Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1150 Explosion

Chapter 1150 Explosion
Zhao Min and Wang Baobao's hearts were undoubtedly broken. At this moment, they no longer wanted to wrestle with Su Yi or recruit Su Yi.

They only regret why they provoked such a lunatic, such a cruel person?
A disagreement brought the emperor in front of you, and asked you if you were afraid?
What tricks are you playing?What kind of mentality do you have?
Everything was in vain, because people directly flipped the table!
Of course they knew that Su Yi had arrested the emperor and came to see them, so they must have other plans, but they just want to stay away now, the farther away from Su Yi's big trouble, the better.

They don't want to hear anything, they don't want to see anything.

If possible, they even hope that they become deaf and blind now.

It's a pity that this is unrealistic. Su Yi brought the emperor and empress to them, not to show them, or to show off.

"Miss Zhao, do you think the two lives of the emperor and the empress are more important than the lives of more than a thousand people from the six major sects?" Su Yi said with a smile.

Rumbling footsteps sounded from all directions, desolate and hurried horns came and went one after another, and even the smoke and dust in the neighborhood not far away could be vaguely seen, billowing in, obviously there was a large army gathering.

But Su Yi didn't seem to be in a hurry at all.

He took his time and took his time.

But the more calm they were, the more sweaty Zhao Min and Wang Baobao were standing opposite him, feeling the tremendous pressure of the sky collapsing.

"Even if the lives of all the people in Dadu are added up, they are not worth as much as Your Majesty and the Empress!" Zhao Min paled, staring at Su Yi and gritted his teeth, "Su Yi, you won! I admit defeat, I don't want to fight with you anymore !"

She was really scared.

But this is not a game, nor is it a war, there is no such thing as surrender.

Su Yi smiled, ignored her, but turned to look at Wang Baobao: "Brother Wang, I have been listening to your great talents these days, listening to you criticizing the government, listening to you saying that treacherous officials are in power, the emperor is stupid, and you have the power to help the world." You want to save the world. Although I am a Han Chinese, I was greatly shocked. It was inspired by you that I did such a thing.”

Wang Baobao's eyelids twitched and his face turned green.

He did criticize the government these days, but the purpose was to resonate with Su Yi and make Su Yi think that he, Wang Baobao, was a wise master who wanted to "set things right".

But even if he was killed, Su Yi actually kidnapped the emperor and queen, and said he was inspired by him?

Does he dare to carry this pot?

Can he carry it?

"Su Yi, don't talk nonsense!" He yelled, "I have never said these words! I was captured by you, I am just your prisoner! I have no freedom, let alone say these words to you, you It's slander! You are slander!"

Su Yi showed a look of disappointment: "Brother Wang, why is this so? You and I have had a very happy conversation these days, and we can be regarded as congenial..."

"Su Yi!" Wang Baobao pointed at Su Yi and yelled sharply, "You traitor, I expanded Timur's promises to you only to escape your clutches. Who agrees with you? As a big Yuan Jun, I cannot stand against a traitor like you!"

Now he would rather be beaten to death by Su Yi than be accused of colluding with the traitor.

This is also Zhao Min's thoughts, if Su Yi wants to beat them to death with a single palm, they will all admit it, at least they will not be regarded as rebels, they will not be misunderstood by the court, and be executed by all the families.

The family members of Ruyang Prince's Mansion are all in Dadu, there are hundreds of people in the family, how can the two brothers and sisters not be afraid?
Su Yi sighed and said: "My heart is towards the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch..."

He looked at Zhao Min again: "Miss Zhao, do you still remember the bet you and I made?"

Of course Zhao Min remembered that at Hongyazi on Ganshan Avenue that night, she clearly left a large army in ambush, but Su Yi led her past there swaggeringly, thousands of troops seemed to be blind and deaf collectively!
She lost the bet because of this, and promised Su Yi that she could do something in her name, and that she herself had to accompany her. Afterwards, she also pursued the matter and sent someone to investigate thoroughly, but no results have been reported yet.

"You want to take back the bet now?" Zhao Min was puzzled, looking at Su Yi vigilantly, then at the emperor and queen, "What do you want?"

Su Yi said lightly: "I want you to clean up the emperor in the name of the daughter of King Ruyang, punish the treacherous ministers and villains in the court, allow the Han people to join the army through the imperial examination, and allow the Han people to have the same status as everyone, recruit all kinds of volunteers to enter the court as officials, and help the world together event."

What Su Yi said is completely a fantasy, there is no possibility of half realization, it sounds extremely naive.

Zhao Min didn't believe that with Su Yi's wisdom, he wouldn't know that what he said had no possibility of being realized at all, so she was sure that Su Yi had other plans.

She looked at Su Yi vigilantly, and said, "This is impossible! Su Yi, what are you going to do, don't make detours!"

"Take the emperor and order the princes." Su Yi said with a faint smile.

"Bold!" The emperor and Wang Baobao shouted almost in unison.

To say such things in front of the emperor, there is no one but Su Yi.

The emperor turned blue with anger and trembled violently.

Wang Baobao really didn't dare to listen to Su Yi's bullshit words, he hurriedly said: "Su Yi, you kidnapped His Majesty and Queen to come to us, you must have a conspiracy, just say it, don't go around in circles again!"

Even if it was a waste of time, the rumbling footsteps around were more dense, and some leading troops had arrived, and Su Yi could also see some people in Chinese clothes had arrived on horseback, and gathered under the mountain bag.


Su Yi gave the little ghost an order.

The next moment, Cheng Kun's eyes suddenly lit up in the inn. In his line of sight, he "saw" Su Yi appearing alone under the mountain bag, and was quickly heading towards the Spring Breeze Pavilion.

Without saying a word, he rushed out of the room and quickly lit the gunpowder fuse.

Then he stared at Su Yi who was walking up the mountain. He calculated the time silently, and calculated that after Su Yi arrived at the Spring Breeze Pavilion, after ten breaths of time, the explosives would go off, and the people in the pavilion would be blown up to the sky!

He believes that Su Yi's stay in the pavilion will definitely exceed ten breaths, it cannot be shorter!

He stared at Su Yi who was going to the pavilion, his nerves were tense, and he even subconsciously held his breath.

Cheng Kun didn't see it at all. Several troops under the Spring Breeze Pavilion arrived one after another and began to deploy control and surround them.

In the Spring Breeze Pavilion.

Facing Zhao Min's question, Su Yi's smile remained undiminished, and he remained silent for a moment.He nodded slightly to Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai.

The two had a tacit understanding with Su Yi, and they pointed their fingers at the back of the emperor and empress. The knees of this distinguished couple immediately softened, and they knelt down with a "plop".

Standing in front of the emperor and empress were Wang Baobao and Zhao Min.

The faces of both of them changed when they saw this, but before they could react, Su Yi suddenly hit the acupoints of the two, at the same time Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai left the emperor and queen together, and one of them grabbed Wang Baobao , one person grabbed Zhao Min, suddenly soared into the air, and flew away into the distance.

Su Yi followed closely behind.

When they came, three people carried two people, and when they left, three people carried two people. There was no change in the number of people, but the emperor and empress were left in the Spring Breeze Pavilion.

The emperor and queen knelt down in the pavilion and couldn't move. They looked at each other, both a little dazed, and their brains couldn't react at all.

They couldn't figure out why everyone left them and ran away after a cloudy conversation!

They couldn't figure out why the "thieves" had worked so hard to catch them from the palace, why they left them and ran away so easily?
Not to mention that they couldn't figure it out, neither could the dignitaries and generals and soldiers gathered under the mountain bag.

But they reacted quickly.

In fact, they reacted very quickly. As soon as it was confirmed that the emperor had been captured at the Spring Breeze Pavilion, some troops had already been sent to surround Ruyang Palace.

When they saw the emperor and empress kneel down to Wang Baobao and his sister, the onlookers had already sentenced Ruyang Wang Manmen to death in their hearts.

Seeing that they flew away suddenly with the pair of bold siblings at this moment, although they didn't know why, it didn't prevent them from rushing up to "rescue him" immediately.

"Save Your Majesty!" An old minister roared angrily, and took the lead to spread his legs and run up the hill.

The rest of the high-ranking officials and generals who had already arrived were not to be outdone, and hurriedly ran wildly, wanting to take this "rescue".

Even Su Yi and other five people stopped on the roof of a house not far away, stopped and looked back, they couldn't care about Dali anymore.

But before they ran halfway up the mountain——

With a loud noise, the earth trembled and the mountains shook, and half of the mountain suddenly turned into dust and thick smoke erupted loudly, submerging the entire world in a blink of an eye.

Those who rushed quickly were thrown out by the turbulent air waves at the first time, screaming and rolling down the hillside, but even so they still couldn't escape the smoke and dust of the explosion.

In order to ensure that the explosives could kill Su Yi, Cheng Kun used up almost all of his gunpowder stock.

Then, through his special proportioning and manufacturing, the power of the gunpowder explosion is doubled!

Although this "exploding maniac" failed to blow up the Guangmingding, he was able to blow up the Spring Breeze Pavilion, which is considered to be his wish.

At least Cheng Kun thinks so now.

Because he "helplessly" watched Su Yi, Zhao Min and others being bombed into the sky together.

The violent explosion caused the ground to shake suddenly, and the dust swished down.

But Cheng Kun stared at the front without blinking, until the smoke filled the air, covering even this inn, and he felt ecstasy in his heart.

"Ha! Haha! Dead! Exploded!" He yelled wildly, waving his arms, "So what if your martial arts are invincible? Su Yi, you still died by my hands! You died by me, Cheng Kun!" It's in my hand, haha..."

He laughed wildly, feeling a sense of accomplishment in his heart.I didn't even notice the sudden trance in front of my eyes and the sudden relaxation of my shoulders.

He laughed and screamed madly, and it took a long time to calm down, and he walked out of the inn excitedly.

Then he froze.

He saw soldiers running around in panic, and some high-ranking officers and generals were crying loudly.

what are they doing?
What they yelled was——

His Majesty?

Cheng Kun was full of doubts, mixed with confusion and fear.

Something doesn't seem right!
On the roof not far away, after watching the shocking explosion, Su Yi gestured to Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai, and the group wanted to fly away.

And Zhao Min and Wang Baobao were completely frightened.

They witnessed the death of the emperor and queen!
Of course, Su Yi and the others stopped for a moment just to let them see this scene with their own eyes.

The group of five people didn't stay any longer, they headed north together, and when they arrived at a sparsely populated place, Su Yi took them to a clothing shop with ease, knocked out the boss and the buddy here, and made them change clothes and outfits quickly in a group of three, Both Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai also washed their faces with water and restored their original appearance.

Only then did Su Yi unlock the acupoints of Zhao Min and Wang Baobao, restoring their freedom of speech and action.

"Crazy, you crazy, you killed His Majesty! You actually killed the Emperor!" Wang Baobao couldn't help roaring at Su Yi as soon as he recovered his ability to speak.

He was trembling, with horror and despair written all over his face.

Su Yi smiled lightly and said: "The emperor was killed by the bombing. The person who buried the gunpowder is your sister. He is a monk from Shaolin Temple, Yuan Zhen. It is not difficult to find out this matter with the ability of the court. Brother Wang, kill the emperor." If you can't fall on my head, your Ruyang Palace should admit it."

"Yuanzhen..." Wang Baobao was quick-witted, but his look of despair and panic was even stronger: "You framed us! You planned to frame us from the very beginning! You devil!"

"Brother Wang, if you still talk to me with this attitude, then we have no choice but to say goodbye." Su Yi sighed and said, "I will save the people from the six major sects myself. As for you two brothers and sisters, you can go back and ask the prince and you Baiguan explained, saying that all of this is a conspiracy by me, Su Yi, and has nothing to do with you."

"You are so vicious..." Wang Baobao's eyes were tearing apart.

"Brother!" But Zhao Min, who had been silent since he regained his freedom, interrupted Wang Baobao.

Her face was pale, but her eyes were terribly bright.

She smiled miserably, and said to Su Yi: "I lost, Su Yi, I lost completely!"

She is a smart woman, although there are still many strange things in the whole thing that she hasn't figured out, but it doesn't matter anymore.

The important thing is that the emperor and empress were taken away from the palace and brought to her.

And she has been waiting for Su Yi's arrival in the Spring Breeze Pavilion for the past few days. Many people in the court know about it, even the emperor knows about it.

She also asked the emperor to borrow two big insiders, saying that it was to save her brother.

But what the emperor and the officials saw was that she and her elder brother were standing in the Spring Breeze Pavilion unscathed, what they saw was that the emperor and empress knelt down to their brother and sister, what they saw was that they were taken away by Su Yi and others , the emperor and empress were killed.

Who buried the explosives in the Spring Breeze Pavilion?
Why did the emperor die?

Can she and her brother explain this clearly?
Even if it is possible, will anyone believe it?
Prime Minister You and many officials have long been dissatisfied with their father, how could they not take this opportunity to completely destroy Ruyang Palace and eliminate political enemies?
And the prince, the prince who has coveted the throne for a long time, how can he not seize the opportunity to take the throne, and immediately attack the Ruyang palace to avenge his father?

(End of this chapter)

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