Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1149 Meeting

Chapter 1149 Meeting
Xiao Zhao had already received Su Yi's order, and when he arrived at this mansion, he restored Wang Baobao to his original appearance, and let go of all his restrictions, but he asked Su Sanqi to keep him under strict supervision.

She stood in the courtyard and looked at the figure in the Spring Breeze Pavilion, feeling quite worried.

Although Su Yi didn't tell her his plan clearly, Xiao Zhao knew that Su Yi needed to plan carefully, pass on Jue Mie Shitai's set of swordsmanship to strengthen his strength, and also need him, Zhang Sanfeng and Jue Mie Shitai to join forces , must be extremely dangerous and extremely difficult.

Su Yi didn't say anything, and Xiao Zhao didn't ask too much, but silently did all the things Su Yi explained, and at the same time prayed in his heart for Su Yi's safe return.

At a certain moment, Xiao Zhao suddenly felt that the scene in front of him changed in a trance, and the temperature suddenly turned cold.

She immediately realized something, and her heart tightened suddenly. There was a kind of excitement of relief, but more of it was fear.

Although I have known the two little ghosts beside my elder brother for a long time, and I am trying my best to get used to their existence and the way my elder brother uses them to convey information to himself, but every time I see them or see the illusion created by them, Xiao Zhao still feels the same. Feel very scared.

The elder brother told her that it was the natural suppression of life and death, not that she was too timid, but Xiao Zhao felt that the elder brother was comforting herself, that she was a little girl who was afraid of ghosts, which made her very depressed.

The illusion shown by the little ghost this time is a passage written on the dirt wall, which is obviously written by the elder brother——

"Let Wang Baobao go to the Spring Breeze Pavilion to meet Zhao Min, wait for the three of you to leave the city through Jiandemen, be careful of the beggar gang, hurry up!"

The handwriting is slightly scribbled, and the time must have been rushed when writing this paragraph, which gave Xiao Zhao a sense of urgency.

After the illusion disappeared, the fear receded like a tide, Xiao Zhao heaved a sigh of relief, and muttered: "The breeze? Or the bright moon? Thank you!"

Not daring to neglect, she turned and entered the room.

In the wing room, Su Sanqi and Wang Baobao sat facing each other, while Zhou Zhiruo stood by the window not far away, watching the scenery outside the window through the grille.

As soon as Xiao Zhao stepped through the threshold, a calm smile appeared on his face, with his hands behind his back and his chest up, looking calm and confident.

The eyes of the three fell on Xiao Zhao, Zhou Zhiruo resisted the urge to roll her eyes, and thought that this girl imitated Brother Su everywhere, even her walking posture was enough.

"General Wang, you can go." As soon as Xiao Zhao spoke, the three of them were taken aback.

"Go east through the front door, you will see a pavilion." Xiao Zhao laughed.

"It's Chunfeng Pavilion, I know it's here!" Wang Baobao said in a deep voice.

Xiao Zhao smiled: "Your sister Zhao Min is waiting for you in the Spring Breeze Pavilion, you can go directly to her."

As soon as these words came out, instead of being overjoyed, Wang Baobao was in shock, and asked uncertainly, "Then you..."

Xiao Zhao said seriously: "Let's leave now! General Wang, I hope you will take care of yourself in the future, and don't do anything to bully the Han people again."

Wang Baobao automatically ignored the second half of the sentence, and asked again: "Brother Su..."

During these days, he and Su Yi have become brothers and sisters, and he feels that as long as he works harder, he can persuade Su Yi to join him.

Despite such self-confidence, Wang Baobao never imagined that Su Yi would let him go suddenly. He knew very well that Su Yi was going to exchange him for members of the six major factions, and he was Su Yi's bargaining chip.

Where did someone take the initiative to lose their chips?
But today is destined to surprise Wang Baobao.

Xiao Zhao said seriously: "Of course this is the meaning of big brother, General Wang, there will be a period later!"

She clasped her fists together, ignored Wang Baobao's reaction, turned to Zhou Zhiruo and Su Sanqi and said, "Sister Zhiruo, Uncle Sanqi, let's go!"

After all, he took the lead and walked out.

Zhou Zhiruo and Su Sanqi were also full of doubts, but they didn't ask any more questions, because Su Yi had clearly told them when he left, that Xiao Zhao would follow the lead in everything, and don't question what she said.

The three of them came out in a single file and withdrew directly from the back door, leaving only Wang Baobao dumbfounded in the room.

He froze for a while, and then walked out of the house in a daze.

Sure enough, no one stopped him.

This restores freedom?
Wang Baobao felt unreal.

Could it be...

He looked to the east and saw three figures in the Spring Breeze Pavilion, one of whom was faintly familiar.

Could it be that the younger sister has reached some kind of agreement with Su Yi, so Su Yi will let him go?
This guess made Wang Baobao both relaxed and disappointed.

The ease is naturally due to the restoration of freedom, but the loss is due to Su Yi's leaving without saying goodbye.

"Brother Su, brother Su, if you refuse to say goodbye to me, could it be that you haven't decided whether you want to join me in a great cause?" Wang Baobao thought in great disappointment.

He walked towards the Spring Breeze Pavilion.

Although Zhao Min waited for Su Yi's arrival at the Spring Breeze Pavilion, he didn't really do nothing, at least he arranged a lot of plainclothes guards around.

These people are all old people from the Ruyang Palace, and they all recognized Wang Baobao. Although they were all surprised, they didn't come forward to recognize each other. They just made eye contact with Wang Baobao from a long distance away.

Wang Baobao regained his vigilance. He climbed up the steps along the Qingshiban Road and walked towards the Spring Breeze Pavilion.

His arrival quickly attracted the attention of Zhao Min and Cheng Kun.

"Wang Baobao? Why did he come back by himself?" Cheng Kun, who was hiding in the inn, frowned when he saw this scene, "Where's Su Yi?"

His expression was cloudy and uncertain, and he guessed various possibilities in his heart.

He used the beggar gang to cast a net in Dadu, but he didn't even see Su Yi's shadow.

Wang Baobao was Su Yi's hostage, but now he suddenly appeared in the Spring Breeze Pavilion without any warning.

This at least shows that Su Yi and Wang Baobao and his party have arrived in Dadu long ago, but the beggar gangs all over the street have not found their whereabouts at all.

Su Yi's elusive presence made Cheng Kun even more afraid of this person.

But what he is more worried about now is that Su Yi will not appear in Chunfeng Pavilion.

If Su Yi didn't come, his arrangement at the Spring Breeze Pavilion would be in vain.

Although he has prepared more than one method to deal with Su Yi, if his carefully prepared trap is so easily abolished, it will still make Cheng Kun feel ashamed to punch nothing. After all, he analyzed and speculated before that Many, the conclusion is that Su Yi will definitely come.

Cheng Kun stared at the Chunfeng Pavilion. For some reason, he suddenly felt a little cold, and his shoulders became a little heavy, as if someone was sitting on it...

In the Spring Breeze Pavilion, Zhao Min was also very surprised to see his brother walking up step by step, his heart was full of thoughts, and his expression changed from cloudy to cloudy.

The two soon stood facing each other in the pavilion. They were supposed to be excited about the scene of meeting each other, but they didn't have any joy in their hearts. Instead, they were full of doubts.

"What did you promise him?" Wang Baobao blurted out.

"Have you been poisoned?" Zhao Min also spoke at the same time.

After asking, both of them were taken aback, and said together:

"I didn't see him."

"I wasn't poisoned!"

Then the two froze at the same time.

"He let you go just like that?" Zhao Min couldn't believe it.

"He let me go just like that?" Wang Baobao frowned, feeling that things were very strange.

The two were silent at the same time, brainstorming, and the more they thought about it, the more strange it became.

They all knew that Su Yi was not an idiot, and would definitely not do stupid things like self-destructing the Great Wall.

But just because they knew it, they couldn't figure out why it was like this.

Just when they couldn't figure it out, the two suddenly looked to the south together.

Then I saw the images of the three Taoists leaping towards this side like three big birds.

No, not three ways, but five ways!

Two of them were carrying a person in each hand!

The two red-clothed lamas, who had been silent all this time, were also watching the approacher vigilantly, and had already made a defensive gesture.

They are masters with sharp eyes and ears, so they saw clearly what clothes Zhang Sanfeng and the person carrying in Miejue Shitai's hands were wearing before Zhao Min and Wang Baobao.

Dragon Robe!

Phoenix robe!

The faces of the two changed drastically in an instant, and Qi Qi shouted angrily: "Bold!"

After saying that, without even thinking about it, Qi Qi flew out and greeted Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai.

They are masters in the palace, and their duty is to protect the emperor. Now that there are gangsters kidnapping the emperor and empress out of the palace, how can they just sit idly by?
But they are doomed not to succeed, because there is still a Su Yi between them and Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai!
"Master, use the sword!" Su Yi snorted softly, Juejue Shitai didn't even want to throw the Yitian sword at Su Yi.

As soon as Su Yi caught it, the two lamas had already arrived.


The sword light suddenly appeared in mid-air, and the two lamas tried their best to dodge and make counterattack postures. They both slapped Su Yi's body with powerful vajra palms, but the next second they found that their palms were slapping each other, shocked Each of them froze.

There was nowhere to rely on strength in midair, and the two of them were about to fall downwards after being beaten, but Su Yi seized the opening and slashed down with his sword!
Two heads flew out, two pillars of blood crazily threw the field control, and the two headless corpses fell down in a hurry.

Just a face to face, Su Yi killed the two of them!

But Su Yi, who was already injured, used his internal strength again, using the Great Teleportation of the Universe, which aroused the injury, and he felt a sweetness in his throat, and almost spurted out a mouthful of blood.

He just happened to reach a tree, tapped the crown of the tree to take a breath, and then he flew forward like a cloud and flowing water, and no one saw the opening of his serious injury.

Why didn't Su Yi use the two little ghosts to create illusions for the two lamas to instantly kill the enemy?

This is because warriors move their Qi and blood to circulate their internal energy when they fight, and this is when the yang energy is the hottest. To the two little ghosts, the warriors at this time are like the sun, and they can't get close at all, even with the blessing of Su Yi's talisman, It is also very dangerous for them to be close to warriors in combat state, because internal force can hurt ghosts.

Therefore, the little ghost is not omnipotent, at least not at Su Yi's current level, and he still has to rely on himself in many cases.

At this time, both Wang Baobao and Zhao Min also saw who was coming, and also recognized who Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai were holding in their hands.

The two of them didn't care about being shocked by the death of the two red lamas at all. At this moment, they stared at the emperor and the empress, full of horror and shock!
But at the same time, Cheng Kun in the inn was staring at Chunfengting, but didn't notice anything unusual.

His eyes were in a daze for a moment, and then he only saw Zhao Min and Wang Baobao still talking in the Spring Breeze Pavilion, and he couldn't see anyone else coming.

In his sight, everything is calm!

This is naturally the credit of Qingfeng.

Where Cheng Kun couldn't see, Qingfeng was covering Cheng Kun's eyes, conveying illusions to his mind, deceiving his vision and thinking.

For Qingfeng, this job is very familiar. Not only is the content of the job simple, but even the goal of the job is the same as before.

Su Yi and the other three fell lightly into the gazebo one after another.

Su Yi tidied up a little on the way here, transferred the life-continuing talisman to his chest, and wiped off the blood on his face.

However, he didn't have time to change his clothes. The clothes on his body were still ragged and bloodstained, and he looked extremely embarrassed and dirty.

But despite this, when he stood in front of Zhao Min and Wang Baobao, the two siblings didn't dare to underestimate him or have any unreasonable thoughts about him.

On the contrary, they are more afraid and terrified of Su Yi at this moment!
Because of the two in the hands of Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai.

"Miss Zhao, are you here all right?" Su Yi greeted with a smile, with a gentle and gentle tone, just like a son returning from a long journey and standing at the entrance of an alley to greet his neighbors.

"Brother Wang, congratulations on the reunion of brothers and sisters, it's really a pleasure." Su Yi smiled again and nodded to Wang Baobao.

But neither Wang Baobao nor Zhao Min was in the mood to say anything to Su Yi at the moment.

They only have the emperor and queen in their eyes.

Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai put the emperor and queen on the ground, and directly unlocked their acupoints, their legs were weak at the same time and they were about to collapse on the ground, but they were grabbed by each.

"The minister (the minister's daughter) pays homage to Your Majesty and Queen!" Wang Baobao and Zhao Minqi bowed together.

The emperor's face was pale, and he held the queen's hand tremblingly, looked at Wang Baobao and Zhao Min in front of him, gritted his teeth, and said, "Kaokuo Timur, Minmin Temuer! So it's you!"

"Your Majesty, we..." Wang Baobao heard the emperor's angry questioning, and hurriedly wanted to explain, but was stopped by Zhao Min.

Zhao Min looked at Su Yi solemnly and said, "Su Yi, as long as you let Your Majesty and Queen go, I promise you anything!"

Wang Baobao just woke up as if he had just woken up from a dream. He pointed at Su Yi and shouted in fright and anger: "Su Yi, you, you are so courageous!"

The two brothers and sisters are dignified and calm, and the other is frightened and angry.

"Su Yi, I can release the people from the six factions immediately!" Zhao Min looked at Su Yi and said, "What else do you want, just say it! As long as you are willing to release your majesty and queen, you want me, Zhao Min." I can take the head from your neck, and I can give it to you right now!"

These words were extremely firm and sonorous, without the slightest hesitation.

The emperor was a little suspicious when he heard this, and looked at Zhao Min and Su Yi in astonishment, but stopped talking, and just stood aside with the trembling queen in his arms, watching coldly.Although he tried his best to appear calm, his trembling hands and eyes that kept looking around revealed the fear and helplessness in his heart.

"Su Yi, you let Your Majesty and the Queen go, and I will take Timur's life!" Wang Baobao finally regained his composure at this moment, and immediately expressed his opinion loudly.

At this moment, how dare he call Su Yi "Brother Su" again?
(End of this chapter)

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