that the one who could cause trouble in the palace might be the prince.

Wouldn't it be another palace change?

Zhao Min felt a little heavy in his heart, any changes in the royal family were related to the world, and there was no small matter in the emperor's family.If there are really changes in the palace, the Ruyang Palace, which holds the power of soldiers and horses, will definitely be affected and implicated, and it is impossible to stay out of the matter.

Just why now?

Why did all the bad things happen at this time?

At this moment, she is completely unaware that the change in the palace has something to do with Su Yi, because it is totally unreasonable.

In Zhao Min's view, either Su Yi hadn't arrived in Dadu yet, or he was in Dadu but hid himself.

No matter what the situation is, Su Yi should be worrying about how to rescue the people from the six major factions, and racking his brains about how to deal with her, Zhao Min. It is neither possible nor should he do other things.

At the same time, in a certain mansion by the Jishuitan wharf, Xiao Zhao and others restrained the owner of the house and hid here.

From here, you can see the Spring Breeze Pavilion in the distance, and you can vaguely see the figures of Zhao Min and other three people in the pavilion.

Xiao Zhao, who had been "summoned" by Su Yi, deliberately chose such a place to hide, and I have to say that it couldn't be more suitable.

It is worth mentioning that among Xiao Zhao, Zhou Zhiruo and Su Sanqi, Xiao Zhao is the youngest, and the seemingly innocent Xiao Zhao has more leadership ability, so the combination of the three here is based on Xiao Zhao .

Xiao Zhao did not give in to this, and it was only natural to give orders, without any timidity, confident and steady.

(End of this chapter)

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