Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1151 Wan An

Chapter 1151 Wan An
In this world, the truth is sometimes very important, so important that people would risk their lives to fight for and seek it.

But sometimes no one cares about the truth at all, because people want to know what will change if such a result happens and what they can get instead of what happened.

This is the side effect of the extreme development of rationality due to the profound knowledge and insight-exquisite self-interest, it also has a beautified name-superior thinking.

Is it absolutely correct to think after suppressing the nature of emotions and fears?In fact, it is not always the case, but it is undeniable that it must be relatively correct, and it is also respected by people.

It is precisely because of this that the shared "superior thinking" seems to have become a tacit understanding between "smart people", but being emotional has become synonymous with recklessness and stupidity.

Therefore, the perpetrator is rational and can ignore the truth, and even treat the deer as a horse; the victim must become more rational to be called smart. The so-called rationality is to admit the established "facts" and then strive for the greatest benefit for oneself.

This is undoubtedly extremely anti-human.

Just like now, Zhao Min and Wang Baobao have lost so badly. Not only will they be blamed for "regicide", but they will also implicate hundreds of people in their family and be executed. Their family will be regarded as rebellious, and their national standpoint will be infamous for thousands of years. .

The instigator of all this is Su Yi, and they have every reason to hate Su Yi to the bone.

Wang Baobao, who had figured it all out, almost rushed forward to fight Su Yi desperately, desperate for nothing.

From an emotional point of view, this is correct, but from the perspective of superior thinking, this is undoubtedly "immature".

Compared with Wang Baobao, Zhao Min is more rational. He recognizes the reality and accepts it, and uses this as the basis to survive, and wants to keep the green hills.

From an emotional point of view, this is undoubtedly aggrieved, but from the perspective of the superior thinking, this is smart and mature.

But is it true that rational people are right?

Who can say that it is wrong for Zhao Min and Wang Baobao to die without compromise?Must be stupid?
At least it can be beaten like a chicken and an egg, and Su Yi's bamboo basket will be empty, and it will serve as a good example.

Jumping out of the trap of short-term interests, from a more macro perspective, if everyone in this world is passionate and uncompromising, instead of being dominated by the thinking of superiors, will the world be more true, kind and beautiful?

It's a pity that this will never be possible, because rationality is what people pursue and praise. It's not just Zhao Min who is self-interested, Su Yi is also like this, thousands of Su Yi and Zhao Min are like this.

"There are more than [-] people in Ruyang Palace. The elders are already in their infancy, and the younger ones are still in their infancy! My mother, uncles, aunts, elders, and my nephew..." Zhao Min had tears in his eyes. Looking at Su Yi, "I can bear the trumped-up charges, and I can bear the price for failure, but they are innocent!"

"Su Yi, my brother and I are willing to leave Dadu with you, and our Ruyang Palace is also willing to form an alliance with the rebel army to fight against the Borjijin clan! But I beg you, save my family! They shouldn't be wronged like this And die, they are innocent!"

"Minmin! Don't ask him! Don't ask him!" Wang Baobao roared in grief and anger, staring at Su Yi with resentment in his eyes, gnashing his teeth.

Zhao Min didn't answer, but just stared at Su Yi persistently, wanting an answer.

Su Yi said indifferently: "Which of the Han people who died at the hands of your Mongols in the past few decades was not innocent or wronged? King Ruyang started his career with military exploits, and he did a lot of things to destroy families and cities. His hands were covered with the blood of Han people. I did not personally Entering Ruyang Prince's Mansion and destroying all of you is kindness, you still want me to save people?"

"Su Yi, you have tried your best to place the crime of regicide on us, not just to let the imperial court destroy our Ruyang Palace, and someone else will take over the military power again! In that case, nothing will change for you! "Zhao Min excitedly said, "Don't pretend, I know your purpose, you want us to turn against the royal family, let us kill each other! But if you really want to do this, you can't be so vicious and cruel, otherwise our palace would rather The fish will die and the net will be broken!"

"Do you have a choice?" Su Yi smiled faintly, "Miss Zhao, you still have to play tricks with me when you're at this point? The conditions you mentioned should not be my begging you, but you should be begging." I!"

"Yuan Ting will never tolerate King Ruyang's lineage anymore. Either you will be arrested without a fight, and you will be executed with the notoriety of regicide on your back, or you can only cooperate with us and beg us to accept you, and you will not be there when Yuan Ting attacks you. Push you from behind again. In the current situation, you are asking to live."

Su Yi looked at Zhao Min: "As for you willing to leave Dadu with us? Miss Zhao, that depends on whether I am willing to take you away! If I don't care about you, I can guarantee that even if you are not caught by the court, you will not be caught. You will be killed by Yuan Zhen and then hurry up! There is no way you and your brother can leave here alive!"

"And if you can't pass the news here to King Ruyang in time, he doesn't know anything about the situation here, and he might be killed and seize power because of his ignorance..."

"Stop talking! You devil!" Zhao Min stared at Su Yi bitterly, "Why are you so cruel to me?
"We are enemies." Su Yi said.

Zhao Min stared at Su Yi, and Dou Da's tears kept falling.

But Su Yi just looked at her indifferently, without any change in expression.

Zhao Min gave up, she knew that this man would not show any mercy to her, his cruelty was far beyond her imagination.

"Dadu will be blocked soon, and the whole city of Dasuo will be next," Su Yi said without emotion, "If you and Brother Wang still want to leave here alive, instead of being caught by the royal family to threaten Ruyang You should know what to do when Wang is arrested. Miss Zhao, you are a smart person, but at the critical moment of life and death, I advise you to be a bit stupid, don’t be fooled by your cleverness.”

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai who had recovered their faces and tidied up their appearances and said, "There is no need to touch their acupoints. If they want to leave later, just let them go."

Wang Baobao waited for Su Yi's voice to finish, then turned around and was about to leave, but Su Yi didn't even lift his eyelids, as if he hadn't seen him.

But Zhao Min stopped him: "Brother!"

"Our family members are in danger! Aunt, grandma, and your sisters-in-law and nephews, can you just watch them die?" Wang Baobao turned around and roared, emotionally.

"But you can't save them if you go out like this, you can only be arrested together with them!" Zhao Min hurriedly said, "Brother! Don't be impulsive! Everything depends on us now, don't be impulsive!"

"They won't help us! Minmin!" Wang Baobao shouted excitedly.

"I know, so we have to leave alive first, and then help ourselves!" Zhao Min said, "Brother, there is hope only when you are alive, and you have nothing when you die!"

When Wang Baobao wanted to say something more, Zhao Min's voice suddenly turned sharp, and he said a few words in Mongolian quickly. Wang Baobao seemed to be greatly shocked, and he stood there in a daze, then collapsed.

Just as Su Yi expected, Prince Aiyou Shili Dala has stood up and presided over the overall situation. His first order was to blockade the whole city and implement city ban management. Block laneway stay.

The prince wept bitterly, vowed to catch the murderer who killed his father, and ordered the entire family of the Ruyang Palace to be imprisoned, declaring that the Ruyang King was a traitor. At the same time, he called all the generals and ministers to the palace to discuss matters Want to take the opportunity to seize power.

With the order of city ban, teams of patrolling soldiers on the street killed almost anyone they saw, without asking indiscriminately. The bustling and noisy city suddenly fell silent. At this time, Su Yi and the others would appear particularly abrupt as soon as they went out. Conspicuous, once found whereabouts will be attacked immediately, this will undoubtedly cause a lot of trouble for Su Yi and others to escape.

If it's just to escape the city by himself, that's fine. The key is that Su Yi still has to save people from the six major factions. It would be unrealistic to escape.

No matter how powerful Su Yi was, it was impossible for him to protect so many people from being surrounded by thousands of troops.

Therefore, the more it is now, Su Yi has become more careful, trying not to reveal his purpose.

The arrest of the six major sects is a major event for Jianghu, and it is naturally extraordinary for a front-line general like King Ruyang, but it is of no importance to the court.

At this moment, the imperial court was still devastated by the news that the emperor had been killed, but if he came to his senses, he might not have thought of taking over the captives of the six factions.

Besides, there is still a hidden danger in this matter, Su Yi has not forgotten it, but now there is no need for Su Yi to worry——

Cheng Kun!

Cheng Kun was once again used by Su Yi, and when he recovered and realized the truth, he was shocked.

He couldn't figure out why killing Su Yi turned into regicide, and he didn't understand why what he saw with his own eyes was not true.

He suspects that something is wrong with his spirit, he suspects that he is abnormal, maybe crazy.

Since when?
In Guangmingding, after seeing the ghost of Yang Dingtian in Guangmingding, everything went wrong!

For Su Yi, Cheng Kun is definitely a hidden danger, because as long as this person thinks about it, he can easily think that Su Yi will definitely not ignore the six major factions, so if he guards the six major factions, he will definitely be able to defend Su Yi. Cause trouble for Su Yi.

According to Cheng Kun's long-standing behavior style, he doesn't even need to do anything himself, he only needs to hide behind the scenes and secretly reveal the news to Yuan Ting, which will cause huge troubles to Su Yi's plan to rescue the six major factions, and may even lead to the direct failure of the plan .

Therefore, it is impossible for Su Yi not to be wary of this move. He had already arranged for the kid to lure Cheng Kun to him, and then kill this person, because he felt that Cheng Kun's main value had been squeezed out, and the remaining Don't worry about the next bit of oil and water.

But Su Yi didn't expect that Cheng Kun was scared out of his wits.

After realizing that he was not killing Su Yi, but the emperor, Cheng Kun chose to run away.

He didn't care about anything, and he didn't want anything, and fled directly out of the city.

Although the Yuan army sealed off the city, of course they couldn't seal a master like Cheng Kun. He escaped from the city and ran south without stopping.

The interaction between Su Yi and the little ghost is also limited by distance, the little ghost can't be too far away from Su Yi, so after chasing a certain distance out of the city, the little ghost retreated angrily.

This is the first time that the little ghost is deflated in front of Cheng Kun, an old client—because Cheng Kun's will to escape is too firm, no matter how the little ghost tricks and creates illusions, he can't break his will, so that the little ghost has nothing to do with Cheng Kun .

This is another limitation of the little ghost. If he meets someone with a strong will or a righteous spirit, the little ghost usually can't do anything to him.

Although he failed to kill Cheng Kun, at least this hidden danger no longer existed.

So Su Yi, with the help of the little ghost's investigation, avoided the Yuan army's patrol, and a group of people quickly approached Wan'an Temple.


Although Zhao Min has decided to fully compromise with Su Yi in exchange for her and her brother's chance of survival, she still feels a little frustrated that Su Yi already knew that she hid someone in Wan'an Temple.

Because she had done everything she could and thought she had kept it secret enough.

It's not that she never thought that Su Yi would find Wan'an Temple, but at least it shouldn't be so soon.

"Why do you always know what I'm doing? Su Yi, are you a god or a ghost?" Zhao Min asked Su Yi with a complicated expression.

"How can ghosts and gods care about human affairs?" Su Yi said lightly.

Wan'an Temple is right in front of you. It is located in the west of Dadu City, surrounded by flat and open.

In Dadu, where every inch of land is so precious, it is rare to have such a large open space, and it is also a strange sight.

This Wan'an Temple was first built by the Khitan people, and it was still Nanjing in the Daliao Dynasty at that time.

After several wars, only one tower remained standing in the temple.When Kublai Khan went on an outing here, he was accompanied by Tantric lamas, so he proposed to build temples and open temples here to promote Buddhism.

Kublai Khan readily agreed, so he stood on the top of the tower, bent his bow and took an arrow, shot an arrow, and told the lama that with the top of the tower as the center and the place where the arrow landed as the radius, all within the circle can be allocated to Tantra builds temples.

He also enthusiastically named this temple himself - Dasheng Shouwan'an Temple, which means peace for the country and the people.

It is precisely because of this that there is such a large open space around Wan'an Temple, because this is the private property of the temple, even if it is vacant, it is not allowed to be occupied by others.

Now this Wan'an Temple has long since declined, and it is just an ordinary lama temple, so it was requisitioned by Zhao Min as a place to imprison the masters of the six major sects.

Because this place is really remote, few people come, so there is a sense of isolation from the world.

Most of the world has been turned upside down, but this Wan'an Temple is still peaceful and serene. The gate is open, and Zen singing is faintly heard inside. On the stone table under the tree next to the gate, there are two lamas playing chess leisurely.

Of course, this is just a superficial appearance, it is Zhao Min who deliberately created an appearance of looseness on the outside and tightness on the inside, so as not to arouse suspicion.

In fact, there are thousands of ambush soldiers in this temple, and there are so many masters, it has long been a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, just waiting for Su Yi to step into this deadly trap.

(End of this chapter)

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