Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1159 Acting

Chapter 1159 Acting
The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

As soon as the name Su Yi was said, Dai Qisi subconsciously held her breath.

Dai Qisi knew how powerful the Ming Cult was.

Just one Yang Xiao has made her dare not take half a step to the top of the light for so many years.

But Su Yi destroyed Guangmingding with his own hands, forcing Yang Xiao to commit suicide.

Even if the rumors are exaggerated, but none of the six major factions has come forward to refute, it can explain the problem.

Dai Qisi doesn't think that those so-called decent families will let a person who has nothing to do with them bear the fame and credit.

So Dai Qisi does not want to provoke Su Yi out of ten thousand.

Especially now that she is plotting against the Dragon Saber in Xie Xun's hands, she doesn't want to make any troubles.

Dai Qisi already had the intention of retreating in her heart, but if she let him go hastily at this time, she would feel embarrassed.

Her "Golden Flower Granny" can be regarded as a very vicious person, and now she hasn't even seen Mr. Xiaoyao's face, but she is so frightened and subdued by just a name, what's the matter?

Looking at her words, Xiao Zhao immediately understood what her mother was thinking, and immediately said: "This senior attacked us, could it be because he doubted our identities? Yes, the three of us... the young girl has blood from the Western Regions, and sister Zhiruo is from the Emei School Gaotu, Uncle Sanqi is also dressed as a businessman, so the combination is unavoidably weird, could it be that the senior suspects that we are planning to get close on purpose, so it is better to strike first?"

Dai Qisi had a step, and she let out a cold snort before descending: "You little girl is really smart, you three came out of the mountain sneakily at such a late hour, and you said you were passing by, but you lied a lot, how can you not mess with people?" suspect?"

Xiao Zhao answered in a hurry: "This is all a misunderstanding. The three of us are all fledgling nobodies. We don't know who the senior is, so how can we have the intention of harming the senior? Besides, we waited for the three of us. Even those with minimal martial arts skills are certainly no match for seniors, so how could they overestimate their capabilities and strike stones with eggs?"

Dai Qisi's face became more relaxed, and she said: "That's not bad. So, you really didn't have any conspiracy?"

"Definitely not!" Xiao Zhao said, "Little girl, you can swear that if the three of us have any evil thoughts, we will be punished by heaven and earth!"

Dai Qisi deliberately stared at Xiao Zhao for a while, and then let go of Xiao Zhao.

Xiao Zhao heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly bowed his hands and said, "Thank you, senior, for your mercy."

"You have been poisoned by me, and I need to massage it with a special technique to get rid of it." Dai Qisi said, "You stay here later, and I will detoxify you."

"This..." Xiao Zhao was taken aback, of course she knew that this was an excuse, that her mother wanted to keep her talking.but……

Who knows if Qingfeng Mingyue is by her side at this time?

Xiao Zhao said: "This... my son is a scholar of heaven and man, he is a master of Xinglin himself, the poison in my body, don't bother senior."

Dai Qisi's eyes suddenly sharpened, and she shouted: "What? Are you afraid that the old man will harm you?"

"This... little girl certainly doesn't mean that." Xiao Zhao struggled endlessly, but in the end he sighed, "Okay, then I'll have to thank you, Senior."

The three people on the other side looked at each other in blank dismay for this change, feeling like they were just watching flowers on horseback.

This attitude has become a bit abrupt, right?

Sudden attack, suddenly said it was a misunderstanding, and you still want to take the initiative to detoxify?
Zhou Zhiruo and Su Sanqi had nothing to do with it, they just thought it was due to the son's prestige.

But Yin Li felt that something was wrong.

She knew very well the character of her master, even if she was really afraid of Su Yi, she would never give in as soon as she heard the name.

Moreover, Master seldom uses poison on weekdays, and even if he uses it, it is for very powerful opponents, not for juniors.

Furthermore, compared with Master, I am the one who uses poison.

Just now Master never poisoned at all, why did he lie about poisoning?

She was thinking about it, but unexpectedly, Dai Qisi looked at her sharply, and said solemnly: "It turns out that the one who saved my good apprentice was actually the well-known Young Master Xiaoyao. Xiao A Li, why do you want to hide this kind of thing?" Master?"

After a pause, she suddenly said: "You suddenly transformed into a poisonous kung fu, and learned another profound internal kung fu, which surpassed the hard work of the past few years in a short period of time... You didn't say anything when I asked you before, but now you want to do it." , it must be thanks to this Young Master Xiaoyao, right?"

"Master, I..."

"It was my son who prevented Miss Azhu from revealing this matter to the outside world." Su Sanqi stood up and said, "My son just pitied Miss Azhu for practicing poisonous kung fu at a young age, so he helped her. But And because the young master knew that Miss Azhu had another teacher, so it was inconvenient for her to be under his sect, so he simply asked Miss Azhu to conceal this from the outside world, as if she had no right to do so."

"Master, forgive me, but I dare not tell the truth because of my oath." Yin Li said immediately.

Dai Qisi looked at Su Sanqi, then at Yin Li, narrowed her eyes slightly, and smiled meaningfully: "You kept your promise, how could Master blame you? Ah Li, you take them to the side and wait first, Master Performing exercises to heal injuries, and not wanting outsiders to be present."

"Yes, Master!" Yin Li glanced at Xiao Zhao, then at Master, and suddenly lowered his head.

"Come with me." She turned around.

Su Sanqi and Zhou Zhiruo looked at each other with some hesitation, Xiao Zhao saw this and said, "Don't worry, this senior is a good person, she won't do me any harm."

"If my master really wanted to kill her, he killed her just now, why wait until now?" Yin Li couldn't help but sarcastically said.

Su Sanqi took a deep look at Xiao Zhao, then turned to Zhou Zhiruo and said, "Miss Zhiruo, let's go to the other side first."

"Okay, Uncle Sanqi."

After the two walked away with Yin Li, Xiao Zhao looked at Dai Qisi, tears welled up in his eyes, and he called out "Mother" sadly, and was about to pounce on her.

But Dai Qisi severely stopped her with her eyes, her lips twitched, and she said in an inaudible voice: "We are under the firelight, don't let outsiders see the clues. Turn around, sit down, and pretend to heal your wounds!"

Xiao Zhao stopped abruptly, adjusted his breathing slightly, bowed to Dai Qisi, then turned around and sat upright on the ground.

"Mother, I miss you so much." Xiao Zhao sobbed.

Tears flashed in Dai Qisi's eyes, but the words that came out of her mouth were extremely cold: "What does crying sound like? Have you forgotten everything I taught you? What did I tell you?"

Xiao Zhao immediately wiped away her tears and didn't dare to cry anymore, and said in her mouth: "Mother taught me that no one can be relied on in this world, the mountains fall, the seas dry up, and the only thing in the world I can rely on is myself, even my parents and lovers are not reliable. "

Dai Qisi snorted and said: "Since you remember what I said, you will cry and cry at every turn, and you can't even rely on yourself in this world. What's the use of living?"

"Yes, my daughter knows it's wrong." Xiao Zhao said in a low voice, but she said in her heart that because my father died early, my mother said that no one can be relied on, but she taught me to meet my elder brother. There are still people who can be relied on...

Dai Qisi said coldly: "Let me ask you, what happened to the Emei Sect disciple and Su Yi's servant? Why did you get mixed up with Su Yi?"

Xiao Zhao said: "Mother, I followed Big Brother because Big Brother saved me back then..."

Xiao Zhao probably told about the past when he met Su Yi, but there were some truths and some lies, and many things were not mentioned, such as Su Yi's ability to communicate with ghosts and gods.

"Did you see the dead body of Master Yang in the tunnel?" Dai Qisi suddenly asked with shortness of breath halfway through hearing it, "Ye-father, is he really dead? Died in the tunnel?"

Xiao Zhao thought for a while, and felt that there was nothing to hide in this section, so he told everything about Yang Dingtian and the suicide note.

Dai Qisi sighed uncontrollably, and said with a slightly sarcastic tone: "It's ridiculous that Yang Xiao and the others are pedantic and hypocritical. I told them to go to the secret path to find the whereabouts of their adoptive father, but they are bound by the rules of Mingjiao, but they refuse to enter the secret path lightly. Otherwise, thank you third brother." Back then, I could order Mingjiao to avenge my foster father!"

"What about the Great Teleportation of the Universe?" Dai Qisi quickly thought of the key point, "The secret book... Could it be that it fell into the hands of Su Yi?"

Xiao Zhao hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "No."

"How is it possible!" Dai Qisi suddenly raised her voice.

Xiao Zhao felt that her shoulders were suddenly pinched tightly, and the pain caused her tears to flow down.

She knew that her mother was suspicious by nature, and she would never believe that she knew nothing about the mind method of Qiankun Da Nuo, so she hurriedly explained: "It is my daughter who has never seen the cheat book, but my daughter suspects that Su Yi put away the cheat book, so she keeps reading it." Follow him, want to find out whether the cheat book is in his hands or not."

Dai Qisi was slightly silent, and said quietly: "That's right, this person has made such a big name in such a short time, and even sneaked into the secret passage of Guangmingding without knowing it. It can be seen that he is a person with deep thoughts. He can hide it from you." It is not surprising that the method of hiding the universe and moving the mind is great."

Xiao Zhao heard that her mother was sure that her eldest brother had obtained the Great Move of the Universe, and secretly complained, feeling that he was pretending to be smart and doing useless work.

He wanted to defend himself, but at this time, death or anything would set him on fire, which made his mother doubt herself.

"Let me ask you, have you ever committed yourself to him?" Dai Qisi asked sharply suddenly.

Xiao Zhao was taken aback, and immediately flushed with shame.

"Daughter not!"

Although he sleeps in the same bed with his elder brother every day, his elder brother treats him with respect and never crosses the line, which makes Xiao Zhao often doubt his own charm.

Had it not been for the occasional sight of an angry dragon entering the sea, Xiao Zhao would have wondered if there was something wrong with his elder brother...

Dai Qisi didn't believe it, she personally probed with her internal strength, and found out that her daughter was still perfect, she snorted coldly and said: "It seems that Su Yi is at least a gentleman who doesn't bully the dark room. Xiao Zhao, I planned to Let you wait for the opportunity to poison him..."

Xiao Zhao let out an "ah".

Dai Qisi continued: "But for the sake of him not bullying my daughter, I won't hurt him anymore. Xiao Zhao, are you sure you can take back the Heaven and Earth Great Teleportation Technique?"

Of course I am sure, the mind is on me now, big brother can trust me...

Thinking of this episode, Xiao Zhao felt a little sweet in his heart, and then secretly heaved a sigh of relief, saying that it was fortunate that his mother didn't let him harm his eldest brother.

But poison?Who in this world can poison big brother?Who can get back the eldest brother?
Maybe the bright moon and the clear breeze are right in front of me, and everything that happened here can't be hidden from my eldest brother...

Xiao Zhao said: "Mother, my daughter will do her best."

In fact, she already planned to confess everything to Su Yi when she saw Su Yi again this time, and never hide anything.

She believed that with Su Yi's generosity and love for her, she would not be stingy in handing over the world to her mother.

In fact, Su Yi entrusted Xiao Zhao with the mind-moving method of Qian Kun Da Nao, so that she could give it to her mother on business. Unexpectedly, the girl felt that without Su Yi's permission, even her mother could not give it to her.

Dai Qisi was silent for a moment, then quietly asked: "Then Su Yi...does he have any admiration for you?"

Xiao Zhao let out an "ah" and said shyly, "This, this... I don't know, but my eldest brother treats me very well, he will do whatever I want."

"That's good, I'm also relieved." Dai Qisi said with complicated eyes and said with relief.

"Mother, brother, his martial arts is the best in the world, why not..." Xiao Zhao hesitated slightly, then suddenly whispered.

But in the middle of the conversation, Dai Qisi interrupted.

"No, absolutely not!" Dai Qisi sternly said, she knew what her daughter was going to say, "Su Yi must be reliable? Xiao Zhao, I told you that you must rely on yourself to live in this world! Never rely on anyone!"

"The relationship between you and me must not be known by anyone! Only in this way, if something happens to my mother in the future, it will not implicate you!"

Xiao Zhao let out a dull "Oh".

Dai Qisi said in a slightly slower tone: "Anyway, you only need to get your hands on the Qiankun Danuo mental technique, and you don't have to worry about the rest! If you like that Su Yi, you might as well marry him! Although no one can be trusted, But it's okay to rely on him for the time being, at least his martial arts are high and his wrists are strong!"

After a pause, Dai Qisi turned cold and said again: "What's the matter with the Emei female disciple? She is also with you. Could it be that Su Yi admires her? Or does she admire Su Yi?"

"Sister Zhiruo...should also like big brother." Xiao Zhao said.

Murderous intent flashed in Dai Qisi's eyes, and she said sternly: "Okay, mother will find an excuse to kill her for you in addition to this threat later! And little Ah Li... Hehe, she thought it was a good thing to hide, but in fact I've long noticed that this little girl is full of love! This little girl is someone who dares to kill even Erniang and Dad. If she is alive, she will be a disaster to you..."

Xiao Zhao was terrified when he heard that, and hurriedly said: "Mother! Never!"

"What's wrong?" Dai Qisi snorted, "Don't worry, mother will never let that Su Yi suspect you, you just have to wait to be your Mrs. Su with peace of mind!"

Xiao Zhao suppressed her embarrassment and said, "Mother, I mean, I have a very high status in elder brother's heart. Neither sister Zhiruo nor sister A Li just now can threaten my position in elder brother's heart! If mother kills me On the contrary, they are superfluous, so that the elder brother will never forget them..."

Dai Qisi was silent.

Xiao Zhao hit the iron while it was hot: "Mother, don't worry, if there is really a threat, I will contact you again, but the mother must not make good claims, the daughter knows it well."

"That's good." Dai Qisi agreed.

Xiao Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly changed the subject: "Mother, where have you been these days?"

(End of this chapter)

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