Chapter 1158
People tend to think that the more they worry about things in this world, the more they worry about what will happen, but in fact this is a reversal of the logic of cause and effect.

Isn't it because this result is likely to happen that you are worried?
Otherwise what are you worried about?
Are you worried that you will be caught by an eagle and fall to your death while walking on the road?
You definitely don't have to worry, because it's almost impossible to happen.

But you may worry about being struck by lightning while standing under a tree on a rainy day, because although the probability of being struck by lightning is small, the probability of being struck by lightning while standing under a tree is high.

It is not uncommon for you to encounter a high probability in a small probability, it is just because of bad luck.

Just like now, Yin Li is worried that his voice will be recognized by Su Sanqi??????

Even the small probability of encountering Su Sanqi happened, isn't it a high probability of being recognized?

As soon as Yin Li made a sound, Su Sanqi really heard it, "Hey" and asked in surprise: "Is that girl Azhu in front? I'm Su Sanqi, and I'm the son's servant. Do you remember me?"

Yin Xin was depressed for a while, thinking how could he make up for this lie?
"So it's...Uncle Su!" She cried out inwardly, but she couldn't help but follow the words, "You, why are you here?"

"It's really Miss Azhu!" Su Sanqi was very pleasantly surprised.

Speaking of which, he and Yin Li have a very close relationship, that is, the friendship of "classmates".

Back then, he and Yin Li were learning swordsmanship from Su Yi in front of the dilapidated wooden house in Wuquanzi, and that scene is still vivid in his memory.

Now that we have been separated for several months, I thought it would be difficult to meet each other in the vast sea of ??????people, but I didn't want to meet each other on this road unintentionally.

Although Yin Li has a strange temperament, Su Sanqi knows that this girl is a good person with a cold face and a warm heart.

At the beginning, Yin Li didn't know each other, and there was some unhappiness.But time has passed, and thinking about it now, the resentment at that time is gone, and it makes people smile knowingly.

"It's an acquaintance, I'll go say hello first." Su Sanqi hesitated for a while, and asked Zhou Zhiruo and Xiao Zhao to stay where they were, while he himself went to the fire.

This is also to avoid misunderstanding.

Although he saw that Yin Li was very kind, he didn't know what Yin Li thought, and Yin Li might not have no companions.

On the other side, Dai Qisi looked at Yin Li expressionlessly, and said calmly: "Little Ali, how did he know that your name is Spider? Who is the young master he is talking about?"

Yin Li has always been quick-witted, and said without hesitation: "Master, this man is Su Sanqi, from the Western Regions. His family is a big family in Wuduan City in the Western Regions. A few months ago, I was looking for Zhang Wuji's whereabouts in the Western Regions. Once, I fainted due to a poisonous injury. When I fell on the road, it was this Uncle Su Sanqi who rescued me and took me to their home to recuperate..."

While talking here, Su Sanqi has already come to the front.

Yin Li didn't deliberately whisper his words, nor did he deliberately speak loudly, but even his normal voice was exceptionally clear in this quiet night, and Su Sanqi heard it completely.

Yin Li actually lied, which made his heart suddenly arouse.

With his rich experience, he knew that Yin Li was reminding him not to let his mouth slip.

Yin Li asked another person to be his master, so it shouldn't be because of the inconvenience of speaking.

Thinking of the young master turning Yin Li's poisonous kung fu, can his master have no objection?

Su Sanqi immediately "understood", and had her own guess.

Su Sanqi quickly walked up to her, and her eyes first fell on Dai Qisi, her sharp eyes made him feel a little shivering, realizing that this old woman must be a character not to be trifled with.

But think about it, if you can train a "little demon girl" like Yin Li with an eccentric temperament, how can a master be normal?
"Villain Su Sanqi, pay my respects to senior!" Su Sanqi bowed solemnly, "The three of you who are inferior pass by here, do not intend to offend, and please forgive me for disturbing you."

Dai Qisi coughed twice, and said unhurriedly: "I heard that the little apprentice was rescued by the master, and I am very grateful. But I don't know the name of the master, and where did the teacher come from?"

Su Sanqi said: "My son is not from the Jianghu, he has no teacher, and the meeting with Miss Azhu was just a coincidence, so I did it conveniently, senior don't need to worry about it."

"How can I not thank you for saving my life?" Dai Qisi's face remained unchanged, "The Lord is here too? Mrs. Rong thanked me face to face."

As soon as these words came out, Yin Li's heart tightened.

"My son is not here." Su Sanqi replied.

These words made Yin Xin feel relieved, but she felt disappointed again, and then she realized that she actually wanted to see Su Yi.

"Oh? Could it be that the people who came with you are the family members of your young master?" Dai Qisi asked.

Su Sanqi said: "Exactly, they are my young master's two cousins, and the villain is going to escort them to join the young master."

Dai Qisi sneered in her heart.

When asked here, she already knew very well that Su Sanqi and Yin Li were covering each other, they were tricky, and they didn't know what they were hiding.

Although her daughter Xiao Zhao is not a great person, it is impossible for her to walk with all kinds of cats and dogs.

There is something wrong with this person!

Dai Qisi thought about it, she had a plan, she smiled and said: "Meeting is fate, how about sitting down and drinking a glass of water and wine before leaving?"

"I'm afraid... it's inconvenient to bother you!" Seeing that Yin Li didn't dare to show his air in front of this woman, why would Su Sanqi stay?
"Since you are a female family member, there is no inconvenience." Dai Qisi said, "What's more, you and little A Li have an old relationship, so you must have something to say when you meet again."

"My lord is worried about my cousin, so I dare not waste any more time, senior forgive me." Su Sanqi became more and more unwilling to stay, "Please allow me to wait for the passage, if there is a destiny in the future, I will visit again to make amends."

"You don't have to drink a toast!" Dai Qisi's expression turned cold all of a sudden, and she completely lost the patience to be submissive.

As soon as the words fell, she suddenly picked up the burning firewood with her cane and shot at Su Sanqi.

Su Sanqi has been on alert all the time, reacting quickly, "Canglang" drew his sword and split the incoming hidden weapon in two, but the next moment he saw a black shadow flying towards him, the speed was extremely fast.

Su Sanqi's complexion changed sharply and he swung his sword to fight back. "Dangdangdang" after a few moves, used a loophole to force Dai Qisi to jump out of the battle group, and shouted sharply: "Senior, we have no grudges in the past and we have no grudges in the present, why bother with this junior?" joke?"

While talking here, Zhou Zhiruo and Xiao Zhao, who heard something wrong over there, also ran over in a hurry.

Zhou Zhiruo came sooner, but Xiao Zhao heard her mother's voice, a little restless and slow to react.

"Master, Uncle Su is a good person, don't misunderstand him!" Yin Li hurriedly urged.

At this moment, Zhou Zhiruo had already arrived, she drew her sword and leaned on Su Sanqi.

Dai Qisi frowned when she saw Zhou Zhiruo raising her sword, and said in a deep voice, "From the Emei sect? Who are you, Miejue Shitai?"

"Junior Zhou Zhiruo pays homage to senior, Miejue Shitai is the mentor of this junior!" Zhou Zhiruo pointed at Dai Qisi with a sword, and said neither humble nor overbearing.

At this moment, Xiao Zhao also came from the side, but his expression was a little dazed, with his head down, not daring to look at others.

Dai Qisi just glanced at Xiao Zhao and then looked away, pretending not to know her, but in her heart she was very suspicious about why her daughter mixed with people from the Emei sect, and she made up her mind to ask these people in front of her.

Just now she thought that she could easily deal with Su Sanqi, but she didn't expect that although the opponent's internal strength is not deep, the swordsmanship is very exquisite, she was careless for a while, and lost a move.

Dai Qisi has always been competitive, otherwise she wouldn't have been worried about losing to Miejue Shitai ten years ago.

Seeing that Zhou Zhiruo and Su Sanqi were still negotiating with her, Dai Qisi suddenly flew forward like a purple lightning piercing the clouds, riding the wind and lingering on the sky. In the blink of an eye, she came to Zhou Zhiruo's side, and suddenly stretched out both palms, pressing one palm on Zhou Zhiruo On the front chest, press a palm on her back, sandwiching her body between the palms, where the palms touch the hands are all fatal acupoints.

This move is weird, quick, and extremely tricky, it is not like any martial arts in the Central Plains, and Dai Qisi fights unannounced, it is extremely abrupt, no one would expect that she has no senior demeanor to attack suddenly, leaving Zhou Zhiruo completely unprepared , has fallen into desperation!
Among the people who followed Su Yi, only Zhou Zhiruo had the lowest martial arts, and she had not been taught any martial arts by Su Yi.

However, Zhou Zhiruo benefited a lot from some fighting experience on weekdays.

For example, Su Yi told her that if she wanted to survive, she had to be desperate.When fighting alone, at the critical moment of life and death, often because the enemy dare not fight you desperately, or the enemy does not want to be injured because of your desperate effort, they will show mercy to you, and this is your chance to survive.

Su Yi also told Zhou Zhiruo that this method does not apply to all situations. You have to analyze whether your opponent is hesitating his life, whether he is willing to pay any price to kill you, and whether he is the kind of stubborn young man, otherwise he will If I really die with you, then it's too late for you to cry.

Suddenly falling into a desperate situation, at this moment Zhou Zhiruo thought of Su Yi's advice for no reason, and then without thinking about it, she held the sword in her backhand and swung it upwards obliquely, without resisting or guarding against it at all, resolutely and decisively.

The sword was longer than the hand, so before Dai Qisi slapped Zhou Zhiruo to death with her palm, Zhou Zhiruo's sword would definitely be able to tear Dai Qisi's intestines from her lower body.

No matter how bad it is, it will definitely hurt Dai Qisi!
Dai Qisi never thought that Zhou Zhiruo's appearance was delicate, but the moves she used were so fierce.

Of course she didn't want to die with Zhou Zhiruo, and she didn't even want to get hurt because of Zhou Zhiruo, otherwise, what would be the face of her senior?
Immediately, she quickly dodged the sword, but at the same time, she also lost the chance to take down Zhou Zhiruo with one move, and only had time to slap Zhou Zhiruo on the back of the heart, causing the latter to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Zhou Zhiruo succeeded in saving herself, and also gave Su Sanqi time to react, before Dai Qisi attacked again, Su Sanqi was already attacking with a sharp sword, fierce and swift.

Dai Qisi was much more serious this time, and quickly exchanged a few moves with Su Sanqi, turning the defense into an offense, and began to suppress Su Sanqi.

At this time, Zhou Zhiruo also joined the battle group, besieging Dai Qisi together with Su Sanqi.

The three of them fought in a group in an instant, and the fight was so even that you came and went.

Originally, Su Sanqi and Zhou Zhiruo were definitely not Dai Qisi's opponents, but Su Sanqi's swordsmanship was so powerful that Dai Qisi had no way to break it, and Zhou Zhiruo was constantly supporting and cooperating, which made Dai Qisi delay Can't win the game.

On one side, Yin Li's face was cloudy and uncertain. She wanted to stop the fight, but she didn't know how to do it.I hesitated for a while.

The same is true for Xiao Zhao on the other side, his eyes are full of anxiety, but he doesn't know which side to help.

Fortunately, they don't have to worry about it soon.

The three of them fought for a while in the arena, Dai Qisi suddenly jumped out of the battle group with a long cry, flew towards Xiao Zhao beside the arena, and grabbed Xiao Zhao.

Xiao Zhao was startled and subconsciously counterattacked and blocked a move, but the next second she met her mother's cold gaze, she immediately reacted and stopped making a move, so Dai Qisi easily subdued her.

Seeing Dai Qisi pinch Xiao Zhao's throat, both Su Sanqi and Zhou Zhiruo had to stop abruptly and stop attacking.

Both of them were startled and angry, they never expected Dai Qisi to be so disregarding of face and rules.

"Let Xiao Zhao go! Otherwise you will go to heaven and earth! My son will kill you too!" Su Sanqi sternly shouted.

"Such a sneak attack and hostage of the younger generation without regard for face, is it the senior's doing?" Zhou Zhiruo also frowned and said loudly, "Senior, why did you attack us? How did we offend you?"

"Master, he..." Yin Li was about to speak, but was interrupted by Dai Qisi sharply.

"Shut up!" Dai Qisi glared at her fiercely, her eyes swept over Zhou Zhiruo and Su Sanqi, and said with a sneer, "If you want this little girl to survive, you'd better throw away the sword in your hands and catch her without a fight. Otherwise... "

Dai Qisi's eyes flashed coldly: "I will kill her!"

"Senior! We have no grudges in the past, and we have no grudges in the present, why did you do this?" Zhou Zhiruo asked hurriedly.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Dai Qisi sneered, "I can only count to three, if you don't let go and catch you, don't blame me for being cruel! One, two..."

Clang, clang!
Before the words fell, Zhou Zhiruo and Su Sanqi almost threw away the swords in their hands.

Xiao Zhao stared blankly at the two people in front of him, his eyes suddenly filled with tears.

"Very good, you guys know each other." Dai Qisi sneered, "A Li, go and touch their acupoints."

Yin Li hesitated slightly.

"Why don't you go soon?" Dai Qisi demanded sharply.

Yin Li suddenly knelt down in front of Dai Qisi with a plop, begging: "Master, please let them go!"

"A traitor! How dare you disobey me!" Dai Qisi showed anger.


"Miss Azhu, forget it." Seeing Yin Li begging for mercy, Su Sanqi was afraid that Dai Qisi would harm Yin Li later, so she interrupted her.

He looked at Dai Qisi coldly and said: "Even if we die, let us die to understand, why does your lord make things difficult for us?"

"Does the old man need a reason to embarrass someone?" Dai Qisi sneered, her eyes flashed fiercely, and she looked at Yin Li again, "Little Ah Li, this is the second time you have disobeyed Master, if you don't listen to Master again If you don???t want to, go touch their acupoints, and don???t blame the master for not thinking about the relationship between master and apprentice!???

Yin Li wanted to speak again, but Xiao Zhao suddenly said: "Senior, we are all around Su Yi, Young Master Xiaoyao. If you make things difficult for us, aren't you afraid that our Young Master will avenge us?"

Dai Qisi was startled for a moment.

Happy son Su Yi?

She looked at Xiao Zhao in surprise, she knew her daughter would not lie to her about this kind of thing.

(End of this chapter)

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