Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1153 Dragon Subduing

Chapter 1153 Dragon Subduing
It's the same as Zhao Min had to take the initiative to beg Su Yi to resolve his grievances with Su Yi in order to use Su Yi's power to escape from Dadu.

From this moment on, Shaolin Temple has completely lost the qualification of both sides of the snake and mouse. The Mongolians will never allow a sect that killed their emperor to exist under their own rule. Shaolin Temple will definitely suffer destructive revenge from the Mongolian Yuan regime.

In order to survive, they will have to wholeheartedly follow Su Yi to fight against Yuan and kill the Tartars until they drive the Mongols out of the Central Plains.

Otherwise, although the world is big, there will be no place for Shaolin to stand.

Shaolin was forced to be a hero, but this hero is not only a disaster for the present, but also has endless troubles in the future.

The reputation of killing aliens and foolish emperors can be passed down through the ages, but how can a sect of killing kings not be tabooed by future monarchs and royal families?

Shaolin had to swallow this bitter fruit.

So Su Yi will not embarrass the Shaolin Temple at this time, and he also knows that the assassination just now was probably arranged by Cheng Kun, and those monks who participated in the assassination were also from Cheng Kun. Responsible, but not to blame.

Su Yi gave Shaolin time to digest the news, and then went to meet the rescued people from other sects.

They have already learned from Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai that this rescue operation was hosted by Su Yi, and they are very grateful to Su Yi.Thank you one after another, with a very respectful attitude.

Time was running out, Su Yi had to send out one person each to discuss the escape from Dadu after a little greeting, while the rest stayed where they were and seized the time to recover their internal strength and physical strength.

Zhao Min also participated in this discussion. People from various factions glared at Zhao Min, and even abused and humiliated him.

Su Yi briefly introduced the current situation. The heroes were shocked when they learned that the Tartar Emperor had been killed. They also understood that it was far from being out of danger, and they had to leave Dadu to be safe.

Representatives of all factions elected Su Yi as the commander-in-chief almost without hesitation, hoping that Su Yi could lead everyone to escape.

Su Yi did his part, and immediately used his finger as a pen to draw a map on the wall, and began to plan escape routes and battle plans.

With the help of the little ghost, Su Yi's plan is well-founded and well-founded, and everyone is very convinced.

Everyone had no objection, so Su Yi announced that he would set off after two cups of tea, and let each faction gather their own manpower to prepare to break through.

When Su Yi released the kid to investigate, he also paid attention to the whereabouts of Xiao Zhao and others.After confirming that Xiao Zhao and the others had left the city safely, they were completely relieved.

It is worth mentioning that Su Yi discovered that although the beggar gang in the city was hidden because of the city ban, they were secretly gathering in one place, as if they were going to make trouble.

Some members of the beggar gang sneaked into Wan'an Temple and stayed nearby to monitor.

Su Yi also detected that Chen Youliang had moved to another place, and there was a piece of golden brocade cloth in front of him with handwriting all over it, while he himself was sitting cross-legged on the couch, apparently practicing kung fu.

Su Yi commanded the little ghost to come closer to see what was on the brocade cloth.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, it's startling!
This brocade cloth is the cheat book of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!

Su Yi couldn't believe it, so he purposely used the kid's vision to see clearly.

It is really the cheat book of Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, and it is the complete version!

It is not surprising that Chen Youliang can get Su Yi, the secret book of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

In order to control the beggar gang, Cheng Kun and Chen Youliang, the master and apprentice, first came forward to beat Shi Huolong to death, and then Chen Youliang used a puppet that looked very similar to Shi Huolong to replace Shi Huolong, and he himself changed completely. Become the elder of the beggar gang and secretly control the entire beggar gang.

The Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms of the Beggar Gang have been handed down until now, and no one has practiced it, and the dog-beating stick method is also incomplete. Therefore, although the Beggar Gang has a large number of people, it has been declining until now.

But this martial art has always been there, and it has not been lost. It must be that after Cheng Kun killed Shi Huolong, Chen Youliang obtained the secret book of this martial art.

Chen Youliang put away the brocade cloth after practicing for a while, got up and went out very disappointed.

A confidant at the door saluted him, only to hear Chen Youliang say casually: "The Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon is really just a name and a show. Its secret is obscure and powerful. I really don't know it has been used for more than a hundred years How did this martial art cross the rivers and lakes before?"

Without waiting for his confidant to reply, Chen Youliang asked again: "What's the situation outside, have you found out?"

"The Tartars have sealed off all the gates of the city, equipped with crossbows and cannons." The subordinate replied, "There is nothing unusual about Wan'an Temple."

Chen Youliang frowned, pondered for a moment and said: "Keep staring, this situation has suddenly become like this, it's unbelievable... But once the Tartar Emperor dies, the world will change! If we are trapped in most places and can't get out, we will be lost." Great opportunity!"

"I have a feeling that Wan'an Temple may be the key to breaking the situation!" Chen Youliang said quietly, "Master is also clever but was misunderstood by cleverness. Even if everything changes, everything is caused by the people imprisoned in Wan'an Temple. As long as Keep those people inside and use them to make more fusses, there is no need to make extra troubles. Now it’s all right, and it’s just calculated by others... This Su Yi is really scary..."

Chen Youliang was a little apprehensive and worried, his brows were furrowed.

Su Yi didn't care about Chen Youliang's secret plan, Cheng Kun had already run away, no matter how insidious and cunning Chen Youliang was, he couldn't do anything in this situation, it wasn't worth Su Yi's attention.

On the contrary, the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms was really a surprise to Su Yi.

What the little ghost sees can be re-presented in the form of an illusion in front of Su Yi at any time, so it means that Su Yi has now obtained the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon.

As far as Su Yi's martial arts attainments are concerned, compared with Chen Youliang's origin, he is not in the same breath.

Chen Youliang thought it was obscure and powerful, but Su Yi was fascinated by it, immersed in the exquisite martial arts and couldn't extricate himself.

After reading it through, Su Yi was both delighted and regretful.

To my delight, this palm technique is really powerful, it can be called a first-class martial art in the world, if it is practiced to the extreme, it will not be inferior to the Great Teleportation of the Universe.

It's a pity that the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms are by no means the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms that Su Yi wanted.

What Su Yi wanted was Xiao Feng's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, the kind that could strike a dragon with one palm.

Even if you can't fight a dragon, you still have to be mighty and domineering.

But the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms in front of him are firm and soft, and the Eighteen Palms are more like the unique way of exerting force in the Eighteenth Middle School. The moves are extremely exquisite, but they are definitely not powerful and domineering.

Where is the problem?

In fact, the first Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms were called the Twenty Eight Dragon Subduing Palms. Although they were also very powerful, they were only considered first-class martial arts, not top-notch.

This martial art was simplified by the martial arts prodigy Xiao Feng, cut and repeated, reduced the 28 palms by ten, and became Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon. The result is not only not weaker than the original 28 palms, but even better than the original [-] palms.

It can be said that this martial art began to be famous all over the world in the hands of Xiao Feng, and it had a soul.

Although Xiao Feng's version of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms has simple and unremarkable movements, each move is infinitely powerful. The moves are concise but powerful and profound. Both palms have the power to overwhelm mountains and seas.

At that time, Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms was specialized in fancy martial arts moves. Regardless of whether the enemy's moves were true or false, with a variety of tricks, and ever-changing, just give the enemy one Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. No matter how you fight, it will be difficult for you to parry.

With such domineering martial arts, it is no wonder that he is called the best in the world by the sweeping monk.

But after Xiao Feng resigned as the head of the Beggar Clan, he passed the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms to Xu Zhu, hoping that Xu Zhu could pass on this martial art to the younger generation of the Beggar Clan.

With Xiao Feng's upright and upright personality, if he wanted to inherit martial arts, he naturally couldn't hide his secrets, so he would pass on all the martial arts he mastered so that future generations can learn the essence of this martial arts.

But the first problem with the great change of the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon is precisely here.

Who is Xiao Feng?

Even the ordinary Taizu Changquan can display top strength in his hands, and can defeat the 72 stunts performed by Shaolin eminent monks.

This kind of person's understanding of martial arts has reached an incredible level.

This kind of genius felt that there was a problem with the twenty-eight palms of subduing the dragon, and felt that there were some repetitions in it, so there was no need to exist, so he deleted the ten palms to make them more compact and refined, and their power was greatly increased.

This is of course no problem, at least it is absolutely no problem for Xiao Feng.

This is like a math genius who solves a very complicated equation. After looking at it, he thinks, "Oh, the answer is very simple. There is no need to write the derivation process, just write the answer directly."

You don’t write about the derivation process, you don’t write about those troublesome things, it’s concise and compact for a genius like you, but what about the later generations?

For a martial arts genius like Xiao Feng, those martial arts knowledge that is so simple that it cannot be simpler, may be difficult for an ordinary martial artist to understand for a lifetime!

It is very easy for a top student to score 140 in the math test, as long as there is one less big question to do later.

But what about the scum?

Not everyone belongs to Xiao Feng!
It is obviously a step-by-step martial art, but people go up to the house and pull the ladder where it should be done step by step. If the wisdom of the later scholars cannot break through a certain threshold, I am afraid that they will not be able to practice the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms in their entire life.

This is the first question that arises during the inheritance process of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

The second problem lies with Xu Zhu.

Xu Zhu has never practiced internal energy from scratch at all, his internal energy was given by others, and he was a full-level boss at the beginning.

His situation is actually a bit similar to Su Yi's, he used his internal strength for nothing, and then practiced top-notch martial arts, and most of the martial arts knowledge he mastered was obtained by "deriving from effect to cause".

Xiaoyao School's martial arts form its own system, all of which are authentic Taoism, so Xu Zhu's martial arts attainments cannot be separated from the barrier of Taoism.

After he obtained the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, he commented on the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. Of course, the contents of these comments were the principles of martial arts that he understood, Taoist martial arts.

The martial arts of the Xiaoyao School follow the path of combining rigidity and softness, so after Xu Zhu's comments, the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms has become a set of rigid and soft palms, perhaps it also contains Tianshan Zhemei Shou , Liuyang palm and other martial arts principles and moves.

Of course Xu Zhu has good intentions, but his kindness means that this martial art, which is originally reserved for Xueba, is even more difficult.

Originally, this was just a math problem, but now, advanced mathematics plus top physics.

It's even harder!

This kind of thing is passed down, who can practice it?

Not to mention, there are really people who have practiced——

Hong Qigong!
After Xiao Feng, this is the second martial arts genius who is very compatible with the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. He really practiced the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms summed up by Xiao Feng and added by Xu Zhu.

But at this time, the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon has changed from the violent and invincible line of the previous one, to a style of both hardness and softness, divided into joint strikes.

Is it more powerful?
Not necessarily, this is like if you want to make a fire burn more vigorously, you have to add more firewood, but you add water to make this fire become as cold as fire. This difficulty can be imagined.

Hong Qigong became one of the five best palms in the world with this set of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, which combines rigidity and softness, and then he passed this set of palms to Guo Jing.

The Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms became what they are today, the biggest problem is Guo Jing.

Guo Jing is a reckless man, relatively stupid, definitely not a genius, there is no objection to this point.

In today's terms, this kind of person is a square-headed, dead-brained person, the kind of person who admits death and doesn't know how to adapt.

It stands to reason that when he learned the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, he had already learned the martial arts of the Quanzhen Sect and the Seven Monsters of the South of the Yangtze River, which is not bad, but why Hong Qigong couldn't learn how to teach him at the beginning, Hong Qigong Said that I have never seen such a stupid person, and I was almost not mad at Guo Jing.

But to Hong Qigong's surprise, Guo Jing didn't refute when he was scolded, he just practiced hard, and he learned all the martial arts that Hong Qigong taught him in just over a month.

This was a big surprise for Hong Qigong, and finally he said a meaningful sentence after thinking hard: "You have learned the internal strength of the Quanzhen School, haven't you? Otherwise, how could you lower my strength in just over a month?" Long Eighteen Palms have practiced such kung fu?"

Hong Qigong understood that Guo Jing didn't "learn" the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, but he used Quanzhen to teach his inner strength in a very thoughtful way, and hit out the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

Dead-headed people like Guo Jing generally have a very magical ability, that is, they will have their own unique understanding of everything that comes to their minds.

He didn't understand the profound principles of martial arts taught to him by Hong Qigong, but according to his own understanding, he played the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!

I'm afraid that Hong Qigong was very speechless at that time.

But no matter what, Guo Jing still learned the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, but this time the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms changed drastically.

There is another characteristic of people like Guo Jing, that is, they have accumulated a lot of knowledge.

As his experience became richer and his knowledge of martial arts became more and more profound, his understanding of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms became deeper and deeper, so the later he went, the more powerful his Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms became, because he The more he knows, the more imprints he has on the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

At this time, at least half of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms were Guo Jing's private goods.

Later, he also learned the Nine Yin Scriptures, and then incorporated the principles of the Nine Yin Scriptures into the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon.

When he passed down the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, what version did the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms become?
(End of this chapter)

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