Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1152 Xiao Xiao

Chapter 1152 Xiao Xiao
No matter how dangerous Wan'an Temple is, it has nothing to do with Su Yi.

Because Zhao Min knew very well that if he and his elder brother Wang Baobao wanted to flee the city with their lives, they could only rely on Su Yi.

Therefore, instead of killing Su Yi, they had to pray that Su Yi would be safe and sound.

Not only must Su Yi be safe and sound, but they also have to release the masters of the six major sects that they have worked so hard to capture, and then detoxify them one by one, so that Su Yi can be satisfied and take them away together.

The world is indeed impermanent, before they were enemies at war, but now they have to help each other and join hands to overcome difficulties.

Zhao Min originally thought that he could use his own means to force Su Yi to submit, but he would never have imagined that if she was killed, the final result was that everything she arranged was useless, and Su Yi didn't even come, so it's okay to let her do what she wants Change it back.

People don't think about how to rescue the six major factions at all, but how to make you take the initiative to release the six major factions.

Although Zhao Min felt humiliated, the more she thought about it this time, the more she admired Su Yi.

Really convinced.

It's just that the fate of the family really worries Zhao Min. At this time, her hatred for Su Yi is still greater than other emotions.

After arriving at Wan'an Temple, Wang Baobao quickly summoned the generals in the temple to lecture and unify his thinking.

Fortunately, those who can be summoned here by Zhao Min are all direct troops of the Ruyang Palace. The Mongols do not have the Confucian ethics system of monarchs, ministers, fathers and sons. They respect the strong, worship heroes, and are loyal to their masters, not the monarch.

Therefore, as long as the prestige is sufficient, it is much easier for the Mongols than for the Han to persuade their subordinates to rebel, because there is no need to find too high-sounding reasons, and there is no need to bear moral and value pressures.

Zhao Min happily handed over Shixiang Ruanjin Powder and dozens of antidotes to the poison of seven insects and seven flowers, and asked Su Yi and the others to detoxify and save people.

Without further ado, after a little verification by Su Yi, he directly distributed the antidote to Zhang Sanfeng and Jue Mietai, and the three of them split up to save people.

Miejue Shitai expressed his worries about Zhao Min, and felt that someone should be left to watch Zhao Min, lest the demon girl play any tricks, but Su Yi told Miejue Shitai that there was no need for this at all, because under the threat of death, Zhao Min Now I wish that all the members of the six major factions could recover their combat strength, so that they can have more protection when they leave the city later, and have more confidence in escaping from the sky.

So as long as Zhao Min and Wang Baobao want to get out alive, they will definitely not play any tricks at this time.

It is worth mentioning that when they arrived at Wan'an Temple, the two little ghosts were too anxious to take any action.Su Yi simply sent out the two little ghosts, one to find Xiao Zhao's whereabouts and see if they left the city safely; the other went to search for weak links near the city wall to find out the route out of the city later.

The six factions were overjoyed and grateful for the rescue of Su Yi and others.

Different from the original plot, in this world changed by Su Yi, Zhao Min was forced by Su Yi's series of operations before he had time to question the six major schools of martial arts, and had no time to torture them. He just fed Shixiang Ruanjin powder regularly, so that They were powerless to resist and fled.

The people of the six factions did not suffer as much as in the original plot.

But sometimes ignoring it is also a kind of torture.

Zhao Min is willing to press them, which proves that they are still valuable, at least they know Zhao Min's purpose, know that Zhao Min will not kill people easily, but plot their martial arts.

But Zhao Min just fed them poison regularly, and also fed them the poison of seven insects and seven flowers, but he just didn't say what his purpose was, just locked them up, which made them feel tortured and desperate, because they didn't know how to wait for him. What will happen tomorrow? They don't know whether they will be executed by Zhao Min.

This kind of psychological pressure of worrying about fate is actually greater than doing something to them.

When the other five factions saw Su Yi, Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai, disciples from almost every faction wept with joy, and some even knelt down on the spot to thank them.

When Miejue Shitai rescued the disciples of the Emei Sect, some emotional disciples hugged their master and cried loudly, unable to control themselves.

Just as Miejue Shitai was worried, many disciples of the Emei Sect were ravaged and lost their innocence, but Zhao Min discovered this kind of thing and stopped it in time, which saved these female disciples from an even more miserable and humiliating fate.

As a woman, Zhao Min also hated such things, and even beheaded those armed soldiers who did evil in front of Emei's disciples, as an example to others.

Miejue Shitai listened to the disciples talking about these things, especially after learning that several female disciples she liked very much chose to commit suicide due to the humiliation. Even though she was strong and cruel, she couldn't help but burst into tears, and her heart felt like a knife was twisted.

For Zhao Min, Master Miejue was not only not grateful, but hated him even more.

Because the culprit who caused all this was Zhao Min.

The rest of the factions also had their own injuries, but most of them were caused when they were captured. The injuries and the exhaustion of the boats and vehicles along the way led to their deaths in the end.

After Juejue Shitai rescued the Emei faction, he immediately went to save the Kunlun faction, and then took all his disciples to save the Kongtong faction.

Zhang Sanfeng first saved the Huashan faction, and then went to save the Wudang faction.

Song Yuanqiao and others were in good spirits. After the Wudang faction was captured, they kept a low profile and calmed down, encouraged each other, and never gave up hope.

On the contrary, Song Qingshu was in a trance after being rescued, and asked about Su Yi's whereabouts.

Knowing that this rescue was led by Su Yi, he became in a daze again.

Because of this expedition to Guangmingding, Zhang Sanfeng was very disappointed with Song Qingshu's performance, and he had already defined him as "embarrassing and useful". Zhang Sanfeng was not a man of the city, so he didn't feel indifferent on the surface.

Song Qingshu was keenly aware of Zhang Sanfeng's changes, and when he heard Zhang Sanfeng, Song Yuanqiao and others talking about Zhang Wuji, he felt even more resentful.
Shaolin Temple was imprisoned at the highest level of the pagoda, and this was the only sect that was imprisoned in two batches.

Kong Wen, the abbot of Shaolin, does not know Su Yi, but Kong Zhi and other people who have been to Guangmingding know who Su Yi is.

After being rescued, Kongzhi first solemnly recommended Su Yi for the abbot Kongwen.

Kong Wen led the whole temple to express their gratitude to Su Yi with a big gift, which was very respectful.

Su Yi also showed due respect to the Shaolin monks, and there was no abnormality in his superficial attitude.

In a peaceful atmosphere, more than a dozen Shaolin monks looked at each other with strange eyes, and moved forward quietly, approaching Su Yi.

Su Yi didn't seem to realize it, because he was being entangled by an eminent monk named Kong Ru, who was sincerely asking him about detoxification for Shaolin disciples.

The first person to notice this change was not Su Yi, but Abbot Kongwen.

When he noticed that these monks were approaching Su Yi, he was startled for a moment, then seemed to have figured something out, his face suddenly changed, and he shouted sharply: "Amitabha! Put down Tu..."

But before the words fell, the dozen or so monks suddenly pulled out round metal barrels from their arms, aimed at Su Yi, and pressed the launch button.

Whoosh whoosh!
In an instant, there were slight impact sounds from all directions.

Almost at the same time, Monk Kong Ru, who had just talked to Su Yi in a friendly manner, suddenly slapped Su Yi's chest with his palm, and at the same time, his body quickly flew backwards.

But he didn't expect him to be fast, Su Yi was faster than him, almost at the moment when he stretched out his palm to slap, Su Yi had already slapped his raised palm quickly, as if feeling empty all over his body. Stiff, immediately stuck in place.

Then Su Yi's figure flashed, and the footprint phantom had disappeared in place.

Puff puff!
More than a dozen steel needles as thin as a cow's hair sank into Kong Ru's body almost without distinction, but Su Yi's person appeared several feet away.

Su Yi stood not far away and did not rush to fight back, but watched the scene expressionlessly.

Kong Ru froze for a moment after getting the needle, his eyeballs protruded and he fell to the ground, he couldn't breathe immediately.

Seeing that they missed a hit, more than ten sneak attacking monks pointed the syringe at Su Yi again, and were about to fire again.

"How dare you!" Abbot Kong Wen was finally furious, he struck out with both palms, hit two monks in the back of their hearts, causing them to vomit blood and fly away.

At the moment when Kong Wen made a move, seven or eight monks including Kong Zhi also made a move along with the abbot.

Su Yi didn't move at all, just watched all this happen with cold eyes.

Soon the civil strife in Shaolin was stopped, and the dozen or so monks who fired the poisonous needles were all subdued.

Except for Kong Ru who died for Su Yi just now, these people are all of the "Yuan" generation, or even monks of the younger generation. Their martial arts are not strong, and they are not opponents of Kong Zhi and the others at all.

But because each of them was holding a syringe, under the counterattack, three monks were still hit.

Almost all the monks who were hit by the needle fell to the ground and died immediately, exactly the same as before.

It can be seen that Kong Ru died so quickly not because there were too many needles in the needle, but because the steel needle was smeared with poison!
After subduing these monks who shot suddenly, Kong Zhi immediately went to check on the fallen monks, and found that they were all dead, and immediately picked up one of the syringes and smelled it, and immediately showed sadness and anger.

"Amitabha. This is the 'heartbeat' of the poisonous insects from the Western Regions," Kongzhi said angrily, "This poison is violent, and once it is infused with the blood, the poisoned person's heart only beats once, and the poison spreads all over the body, and he can die. There is no cure!"

That is to say, no matter how high your martial arts are, you will die if you get poisoned by this kind of poison, because you have no time to heal the poison.

No matter how fast you move, there is no way to stop your heartbeat.

Unless you cut off your own heart veins as soon as the needle is poisoned.

But here comes the problem, the heart vein is cut off, and the person enters a state of suspended animation, how do you heal and detoxify yourself?
"Evil..." Kong Wen sighed for a long time, looked at Su Yi who was standing at the door, folded his hands together and bowed deeply: "Master Su, all mistakes in this matter are Shaolin's fault, fortunately Master Su The auspicious person and the heavenly appearance are blessed by the Buddha, otherwise the old monk will commit a serious crime, and there will be no redemption for a hundred deaths!"

"Amitabha!" Kong Zhi also bowed to Su Yi with a serious face and folded his hands together, "Master Su, Shaolin Temple will definitely give you an explanation for this matter. These people who took action were only bewitched by people with ulterior motives, and they are by no means traitors." The most evil person is not a running dog of the Tartars."

Su Yi was silent for a while, and suddenly smiled and said: "Of course Su believes in the integrity of the eminent monks in Shaolin, and also believes that these people must be bewitched by others, not voluntary."

When Su Yi said this, Kong Wen and Kong Zhi were startled, they didn't expect Su Yi to be so generous.

"Amitabha, Master Su has a broad mind, which makes me feel ashamed." Kong Wen said apologetically, "Please rest assured, Master Su. After I thoroughly investigate this matter, I will give Master Su an explanation. Years of reputation guarantee, Shaolin will never show favoritism in this matter."

Su Yi smiled and waved his hands and said, "It doesn't have to be like this, Master Abbot, in fact, they were probably instigated by Master Yuanzhen to make things difficult for Su, right?"

Kong Wen and Kong Zhi were startled together, but Su Yi didn't expect Su Yi to say the name Yuan Zhen.

They were locked up here, and they didn't know what happened to the outside world. They didn't even know how Su Yi got rid of Zhao Min, who swaggered into the cell with the antidote and rescued them.

"Yuanzhen?" Kong Zhi looked puzzled.

"Yes, Master Yuanzhen of your sect may have misunderstood Su Mou for some reason." Su Yi smiled and looked at the two of them and said, "But it's nothing, Su Mou won't care about him. After all, he works for Han people all over the world." Such an earth-shattering event, such a righteous deed of giving up my family for everyone, makes Su admire very much."

These words made Kong Zhi and Kong Wen feel as if they were in a cloud of fog, they looked at each other, and for a moment they didn't know how to answer.

"What... did Yuanzhen do?" Kong Zhi asked.

"Master Yuanzhen killed the Emperor and Empress of the Tartars." Su Yi said with a faint smile, "Master Yuanzhen endured humiliation and lurked in the Ruyang Palace, probably just for this moment? Shaolin is worthy of being the Big Dipper of Mount Tai. It is really admirable that the Han people all over the world have paid silently.”

The monks present were taken aback and were quite moved.

"Sect Leader Su's words are serious?" Kong Wen asked in a deep voice, "This matter is not a joke, the emperor and empress are dead? They were killed by Yuan Zhen?"

"How could Su make a joke about such a big matter?" Su Yi said seriously, "This is absolutely true. I saw with my own eyes that the emperor and queen of the Tartars were blown to pieces by the gunpowder buried by Master Yuanzhen. Wudang Master Zhang and Emei Juejue Shitai can also testify to this matter! Such a shocking act of Shaolin will surely be passed on to the world in the future! Su believes that Han people all over the world will be grateful to Shaolin Temple!"

Similarly, the Mongols all over the world will definitely hate Shaolin Temple.

Both Kong Wen and Kong Zhi's expressions changed.

turned green.

Because they heard that Su Yi didn't seem to be joking.

But Yuan really killed the emperor and empress?
How can this be?

Yuan Zhen has always advocated Shaolin to join the imperial court, for which he even killed Kong Xing at all costs, trying to intimidate the hardliners in Shaolin to compromise.

Abbot Kong Wen and Kong Zhi hated Yuan Zhen for being vicious and vicious, and hated him even more for planning Shaolin Temple and making Shaolin so passive, but just as Su Yi expected before, they were indeed swinging from side to side, undecided.

What they want most is to not help each other and become a neutral party.

However, Yuan Ting pressed on every step of the way, so that the balance in their hearts had begun to tilt towards the Mongols, but they still wanted to maintain their integrity and justice on the surface, so as to prevent Shaolin from becoming a target of public criticism and losing its reputation.

In fact, Shaolin did this in the original plot, resisting Yuan on the surface, but secretly after being rescued by Zhang Wuji from Wan'an Temple, he immediately called a lion slaughter meeting, acquiescing that Cheng Kun would wipe out the six major factions again.

It wasn't until Cheng Kun was exposed again that they had no choice but to "set things right" and stand on the winning side again.

(End of this chapter)

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